His True Colors Novel Chapter 4850 – 4851

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Chapter 4850

When they looked at George Han, their eyes seemed to prevent Buddha from tearing George Han into pieces.

The few people stopped talking nonsense, and they all resigned on the grounds that they had sudden personal affairs in their hands, but they actually went back quietly to study the next plan.

“Elder, do you really want them to compete with each other? Although the special envoy’s performance is not good, but the actual performance is not bad. Changing the coach before the battle is probably a big taboo, I am worried…”

Seeing them all “Let’s go,” the confidant next to the elder hurriedly said.

The elder looked closely at George Han in the bloody battle: “George Han’s thinking and style of play are too random and too changeable. If one person has to deal with him, I’m afraid it will be extremely difficult. “

Everyone has a set of ideas, which is a style of play. I hope that this can make George Han tired of coping. After all, George Han is too good at adapting to changes, and

soon after coping, He will use his weird way and unique style of play to make you follow his rhythm without knowing it.” The

confidant nodded: “I understand what the elder means.”

It is obvious that the elder hopes this is so much. Changed, each style of play was replaced urgently after fighting George Han once or twice.

In this way, they themselves don’t know what they will do next, and it is naturally impossible for George Han to guess.

Then, George Han’s desire to attract them into his rhythm in the future is just a dream.

“The elders are still alone, and the younger ones have been educated.” The confidant complimented.

The elder smiled slightly and waved his hands: “There is no need to flatter these people, it is just a certain change according to the characteristics of the enemy. Sometimes, the big taboo on the battlefield is indeed a taboo, but in some occasions, you should generous

Don’t be afraid to break these taboos, because the best solution is the best solution because of flexibility. ” After the

words fell, the elder raised his eyes and looked at George Han.

“Evil Taotie, change formation, I will be in front, you will be behind, I will be the main attacker, and you will be the auxiliary attacker!” “

” Understood. With

George Han’s order, the formation of one man and one beast changed.

George Han was like a sharp blade, piercing the enemy’s heart crazily, and the evil Taotie was like a huge dagger handle. The powerful booster dagger can play a more powerful role A huge impact.


Millions of lions, one man and one beast looked relatively small, but they were unstoppable all the way, killing them randomly.

Countless men in black turned into black gas under the attack of the two of them.

“There are too many enemies. “The glutton of evil roared angrily.

With a roar and a wave of his big hand, a group of people died under his sharp claws.

George Han frowned: “

Hold on for a while! ” After the

words fell, George Han opened the way directly with the sky fire and the moon wheel in his hands.

Boom! The

front exploded with a bang!

“Cover me. “


George Han flew directly to the gun, aiming at…

” What? handsome flag? “

“What is he doing?” “

I’m afraid, the special envoys never imagined in their dreams that George Han’s target was nothing but his own handsome flag

. Apart from this, there is no other substantial harm.

He went deep into his own position and took great risks, just for this? !

Just when the special envoy couldn’t figure it out, George Han flew up and pulled down the commander-in-chief flag.

“Gao Tie, let’s go!” As soon as

the words fell, one person and one beast instantly reversed their formation, the evil Tao Tie turned defense into offense, and

directly opened the way with his huge body, while George Han behind him put the enemy’s handsome flag on his back with his backhand, The jade sword in his hand is firmly guarded, and strangers are not allowed to approach.

One person and one beast, just like this came, and then went out killing all the way.

The special envoy’s face turned green, but the huge army was already doing its best to stop it, but it was really hard to resist the combined attack of the two UGs.

Despite the effect, it is still difficult to stop them from leaving.

When he wanted to pursue him again, suddenly, landslides appeared under the feet of his own soldiers, and he just watched George Han and the evil Taotie, coming and going… “


Looking back, the special envoy was furious and cursed.

At this time, George Han and the evil Taotie flew into the city. Afterwards, the main gate of Yetian City was slammed shut, leaving only chicken feathers, and the special envoy was there for a while…

Chapter 4851


If it weren’t for the support of a few cronies, I’m afraid I would really have to perform live.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, what does George Han think of me here? He can come and go freely?”

“Have the people defending the city on three sides retreated, and has the reinforcements arrived?” The

confidant asked quickly, “The special envoys have all followed suit. All of your orders have arrived.” The

special envoy calmed down a little, at least once the city defenses were stabilized, even if George Han returned to Yetian City, it wouldn’t cause too much trouble.

“Order the guards of the three cities to be loyal to their posts, and never allow them to act without permission if there is any disturbance. It is best for the three city defenses to work closely together to form an effective

protective .”


“In addition, let The patrol team is also stepping up their patrols, and we must not relax.”

“Understood.” The confidant nodded, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something: “Special envoy, I have something unclear.”


“This George Han came over aggressively. Let’s just kill people, what’s the matter with capturing our flag?”

Hearing this question, the special envoy couldn’t help but feel a headache: “You ask me, who should I ask?

” Hanging in our main battalion, if he wants to use our handsome flag to show off, I will not give him this chance.”


Seeing his cronies retreat, the special envoy let out a sigh of relief.

“Come here.” “My

subordinates are here.”

“Let all the frontline soldiers be assembled immediately and organized into formations.”


“By the way, have you found out about the landslide?” the special envoy asked.

The subordinate nodded: “During the war just now, we have sent people over to investigate, and there are indeed enemies. But…”

“But what?” the special envoy frowned.

“But it’s very strange. Although we can’t say that the enemies we found can be seen clearly, but…”

“Let’s be honest.”

“Yes, because the landslide is too deep, and the light is not good. So, what our spies saw was incomplete, but they noticed that there are really things under the ground, but these things don’t seem to be human.” The

special envoy raised his eyes: “I knew it was not human.”

“Inexplicable Appearing behind us, none of our millions of lions have discovered that if

they are human, what kind of talents they must have to be like this. At least not, everyone is George Han.”

“Those things are very Smaller, smaller than an earthworm, I guess it’s an ant.”

“Ant?” The special envoy frowned, thinking carefully: “It should be Ant-Man.”

“I’ve heard of this species, but they always Decline, I even thought they were extinct for a time, but I didn’t expect them to show up now, and they dared to stand on George Han’s side.”

“Ant-man is almost invincible in the soil, and it is easy to dig out the ground , no wonder they can chase us so quickly and make us collapse.”

“As for the attack on our back, it is probably the fault of these guys. They are very small. After our people are killed, the black air spreads, which can cover them a

lot They hide at any time, which can also explain why we only see their attacks, but not their people.”

“These ant-men, really deserve to die.”

“Special envoy, since it has been found out that it is very likely that this group of ant-men So, do you want your subordinates to lead people to arrest them immediately? Although they are almost invincible underground, but we are all in this place of demons, it is very easy to know how to deal with them.” The

envoy sneered coldly, extremely gloomy “No, such ant-man, who can be called a rare soldier, wouldn’t it be a pity to die like this.”

“What’s the special envoy’s

order?” , make arrangements for me.” After finishing

the words, the special envoy gently whispered into his subordinate’s ear…

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