His True Colors Novel Chapter 55 – 58

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Chapter 55

George Han still didn’t speak, and drove the car straight to the mountainside. At this time, Amelia Su didn’t know what to say. There were many questions in her heart, but she couldn’t ask.

He really drove the car into the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain!

He really drove the car to the mountainside Villa!

Although Amelia Su has never been to the Yundingshan Villa area, she has heard a lot of rules about the Yundingshan Villa area.

Every independent Villa has its own private area without the owner’s consent. Anyone who trespasses is breaking the rules of the Villa area.

The Villa area was developed by the Tianjia in Basin City, and the Villa area is managed by the Tianjia himself, no matter who dares to violate the rules of the Villa area at the risk of offending the Tianjia.

Then, the only explanation for him to be here is that he is indeed the master here.

When George Han opened the co-pilot’s door, Amelia Su was still in a daze, not daring to get out of the car. For fear of stepping on someone else’s land after getting out of the car.

“It’s all at your doorstep. Don’t you get out of the car to take a look?” George Han said with a smile.

“I… at the door of my house?” Amelia Su’s confused eyes showed she couldn’t believe it. This is her home? How could it be possible that this is a mountainside Villa, the most luxurious and most expensive Villa in the entire Cloud City.

The old lady of the Su family dreamed of living in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. Only by living here can she truly integrate into the upper class society of Basin City. but……

For Amelia Su, all this is very unreal, just like a dream, and it is still the kind of dream in broad daylight.

George Han took out the key. Continued: “This is our home. If you don’t believe it, try it.”

Amelia Su got out of the car, her hand holding the key was trembling, watching George Han walk towards the door, she barely moved her pace.

My heart was overwhelmed, and even my mind was a little confused.

“Try to see if it can be opened.” George Han motioned.

Amelia Su took a deep breath, her palm was already sweating, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and couldn’t insert the key for a long time because her hand was shaking too hard.

“George Han, you won’t lie to me? Do you know if someone finds out that we break here, the consequences will be very serious.” Amelia Su said.

“Of course, the rules of the Genting Mountain Villa area are very strict, but it is natural for the owner to go home. There will be no consequences.”

Amelia Su finally inserted the key into the keyhole and twisted it gently.


It really opened!

At this moment, Amelia Su seemed to be electrocuted a bit, with goose bumps all over her body, and her hairs were standing up.

Gently pushing the door open, there is no dazzling magnificence. What is presented to Amelia Su is a low-key decoration style, with black and white as the main tone, the decoration is not too cumbersome, and it looks clean and neat.

“You said before, if you can give you the opportunity to design your own home, you will use this simple style, black and white, not too much decoration, not too gorgeous, simple and refreshing, are you satisfied? “George Han said.

Until this time, Amelia Su’s feeling was still very unreal, as if she had come to a dreamland. A dream that I never want to wake up.

On the south wall of the living room, a huge mural occupies almost one third of the front wall.

It was a wedding photo, and the men and women on it did not have the happy expressions of the newlyweds. On the contrary, the women had very serious expressions, and also showed strong unwillingness and dissatisfaction.

It was the man, with a shallow helpless smile, revealing a bit of bitterness.

Amelia Su still remembered that after the old man said that after the marriage, he forced her and George Han to take a wedding photo, but for Amelia Su, this matter was just a process. She has never seen the finished product, nor has she placed any photo with George Han at home.

Unexpectedly, George Han kept the wedding photos three years ago, and she has almost forgotten about it.

Tears filled the eyes, and the pearl broke.

Crystal tears gushed down the cheek spring.

Amelia Su squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

George Han smiled happily. Looking at the South Wall, this should have been hung in the house three years ago, but it was left in the dust for three years.

Amelia Su cried for a long time, then suddenly stood up. Pointing to the wedding photo on the wall and said, “Take it off.”

“Why?” George Han asked in a puzzled way, stumped that she is still unwilling to accept this matter. Isn’t even a photo allowed?

If this is the case, George Han will also agree. He would not force Amelia Su to do anything.

“Have you not seen the unwillingness on her face? Why do you treat her so well?” Amelia Su cried.

George Han raised his eyebrows and said without hesitation: “Because she is my wife and she is also nationally certified.”

Amelia Su rushed into George Han’s arms, but fortunately, George Han had practiced, otherwise he could be thrown directly.

