His True Colors Novel Chapter 519 – 522

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Chapter 519

In the center of the earth, in a special area, the exquisite-looking man holds a document in his hand.

This information is about the detailed information of the Dao Twelve and almost records the entire life of the Dao Twelve.

However, he didn’t care about what Dao Twelve did before. What he cared more about was the relationship between Dao Twelve and George Han.

“Recently, Zhengchou didn’t know what kind of opponent should be assigned to him. I didn’t expect someone to take the initiative to send it to the door. I really want to see when they both appear in the ring at the same time. I don’t know what each will think.”

“Will you kill him?”

The delicate man took a deep breath, and his smile was full of a strong evil charm. He couldn’t wait to see the two men fighting each other, which was even more exciting than a normal ring match.

“Send someone to Basin City and pick up the twelve swords.” said the delicate man.

Cloud City.

After Dao Twelve received the news from the Geocentric Association, he told Mo Yang the first time.

When he left, everything in Basin City. It would fall on Mo Yang, including the management of the underground boxing arena, so he must explain these things clearly.

When Mo Yang and Dao Twelve met, Dao Twelve was about to explain to Mo Yang. Mo Yang said, “You can rest assured about Basin City’s affairs. I will definitely help you manage this boxing ring well. When you come back, you’d better accompany Tang Qingwan these days.”

Dao Twelve did plan to spend the remaining few days with Tang Qingwan, because the chance of returning from the journey to the center of the earth was too small, and he basically went there with a mortal heart.

“Boss Mo, help me take care of her, and she must not let her suffer.” Dao Twelve said.

Mo Yang patted his chest and said, “If anyone dares to hurt her, I must make the other party pay the price of destroying the door. Tang Qingwan is not only your daughter, but also my daughter.”

Dao Twelve nodded. With Mo Yang’s assurance, he can rest assured that Tang Qingwan’s situation is now. Who dares to provoke Mo Yang in Basin City now?

“If you still don’t feel at ease, I will immediately host a banquet so that everyone in Basin City will know that Tang Qingwan was accepted as a goddaughter by me.” Mo Yang continued.

“No. I believe you.” Dao Twelve said.

Mo Yang took a deep breath and said, “If you go, I hope you can come back with George Han, or you must bring this guy back to me.”

This task is almost impossible in the eyes of Dao Twelve, but since he has gone, he will definitely do his best to help George Han do this. If his value is only reflected in the message In terms of things, that life was too bad.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to die yet.” Dao Twelve said.

Mo Yang nodded and said, “Go, accompany Tang Qingwan.”

Dao Twelve got up and left the boxing ring.

The center of the earth half a month later.

In the rest area, George Han still dragged the anklet. No one dared to approach him in a radius of ten meters. The fear of others had become stronger and stronger. But wherever he appeared, others would keep a certain distance. There are even many people who have given up time to let the wind go. Because of George Han’s existence, others chose to stay in their prison room.

“Gopher, there are obviously fewer and fewer people coming out in the last few days. This guy’s deterrent power is too strong, so people don’t even dare to go out.” Guan Yong said with a sigh. Yuri is already ferocious enough, but such a phenomenon has never happened before.

“It’s you, do you dare to provoke him?” said the gopher.

Guan Yong shook his head like a rattle, and said, “To provoke him, I would rather commit suicide, maybe I can die a little bit easier.”

The gopher smiled faintly and said: “You have this kind of thought, and other people have it, especially those who dare not even get out of the door. They are usually arrogant, and if they are targeted by him. Isn’t it a dead end, so stay committed? The room is the best choice.”

After being said by the gopher, Guan Yong found out. Those who haven’t come out to let the wind go are indeed the guys who are usually more arrogant.

“The wicked still need to be grinded by the wicked. Before those guys looked at me fiercely, I would have nightmares. I didn’t expect them to have today.” Guan Yong said with disdain.

“You’re so damned, you’re so damned.” The gopher looked at Guan Yong coldly. If he wasn’t worthy of use, the gopher would not bother to take care of his life and death.

Guan Yong did not refute. He is indeed a counselor. When he first came, he didn’t even have the courage to look at those people. The boss who claimed to have thousands of younger brothers came to the center of the earth.

