His True Colors Novel Chapter 535 – 538

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Chapter 535

The reason why Lily Jiang is suspected is that Lily Jiang has always been a dangerous person in Mo Yang’s mind, and Mo Yang has never let go of her vigilance, but Mo Yang originally thought that the protection of hundreds of people would not be arranged in the Villa. It would give Lily Jiang a chance to play tricks, but he didn’t expect this event to happen after all.

At this moment, Mo Yang, apart from anger, also blamed himself. If he could guard Han Nian all the time, how could such an accident happen?

More importantly, based on Mo Yang’s understanding of He Ting, the probability of He Ting betraying George Han is very low. Without George Han, there would never be He Ting today. Why would she betray him?

Lily Jiang grabbed Mo Yang’s arm with both hands, trying to struggle away. However, her strength was obviously incomparable to Mo Yang, and her breathing became more and more difficult, and she couldn’t even speak.

Lily Jiang, who was speechless, could only shake her head to express her meaning.

Mo Yang slightly reduced his strength, leaving Lily Jiang room to speak.

Lily Jiang took a deep breath, and then said: “It’s not me, I am her grandmother, how could this kind of thing be done? I know that I have made a lot of mistakes before, but now I have changed it and I have regretted it.”

Leaving aside the credibility of this sentence, Mo Yang was not in the mood to pursue it. The most important thing now is to find Han Nian. Don’t let her have the slightest surprise.

When Lily Jiang was released, Mo Yang said: “If this matter is related to you, I will let you die without a place to bury you.”

Lily Jiang sucked greedily, finally feeling that she was alive, and said to Mo Yang: “It must be He Ting who took Han Nian away for money. She must be united with someone who wants to blackmail us.”

“Is it blackmail? I will investigate.” Mo Yang said coldly. At this time, he was like a cold-blooded beast, and no one could get close.

“Set up points on all roads that can leave Basin City, any vehicles that leave. All must be checked carefully, and they must not be allowed to leave Basin City with Han Nian.” Mo Yang told Lin Yong.

Lin Yong did not dare to hesitate, and immediately ordered the matter down.

Whether it was the people from the headquarters of the Demon Capital, or the subordinates scattered all over Basin City. Coming out at this moment, Mo Yang’s energy in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City was completely revealed for the first time, and its influence was staggering.

“Take her back to the mountainside Villa. Without my order, she can’t step out of the mountainside Villa.” Mo Yang continued.

“Yes.” Lin Yong instructed two of his men and directly took Lily Jiang into custody.

Mo Yang’s eyes burned with anger, and he looked up at the sky. He gritted his teeth and said, “No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt Han Nian half of your hair, I want your whole family to be buried!”


Han Family Courtyard.

Mary, who had nothing to do, was tidying up the garden at home, without a servant. Mary did all the housework by herself, which also gave her a chance to pass the time.

She already knew about Amelia Su’s pregnancy and giving birth to a daughter, and she wanted to visit Basin City in her heart. After all, as the grandmother of the child, she also has the responsibility to take care of Han Nian, but George Han is not there, and now George Han is right She still has resentment, so Mary can only endure this impulse. She hopes that one day, George Han can forgive her and bring Han Nian back to Hillwood City to see her.

As he was trimming the flowers and plants, Yan Jun on the side suddenly said: “Just received the news. Three thousand daughters seem to have been kidnapped.”

“What!” Mary turned her head and looked at Jun Yan with a torch. This is her granddaughter, someone kidnapped!

“The news should be correct.” Yan Jun said.

Mary took a deep breath. Said: “Didn’t Mo Yang send a lot of people to guard at the mountainside Villa? How could he be kidnapped.”

“The news said that the servant of the Su family took the child.” Yan Jun looked innocent, but his fists were already clenched, and there were obvious signs of white joints. Obviously he was also in a state of anger, but he just concealed it very well.

Mary gritted her teeth. Although the news made her very angry, she did not lose her mind.

She has a general idea of ”‹”‹what kind of person He Ting is, and George Han is kind to her, she has no reason to do so.

You must know that since George Han left Hillwood City, he hardly asked the Han family to do anything for him. The first time George Han asked her for help, it was because of He Ting’s daughter. This love was enough to keep He Ting for life Thanks.

