His True Colors Novel Chapter 563 – 566

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Chapter 563

Qi Yiyun shook his head uninterestedly. This kind of auction would have no meaning to her, that is, those people show off their wealth, and the so-called big people, Qi Yiyun can’t even take any interest.

All her thoughts have been devoted to George Han, and it can be said that she doesn’t bother to look at it with the straight eyes of men other than George Han.

“By the way, remember to dress nicely, in case you like that big man.” Qi Donglin reminded.

Qi Yiyun silently said in her heart how it is possible, no matter what kind of big person, she can’t like it.

Qi Yiyun knew that he was already obsessed with George Han. This was a fundamentally wrong thing, but knowing that it was wrong, Qi Yiyun was hopelessly willing to make mistakes again and again. She never even thought about repentance, even if this matter was destined to have no good results, she still wanted to find a chance to try again.

On the day of the auction, the bored Qi Yiyun still went, but she dressed very plainly, wearing a peaked cap, just like an ordinary woman, thrown in the crowd will not be deliberately seen, especially the pair of glasses, cover up She has a majestic beauty.

“Yiyun. Why did you dress up like this?” When Qi Yiyun’s mother Ouyang Fei saw her, she was not angry and said with a complaint on her face.

“Mom, isn’t my dress quite normal?” Qi Yiyun doesn’t think there is a problem at all, but rather at ease, because this way he doesn’t have to accept the obsessive eyes of those men.

Ouyang Fei turned her head and stared at Qi Donglin, and said, “Did you not explain clearly to Evian, there is a big man who is about to appear today.”

Qi Donglin smiled bitterly, why didn’t he make it clear? He even gave Qi Yiyun a special explanation. It’s just that Qi Yiyun deliberately sang against him.

“This is your daughter, don’t you know what her personality is? If I hadn’t talked more about her that day and asked her to dress up more beautifully, maybe she wouldn’t dress like this.” Qi Donglin said.

Qi Yiyun’s appearance in such a dress is indeed a factor that Qi Donglin deliberately urged, this is the rebellious psychology.

Ouyang Fei sighed helplessly, and said, “My dear daughter, do you know how many people came to this big man today? Look at those beautifully dressed women, which one is not holding the The thoughts of a big man came from, you tell me that you are much more beautiful than these women, why don’t you give your mother a sigh

“Mom.” Qi Yiyun took Ouyang Fei’s hand affectionately, and said, “No matter how big this big figure is, what does it have to do with me. Moreover, our Qi family doesn’t have to cling to these powerful people now.”

After cooperating with the Han family, the Qi family does not have to deliberately try to please others, but this time the big man is different, and there are even rumors that it is because of his arrival. The entire Chinese area in the United States will be turbulent, which has to be taken seriously by Ouyang Fei, but she also knows Qi Yiyun’s character. It is impossible for her to change her mind.

“You, you. Let my mother say what you are, the boss is not young, don’t you think about it for the future?” Ouyang Fei said helplessly.

Speaking of this question, Qi Yiyun quickly changed the subject and said: “Mom. The auction is about to begin. Don’t talk about these disappointing topics. If you have anything you like, tell me and I will give it to you.”

Ouyang Fei smiled bitterly with a trace of relief, if it wasn’t for Qi Yiyun. The Qi family’s troubles cannot be resolved now, and they are not even qualified to participate in the auction, let alone bidding.

Now Qi family has such a situation, but Qi Yiyun did it, so for this daughter. Ouyang Fei could hardly jump out of the thorn.

“If you don’t bring my boyfriend back, Mom can only arrange a blind date for you.” Ouyang Fei said.

Qi Yiyun was so scared that Qi Yiyun didn’t dare to make a difference. She didn’t even have time to deal with those suitors now, so she didn’t have the mind to go on a blind date.

After the auction started, a very strange phenomenon appeared on the scene. No one was paying attention to the auctions on the stage. Instead, everyone’s eyes were looking around, as if looking for someone, even Qi Donglin and Ouyang Fei. .

Qi Yiyun knew that they were looking at the so-called big man. This made Qi Yiyun a little curious about what kind of people can affect the hearts of these people. You must know that the people who can sit at this auction are all big figures in the Chinese district. And all of them have a lot of money.