“By the way, you said he will still participate in the ring? Why there is no news about this recently.” Guan Yong asked curiously.

this problem. Undoubtedly, there will definitely be ring competitions, it just depends on when the geocentric is arranged.

However, after experiencing it twice, the gopher was very confident in him. As long as he was bare-handed, the chance that someone found in the center of the earth could win him was very small.

“He is going to lose, it should be very difficult, now the heart of the earth must have a headache to find him an opponent.” The gopher smiled.

“Damn, it would be nice if I was so awesome. I have to make way for me wherever I go. It’s damn good to think about it.” Guan Yong said with envy.

“You?” The gopher smiled contemptuously, and said: “A hundred of you, not his opponent, how dare you even wish to have his treatment?”

“I’m not fantasizing about it to satisfy my own needs.” Guan Yong smiled, these fantasies can only be fantasies. He never thought that he could be so strong.

After the expiration time, George Han did not leave, and no one around him dared to move until he dragged the chain out of the rest area. Other talents dare to leave one after another.

This kind of high-standard treatment, George Han is the first in the history of the center of the earth, no matter what kind of murderous monsters have appeared here, they are not as strong as he brings people.

Maybe this is because of the mask. Or maybe it was because of the iron chain under his feet.

Of course, more importantly, his own strength.

During the period of being locked in the center of the earth, George Han’s strength has increased a lot. With the ability to use powerful forces more flexibly, even if Han Long Fusheng and George Han are competing head-on, George Han has the power to fight.

On this day, when the ring is open, it indicates that a new ring is about to start.

Everyone gathered near the iron cage for the first time, waiting for George Han’s third ring battle.

This time, everyone’s expected result is George. After all, he won without unlocking the chain last time. This time, the center of the earth has removed his ankle chain. This is inevitable. Can make him burst out stronger strength.

“The Heart of the Earth actually untied his ankle chain. Did you find a real master here?” Guan Yong said with a look of surprise. He and the Gopher decided that the heart of the earth wanted to use this method for these rounds. Kill him, but what does it mean to untie his ankle now?

The gopher also frowned. Could it be that the center of the earth had changed his mind, hoping that he would show his true strength?

But in this way, who else can kill?

Or is it that his thinking from the beginning was wrong, and the center of the earth didn’t mean to kill him, but was just verifying the limit of his strength?

When the local rat was confused, George Han’s opponent was brought out.

The gopher’s eyes condensed, and then his expression was horrified, even with disbelief in his eyes.

Twelve knives!

How could it be twelve swords.

Why does he appear in the center of the earth!

The Gopher and Dao Twelve never actually met, but he knew that Dao Twelve was George Han’s subordinate.

Similarly, when George Han saw the twelve swords, his body was shocked.

Shouldn’t this guy be in Cloud City? How could he come to the center of the earth, and still standing in front of him at the moment.

As someone else, with George Han now in the state where his ankle chain had been removed, he could kill his opponent without hesitation.

But now, the opponent is Dao Twelve, how can George Han do this!

“The rules of the game, there is still only one person who can come out alive, and kill the opponent to get a reward.”

The voice came again.

Then a woman walked into the iron cage ring and raised her hand. As long as her hand fell, it would herald the start of the game.

Chapter 520

Dao Twelve was also dumbfounded when he saw George Han.

Although George Han wears a headgear, based on Dao Twelve’s familiarity with George Han, Dao Twelve can recognize him only from his figure.

Before coming to the center of the earth, Dao Twelve had imagined many ways to meet George Han, and even thought that George Han would not be seen in a short time.

Who would have thought that just after waking up from the anesthetic, the center of the earth prepared a life and death battle for the two of them.

“By the way, I remind you that the game time is limited. If you can’t kill the opponent, there will be painful torture waiting for you.”

The voice came again.

George Han’s clenched fists were already bulging.

Obviously, this game in the center of the earth was deliberate, and even the person in charge of the center of the earth probably knew his relationship with the twelve swords at all, and deliberately wanted to see them kill each other.

Killed the twelve swords?

This kind of result is not acceptable to George Han, and he will never do it!

“Why are you here!” George Han gritted his teeth and said to Sword Twelve.

Dao Twelve walked in front of George Han, and the two were no more than one meter apart. At this time, Dao Twelve would not be heard by others.