“Rather than He Ting did it, I think this matter is more related to Lily Jiang.” Mary said coldly. She and Mo Yang had almost the same first thoughts. After all, Lily Jiang had spent a lot to deal with George Han. Mind, it is not a rare thing even if it kills George Han’s daughter.

“What are you going to do now?” Jun Yan said.

“I didn’t go when Amelia Su gave birth, because I was afraid that I would be unhappy, but now, how could I ignore such a big thing? It is my granddaughter after all.” Mary said lightly.

On the same day, a private jet from Hillwood City Airport headed towards Basin City.

After Lily Jiang returned home, she comforted Amelia Su who was crying heartbreakingly. But Amelia Su’s emotions couldn’t calm down.

It was a piece of meat that fell from her body. Amelia Su regarded it as her own destiny. For a mother, losing her child was probably the most unacceptable nightmare.

Lily Jiang pretended to say that Mo Yang would definitely find Han Nian back, but in her heart, she wished that the driver could kill both Han Nian and He Ting.

Although she had no chance to kill George Han, if this evil kind could die. That is also a happy thing for Lily Jiang.

At about nine o’clock in the evening, Amelia Su was still sitting in the living room desperately. For such a long time, she didn’t even drink a sip of water. Lily Jiang just had a big meal, and he was lying on the sofa to rest full and full.

Lily Jiang was already a little impatient with Amelia Su’s crying, so she didn’t plan to care about Amelia Su, she let her cry if she wanted to cry.

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Lily Jiang subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth, for fear of leaving a little oil stain.

In Lily Jiang’s view. The person here must be Mo Yang, she can’t let Mo Yang see her heartless side.

But when the door opened, Lily Jiang stepped back subconsciously in fright.


How could this woman come.

To say that the biggest shadow of Lily Jiang’s life was probably brought to her by Mary.

Think of that strong slap back then. It is still an indelible mark in Lily Jiang’s mind.

For Lily Jiang, Mary’s innate supremacy is like a heavy pressure, which can make her feel the illusion of suffocation without the intervention of external forces.

“You, why did you come.” Lily Jiang’s expression became disastrous in an instant. She had forgotten Mary, but she didn’t expect this woman to appear suddenly.

When Amelia Su saw Mary, dry tears came out again, and she knelt on the ground feebly and said, “Mom, I’m sorry, I lost Han Nian.”

When Mary saw Amelia Su’s haggard appearance, her heart ached. She is very clear about Amelia Su’s current mood and heartache, just like preparing a table full of dishes for George Han that day, George Han turned and left without even eating a bite.

As a mother, how could Mary not feel the same?

“Lily Jiang, where is my granddaughter?” Mary asked, looking at Lily Jiang with cold eyes.

When Lily Jiang faced Mary, she felt more scared than when she faced Mo Yang. She shook her head in a panic, and said: “I was taken away by He Ting. It has nothing to do with me. I am Han Nian’s grandmother. Do you think Will I harm her?”

Mary slapped Lily Jiang on the face and continued: “Where is my granddaughter?”

“I really don’t know, it has nothing to do with me.” Lily Jiang said with her face even more panic.


Another slap on Lily Jiang’s face, Mary continued to repeat the same four words: “Where is my granddaughter?”

Lily Jiang felt fiery pain on the left and right cheeks, but Mary did not show mercy at all.

“Why are you hitting me? I, like you, are her elders. What qualifications do you have to accuse me from above?” Lily Jiang suddenly exploded and shouted at Mary hoarse.

Facing Lily Jiang, who was about to be mad, Mary’s expression remained calm, stretched out her hand to grab Lily Jiang’s hair, pulled her head down, then raised her knees and ran into Lily Jiang’s face.

Chapter 536

Although Mary is only a woman, when she gets up cruelly, few men can compare with her. This is the difference between being in a big family, and she can see a different side of the world. In this situation Under the circumstances, her xinxing is naturally stronger than ordinary people.

In the face of someone like Lily Jiang who wanted to kill her son, how could Mary be merciful?

Lily Jiang yelled in pain. There was blood flowing out of his nostrils, which made Lily Jiang both scared and panicked.

She didn’t think that Mary would appear suddenly, and she didn’t even think that she would face Mary’s violence.

“Where is my granddaughter?” Mary continued.

These four words were still the same, but the simple four words made Lily Jiang tremble.

But Lily Jiang knew that even if she died, she could not tell the truth, otherwise her fate would only be worse.