Is it really a very powerful character? Otherwise, how could it have received so much attention.

At this time, outside the auction hall, George Han appeared alone, without even a bodyguard around him, he looked very low-key, and his clothes were simple, from top to bottom, without a famous brand.

For the security guard, this kind of person is absolutely not qualified to enter, but when he just reached out to stop, George Han took out an invitation letter and almost didn’t scare the security guard to fall.

Opening the golden invitation letter, the security guard said tremblingly: “Han, Mr. Han. You are here.”

“It’s late?” George Han frowned, sighed and said: “It’s all because the hotel bed is so comfortable, otherwise, you won’t oversleep.”

During the time in the center of the earth and the Nangong family, George Han lived in a very poor environment. So when he suddenly rested in a comfortable environment, he slept for a long time without realizing it.

“Can I still go in now?” George Han asked.

The security guards trembled with fright. For such VIPs, they would come whenever they wanted, and they would come whenever they wanted.

“Yes, yes, of course, Mr. Han, please come with me.” The security guard said repeatedly.

“Then trouble you.” George Han said politely.

The security guard looked flattered, and he saw a lot of such rich people. Most of them are arrogant and defiant, but this Mr. Han gives him the feeling that he is extraordinarily approachable, not at all domineering of those rich people.

Sure enough, the real big shots are unassuming.

“Mr. Han, at today’s auction, there are many items released by China. If you like, you can go to the backstage to have a look. Pick out the ones you like.” The security guard said to George Han.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “This is not in line with the auction process. Will it break the rules?”

“No, of course not. For guests like you, Mr. Han, we will naturally have a special way. The boss specially reminded me that as long as you come, you can give you privileges.” The security guard said. . Naturally, he dared to say it only under the direction of the boss. Otherwise, how could he have the privilege to give George Han preferential treatment?

“No, money is used for spending, I’m still the same as others. Let’s follow the auction process, whoever has the strength will bid.” George Han smiled and said, before the change, maybe he will go backstage , After all, it is an item released by China. The bidding can also be sent back to China, and it can also save a lot of money.

But now, George Han still holds Nangong Boring’s bank card, since some people are willing to be taken advantage of. He didn’t spend fiercely, wouldn’t he be sorry for the kindness of Nangong Boring?

The security guard could not understand the mentality of a rich man like George Han, but he could feel George Han’s wealth and wealth. Perhaps, this is the real rich man! This not only caused the security guards to sigh repeatedly, although the rich people appeared in the auction house today, their aura was still far from George Han.

“Mr. Han, you are different from everyone else.” said the security guard.

“Oh?” George Han asked with interest: “What’s the difference?”

“More money.” The security guard said with a smile.

Hearing this, George Han also laughed. Not only did he have money, but he didn’t need to spend his own money. This kind of feeling was beyond the experience of outsiders.

Spending other people’s money, pretending to be forced, and only George Han can experience the fun.

“I love to hear what you say. This is a tip for you.” George Han happily took out some cash, of course, the money is also from Nangong Boring.

The security guard took over in shock, which was more than his three-month salary, which not only made him admire George Han more.

Chapter 564

When George Han appeared in the auction room, his image was not paid attention to. Those who looked around would not think about him again after a glance at most.

After all, George Han doesn’t look like a big man in his current dress, and what they think of as a big man must have a lot of playing cards, how could he not even have an assistant.

Because everyone’s mind was not on the lot, it led to a lot of unsold auctions. This situation was not expected by the auctioneer, and some high-level officials could not help but become anxious in the background.

And Qi Yiyun. It is treated like a joke. The auctioneer has raised the topic of big shots in order to make the lot more competitive, but who could have thought that this would be the result.

“Mom, doesn’t your neck hurt? What else are you looking at? Maybe that big man didn’t even want to come.” Qi Yiyun said helplessly to Ouyang Fei.

“Hey.” Ouyang Fei sighed, the purpose of her coming today. It was also for the sake of seeing the big man, now it seems that hope is going to be lost.

“This young man looks at Miansheng, unlike in the Chinese quarter, is he a big man?” At this time, Qi Donglin saw George Han and couldn’t help but wonder.