“Sister-in-law is pregnant.” Dao Twelve said.

Cang Dang!

These words hit George Han like a bolt from the blue, causing his whole body to shake.

Amelia Su… is pregnant!

George Han’s heart flew back to Basin City in an instant. At this moment, Amelia Su was when he needed him most, but he was trapped in this cage and didn’t know when he could leave.

“How long has it been?” George Han asked in a trembling voice.

“When I left Cloud City, it was almost half a year.” Dao Twelve said.

Half a year!

It means that the time for the child to quack to the ground is less than three months!

George Han was full of tears in his eyes, and it was almost impossible for him to leave the center of the earth within three months, which meant that at the most important time in Amelia Su’s life, he could not be with Amelia Su at all.

George Han took a deep breath and said, “Did you come to the center of the earth just to tell me this news?”

“We want you to know about this, and we want you to have stronger motivation to leave the center of the earth.” Dao Twelve said.

George Han knew that this decision would definitely have Mo Yang’s support without asking. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for one person to make claims.

But at this time, the decision to investigate who is no longer made sense. The Twelve Swordsman is already in front of him, and what he wants to think about now is how to solve the trouble in front of him.

Seeing that the two of them hadn’t done anything for a long time, those who were watching were already a little impatient.

“What are you doing? Why haven’t we started fighting? Isn’t this a waste of our time?”

“Hurry up, kill him quickly.”

“Why don’t you do it yet, can’t you still kill this newcomer?”

When everyone was fanning the flames, the gopher’s expression was like a pool of stagnant water, and an absurd possibility extended in his mind. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility.

Why didn’t he kill the twelve swords?

Why does Dao Twelve seem to recognize him?

His voice is similar to George Han, but Gopher thinks that George Han cannot come to the center of the earth subjectively, so he feels that even if this person’s voice is similar to George Han, it can never be George Han. .

But now, the gopher had to doubt it.

Otherwise, why didn’t he take the initiative to kill the twelve swords?

It seems that he is the only reason why George Han can explain this matter.

Only George Han would not kill Twelve.

But is this true? Will he really come to the center of the earth?

When Guan Yong saw that the hamster was emotional and impetuous, he couldn’t help but ask: “What are you doing, you haven’t started fighting yet, why are you so excited?”

Of course the Gopher was excited. If the masked man was really George Han, then his hope of leaving the center of the earth would be even greater, and the mighty strength displayed by George Han made the Gopher feel incredible.

I think that when George Han almost killed him, the gopher felt the power of George Han, but now. George Han has obviously become stronger, and he is like two people.

“You know what a fart.” The gopher took a deep breath, but despite this, he couldn’t calm his mood.

Guan Yong said: “I don’t understand, can’t you explain to me, let me understand?”

“I warn you, from now on, if you dare to say one more nonsense. I will definitely invalidate you.” The gopher turned his head and looked towards Guan Yong impatiently. He was 90% sure of what was going on in the field. The man in the mask is George Han. Since George Han is here, Guan Yong has lost the value of his existence.

Guan Yong backed away a few steps in fright, the gopher’s eyes seemed to kill him. He had never seen this kind of eyes before.

“Insane. I have no grudges against you.” Guan Yong resisted in a low voice of dissatisfaction, but he could hear this mosquito voice.

In the field, Dao Twelve smiled and said to George Han: “Brother George, my task is to bring this news to you. Now I have completed the task.”

“It’s absolutely impossible!” George Han gritted his teeth. He knew that Dao Twelve’s words meant that he would kill him, but George Han was absolutely impossible to do so.

“Brother George, my sister-in-law is still waiting for you at home. If you don’t follow the rules of the center of the earth, have you ever thought about your fate.” Dao Twelve said anxiously. Although this kind of mutation was completely unexpected by Dao Twelve, dying for George Han was his early realization, since the current situation is no longer a choice for them. What’s the point even if you die?

“f*ck your mother’s ass, you will be honest with me, I didn’t let you die, you are not qualified to die.” George Han said firmly. He would not kill the Twelve Swords by himself, nor would he see the Twelve Swords die in the center of the earth.

Now that he is here, he must leave the center of the earth with Twelve Sabre.

At this time, the voice already seemed a little impatient.