“I don’t want to see it, you throw it away and burn it.”

“it is good.”

Amelia Su’s cry was to George Han. It is a deadly poison, as long as Amelia Su is happy, he can do everything.

Isn’t it just a wedding photo? Throw it, then throw it away.

Despite his reluctance, George Han would rather suffer himself than Amelia Su was sad.

At this time, Amelia Su took a step back and looked directly at George Han’s eyes. Although crying and wearing makeup, George Han was still so beautiful.

“I want to reshoot with you.” Amelia Su said.

George Han was stunned, his nose sour. Since growing up, he has never shed a tear after being so wronged, but now, the tears contain his eyes.

Amelia Su threw herself into George Han’s arms again, paddling her toes. Gives moist lips.

George Han’s brain suddenly lost the ability to think and stood in place like a log.

After a long time, it seems that George Han is very fast, and has not had time to feel it carefully. But unable to grasp this feeling anymore, Amelia Su ran away blushing.

Licking his lips, even the lipstick makes him feel sweet.

Sitting on the sofa, George Han couldn’t control the smile on his face. Looking at the wedding photos on the wall, he muttered to himself: “I didn’t expect you to have such a miraculous effect. It seems that it is a wise choice to keep you.”

“But my wife said, you don’t look good, you have to change.”

“Don’t blame me for being ruthless, who makes the biggest wife in this world.”

Amelia Su ran to the bathroom, her face red and hot. Although she didn’t regret what she had just done, she was ashamed of shame.

Shouldn’t men do this kind of thing? Why didn’t you control it just now?

“He must feel that you are improper now, how can you casually love your relatives.”

“But you are his wife, it should be okay to kiss.”

“But when have you fulfilled your wife’s obligations, you are not considered her wife at all.”

“It’s over, your image in his heart must be completely ruined.”

Amelia Su was talking nonsense in the mirror, without knowing what she was saying.

After a long time, a knock on the door came from outside the bathroom.

“Are you going to hide in it for the rest of your life? I don’t want to see what our new home is like?” George Han said.

Amelia Su’s heartbeat was speeding up and the deer crashed randomly, which was more exciting than riding a roller coaster, and it was more ups and downs.

“I… I, wait for me, I want to add some makeup.” Amelia Su has no courage to face George Han now, so she can only find excuses to continue hiding in the toilet.

George Han suddenly said, “What brand of lipstick is yours? It’s delicious.”

Amelia Su wished that she could become smaller and fled this place along the sewer.

When the stalemate came when Lily Jiang called Amelia Su, Amelia Su had to walk out of the bathroom. Regarding Lily Jiang’s question about why she didn’t go home, Amelia Su just casually perfunctory.

Just like her, when George Han didn’t really bring her to see her at home, she didn’t believe it. Even if she told Lily Jiang about this, she didn’t believe it. Anyway, she is coming tomorrow, and she is not in a hurry. .

George Han led Amelia Su up and down, looking at the Villa inside and out. The two tacitly didn’t mention the matter just now, but the atmosphere of the relationship between the two had obviously changed a lot.

After all, an important step has been taken now, and George Han’s heart is also floating, and he has begun to wonder if there will really be a younger brother.

Chapter 56

On the 15th, downstairs in Tang Chengye’s new home, all the students gathered here.

“What the hell is Wilson Su doing? What are we all waiting for here?”

“His new home will not be in the same community as Old Tang?”

“It’s very possible, otherwise, what shall we do here?”

Tang Chengye gritted his teeth a bit. It’s not good for Wilson Su to buy it. It happened in his community. Isn’t this forcibly blocking his mouth?

If he says that his house is not good, it is not equivalent to belittle himself.

However, the facts have not yet been determined. And Tang Chengye didn’t think Wilson Su could buy a house here.

It is good for the Su family to have money, but Wilson Su is a famous waste from the Su family. Just like his waste son-in-law, it is not reused and has no status in the company. How could it be possible to afford a house here.

“Maybe he is just playing mystery, how can he afford the house here.” Tang Chengye said coldly.

Tang Long still hugged the woman last time. Hearing these words, he said nonchalantly: “Dad, if he can buy a house here, I’ll change it for you right away, but I can’t live with such an influx of people. “

Tang Long’s remarks made Tang Chengye feel particularly proud, and said proudly: “You’d better save some money, it’s more than one million a year, you can’t make it casually.”