Ouyang Fei directly shook her head, denying this possibility. Said: “Which one do you think the big man appears on the scene is a person, not even a bodyguard or assistant.”

Qi Donglin nodded in agreement, and said, “That’s the truth, but this person looks good and has an extraordinary temperament.”

Qi Yiyun is not interested in any man other than George Han, so even if Qi Donglin said so, Qi Yiyun didn’t bother to turn his head and take a look.

Seeing Qi Yiyun had no response, Qi Donglin couldn’t help sighing.

He looked for his son-in-law and didn’t have any requirements for the other party’s family background. Even if George Han didn’t look like a rich man in his eyes, he didn’t mind, as long as Qi Yiyun liked it, even a beggar. Qi Donglin can also become a young man.

“Daughter, don’t you really take a look? This is much more handsome than those who pursue you.” Qi Donglin said unwillingly.

“Don’t look.” Qi Yiyun refused without hesitation. She just expected Qi Donglin’s remarks to deliberately arouse her idea, so she didn’t even look back.

Qi Yiyun knows. Qi Donglin and Ouyang Fei now want her to get married right away.

Of course, it is not impossible to get married, as long as the other party is George Han, Qi Yiyun doesn’t even have to think about it. Unfortunately, how can this kind of thing happen?

At this time, Ouyang Fei couldn’t help but glanced at George Han more, and then she found out that this man who looked inconspicuously. Indeed, the more you look at it, the more flavorful it is. Whether it is temperament or appearance, it is all superior, if he is not dressed very low-key. It definitely shines.

“Daughter, look, this person is really good.” Ouyang Fei couldn’t help saying.

Qi Yiyun’s eyes were about to cut through the sky, and the two old men wanted to find someone for her. It’s really fortunate to sing one and one harmony.

“Mom, what do you think of this necklace, I will buy it and give it to you.” Qi Yiyun said, changing the subject.

“If you miss this village, you won’t have this shop, don’t you believe it, Mom’s eyes,” Ouyang Fei said.

Qi Donglin also added fuel to the fire at this time, saying: “If you were the first to board by others, if you regret it, don’t blame us for not reminding you.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t blame you.” Qi Yiyun raised the bid. The necklace that is being auctioned is not bad, as a gift to Ouyang Fei.

Ouyang Fei and Qi Donglin looked at each other helplessly, and sighed at the same time.

Both of them knew in their hearts that Qi Yiyun had someone in his heart. That’s why he didn’t put other men in his eyes, and according to Qi Donglin’s guess, Qi Yiyun is likely to like the person Basin City worked with her, but that person already has a family background.

At this time, there were already other women walking towards George Han, taking a catwalk, looking like they obviously wanted to seduce George Han.

A blonde girl with a hot body. When she sat down next to George Han, a scent came out, and this perfume smell obviously has a special attraction to men, even George Han could not bear it. She took two deep breaths.

“A big man like you. Are you all alone when you go out? Is it too low-key.” The blonde said softly to George Han.

George Han looked at himself up and down and said, “I dress so low-key, do you see that I am a big man?”

“My eyes are very powerful. You can tell at a glance that you are a rich man.” The blonde said with a smile, and lowered her clothes a bit, revealing a piece of her chest.

“Hey.” George Han sighed and said, “It’s true that the security guard here is my relative, so I was able to get in. In fact, I have no money, just come to join in the fun.”

The blonde heard this. The expression changed in an instant, no longer tender, but full of coldness.

She also tested whether George Han was a big man, and if he was, then she made a profit, even if she didn’t, there would be no loss.

Now that George Han personally denied his identity, the blonde would naturally no longer be interested in him.

“Wasting my time.” The blonde said angrily.

Seeing the blonde girl getting up to leave, George Han said, “Don’t worry. Sit down and let’s communicate.”

“Huh.” The blonde snorted coldly, and said, “What can I do to communicate with a poor ghost like you? My time is very precious, how can I waste it on someone like you.”

“Beauty, you can’t talk like this, I’m sitting here, you came to me on the initiative.” George Han said with a smile.

The blonde sneered and said, “I just missed it. Do you toads really want to eat swan meat?”

“I don’t know if it is swan meat, but there should be a lot of people who have eaten it?” George Han said.