Lily Jiang had no choice at this time. I can only show off my pity in front of Mary, hoping that she can pity herself.

Kneeling on her knees, Lily Jiang did her best to show her weak side. At this time, she didn’t care about the word dignity at all. Even if she stood in front of her, she should have been her mother-in-law who was on the same level as her.

“I really don’t know, this matter has nothing to do with me, please don’t hit me, let me go.” Lily Jiang kowtow and beg for mercy.

Mary looked at Lily Jiang coldly. The woman was tight-lipped and refused to say anything, but Mary still suspected that she did what Han Nian did.

As for He Ting who disappeared. Maybe she was killed too.

But now that there is no evidence, and Lily Jiang doesn’t admit it, Mary can do nothing.

She couldn’t kill Lily Jiang directly. After all, this was Amelia Su’s mother. Mary was worried that doing so would make George Han unhappy. After all, when Lily Jiang wanted to kill George Han, George Han also let him go. of.

Mary bypassed Lily Jiang, walked to Amelia Su’s side, helped Amelia Su up, and said softly: “I will definitely find her, this matter is not your fault, you don’t need to blame yourself.”

After Amelia Su heard this sentence. The tears were more turbulent, and she would rather be blamed by Mary at this time, and would rather be scolded by Mary, perhaps she would feel better in her heart.

A person who can’t even take care of his daughter. Why can I still get caring?

“Mom, please, you must help me find Han Nian, otherwise. How can I survive? What face do I have to face Three Thousand.” Amelia Su said bitterly.

Mary nodded and said to Jun Yan: “I know you have many subordinates who have been hiding for so many years. It’s time to come in handy. Your responsibility is to protect the Han family. Presumably you are not qualified to refuse my order. .”

Jun Yan will never ignore this matter. After all, it was George Han’s daughter. Even without Mary’s order, he would definitely investigate secretly.

“A lot of people may die.” Yan Jun said lightly.

“As long as it’s not for Han Nian’s death, the others have nothing to do with me, but you must know that Han Nian can’t be the least accidental.” Mary said coldly.

Jun Yan left the mountainside Villa without saying a word. This was the first real anger from Jun Yan in so many years.

Angry Yan Jun. Definitely a terrifying beast, once stirred up the bloody wind that shook the world in Hillwood City, and this old man once ruled the world!

At ten o’clock, Mo Yang appeared in the Villa. When he saw Mary, he seemed a little surprised. He never expected Mary to appear here.

Although Lily Jiang and Mary are both George Han’s mothers, they are quite different. The former was completely ignored by Mo Yang, but the latter was worthy of his respect.

No matter how unpleasant the quarrel between George Han and Mary is, she is after all George Han’s biological mother, and she is also the current leader of the Han Family. This kind of energy is definitely not something Mo Yang is qualified to look down upon.

How dare the boss of the gray zone of Little Cloud City compare with Mrs. Hillwood City Han?

“Mrs. Han.” Mo Yang lowered his head and shouted respectfully.

Mary said coldly: “As George Han’s subordinate, you did not protect his daughter. This kind of negligence is enough for you to make up for it with your life.”

Although George Han never regarded Mo Yang as a subordinate, Mary’s words did not make Mo Yang repulse at all, because in Mo Yang’s heart, he really positioned himself as a subordinate of George Han.

“After I find Han Nian, no matter how much Madam Han wants to punish, Mo Yang will never frown.” Mo Yang said.

Mary had no doubt about Mo Yang’s loyalty, and asked, “What’s the news.”

Mo Yang sighed. Although he had let his people out, there was no news at all.

“I have sent someone to Rong City. As long as Jiang Yingying is brought back, it is possible to contact He Ting.” Mo Yang said.

“You should know in your heart that even if you catch Jiang Yingying, the usefulness she can show is minimal.” Mary said frankly. Now even He Ting can’t be contacted. What use can Jiang Yingying have What?

Mo Yang knew this very well, but he had no other way. Only catch Jiang Yingying to try.

“This is no way.” Mo Yang said.

“Don’t bother Amelia’s rest, you go first, contact me if you have news, this is my business card.” Mary said.

After Mo Yang stepped forward and took Mary’s business card, he sighed and said, “Comfort Amelia, let her not worry about excessive, I will definitely find Han Nian.”

“What is George Han to you?” Mary asked suddenly.

Mo Yang was stunned for a moment. Without thinking about it, he replied: “Brother who can be protected by life.”

