His True Colors Novel Chapter 4906 – 4907

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Chapter 4906


“Cloth from famous stores.”

Cloth from famous stores? !

Speaking of this, the people of Yetian City are naturally very clear.

This cloth is extremely miraculous, and the most important thing is that it can withstand extreme cold. Therefore, almost no one in Yetian City knows, and no one does not know.

After all, it is necessary for passing merchants to prepare this item. And the people living in Yetian City are actually manpower.

Although Yetian City is not as cold as the forest outside the city, there are still some things to be prepared for.

“We have long heard that the cloth of the famous store is famous far and wide, but this cloth can only be purchased in this cloth spinning, which also means that only people who are not far from Burning Bone City can take advantage of the conditions to buy it at any time.”

” For you, this is a common thing.”

“But for outsiders, this is a strange thing. The so-called rare goods can live, we also believe that if this cloth is

sold outside, the price will definitely make people happy, so, It can also let us exchange ice with peace of mind.”

“City lord, everyone, what do you think?” “

Oh, I forgot to say that a catty of cloth can be exchanged for 10,000 catties of ice, and we can keep the ice for you. You need it anytime, anytime. Come get it.”

One catty of cloth can be exchanged for ten thousand catties of ice? !

When they heard the news, a group of people completely opened their pupils.

At the current price of ice, a 10,000-jin pawn is worth tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of amethysts.

You must know that although the price of cloth from famous stores is indeed not cheap, it cannot reach this level of price.

Moreover, the most important point is that everyone has cloth, but tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of amethysts are not necessary!

Without him, even if there is, it is impossible to take it out without losing everything, right? !

Although everyone has made a lot of money selling ice,

there is a saying that it is easy to check into extravagance, but difficult to check from extravagance!

Everyone made a lot of money at once. Although they encountered problems temporarily and needed to spend money to solve them, if there were other alternatives, who would be willing to spend their own money? !

“Boss, is what you said true?”

“Is it true that one catty of cloth from a famous store can be exchanged for ten thousand catties of ice?”

“Boss, you didn’t mean to see the city lord here, so you said this on purpose, wait for the city lord As soon as you leave, you restore high prices?”

Although Yetian City is a city of trade, Luo Jin really has no way to control others for normal business, but this is Luo Jin’s territory after all, so even if you do business normally, But it is always necessary to consider the face of the other city lord.

Therefore, this reason for doubt is also very sufficient and appropriate.

The boss chuckled and said, “I have to admit that I naturally

want to give face to the city lord, but on the other hand, we really don’t want Yetian city to be littered with corpses. Therefore, we are serious about bartering things.”

“If everyone If you don’t believe me, we can ask City Lord Luo to supervise the whole process, and we can build an ice seat for City Lord Luo, so that he can watch the whole process comfortably.” Hearing this, everyone will look at me and I will look at you, even the other party dares to do

this Having said that, it seems to be true.

“I think it can be changed. Although the cloth of the famous store is indeed a bit rare, but we do not lack these in Yetian City.”

“Yeah, I bought some cloth five years ago, and I haven’t used it once.” “

But cloth is a key thing for us to keep out the cold, and we don’t usually use it, but once it’s extremely cold, it can save lives Ah, if I exchange ice at this time, what if the heat passes, what if the extreme cold comes one day?” “What are you

afraid of?

There is no , I don’t believe that the city lord will let everyone freeze to death, At that time, the old man will know how to find a way.”

“If the cloth is changed, if the extreme cold comes, at worst, I will freeze to death, but I don’t need to change the cloth, but if I buy it with my amethyst, damn, the extreme cold will come. I don’t know if I don’t come, I don’t know if I freeze to death, but I know, I’m going to die of poverty. What kind of death is not death? If the **** freezes to death, at least I can feel refreshed. Go home and get some cloth.”

“It makes sense, let’s see if we can live or not, let’s get through these hot days.”

After saying that, many people went back to get their own cloth.

Of course, some people stood still and did not dare to move, the reason is very simple, they are businessmen, in other words, they still need to go through the forest, and these cloths are still their necessities.

Seeing this, the boss had an imperceptible smile on his face…

Chapter 4907

Just change as much ice as you want.”

Most of the merchants actually have a lot of spare cloth when they go out, without him, it is inevitable that some special situations will be encountered in the forest. missed.

Therefore, at this time, it is always safe to prepare more, after all, it is related to life.

However, at this time, it is obvious that they can no longer make such a plan. They can only be careful with the only cloth they have, and take out the spare cloth and replace it.

Luo Ying’er glanced at Luo Jin: “Father, should we also change some?”

The Luo family actually has a lot of cloth, one is that it is easier to buy these cloths because of their status, and the other is that they are always the core department of the entire city’s operation

, Therefore, they need to prepare some things in this regard.

In case any merchant’s cloth is gone, or in case any city dweller loses cloth in his home.

As a functional party, they must make these thorough preparations.

Therefore, the City Lord’s Mansion actually has a large number of cloth from famous stores.

“Go and get some. You can exchange some for the family. In addition, exchange some for storage. See which family has no ice because they have no cloth or money. When the time comes, quietly send some over. Lives matter.”

Luo Ying’er nodded, greeted a few servants, and went back to the mansion with her maid.

About half an hour later, many people came back with cloth from famous stores.

As he said, the boss kept exchanging ice in proportion, and a new deal was in full swing. And the enemy camp ten miles away

in Yetian City . The elder frowned, his eyes fixed on the spies who came to report. “It’s really strange.” The elder said, and then stretched out his hand to feel the temperature slightly: “The weather today can be considered pretty good, but to be honest, it definitely has nothing to do with the heat.” , Inside Yetian City, it’s as hot as a steamer now?” “Elder, something is wrong.” “Yes.” The spy hastily lowered his head: “Your sentence is true.” “I bought ice when it was cold, but now Yetian City But it is strangely hot, and ice is sold again, and the people who buy ice make a lot of money.” “Could it be that those people who bought ice did it? But the question is, how do these people make Ye Tiancheng Extremely hot?” The elder muttered to himself, and was puzzled . More importantly, what is the purpose of doing this? Just to make money? ! “Go, investigate again!” “Yes!” The spy took the order and was about to go out when another spy from the city suddenly ran in. “Report to the elders, the ice sellers in Yetian City have made new news. They have engaged in the so-called barter. As long as they use cloth from famous stores, one catty can be exchanged for ten thousand catties of ice.” A subordinate heard this . , suddenly sneered and said: “Although the cloth in famous stores is indeed rare, it seems ridiculous that one catty of cloth can be exchanged for ten thousand catties of ice?”

“Yes, but, this is also a way to make money. After all, the cloth in famous stores is special. If you exchange it for money, it can indeed exchange a lot of money.

” Some people said that they also think the same way

, once it is spread outside, it will be a rare commodity, and it can be sold at a better price, and naturally, the cost and income of the ice will be recovered.” “No.” The elder raised his hand

suddenly : “No, no.”

Seeing the elder like this, a group of subordinates were very surprised. What’s wrong with this? !

“Elder, what’s the matter?” The special envoy frowned.

“The cloth from famous stores, are they really reselling it? Have you ever thought about a possibility…” The elder looked at the special envoy.

Seeing the elder’s serious eyes, the special envoy’s heart suddenly turned cold: “Elder, what do you mean to say, this cloth…is not bought and sold, but…is used to resist the extreme cold. What?”

“Then… then the mastermind behind this incident… Han… George Han, he…”

Suddenly, the special envoy was shocked to the point of petrification…

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