The meaning of this sentence is very straightforward, and the blonde girl’s face is even more cold after hearing it. She did have relationships with many men, but it was definitely not the trash in front of her who was qualified to tease her.

“Believe it or not, I will let you leave here with a broken leg. Your security relatives can’t keep you.” The blonde threatened.

George Han nodded. Said: “I believe it, I believe it, I’m scared, I’m really scared. Please let me go.”

The blonde smiled triumphantly, and said: “It’s good to know that I’m afraid, I don’t care about you as a crap.”

After speaking, the blonde turned around and returned to her position.

George Han scratched his head. The current lot doesn’t interest him, but since it’s not about spending his own money, he doesn’t have to think about saving, and the auction doesn’t mean much. It’s purely to keep waiting. waste time.

George Han stood up and said loudly, “Excuse me, can you pack your things here?”

The auctioneer on the stage looked at George Han with a puzzled expression. I have only heard of food packaging, but I have never met anyone packaging it at an auction.

“Sir, what do you mean?” the auctioneer asked George Han.

“Isn’t it clear enough? Let’s put it this way, how much money I need to spend to buy all the things from today’s auction, is it clear enough?” George Han said with a smile.

The auctioneer looked dumbfounded and bought them all? This person is not here to make trouble.

He has never encountered such a thing in auctions for so many years.

“Sir, this is not a place for joking, please sit down.” said the auctioneer.

As soon as he finished saying this sentence, a scolding voice came from the auctioneer’s headset, coming from the top of the auction company, and his tone was full of panic.

“He is the big man here today. What he said, how could it be a joke, you quickly apologize to him.”

Hearing this, the auctioneer’s eyelids jumped, he is a big shot!

So he wants to pack these lots, is it true?

After a long pause, the auctioneer hurriedly asked: “Sir, are you sure?”

“OK.” George Han said lightly.

The audience was in an uproar, almost everyone’s eyes were focused on George Han at the same time. After all, packing all the lots is an astronomical number, and no one in the room can do it.

Qi Yiyun was a little strange, how could this rich man’s voice be so familiar? She couldn’t help turning her head curiously.

Chapter 565

When he saw the familiar face clearly, Qi Yiyun was struck by lightning and stood blankly on the spot.


It turned out to be him!

How could he suddenly appear in the United States?

Qi Yiyun subconsciously thought that he was dazzled for the first time, so he rubbed his eyes, and after repeatedly determined that this person was indeed George Han, Qi Yiyun’s first thought was to go to George Han.

But suddenly she froze.

Today she is unkempt, wearing a hat, and she doesn’t even want to wash her hair. Because she just came to join in the fun to pass the time, who would have thought that she would meet George Han on this occasion?

If Qi Yiyun is given another chance to choose, she will definitely be there in full dress.

After such a long absence, she must show her perfect side to George Han.

“Evian, what’s wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?” Ouyang Fei asked with a worried expression, seeing Qi Yiyun’s abnormal state.

Qi Yiyun nodded and said, “Mom. I’ll go to the toilet first.”

After saying that, Qi Yiyun buried her head and ran away. She didn’t want George Han to see herself like this.

When heading to the toilet, a woman with a figure similar to her walked across the corridor, dressed very s*xy. A thought came into Qi Yiyun’s mind and stood in front of the woman.

“What are you going to do?” The woman asked Qi Yiyun dissatisfiedly. She is an upper-class socialite. When facing the plain-dressed Qi Yiyun, she unconsciously feels aloof.

“Sell me your clothes.” Qi Yiyun said lightly.

The woman raised a disdainful smile and said, “Are you crazy? Do you know how much clothes I wear?”

Qi Yiyun took out his wallet directly, took out a wad of cash, and said, “Is this money enough?”

The woman was stunned, and nodded unconsciously. It was more than enough. What she wore was just a fake brand to support the scene. How could it be worth so much.

“If you have enough, follow me to the toilet.” Qi Yiyun said impatiently.

The woman didn’t think much, and followed Qi Yiyun to the toilet.

When Qi Yiyun was trying to remedy his image, in the auction house, George Han asked the auction company to take out all the lots of today. Since he had to pack it, he didn’t keep one.

The people who originally thought George Han was just joking were completely dumbfounded, and no one expected it. George Han’s joking remarks that seemed to be packed turned out to be true.