Mary smiled faintly, obviously very satisfied with the answer, and said: “I hope you don’t let me down, George Han may not kill you. But it doesn’t mean I won’t.”

Mo Yang didn’t have any waves in his heart, and he was not afraid of Mary’s threats, because if he really couldn’t find Han Nian, he would have no face to face George Han. Instead of this, he might die even more joyously.

After Mo Yang left, Mary took Amelia Su, who was already asleep, back to the room. She was exhausted. Crying completely lost energy.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Lily Jiang looked at herself in the mirror and was almost beaten out of recognition by Mary. This Qiu Lily Jiang was remembered in her heart. Once she was given a chance for revenge, she would never feel soft on Mary.

“Family, sooner or later Lily Jiang wants you to kneel in front of me and kowtow. George Han is damned. Han Nian is damned, and Mary is even more damn.” Lily Jiang gritted his teeth and muttered to herself viciously, towards narrow-minded For her, if you can’t avenge this revenge, no matter how great the glory and wealth are, it won’t be a taste.

Whenever there is anger, Lily Jiang will vent to Wilson Su on the bed, and today is no exception, after punching and kicking Wilson Su for a while. Her emotions got some relief.

Tianjia Villa, after learning that Han Nian was kidnapped, Thomas Tian and Tian Linger were not idle, using their personal connections to investigate this matter, but it was a pity that there was no gain at all after one day.

The two returned home one after another.

Thomas Tian ran for a day, lying on the sofa with a tired face.

Tian Linger returned home and threw off her shoes directly, and then went to Thomas Tian’s side and cuddled beside him.

“Grandpa, you said how Xiao Nian’er is now, she won’t have any accidents, right?” Tian Linger asked worriedly.

Thomas Tian’s expression was very serious, and Han Nian had left his mother in just a few days. The situation she is facing now makes Thomas Tian feel anxious just thinking about it.

“Don’t make any accidents, otherwise, once George Han comes back, for Basin City, the sky will fall.” Thomas Tian said, George Han knows his temper very well. This is a very tolerable one. A young man, but he also has his own bottom line. Once the bottom line is touched, the side he shows is absolutely terrifying.

If Han Nian had an accident, Thomas Tian would have no doubt that George Han would have caused the turmoil in Basin City, and even the entire structure of Basin City would be changed because of him. Perhaps even Tianjia would not be able to jump out of the affected area. .

It is absolutely not an exaggeration for George Han to be called the first person in Basin City today.

“Although I don’t have such a great father, I am really lucky to have such a great brother.” Tian Linger said.

Chapter 537

When violent turbulence occurred in Cloud City, so did the center of the earth.

In this world of purgatory, the air is full of intense blood, and the corpses that can be seen everywhere are definitely a nightmare for ordinary people. The scabs on the bodies of George Han and three people are shocking, and they are all demons who have survived from the dead.

“Brother George, it seems… as if we have killed all the people in the center of the earth.” The gopher said to George Han in fear, still in front of the closed door. But people who hadn’t gone crazy took the initiative to send it to the door, which made the gophers surprised to find out what they did.

Have hundreds of people in the center of the earth killed all of them?

For gophers who are not good at killing people and take pleasure in escape from prison, this is an extremely powerful thing.

George Han glanced at Dao Twelve. Since no one showed up, it means that the whole heart of the earth is alive, only three of them.

But they still did not find the opening mechanism of this door. The problems faced were not solved by killing all those people.

“Brother George, what should we do now?” Dao Twelve asked.

George Han did not answer Dao Twelve’s question, but said something that puzzled Dao Twelve and the hamster.

“I have killed everyone. What do you want to do? Do you want to be a turtle?” George Han said to the people behind the scenes. All of this must be monitored behind the scenes, although George Han doesn’t know what he wants to do, but when people are dead, hasn’t he achieved his goal yet?

At this time, the door suddenly opened on its own initiative.

Gopher and Dao Twelve looked at George Han at the same time. Obviously it was his words that alarmed the people behind the scenes, so the people behind the scenes would open the door.

“Brother George, do you want to go in?” Dao Twelve asked. The space in this door is not large, it is more like an elevator.

Heaven or hell?

Life or death.

George Han didn’t know.

But in any case, this is the only way, he must go.

“Go and pick up my grandfather.” George Han said to the gopher.

