His True Colors Novel Chapter 4980 – 4981

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Chapter 4980

“George Han?”

Tian Hong frowned. Not very familiar.

However, it is also a reserve army after all, so it still sounds familiar.

“Commander, this person is our enemy in this battle.” Someone reminded in a low voice.

With such a reminder, Tianhong suddenly remembered it thoroughly.

No wonder the name always felt a little familiar, it turned out to be the enemy protagonist of this battle.

Tianhong smiled immediately: “I didn’t expect that, so you are George Han. It’s a bit interesting, we didn’t look for you, but you came to the door by yourself?”

George Han smiled slightly, and replied: “It’s not that you are worried. It’s been too hard for you to find me, so I will send you to the door automatically to win your favor and save you some effort.” “


really are a reckless man, dare to come here alone. Forget it, I guard the food point , It’s a thankless job, no one can see how diligent and hard you are behind here, and the credit goes to the people on the front line in the end. Today, it’s different when you come, If there is a big man like you to give credit to me, then I will be able to rise to the top in no time.” Tianhong said with a tut.

George Han said: “It is indeed a very good opportunity, but the food is too big, whether it can be eaten or not is a problem.” Tian Hong glanced

around, saw no one coming, and the defensive cover was intact, he immediately said proudly : “I know you have some skills, you can sneak in quietly, and you can talk in front of us so that we can’t find it.” “

I admire this in Tianhong.”

“However, this is not

the capital that you can run wild with me here.”

Hearing this, George Han smiled slightly: “So, right now, shouldn’t this be the only preparation you have?”

More than three hundred people , dealing with Huya may still be easy and freehand, but it is not without difficulty. This can be seen from the previous battles.

Hong Zhen was guarding the grain point this day, so he might not be the kind of overly arrogant person in character.

Therefore, he shouldn’t think that he can take down George Han with only three or four hundred troops.

And he can still speak so wildly now, it can only explain one thing, that is, this guy must have a backup.

“Such a huge food point, although it is a logistics point, is also an important point. Do you think there is only this little force?” Tianhong said with a smile.

On this point, George Han didn’t think so.

The reason why he let Huya use outsmart first

is not just to outsmart, because the possibility of this is very low.

He actually wants Huya to use this method to test the depth of the opponent as much as possible, and how much information he can get is as much information.

In fact, although the effect of this trick is not particularly good, it is not without it.

At least, George Han roughly knew that the guards here should be three or four hundred soldiers as regular troops, who can be mobilized at any time to deal with most things.

But it is definitely only relying on these three or four hundred soldiers to completely guard the place.

Therefore, to be precise, George Han’s prediction basically did not deviate too much.

“I don’t think that with this little force, I certainly don’t think that only three or four hundred people can hold an important node.” George Han said with a smile: “If it were such an important place, I would not send too much

Heavily guarded, because it will make this place look too conspicuous. “

” Therefore, a few hundred troops is the best, but, on the other hand, this small force will make the defense here a joke. Therefore, I will prepare some big killers here, am I right? “

Hearing George Han’s words, Tianhong laughed coldly: “As expected of George Han, it is true that the views are completely different from ordinary people. However, I must also admit that you are right. “

” Yes, of course we can’t just have three or four hundred soldiers. “

“They are nothing more than daily chores. ” In other words, it is to do some ordinary chores. The really powerful ones actually have other arms. “

After saying that, he clapped his hands lightly, and suddenly, the surrounding earth walls began to slide down collectively, as if something was about to break out of the earth wall..

Chapter 4981


Inside the wall, several things moved slowly as the soil fell.

Afterwards, several clay figurines suddenly took shape and rushed out.

“My God.”

Seeing these clay figurines, Huya couldn’t help exclaiming.

Intuition also made George Han realize that although these clay figurines look ugly, they are actually nothing special.

He shrunk slightly, shielding his canines behind his back, staring at the clay figurines jumping out from under the earth wall with his eyes like eagles.

“Leader, it’s forty-two soldiers.”

“Forty-two soldiers?” George Han frowned.

“It is rumored that in the land of the demons, the killing was so heavy that there were blood rivers flowing almost everywhere on the ground. Later, these rivers of blood mixed with soil, filled with powerful demon energy and resentment, and automatically melted into forty-two clay figurines.”

“The demonic master blows his own demonic energy to these forty-two clay figurines, so that they can have life.” “

Because they have strong demonic energy, heavy resentment, and the breath of the demonic master in their bodies. After taking human form, they are powerful Very, almost people block people from killing, and Buddhas block from killing Buddha.”

“However, the Forty-two Soldiers are just a legend, and no one has actually seen them.”

George Han gritted his teeth slightly: “Because everyone who has seen them is Dead, isn’t it?”

Huya nodded: “Yes, they are unknown, so those who see them can only be killed. However, it is extremely troublesome to make offerings to them, requiring a lot of blood and demon energy. Therefore, Owning it and its consumption is something that ordinary people hardly dare to think about.”

“I didn’t expect that we could run into each other here.”

Even though food

points are extremely important, it is obviously beyond Huya’s expectation to use forty-two soldiers to guard this place.

“I know we have such a big killer, but I always thought that this kind of big killer can only be placed in the dragon veins of the headquarters. How could I have thought that we will meet here…” George Han understood

clearly nodded.

In fact, Huya didn’t need to introduce more, George Han knew that this bunch of clay figurines must be very powerful.

This is the induction between masters and masters.

“It seems that your elders are really planning to trap me here to death this time, and Xiaoxiaoliangdian is willing to spend such money.” George Han laughed.

“Leader, I’m sorry, I never thought there would be…”

“What? Are you scared?” George Han smiled.

Huya didn’t answer, but this action was enough for George Han to understand

his answer.

“I’m different from you, I’m not afraid.” George Han said.

Seeing that George Han is still so confident, even a little arrogant, Huya hastily advised: “Leader, the forty-two soldiers are far more powerful than you imagined, if we can be called immortal, then they are The ancestor version in the true sense.”

“Moreover, compared with us, the forty-two soldiers are most powerful because of their unparalleled offensive ability and strong coordination ability.” “

Forty-two soldiers are divided into forty-two soldiers, If they are together, they are one, so the lord…”

Of course, George Han understands this mechanism, just like summoning avatars by himself. When the main body is actually one person, the avatars of the natural individuals will cooperate with each other. Almost seamless.


, this way of others is obviously stronger than a clone.

After all, each family is its own body.

“So what?” George Han still sneered with disdain: “Since I dare to come here, then I must make sure that this place does not exist at all. Otherwise, what is the point of coming here? Is it for fear?

” Fantastic words, George Han, I hope you can keep this state forever, but don’t kneel down and beg for mercy, just like the traitor you brought, like a dead dog,” Tianhong said with a sneer.

George Han smiled contemptuously, glanced at the forty-two soldiers, and swayed slightly: “Then call your group of useless clay figurines to come up and try to see who is like a dead dog.”

Tianhong flicked his hand, forty-two At this time, the clay figurine also slowly walked towards George Han…

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