It’s just over one million, full of arrogance. To know the astronomical figure of one million annual salary, many people dare not even think about it.

“Tang Long, your dad is so lucky to have a son like you. It’s not like the one in my family. There is no stable job yet.”

“If my son is half as good as Tang Long, he can wake up with a smile when he sleeps.”

“Old Tang, old classmates really envy you.”

Although he knew that Tang Chengye was deliberately showing off, he had such strength. It was not pretending to be compelling, but really awesome, so other students also took advantage of the trend to flatter a few words, after all, he also had children in his family, which made Tang Long happy, and he might be able to follow Tang Long in the future.

“Tang Long, when do you arrange a job for my son too, so that he can mix with you.”

“Yes, yes, that stinky guy in my family, although he has no real ability, but he still has the strength to do things. If you have anything to do, just ask him.”

“Tang Long, consider considering my son.”

Tang Long smiled and said, “I am going to change companies recently. When I get stable, I will definitely introduce you to you when I have a chance.”

“You are now earning one million a year, and you still change companies?”

“What is the annual salary of one million? I am going to work in Weak Water Real Estate. Do you know who is behind the Weak Water Real Estate?” Tang Long said.


“Weak water real estate, isn’t it the company that won the Chengxi project?”

“I heard that Cloud City will vigorously develop the west of the city, and it will be a new city in the future, and it will be the most prosperous place.”

Seeing everyone’s eyes focused on himself, Tang Long seemed to feel that he was the most shining star in the world, and said faintly: “This weak water property is a subsidiary of the Han Family. Listen to the Han Family. Having said that, our top rich man in Huaxia can be compared with the Han family, and the entire Huaxia is no more than one hand.”

“Han family!”

“How can the Han family come to our Cloud City for development?”

“Tang Long, you went to Weak Water Real Estate, isn’t it equivalent to working for the Han family?”

Although this group of people belonged to the bottom of society, the name of the Han family was too big, almost everyone knew it, and was dumbfounded. At the same time, the envy of Tang Chengye was even more expressive.

Working for the Han family, Tang Long’s future is limitless, and Tang Chengye is really worry-free in his old age.

“Tang Long, why haven’t you mentioned this to me?” Tang Chengye asked, looking at Tang Long in surprise.

“It’s just a different company, but it’s just to earn a little more money. It doesn’t make a difference to me, so I don’t have to tell you deliberately.” Tang Long smiled.

The two fathers and sons sang and harmonized, but they were envious of others.

At this moment, a bus stopped in front of everyone. One person got out of the car and greeted everyone up, making the group confused.

“Son, what’s the situation?” Tang Chengye asked Tang Long in a low voice. Wilson Su made such a big show. It seemed that buying a house was not easy. He was a little worried that it would be better than his own.

Tang Long frowned. This pomp is indeed not small. If it’s not a good residential area, wouldn’t it be more jokes to make such a noise?

“Dad, Amelia Su has recently become the person in charge of the Chengxi project. Could this woman get the oil and water?” Tang Long said, but after thinking about it, he found it impossible. After all, it didn’t take long. Even if Amelia Su could make money, she wouldn’t dare to be too blatant.

“This… their house, wouldn’t it be better than our house?” Tang Chengye asked with an ugly face.

Tang Long shook his head without hesitation, and said with a confident expression: “You can rest assured that this is at most the same as ours. The new real estate I bought for you is already the top of the cloud city, unless he can live in it. Enter the Villa area.”

Hearing these words, Tang Chengye felt relieved, in his opinion. Even if Wilson Su bought a house, it would never be possible to be in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, even if he could not be cynic, he would not lose face.

At the same time, the relatives of the Su family got on another bus. For this situation, everyone is full of doubts.

“Guolin, where did Wilson Su buy a house? There is a bus to pick up and buy the house. Surely it’s not cheap, right?”

“It seems that Amelia Su really made money in the company. This woman is really ruthless and bold enough to make millions at once.”

“Couldn’t we find a way to rectify her, the company’s money, can’t let her take away all by herself.”

Harry Su sat in the car, his face sinking like water. Although he was dissatisfied with Amelia Su’s money-raising behavior, it was this bus. But let him have an unknown hunch.