“Are you going to disobey the orders of the center of the earth?”

George Han raised his head. Looking in the direction of the sound source, he knew that he couldn’t see the owner of the sound, but it didn’t mean that he would not resist.

“There is a kind, what is it to stand in front of me, shrunk and shrunk tortoise?” George Han said lightly.

The voice was silent, and soon some staff responded to George Han with actions.

The stun gun hit George Han, and the numbness caused by the electric current spread throughout George Han’s body in an instant. However, George Han just shuddered, still standing upright.

In a special area, the exquisite-looking man’s expression instantly became hideous. He could not accept anyone’s disobedience to him, because in his life, no matter who asked or did something, the other party was not qualified to resist.

“You rubbish, dare to provoke me!” the delicate-looking man gritted his teeth.

“Tell me to let people in and give him a severe lesson, so that he knows that he will not obey my fate.” The exquisite man turned his head and said to his opponent. At this moment, there is a strong anger in his eyes, and he is used to controlling someone. For the people of the fate of others. It is not something he can accept to be resisted by the bottom people in his eyes.

The iron cage ring suddenly swarmed into a large group of insiders in the center of the earth, all of them holding stun guns, but they still appeared cautious. After all, the person in front of them was the strong man who had defeated Yuri and Scarman with one punch, and no one wanted to lose his life because of carelessness.

“This guy dare not listen to the orders of the earth’s center. It seems that he will end badly today.”

“What a fool, in the center of the earth, he is just a caged beast, and he must listen to whatever the center of the earth says. To disobey the order is to have his own life.”

“Huh, do you really think that you can be lawless by winning two people? This guy dares to defy the center of the earth. I really don’t know what it is.”

“He can live to this day because the center of the earth allows him to live to this day. It seems that he has misunderstood his position. He really thought that if you killed two people, you can ignore the center of the earth.”

When other people saw this scene, they showed contempt for George Han.

Although the fear and deterrence he brings to people are strong, no one will be optimistic about the matter of defying the center of the earth.

Chapter 521

Everyone watched the situation in front of them with the mentality of watching the show, but at this moment, the gopher was holding the iron fence with both hands, and looked nervous.

Now that the face mask man George Han has been confirmed with a high probability, he will naturally be worried about George Han’s current situation, and he knows that George Han would not choose to kill the twelve swords anyway. Come, he is destined to defy the orders of the center of the earth.

As for how much punishment will George Han bring to the center of the earth. This is not what a gopher can imagine.

“It’s nothing to do with you, you are nervous.” Guan Yong looked at the gopher’s nervous expression from a distance, and said disdainfully. It doesn’t matter to him, he should hang up high, just watch a good show, and don’t know him. What are you nervous about.

“I am a mud bodhisattva, and I am still in the mood to take care of other people’s affairs. Why doesn’t the heart of the earth throw you into the ring.” Although Guan Yong’s hopes are all placed on the gopher, at this moment, he is eager for the gopher to die.

In the iron cage arena, those inside the earth’s center cautiously approached George Han, and during this period, there was constant current hitting George Han.

This feeling of being shocked increased but did not increase, and George Han’s body was actually slowly adapting.

The repeated electric shocks did not increase his numbness. When George Han tentatively moved his fingers, he was still as flexible as ever.

But this. Those insiders didn’t know. In their opinion, the reason why George Han was able to stand must be supported by perseverance, and he would soon fall.

Whether to kill or not to kill, George Han was considering.

In a special area, the delicate man watched this scene with a smile on his face. Soon George Han would pay for his disobedience. This is the lesson the delicate man taught George Han.

Since George Han was to be trained into an obedient dog, he had to let him know that he was in the center of the earth and he had no ability to resist.

“Everything here is my final say. I want you to live before you can live, and only if you die, you are qualified to die.”

“Next, let you see the fate of disobedience.”

The exquisite man couldn’t wait to use the loudspeaker to give an order to his opponent: “Give me up, let him see the price of disobedience!”

After hearing the order, the subordinates did not dare to hesitate anymore and rushed forward.

In everyone’s eyes, George Han would pay a miserable price for his disobedience.

The confident smile on the delicate man’s face is even more vivid and exquisite.