The gopher took the lead, trot all the way, and in a short while brought Han Tianyang.

“Grandpa, we will be leaving here soon.” George Han said to Han Tianyang.

Han Tianyang came along. Those corpses shocked him, but he knew very well that the trouble for George Han had never really started.

“Three thousand. Grandpa wants to tell you one thing.” Han Tianyang said.

“Wait to go out, let’s talk slowly when you have time.” Although George Han was very curious, it is by no means the best time to listen to the story.

Han Tianyang sighed without persisting, and followed George Han into the elevator.

The elevator is not running fast. It took several minutes before it stopped.

When the elevator door opened, there was a gust of natural wind blowing in front of them, indicating that they had come outside the center of the earth, but the smell of the wind felt very strange.

Get out of the elevator. The scene before him directly stunned Dao Twelve and the Gopher.

The endless sea, sparkling.

In the center of the earth, it turned out to be a giant cargo ship on the sea!

The gopher rubbed his eyes. Some do not believe in the facts at hand.

Since it came to the center of the earth, the gophers have determined that the center of the earth is indeed underground based on their own judgment. Frequent earthquakes can prove this point.

When the things that had always been recognized suddenly appeared in front of him with a different appearance, the gopher was a little hard to accept.

Knife Twelve’s expression was equally shocking. Who could have imagined that the world-famous center of the earth would float on the sea all the time. How many people want to find out the true location of the center of the earth, but who can think that the location of the center of the earth changes at any time?

No wonder no one has been able to find the center of the earth for so many years. And no one successfully escaped from prison.

Even if those people were lucky enough to escape to the deck and see this endless sea, they would only be desperate.

George Han’s expression was extremely calm, and he didn’t seem to be surprised at all. Because he had long discovered that the shaking of the earthquake was very strange, when the local rats believed that they were underground, George Han had a different view in his heart.

“Brother George, the center of the earth is such a big freighter!” said the gopher with his eyes widened.

“No wonder no one can escape. In this environment, even if there is a chance to run to the deck, it is a dead end.” Dao Twelve exclaimed.

“What should we do now? Jumping from the boat is a dead end,” said the gopher.

“Don’t worry, since the master behind the scenes can let us come here, he will definitely not let us die.” George Han said.

Dao Twelve and the Gopher looked around vigilantly, since George Han said that, someone would definitely appear soon.

Sure enough, a thin figure came from a distance.

He is obviously a man, but he looks more delicate than a woman, and he is definitely a glamorous beauty with makeup.

“Introduce myself, my name is Nangong Falcon.” The delicate man said to George Han with a smile on his face.

“I don’t need to know who you are. You are so brave to appear alone in front of me.” George Han said coldly.

“It is really easy to kill me with your strength, but since I dare to appear like this, do you think I will not rely on it?” Nangong Falcon said lightly.

Naturally, George Han knew that he would not be so stupid, but there was no one nearby. Even if he really had a hole card, George Han was sure to subdue him in a short time, as long as he could control Nangong Falcon’s life in his own hands. No matter how many subordinates he arranged secretly, it was of no avail.

“You will pay for your arrogance.” As soon as George Han’s voice fell, the figure shot out like an arrow, but in an instant he had already bullied himself into him. Nangong Falcon’s neck was pinched tightly.

“How about my speed, you didn’t expect it.” George Han said lightly.

Nangong Hayabusa’s delicate face became stubborn, and gritted his teeth and said: “You still have time to kneel down for me, otherwise, I will make you regret it for life.”

George Han smiled softly and said: “Your appearance, if you are a woman, is really perfect. It’s a pity that you are a man, but you look strange.”

Nangong Falcon most hates others to talk about his appearance, but for anyone who says he looks like a woman, the grave is covered with weeds. This is the inverse scale of Nangong Falcon, no one can touch it.

“Kneel down and apologize!” Nangong Falcon whispered.

“Don’t you understand the current situation? Your life is already in my hands. No matter how many people you have, before they kill me, I can kill you. Would you like to bury me?” George Han said with a smile.

Nangong Falcon took out his mobile phone, and George Han frowned slightly. I don’t know what this guy wants to do.

When he turned to a picture of a baby, George Han had a strong sense of uncertainty in his heart.

“You haven’t seen this pink baby girl. I heard her surname is Han, what is her name Han Nian.” Nangong Falcon said.

Name Korean name!

This sentence made George Han feel like a bolt from the blue.