He knew a person living in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yundingshan. He heard from that person that if a large number of relatives want to go to the Villa area, they must inform the Yundingshan property management department in advance, and the property management department will send a car to pick you up. Avoid excessive private cars causing traffic congestion in the Villa area.

In the entire Basin City, only the Yundingshan Villa area has such a rule. Why do you need a bus to go to Amelia Su’s new home?

“Harry, you have to find a way to rectify Amelia Su. You can’t let her be so arrogant.”

Harry Su was pulled back to reality by these words, and said: “Don’t worry, since I have returned to the company, she don’t want to take a penny from the company, but you have been honest recently, otherwise don’t blame me for being dragged into the water. “


Suddenly someone exclaimed and said, “Isn’t this the way to the Yundingshan Villa area? Driver, did you drive in the wrong place?”

“You people, don’t you know that you are going to the Yundingshan Villa area today?” the driver said lightly.

When this sentence was said, everyone in the car was dumbfounded.

Go to Yundingshan Villa Area?

Isn’t it going to Wilson Su’s new home? How could it be the Yundingshan Villa area!

“Well, master, did you pick up the wrong person? How come we go to the Yundingshan Villa area.” Someone said.

When the master heard this, he slammed into a sudden stop. Several people in the car who were not seated steadily fell into a shit.

“f*ck, you guys didn’t joking with me, the wrong person was picked up!” The driver was shocked, but he had already explained this. It must be done well. If this kind of oolong is caused, he can’t even try to keep his job.

“How did you drive, do you know…”

“Stop talking nonsense with me, who are you guys.” The driver doesn’t want to talk nonsense. He is from Tianjia Company. No matter who the person in this car is, he doesn’t care about it. The most important thing now is Find out if you have picked up the wrong person, if you make this mistake, he will be done.

Seeing the driver’s imposing manner, the Su family’s relatives who wanted to scold the driver immediately closed his mouth, full of softness.

“This eldest brother, we are from the Su family. The person you are going to pick up is not in the same Villa area with us?” The Su family Villa is a townhouse area, so this is very likely to happen, Harry Su thinks It should be like this.

The driver was taken aback, cursed, and didn’t know what he was saying, and then continued to drive.

The Su family’s relatives were at a loss, didn’t they say that the wrong person was picked up? Why not let them get off?

Chapter 57

The two buses stopped together on the mountainside. After the two groups of people got off the bus, the expressions on their faces were all confused, at a loss, and even a little panicked.

Yundingshan Villa area!

This is the most luxurious place in the entire Cloud City, not to mention the location on the mountainside.

As we all know, some time ago, this place was auctioned and sold at a sky-high price of over 80 million yuan, and the entire Cloud City was speculating on which gold owner had spent the money. They never dreamed that one day they would be able to stand here!

“This…what’s going on here, why did you send us here.” Su Yihan stood on the ground with both feet, but did not dare to move halfway, for fear of stepping on the gravel here.

Harry Su is also very nervous. You cannot break into the private area of ”‹”‹the Yundingshan Villa area at will. But they are now standing on the site belonging to the mountainside Villa.

“It’s not that Amelia Su deliberately harmed us!” Harry Su gritted his teeth and said, letting them be sent here. It is estimated that they will be framed. By then, the heavenly people will know, who can escape?

“This Amelia Su is really killing us and hurting us. Can she put aside the responsibility?” Su Guolin looked angry and wanted to kill.

“What do we do now? Take advantage of the fact that the property management department hasn’t found it, let’s go quickly.” Su Yihan suggested.

the other side. Tang Chengye and others were afraid to speak because they were frightened.

Even if it was Tang Long who claimed to be young Toshihiko, he arrived at this place. I don’t dare to make any trouble.

The annual salary of one million is indeed very high in the eyes of ordinary people, but Tang Long knew that in the eyes of the heavens, it was not even a fart.

Just as everyone was wondering whether to leave secretly, an Audi A6 went up the mountain.

The expressions of Lily Jiang and Wilson Su in the car are beyond words.

When George Han drove the car to the gate, Lily Jiang couldn’t wait to slap George Han and bring her to such an advanced place ashamed.

But when the security opened the gate, the expressions of her and Wilson Su were shocked, and their eyes almost fell in the car.

Since Amelia Su had been here yesterday, there was not much surprise, but there was still a dreamlike feeling. After all, this is the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, and it is also a mountainside Villa.