But what happened next was to make the iron cage unceasingly exclaimed.

The expression of the delicate man was even more gloomy to the point where dark clouds were covered.

George Han did not affect his physical agility due to the electric shock. Once those staff members approached, they would be retreated by George Han.

Moreover, George Han didn’t keep his hands at all, every time he struck out with heavy punches, the staff members who were hit either died or fainted.

More than a dozen people, less than a minute. All fell under George Han’s feet.

All of this, electric light flint, seems to make people have an illusion and see an illusion.


“This guy is not even afraid of stun guns! He still has the power to resist.”

“These people, not all… are dead!”

Countless people took a breath at this moment, and looked at George Han in horror.

He… killed the insiders in the center of the earth?

No matter how cruel the people here were, how much blood they had on their hands. But they never dared to make trouble in the center of the earth, because they knew that there was still a chance to kill people outside, but killing people in the center of the earth was not only a dead end, but also suffered endless torture due to the confinement room. pain.

Therefore, after those with violent personality came to the center of the earth, their hostility was reduced a lot unconsciously.

Unscrupulous murder like George Han was something they couldn’t even think of.

And now. George Han really did it!

“This guy, isn’t he afraid of punishment from the center of the earth?”

“In my opinion, he doesn’t even know what it feels like to be in a confinement room. The endless darkness and silence is enough to make a nightmare for a lifetime.”

“Hehe, the darkness is like being swallowed by hell. The center of the earth will not let him die, it will make him collapse in this darkness.”

Those who were discussing George Han’s suffering from confinement did not know that when George Han came to the center of the earth, he had already accepted this test.

That kind of dark silence is indeed easy to make people collapse. But for George Han, as long as he thinks of Amelia Su in his mind, even if he is in the dark, his heart is a radiant and colorful world.

This mental suffering is not worth mentioning to George Han. Because Amelia Su can bring dawn to his darkness.

In the special area, the delicate man watched his men die in the iron cage ring, gritted his teeth with hatred.

He didn’t expect George Han to be able to resist the numbness caused by the electric current, and the fall of his subordinates made him lose face.

“Do you think you have the right to defy me if you can fight? Up to three months. I will let you obediently listen to me, and your fate will be in my hands after all.”

“You are just a dog, what I want you to do. What you have to do!”

The delicate man finished speaking and took out the phone.

“How is she doing?” The delicate man said after the call was made.

“Master, I have already warned her. If she can’t show her own value, I will let her die miserably. I believe she will find a way.” said the other end of the phone.

“If she can’t do it, send someone to Basin City immediately. Overthrow Mo Yang for me.” The delicate man said with a hostile expression.

“Master, will there be too much noise in this way? After all, the current Basin City is under Mo Yang’s control, and in China, we must act in a low-key manner.” The person on the phone was obviously concerned, especially The tone is emphasized on the word Huaxia.

“I don’t care how big the movement is. When my Nangong family does such a small thing, does it depend on other people’s faces?” The delicate man said firmly.

“Yes, Master, I will do what you said, but the time is not yet, I hope you can wait.” The man said.

The delicate man did not reply. Hang up the phone directly.

Looking at the arrogant George Han on the ring, he couldn’t wait to kill him directly.

However, he knew that George Han still had a lot of use value, if he was killed like this. It is a pity.

“Let you be arrogant for a while, no more than three months, you will kneel in front of me and bow down.”

In the ring, all the fallen insiders. None of them were still moving. Those who passed out to death seemed to have really died.

At this time, George Han’s image was a real killer. And still completely ignored the serious consequences that the earth’s center would bring to him.

In the eyes of others, this is worthy of admiration.

Since the establishment of the center of the earth, no one has dared to violate the order of the center of the earth. George Han not only set the stage, but also killed so many insiders in the center of the earth, even if they thought that George Han would definitely do what he did. To pay the price, but this will not prevent them from admiring George Han.

“This guy is really admirable.”

“Yeah, dare to challenge the center of the earth, who else besides him?”

“Think of it I used to kill people like numb, and my hands were stained with blood from dozens of people, but compared to him, it’s a fart.”

“What are ten people? I have killed hundreds of people, and even an entire upper-class family. I still don’t have to listen to the center of the earth obediently. How dare you defy the order of the center of the earth like him? This guy is probably better than ours. Any one of them is terrible.”