The blonde girl who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with George Han felt regretful at this moment. She knew that the so-called security guard of George Han was his relative, and he was able to enter the auction house. Obviously it was just a joke. , Is definitely the big man in the rumors.

If it weren’t for her snobbery, she might have been cuddled in her arms now.

The blonde was full of regrets, but this did not prevent her from walking to George Han for the second time.

She was extremely confident about her figure and appearance, and it seemed to her to be a simple thing to fascinate George Han.

After pulling down the neckline to the maximum, the blonde walked up to George Han and deliberately made a bend to apologize, making the neckline beautiful.

“Sir, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have used that attitude to talk to you just now.” The blonde said with a sincere expression of regret.

George Han didn’t look at her. This kind of inferior coquettish means really couldn’t get into George Han’s eyes, and she thought she was beautiful and s*xy, which was even more worthless to George Han.

“I don’t think there is any problem with your attitude towards me.” George Han said lightly.

The blonde looked flustered. Thinking that George Han was blaming her, he quickly said: “Sir, I am willing to make up for you in any way, but I just ask you to forgive me.”

“How many men have you slept with?” George Han smiled disdainfully.

The blonde has an ugly complexion. Even she can’t remember this number. She can be there today and can attend such occasions. It can be said that she is in exchange for the body. It is absolutely impossible for men with this kind of cleanliness Just look at her.

“Sir, I am not the kind of person you imagined. I still keep it for the first time. If you don’t believe it, you can try.” said the blonde.

George Han Daya almost laughed. This is the first time for such a woman. This is simply an international joke.

“Go away, don’t show up in front of me in the future, I don’t like a woman like you.” George Han said plainly.

The blonde gritted her teeth. She never thought that she would be so ruthlessly rejected, and he didn’t seem to look at himself more from the beginning to the end. Could it be that this man is not interested in women at all? Otherwise, with her figure, how could a man refuse it?

Or is he just pretending to be in front of others?

“Sir, if you have any needs at any time. You can contact me. This is my contact information.” The blonde handed George Han a business card.

George Han said coldly: “Do you not understand what I said, I will let you go.”

The blonde ran away panicked, she could hear that George Han was really angry.

She didn’t dare to provoke this big figure worthy of all the businessmen in the Chinese area.

When Ouyang Fei saw this scene, her eyes couldn’t help showing her appreciation, and she said to Qi Donglin: “This young man is really good. There is no fascination when facing female s*x.”

“For people like him, the most indispensable thing is women, maybe it’s just that his requirements are too high.” As a man, Qi Donglin doesn’t think George Han can really be inferior to women. He refuses. More reasons could only be that the blonde hadn’t met his requirements.

“Oh?” Ouyang Fei’s expression changed, and said: “Then what about your request, if this woman takes the initiative to embrace you, would you refuse?”

Qi Donglin heard a murderous aura in this sentence, and quickly said: “This…Isn’t that talking about him? Why did it suddenly come to me.”

“I’m just curious, can you be like him, turning a blind eye to throwing arms?” Ouyang Fei asked with a heavy face.

Qi Donglin hugged Ouyang Fei’s shoulders and said: “Besides you, how can I be interested in other women? Don’t think too much. Don’t think too much.”

Ouyang Fei knows that every man is lustful, and she also knows that Qi Donglin occasionally spends time and drink, but as long as it does not affect the harmony of the family, Ouyang Fei usually does not control too much. Saying this today is just a beating on Qi Donglin.

“As for my daughter, she has been there for so long, why hasn’t she come back.” Qi Donglin quickly changed the subject.

Ouyang Fei also felt strange. It was okay just now, but my face suddenly changed, and I haven’t come back after going to the toilet for so long. It can’t be that something happened.

“I’ll go and see. Don’t have any trouble.” Ouyang Fei said.

Qi Donglin nodded, and he was relieved. If that topic continues, he probably won’t even be able to go back to the room tonight.

At this time, several senior officials of the auction company appeared at the same time, walked to George Han, and made a detailed account of the packaged lot. They must let George Han know about the value of the lot and the price of the package. It is not a small number.