When she slept last night, Amelia Su woke up from her dream and felt that all this was fake.

Until this moment, I slowly felt a little real.

After the car stopped at the mountainside Villa. George Han and Amelia Su got out of the car, and Harry Su walked to George Han angrily.

He grabbed George Han by the collar and said angrily: “George Han, what does your family mean, do you want to kill us all?”

Su Yihan stared at Amelia Su with a fierce light, and said bitterly: “Amelia Su, don’t you know the rules of the Yundingshan Villa District? Bring us here, and the Heavenly Family will hold them accountable. Are you responsible for it alone.”

George Han grasped Harry Su’s wrist, and only slightly hardened, Harry Su let go of his hand in pain.

“Harry Su, what are you doing so excited? Being domineering at home, you are scared when you get here?” George Han said lightly.

Harry Su gritted his teeth and looked at George Han, and said coldly: “Let grandma know about this, you are dead.”

“Wilson Su, what on earth does your family want to do? If you can’t live on your own, will everyone be hurt?” Su Guolin also accused Wilson Su aloud.

Other relatives couldn’t bear it one after another, and all kinds of unpleasant words were said, regardless of relatives’ affection.

Wilson Su did not dare to speak. Even Lily Jiang, who was accustomed to it, was silent at this time.

This is George Han’s new home? Mountainside Villa?

Lily Jiang’s hands and feet trembled, the weight of this second-hand house was too heavy for her to imagine!

“What are you afraid of? I’m just going home, can the heavenly family embarrass me?” Amelia Su said.

“Go home? Are you crazy? You dare to brag about this kind of bull. Is this mountainside Villa your home?” Su Yihan said coldly with disdain.

Amelia Su looked at the angry eyes of the Su family, and smiled at the corners of her mouth. These people who couldn’t look at their home were just a bunch of stuff in the nest, but they just went to the Yundingshan Villa area. One by one was almost frightened.

“It’s not my home, could it be yours?” Amelia Su glanced at Su Yihan and walked towards the door with the key.

Seeing Amelia Su’s confident look, Su Yihan was dumbfounded.

This… is her home, how could it be possible!

How could she be eligible to live in a mountainside Villa!

Even if she is now the person in charge of the Chengxi project, she would never have such amazing financial resources!

Selling all the assets of the Su family is just barely able to buy this Villa.

Seeing Amelia Su’s opening the door, everyone couldn’t help but speed up his heartbeat.

Tang Chengye’s expression was particularly embarrassing. After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today to mock Wilson Su and show off Tang Long’s achievements in front of him. He even wanted to see Amelia Su regretting it.

But this time. It seems destined to be invisible.

All of Tang Long’s achievements were wiped out in front of this Villa, and there was no chance of reversal at all.

What about the annual salary of one million. If you want to buy this Villa, you have to eat or drink for decades!

“Old Tang, this…is this really the new home bought by Old Su?”

“Wilson Su, he, he, he… actually can live in the mountainside Villa!”

“It seems that he is the most developed of us. What kind of shit luck is this to live here!”

Hearing these words, Tang Chengye felt more uncomfortable than eating shit. The previous gatherings of classmates were all opportunities for him to show off. The classmates praised him and admired him. But now, all his aura was taken away by Wilson Su in an instant.

The woman snuggling next to Tang Long looked envious. The words she said to Amelia Su in the dining room before, seemed like a loud slap on her face.

“Tang Long. Didn’t you say that she is not valued by the Su family?” the woman said.

Tang Long was in a complicated mood and mixed with five flavors. It was a fact that Amelia Su was not valued by the Su family. Moreover, even the Su family could not afford this mountainside Villa. How could Amelia Su afford it?

Looking at George Han unconsciously, could it be said that he is the secret gold master?

Tang Long shook his head in disbelief, how could it be possible. It is even more a joke that a well-known waste in Basin City can spend more than 80 million to buy a Villa.

“Maybe she borrowed it?” Tang Long comforted himself, but he was very clear in his heart. This possibility simply doesn’t exist. How could a mountainside Villa be borrowed casually?

Tang Long thinks like this, another person also has Su Yihan.

She also didn’t believe that Amelia Su could live here. For Su Yihan, she has always placed her position high, higher than all the female juniors of the Su family, even if Amelia Su looks better than her, but three years ago, Amelia Su’s threat was lifted because she married A waste.