Everyone sighed, and their faces all showed respect for George Han. At this moment, they didn’t even want George Han to be punished. They even thought that George Han had a chance to overthrow the rule of the center of the earth and lead them away from this ghost place. .

Many people have this kind of thinking, but no one dared to say it. They can only bury it in their hearts. They admire George Han, but it does not mean that they have the courage to do the same thing as George Han.

The gopher sighed, and his heart began to worry again. After killing so many staff in the center of the earth, he didn’t know how the center of the earth would deal with him. The current situation is really getting more and more dangerous.

Chapter 522

Cloud City.

An elevator apartment.

Lily Jiang actually lived with the driver, but there was obviously a huge gap between the status of the two.

In the Su family, Lily Jiang, who rarely does housework, was mopping the floor and cleaning the house spotlessly. Even in the corners invisible to the eyes, he dare not be sloppy.

Compared with Lily Jiang’s treatment in the Su family, this is a world of difference.

George Han had not entered Zuo Su’s house. Wilson Su did all the work at home. Even if Lily Jiang blocked the toilet herself, Wilson Su would be able to dredge with the smell of the sky. She never cared about such things, let alone mopping the floor.

After George Han entered the family, Lily Jiang became more leisurely. All housework, including the responsibility of cooking, fell on George Han.

For so many years, Lily Jiang’s life has been unsatisfactory, but it has never been as low as it is today.

The driver sat on the sofa and watched the TV. Lily Jiang looked like a servant. There was a bit of a lady’s temperament. What’s more, Lily Jiang appeared very cautious, obviously afraid of offending the driver.

“Master called me. If you still can’t show the value of your own use, I can only kill you.” The driver said lightly.

This sentence shocked Lily Jiang. Since she met this guy, she would have been threatened from time to time, and once even almost died in the hands of this man. So Lily Jiang was very afraid of him, no matter what he said, Lily Jiang would follow suit.

Now that she is asked to return to Su’s house, this is what Lily Jiang is very willing to see, but unfortunately, Amelia Su is unwilling to even see her.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down, please give me some more time.” Lily Jiang said pleadingly on her knees.

The driver didn’t even look at Lily Jiang, stood up and went back to the room.

Lily Jiang sighed, thinking that she had lived in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain back then. Now it has fallen to this point.

But she still stubbornly didn’t feel that she had done something wrong, and she didn’t even feel that she was responsible for what happened today. All of this was regarded by her as the harm of George Han.

Lily Jiang often wondered, if this trash died early, how could there be such a disturbance in the Su family, and how could she be divorced and driven out of the Su family?

All the reasons are in George Han, who harmed himself.

Lily Jiang’s eyes became vicious, and gritted his teeth and said: “George Han, you made me fall to this point. Regardless of whether the evil in Amelia Su’s belly is a male or a female, he will also take responsibility for your sins. “

After cleaning the house hygiene, Lily Jiang also made a special dinner for the driver before leaving the house.

After Lily Jiang’s various inquiries, she knew where Wilson Su would be drinking tonight, so she was going to find Wilson Su. Since Su was unwilling to forgive her, she could only think of a solution on Wilson Su, and it was a big deal to show off to this trash man. As long as he is drunk, things will be much easier.

At the entrance of a certain restaurant, Lily Jiang was trembling in the cold wind. It was not long before the wine bureau started, and she was not in a hurry to meet Wilson Su, and things would be better when he was drunk.

Lily Jiang has already thought about taking Wilson Su to the hotel tonight, until he wakes up early tomorrow morning. Then pretend to be pitiful in front of him and use this method to return to the mountainside Villa.

After so many years of relationship between husband and wife, Lily Jiang doesn’t believe that Wilson Su can really ignore the old feelings, and in Lily Jiang’s view, it is Wilson Su’s honor that she can compromise with Wilson Su, how could he not accept it?

On a cold winter night, the breeze was biting.

Lily Jiang’s head was dyed with frost. Even the eyebrows began to turn white, and the whole body was shaking with cold. It was not until ten o’clock that Lily Jiang entered the restaurant.

Wilson Su and a group of friends and friends were very happy.