This is his daughter?

George Han hid the phone from Nangong Falcon for the first time. An extremely gentle smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

Daughter, this is his daughter.

George Han did not expect that he could have a daughter so quickly.

Han Nian, did you get the name because you missed it?

George Han wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

Just when he was crying with joy, Nangong Falcon said a word. Brought George Han back to reality.

“Such a lovely girl, don’t you want her to die?” Nangong Hayato said.

George Han suddenly raised his head, looked at Nangong Falcon in anger, and said, “What have you done to her, where is she.”

“Don’t get excited, she is fine now, and I have asked someone to take care of her, but if you are not obedient, I can’t guarantee her safety, in case the servant accidentally spills boiling water on her, or accidentally falls On the ground, it is a very serious injury to her at a young age.” Nangong Falcon said proudly.

George Han wanted to kill Nangong Falcon, and this impulse was unstoppable.

But he knew that he could not do this.

With Han Nian in his hands, the only thing he can do is to listen to Nangong Falcon.

“What do you want me to do?” George Han took a deep breath and said.

“Kneel down.”

Chapter 538

Nangong Falcon looked at George Han with a smile, and his eyes were full of abuse.

What about the strong?

What if he kills the center of the earth?

In front of him, he can still only be an honest wagging-tailed dog, which makes Nangong Falcon very enjoyable.

He likes to control people like George Han, the stronger will make him feel more conquered.

Too many men say that he looks like a woman, and Nangong Falcon’s heart becomes distorted when his appearance cannot be changed.

He wanted to show those guys who said he looked like a woman, even those who were strong like George Han. Can only kneel in front of him.

“I am kneeling!” At this moment, Dao Twelve said suddenly, walked in front of Nangong Falcon and knelt down without hesitation.

“And me.” The gopher walked to Nangong Falcon at almost the same time.

The two of them would rather be humiliated than seeing George Han kneel down to Nangong Falcon.

Whether it was Dao Twelve or Gopher’s mind, George Han was truly a strong man, and a strong man could not be humiliated.

Nangong Falcon sneered coldly, and said disdainfully: “You two are nothing, you don’t have the qualifications to kneel down, do you want to replace him?”

“Don’t go too far!” Dao Twelve gritted his teeth and said to Nangong Hayabusa. He did control George Han’s death, but this does not mean that he can play with George Han. At least Dao Twelve would not allow him to do so. do.

“Excessive?” Nangong Falcon kicked on the shoulder of Dao Twelve, and reprimanded coldly: “Am I excessive? Ask him, does he think I am excessive?”

At this moment, George Han obviously had a movement of bending his legs.

Seeing this scene, Dao Twelve and the Gopher both showed surprised expressions.

“Brother George, don’t!”

“Brother Three Thousand!”

The two exclaimed at the same time, but they did not stop George Han, who was on his knees.

It was just a small life for a few days. George Han was not able to accompany her when she came, and now it brought her such a great danger. In George Han’s heart, he had a strong sense of guilt for Han Nian, just kneeling, it was worth it. what?

As long as Han Nian is safe, George Han is willing to do anything.

“Hahahahahaha.” Nangong Hayabusa laughed up to the sky, proud of his words, and said aloud: “What about strong, it is not necessary to bow down in front of my Nangong Hayabusa.”

“How are you willing to let her go?” George Han asked through gritted teeth.

Nangong Falcon put away his laughter, walked to George Han, and said condescendingly: “From today. You are going to be a dog for me. I will let you go west. You can’t go east. Understand?”

George Han lowered his head and continued to ask: “How can you let her go?”

Nangong Falcon suddenly reached out and grabbed George Han’s hair, and said, “You are just a dog, and you are not qualified to make terms with me.”

George Han stared at Nangong Falcon with a torch. He knew that his repeated compromises would not make Han Nian really safe. To be a dog for Nangong Falcon was just to give Nangong Falcon the capital.

He must have a clear answer and let Nangong Falcon know that even if it is to use him, he must pay for it.

“How are you willing to let her go?” George Han asked for the third time.

Bing Han’s eyes made Nangong Falcon feel a chill in his back. Under such gaze, Nangong Falcon felt that he might die in his hands at any time.

Although he has Han Nian as a threat card, Nangong Falcon is also afraid of angering George Han to lose his mind.

To bury himself with a child less than a few days old is something Nangong Falcon would never want to see.