“Just send it to the place where I live. This is a bank card. Swipe the card.” George Han didn’t bother to listen to them being forced to talk. Anyway, he didn’t spend his own money, so he wouldn’t feel distressed.

Several high-level executives looked at each other at George Han’s delighted expressions. Isn’t this spending hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy a small object? Did he really not take this amount into consideration?

“Mr. Han, are you sure you don’t need to know the total value of these lots?” A certain executive still didn’t give up, fearing that George Han would go back, after all, if he goes back, he won’t be able to sell any of the lots today.

“Do you think I don’t have the strength to buy?” George Han frowned and said with an unhappy expression.

The senior shook his head in a panic, and explained: “Mr. Han, I didn’t mean that, please don’t get me wrong.”

“It doesn’t mean that. I’ll go home first. You send all the things to my house. Be very careful during the transportation process, especially those items related to China. If they are damaged, I will ask you.” Han Three thousand finished speaking, and left the bank card.

Chapter 566

When Ouyang Fei went to the toilet, she found that Qi Yiyun had already put on a dress and was still touching up her makeup in front of the mirror, which made her laugh helplessly.

As the saying goes, a woman is a person who pleases herself. Qi Yiyun did this, obviously because she has a good impression of the man just now. Otherwise, how could she go to the toilet for first aid.

“You really hugged the Buddha’s feet temporarily. What did you do before.” Ouyang Fei said with a smile on her face.

Qi Yiyun was busy repairing makeup, and when he had time to talk to Ouyang Fei, the movements on his hands were skillful and quick, and he was afraid that George Han had already left.

“But this young man is really good. There was a woman who seduce him just now. He didn’t even look at it. He was an upright man.” Ouyang Fei said with admiration, although Qi Donglin said that the woman might not meet his requirements. . But in Ouyang Fei’s view, the look in his eyes just didn’t linger on the woman at all. This was not a matter of request, but he didn’t like this woman at all.

Qi Yiyun did not speak. But she knew that Ouyang Fei was right, because George Han’s loyalty to love and Amelia Su hadn’t even shaken her at all. How could those gorgeous women do it?

“You have to seize this opportunity. Your mother and I dream of wanting to hold my grandson. I have this opportunity when you get married.” Ouyang Fei also entertained herself regardless of whether Qi Yiyun responded to her or not. language.

Finally, Qi Yiyun put on his makeup, turned his head and said to Ouyang Fei: “Mom, do you think this works?”

With a touch of makeup, Qi Yiyun does not need much modification to become a natural beauty. This is her appearance advantage. Many women need to rely on makeup to reflect their beauty, but Qi Yiyun does not need it. She just removes her glasses. Can be more beautiful than most women, with makeup, no one can compare.

“My daughter, can there be any problems? Don’t worry. It’s beautiful, no one can compare to you.” Ouyang Fei said.

Qi Yiyun still felt that she was not at ease. After all, it was a long-lost meeting. She hoped that George Han could see the perfect self.

Qi Yiyun stopped after finishing up in the mirror again.

Ouyang Fei couldn’t help saying: “You have to have confidence in yourself. Even if you don’t wear makeup, I believe that man will be fascinated by you.”

Qi Yiyun sighed inwardly. It would be great if this was the case, but it was a pity that she had made countless attempts when she was in Basin City, but none of them could shake George Han.

For other men, Qi Yiyun can make them fall under the pomegranate skirt with a wink.

But George Han, like a heavenly peak in front of Qi Yiyun, was not easy to surpass at all.

When he arrived at the auction venue, the auctioneer had already started packing up all the lots and preparing to send them to George Han’s home. By this time, George Han had already taken a stand.

“Dad, where is that person?” Qi Yiyun didn’t see George Han’s figure, and ran to Qi Donglin anxiously and panicked and asked.

“Hey.” Qi Donglin sighed and said, “I’m gone. Tell me about you. I reminded you to dress up well before. You have to listen. Now you know you regret it.”

Seeing Qi Yiyun after changing clothes and putting on makeup, Qi Donglin knew what she was doing without asking, but it was a pity that it was too late to fix it.

Qi Yiyun suddenly felt empty in her heart, staring blankly at the place where George Han was sitting.

“However, you don’t have to worry about not seeing him. I have already inquired with the auction company just now and know where he lives.” Qi Donglin said smugly.