Since his divorce from Lily Jiang, he has become more unscrupulous in drinking, and no one is restrained. Whenever he wants to go home, he will go home when he wants to. Such a life is a dream for Wilson Su.

The divorce of Wilson Su had long been spread among friends, so when Lily Jiang appeared, everyone else was taken aback.

“Old Su, your ex-wife is here.”

“This is here to make peace with you. You guy has done nothing. I didn’t expect to have such a willing wife.”

“Lao Su must have some strengths. They all say that women are thirty wolves and forty tigers. If they don’t have a skill, how can they change their minds in the early stage?”

After seeing Lily Jiang, a few drinking friends couldn’t help but teased.

If you change to Lily Jiang’s previous temper, she would have slapped Wilson Su by the ear for a while, but now, she can only suppress her temper. Even when faced with ridicule, they have to smile.

Wilson Su turned his head and saw Lily Jiang’s face and showed an impatient look, and said, “What are you doing here. We are already divorced. Do you know how cool I am and how free I am now?”

Feeling Wilson Su’s attitude, Lily Jiang gritted her teeth unconsciously. She also expected Wilson Su to remember her old love, but Wilson Su had this attitude.

Lily Jiang will never understand Wilson Su’s mood.

Since the day of marriage, Wilson Su has not had the slightest dignity of a man in front of Lily Jiang. Being oppressed endlessly, he didn’t live like a man at all.


For Wilson Su, these three words are simply a joke.

He didn’t feel affection at all in Lily Jiang, so how could the old affection come from?

“Wilson, let’s find a place to talk.” Lily Jiang said.

“Talk?” Wilson Su glanced at Lily Jiang contemptuously, and said: “I have nothing to discuss with you, mother-in-law, hurry up and don’t hinder Lao Tzu’s good mood for drinking.”

This sentence made Lily Jiang clenched his fists in an instant. The former Wilson Su, how could he have the courage to speak to her in this tone, now he is really lawless?

Lily Jiang wanted to teach Wilson Su a lesson. But her current identity and position had long since lost the qualification to teach Wilson Su.

She was nothing but a woman who was swept out.

Lily Jiang took a deep breath and turned to leave.

“Old Su. You finally live like a man.”

“This woman used to eat you to death. We couldn’t stand it for a long time. I didn’t expect you to turn around one day.”

“Lao Su is now a winner in life, and the family is rich. The most important thing is that I don’t have a wife, so I can drink whatever I want. There are even more women outside.”

“A man has three achievements in his life, he is promoted to make a fortune and his wife is dead. Although you are not an official, the current situation is enough to make us envious.”

The flattery of a group of drinking friends made Wilson Su airy, and said in a magnificent manner: “You guys, if you want me to treat, just say, why bother? I’m just for today.”

“Old Su has the atmosphere.”

“The rich are really different.”

“We will definitely please come back next time.”

After Lily Jiang walked out of the restaurant, he did not choose to leave, but still waited at the door.

Since she is here, she can’t return without success, and this matter is at stake for her life, even if she wants her to lay down her dignity and let Wilson Su trample on her, Lily Jiang must do it.

Lily Jiang never dared to doubt what the driver said.

And she wants to return to the mountainside Villa and regain her life of glory and prosperity. There is only this way to go.

She wants to get back everything she lost.

She wanted to take revenge on George Han’s child all her hatred!

By the time it was almost eleven o’clock, Lily Jiang’s body became cold and stiff, and Wilson Su and his party finally walked out of the restaurant staggeringly.

Lily Jiang hid away. After everyone else took taxis and left one after another, she hurried to Wilson Su’s side and supported him.

“You…who are you.” Wilson Su said in a daze, top-heavy, obviously already drinking so dimly that he didn’t even know anyone.

Lily Jiang didn’t speak, but helped Wilson Su and walked towards a nearby hotel.

Wilson Su, who was drunk above, lying on the bed, only felt that someone had gotten into his arms. Wilson Su held Lily Jiang in his arms because of a man’s subconscious action.

Early the next morning, when Wilson Su woke up, he saw Lily Jiang sleeping beside him.

Wilson Su, who was suffering from a splitting headache, sat up instantly, but Lily Jiang, who was awakened, got out of bed and knelt in front of Wilson Su, with a pleading appearance.

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