His life is above all else, how can such a person be killed?

“Help me do a few things, as long as I am satisfied. I will let you go.” Nangong Falcon said.

“I want them to return to Basin City safely.” George Han glanced at the twelve or three people and said.

“Do you know that, I hate people asking me about terms.” Nangong Falcon said with a gloomy face.

George Han didn’t speak, but looked straight at Nangong Falcon, which made Nangong Falcon feel an inexplicable and powerful pressure, but Nangong Falcon treated George Han as a dog. How could he be willing to compromise with George Han?

“Three, only one alive, you choose.” Nangong Falcon said. He wanted to teach George Han a lesson and let him know the consequences of disobedience.

This sentence made Dao Twelve and the Gopher stunned. They could only live one, so the one who survived was naturally Han Tianyang. After all, George Han came to the center of the earth to save Han Tianyang.

“Brother George, I can die.” Dao Twelve said without hesitation. Before coming to the center of the earth, he already had a mortal heart, and Tang Qingwan’s life had already been arranged, he could have no worries, and he wanted to die on his own without having to make choices for George Han.

The gopher did not have the same determination as Dao Twelve, so he seemed very entangled and hesitant, and finally came out from the center of the earth, he was unwilling to die like this.

“What are you thinking about? Do you want me to kill you?” Dao Twelve said to the gopher.

The gopher lowered his head and dared not speak. He couldn’t say voluntarily to die against his will, but he didn’t dare to say that he wanted to live. He knew very well that there was no way to compare between himself and Han Tianyang.

at this time. George Han suddenly took out an inch-long dagger.

Nangong Falcon thought that George Han was going to act on himself, so he stepped back in fright, and said to George Han, “George Han, don’t forget. Your daughter is still in my hands.”

As soon as the voice fell, George Han raised the knife and dropped the dagger directly into his thigh.

This scene stunned everyone, no one knew why George Han did this.

“You…what are you doing?” Nangong Falcon asked in a frightened voice. Is this guy crazy? Why give yourself a knife!

“You have deployed so much, I must be of great value to you, if I get injured, will it delay your plan?” George Han said without changing his face. He didn’t even frown his brows, and after speaking, he drew the dagger out again.

Nangong Falcon’s heart sank. George Han was indeed of great value to him. Otherwise, how could he ruin the entire center of the earth because of George Han?

It was precisely because of the appearance of George Han that the center of the earth lost its original meaning.

Everyone in this world regards the center of the earth as a profitable business, but only the core of the Nangong family knows it. The existence of the center of the earth itself is to find a master for the Nangong family.

The Nangong family is rich and powerful, but there is another circle in this world, and that circle cannot be entered if you have money. It must have a strong military value. That is the real top circle, not wide. It is known, but the upper class in the secular world has squeezed its head.

“I want the three of them to leave unharmed.” When the voice fell, George Han swung the knife again and stabbed the other thigh.

“Three thousand!” Han Tianyang exclaimed.

“Brother George.” Dao Twelve shouted in pain.

The gopher lowered his head and trembled with fright. I dare not say a word.

He didn’t expect George Han to do this kind of thing in order to keep them alive. Until this moment, the gopher seemed to understand why Dao Twelve was willing to die for George Han.

George Han still didn’t change his face, although his legs were bloody red. But he didn’t seem to feel the pain at all.

“Are you f*cking crazy?” Nangong Falcon gritted his teeth and cursed. In order to save two unrelated people, this guy was willing to hurt himself. This made Nangong Falcon unable to imagine what George Han had in his mind.

Only two subordinates. What’s the big deal if you die?

George Han drew the knife again, he did not dare to kill Nangong Falcon because Han Nian was still in his hands. And he didn’t want to see Dao Twelve and the Gopher die here. So this is his only choice.

His value lies in his strong skill, which is also the point where Nangong Hayabusa wants to use him. If he is injured, his value will be weakened.

He was betting that Nangong Falcon didn’t want to see him hurt. Although the chances are very small, he had no choice but to try.

“How can you survive if you are not crazy?” George Han said lightly.

Nangong Falcon was unwilling to compromise with George Han over this matter, but George Han’s eyes seemed to tell him that if he did not agree, the matter would continue.

If George Han continues to be injured, then his value will become smaller.

Destroying the entire center of the earth, if only a piece of waste is exchanged, how can this be explained to the rest of the family?

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