Qi Yiyun looked at Qi Donglin with a torch, and asked, “Dad, where does he live?”

“You are a girl, but you have to be more reserved, don’t go to him in such a hurry.” Qi Donglin said.

How anxious Qi Yiyun is, only she herself knows. She can’t wait to tie George to the bed tonight. After all, it was hard to see George Han. She didn’t want to miss this opportunity, and she still had many questions to ask George Han, such as about Han Nian. For example, why didn’t he return to Basin City.

“Dad, tell me quickly.” Qi Yiyun said.

Ouyang Fei couldn’t stand aside anymore, and said: “Hurry up, haven’t you seen your daughter in such a hurry?”

Originally, Qi Donglin planned to tease Qi Yiyun, but Ouyang Fei spoke. He didn’t dare to sell Guanzi anymore, so he could only tell Qi Yiyun the address truthfully.

“I found out that he is the big figure in the legend. Therefore, in a short time, he should not leave the United States, you can seize the opportunity.” Qi Donglin said.

Qi Yiyun had an impulse in her heart and went to meet with George Han immediately, but she also had some fears in her heart, fearing that this meeting would also be ruthlessly rejected by George Han, so after learning the address of George Han. She was not so eager.

“Let’s go home.” Qi Yiyun said.

Qi Donglin and Ouyang Fei were a little puzzled about the sudden change in Qi Yiyun’s attitude. How could this daughter be so weird today, she was so impatient just now, why suddenly she calmed down again?

The heat for these three minutes has disappeared too quickly.

The place where George Han lives is not a luxurious Villa or an old castle, but an ordinary streetside courtyard. Such houses are very common in the United States. Of course, they can also be called villas, but the degree of luxury is not too high. That’s it.

Back home, a beautiful girl with black hair had been waiting at the door for a long time.

“My name is Yuan Ling, and I am your assistant.” Yuan Ling was sent by the company to assist George Han. Her main task is to help George Han understand the situation of Nangong’s company in the United States.

George Han nodded and said, “The auction company will send a batch of items later. You can help me move into the house.”

Yuan Ling’s job is a clerical job, but she’s not showing off coolies, and she’s just a woman, George Han actually let her do this kind of work.

“If you can’t do it, you don’t have to stay with me.” George Han continued, and then returned home.

George Han knew that Yuan Ling was not only an assistant, but also Nangong Boring sent to monitor him. So for this woman, George Han didn’t feel very good.

Yuan Ling waited helplessly at the door, she knew that George Han wanted to use this method to force her to leave, but the more so. The more she wanted to prove it to George Han.

But when the truck from the auction company arrived, Yuan Ling was completely dumbfounded.

This is something I bought, and it fills up half of the carriage!

With so many things, if she were to move into the house alone, her life would be exhausted.

Seeing those workers moving out of the car one by one, Yuan Ling stepped forward and said to the workers: “Can’t you help move into the house?”

“Sorry, we are only paid for delivery and unloading, not for handling.” said the worker.

In the United States, expensive labor is the norm, and every different thing requires different wages. Even if it is just a small effort, these workers will not do more. This is obviously different from the domestic situation.

Yuan Ling returned home anxiously and found that George Han was watching TV in the living room leisurely, and said, “What have you bought, why don’t you just let the workers move in?”

“It’s nothing, just packed an auction company.” George Han said lightly.

Yuan Ling was astonished and packed up an auction company. This guy is too prodigal!

“As for why the workers are not allowed to move in, I heard that they will have to pay more for moving in, so I let them be at the door. It’s not you.” George Han continued.

Yuan Ling gritted her teeth, he was trying to make things difficult for herself.

What is the difference between the worker’s moving money and his packing the entire auction company?

“You really know how to plan carefully.” Yuan Ling said through gritted teeth.

“Thank you for the compliment.” George Han accepted and appreciated with a smile.

Yuan Ling tickled her teeth with resentment, turned around angrily and left home.

Seeing the things piled up like a hill at the door of the house, Yuan Ling felt desperate. If these things were to be moved in by herself, wouldn’t she have to take the whole life in?

But George Han wanted to force her to leave in this way, which was obviously unacceptable to her.

“Move, move, what’s the big deal.”

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