Over the past three years, Su Yihan has become accustomed to living better than Amelia Su, and accustomed to being above himself. If Amelia Su’s new home is really here, what will she compare with Amelia Su in the future?

There is a kind of person who can accept that you are not as good as him, and even like to hear and hear, but he can’t accept that one day suddenly, you will live better than him. This situation applies to Su Yihan.

She couldn’t accept living in an elevator apartment by herself, but Amelia Su lived in a mountainside Villa.

“Pretending to be, can you really open the door?” Su Yihan said bitterly.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone who heard it became nervous inexplicably, and with the exception of Wilson Su and Lily Jiang, they were all expecting that Amelia Su would not be able to open the door, so that all these lies could be exposed and ruthless. Laughed at Amelia Su.

This is like a kind of powerless resistance, things have come to this point, they do not want to believe, but it does not prevent the fact from happening.

Amelia Su twisted the key and opened the door easily.

Even though Su Yihan was extremely dissatisfied in her heart, she couldn’t help but believe the facts before her.

“Brother, we were planning to let mom come, but you refused to help Mom, do you remember this?” Lily Jiang suddenly said to Su Guolin.

Su Guolin’s face is so ugly and ugly. The old lady’s biggest wish in her life is to go to the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, but he refused for the old lady!

Chapter 58

Lily Jiang’s mood now is very refreshing, and the arrogance of a wicked woman can’t be suppressed at all. She doesn’t care how this mountainside Villa came from. The most important thing is to have a face in front of the Su family relatives and Tang Chengye’s group. There is face in front of the old classmates.

Looking at the expressions of Wilson Su, Tang Chengye and others, the smile on Lily Jiang’s face was wrinkled with countless folds, which is a good mood.

“Everyone. What are you doing in a daze? Go to my new home and have a look.” When Lily Jiang said these words, my words were extremely heavy, and my tone of voice was emphasized.

Tang Chengye was dissatisfied, but he was also curious about what the more than 80 million villas were like. Although he knew that he was embarrassed, he still had to go in and take a look.

As for the relatives of the Su family. At this time, it was the same mood. The mountainside Villa, an unattainable place, is now qualified to let them go in and see. Who wants to miss such a good opportunity?

Harry Su and Su Yihan walked at the end of the crowd.

“Harry, what’s going on, how can Amelia Su can afford to buy a Villa here.” Su Yihan looked unwilling, she was not qualified to live in such a luxurious place. Unexpectedly, Amelia Su lived there.

Harry Su had a calm face. If Amelia Su casually changed an elevator apartment, he could still slander Amelia Su for taking the company’s money, but this mountainside Villa. Even if he wanted to slander, it was not right.

The assets of the entire Su family were emptied, that is, to force this Villa, how could Amelia Su take money from the company?

“I can’t figure out how Amelia Su could have so much money.” Harry Su said.

Su Yihan casually said: “Could it be George Han. When my grandfather pointed out the marriage, didn’t we guess that George Han might be a son of a rich family?”

Harry Su showed strong contempt on his face, and said: “You also said it was a guess, and that was before you met George Han. In the past three years, have you not recognized George Han? How could he be a rich child? .”

Su Yihan nodded, she just said casually, and did not take this guess seriously, because if George Han was a child of the rich family, how could he be humiliated in the Su family for three years?

And the children of rich families who can afford mountainside villas are not ordinary rich people.

Everyone entered the house, and there was no magnificent decoration. On the contrary, it looks a little monotonous. If this kind of decoration is replaced in an ordinary apartment, they will definitely think it is cheap, but this is a mountainside Villa, which gives people a very high-end feeling inexplicably.

“Old Su, your new home is really well decorated. Although it looks simple, it feels more noble.”

“Yes, this kind of place reflects the temperament and does not need too many decorations at all. It is like a big beauty, but the heavy makeup is superfluous, covering up its own beauty.”

“Lao Su, your taste is really good. But you are too low-key, you bought such a good house, and you told us today.”

When the group of classmates were praising Wilson Su, Tang Chengye couldn’t say a word. Compared with this place, his home was nothing short of nothing. Thinking of the attitude towards Wilson Su last time, I felt even more shameless.

Tang Long prepared a lot of words to tease Amelia Su today, and he was also preparing to step on George Han’s head to seek his own superiority, but those words can only rot in his stomach now. If you want to say that the audience is uncomfortable, he at least Can be ranked in the top three.

Even entering the weak water property is partly because of Amelia Su, enough to show how persistent he is in Amelia Su. I thought that today was a good opportunity for him to show off and step on George Han, but this mountainside Villa, Shattered all his dreams.

Even he entered the weak water property. In the future, there is little hope of using his identity to get Amelia Su.

Amelia Su who lives in the mountainside Villa, what qualification does he have for Amelia Su to accompany him to bed?

Millions of annual salary? It’s just a joke.

Lily Jiang enthusiastically led everyone inside and out. She was also the first time she came, but she was very familiar.

The more envious those people were, the better Lily Jiang’s mood became. She seemed to have forgotten what she had said to George Han.

I, Lily Jiang, will never go to your house in my life?

Even if it was a pool of saliva, Lily Jiang would swallow it back without hesitation.

After the visit, a group of people waited to sit in the living room. The old classmate’s flattery made Lily Jiang trembled with laughter, but the expressions of the Su family were very unclear.

He was the lowest person in the Su family, but now he lives in the best Villa and rides on everyone’s head.

“Wilson. You bought this Villa?” Su Guolin asked. He had to figure out what was going on. It was obviously auctioned here. How could it be in Wilson Su’s hands.

How did Wilson Su know where the Villa came from, but at this time Lily Jiang sniffed and said, “Brother, we bought this Villa for real money. Is there any problem? Do I have to give you the family background? ?”

“Auntie Lily, don’t we know what the conditions of your family are? You have so much money?” Harry Su said solemnly.

“You look down on people now.” Lily Jiang glanced at George Han, this kind of showy thing. She would not give George Han, and no one believed it, but it was indeed not easy to think of a convincing reason.

“It’s not that we look down on people. Maybe your family has done something illegal. Otherwise, don’t let us get tired.” Su Yihan said strangely.

“What is illegal? We are good citizens who are law-abiding. Don’t pour dirty water on my head.” Lily Jiang said dissatisfied.

“Then you are explaining, where does the money come from.”

“So much money, can’t it fall from the sky.”

“Or, Amelia Su has an unknown relationship with some people, in exchange for it?”

It doesn’t matter how they say it. George Han can accept any kind of guessing, but to slander Amelia Su, this is what George Han cannot tolerate.

But George Han just wanted to talk. Lily Jiang stared back with a cold look. Even now, even if she is standing in the Villa bought by George Han, she still takes it for granted.

“I’m not afraid to tell you. The old man compensated Wilson for this money.” Lily Jiang said.

Father compensated Wilson Su?

These words caused an uproar among the relatives of the Su family. How could he compensate Wilson Su after he passed away for so many years?

Or. The old man has a small treasury, which was discovered by Wilson Su!

The Su family’s relatives are not calm for a while, if Wilson Su really found the small treasury, this money should also have their share!

“Lily Jiang, tell me clearly how the money came from.”

“Is it because you discovered the money that Dad left behind?”

“We are all the grandchildren of the old man. Everyone is eligible to inherit the inheritance. Why should you be swallowed up by your family.”

When it comes to money, everyone’s eyes are red, and they can’t wait to divide their own territory in the mountainside Villa.

“What is your urgency? This money has nothing to do with you. The old man felt that George Han was sent to our house, sorry to welcome the summer, so he left us a sum of money, which is compensation for our family. . And the father has a rule that the money must be used in three years, so our family has been working hard for three years.” Lily Jiang opened his eyes and said nonsense, not blushing at all.

“How much money did the old man leave?” Su Guolin believed, because apart from that, no other explanation could be found, and while the old man was alive, although he was angry with Wilson Su, the brothers knew that the old man loved the most. , Or Wilson Su, leaving him a fortune is not impossible.

Lily Jiang thought for a while, stretched out her index finger and said, “One hundred million.”


“One hundred million!”

“The old man actually left you 100 million!”

All the relatives of the Su family stood up with incredible expressions on their faces.

How much money the entire Su family is now, the old man actually left 100 million for Wilson Su!

If they had known that there were 100 million, they would be willing to let George Han join his family!

Lily Jiang was very satisfied with his seamless story, and said with a smile: “Otherwise, where would Wilson get the money to buy the Villa, and he did this to show the face of Su’s family.”

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