His True Colors Novel Chapter 4846 – 4847

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Chapter 4846

If withdrawn, of course it is the best.

However, it seems too pity to throw away the city defense that was finally defeated after several days of fighting.

Should we withdraw? !

Although the special envoy would never admit it, he knew very well in his heart that he was really scared by George Han.

If you put soldiers on top of the city defense, it’s like putting a piece of meat next to the wolf’s mouth, so how could the wolf not try to move this piece of meat.

He was afraid that the soldiers on the city defense would be completely eaten up by George Han.

“It’s a pity to lose the downed city defenses, and it will make the people of Yetian City laugh at them, and let them quickly return to the city defenses to stand by. At the same time, you let the reserve army of the three sides of the city defenses move closer to the city defenses. Contact. It is necessary to prevent George Han from defeating them one by one when the time comes, you know?”

A subordinate quickly

took the order: “This subordinate understands.”

“Others, retreat immediately!”


Among the special retreat horns, black clothes The human team retreated again.

However, how big the involvement is now means how difficult and expensive it will be for them to withdraw their troops.

At the Scar, near the sea, George Han, and the Taotie of Evil, the four troops were delayed and killed continuously.

And where they have the most people, black air and landslides are also spreading, causing countless casualties.

“Withdraw, withdraw, the opposite side withdraws.”

“Damn it, George Han is really good. He was so close to being surrounded by others, yet he was able to complete a counterattack at such a critical moment.”

“The landslide is not a natural disaster, although I have not I know exactly how it was caused, but it is obvious that there is no such a coincidence without a natural disaster.”

“It may be luck once, but it can

not be luck every time. We all misunderstood George Han. He is not only a master, He is also an expert in tactics. Only now do I finally understand what kind of tricks George Han is playing.”

“Live to die.”

Yes, it is to live to die.

Every move of chess seems to be a mindless burial of himself, withdrawing the city defense, being surrounded, and then forced to play the cards in his hand in embarrassment.

But just when you thought it was all over for him, he suddenly turned around and killed him directly!

“Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to the extreme.” Luo Jin laughed and said, “It’s also thanks to the fact that George Han has no soldiers. If the roles are reversed, he has a million lions. I really want to see it. Today Is there any city below that can withstand his tactical attack.”

Luo Yinger’s eyes also bloomed with traces of admiration: “It’s really amazing, it looks like a dead end, but it’s actually a game within a game.

I think this time not only the opponent’s The enemy army didn’t discover George Han’s real purpose, even us spectators were always in the dark. The onlookers are clear, sometimes that may not be the case.”

“This George Han is really good.” Luo Jin smiled and said: “The opposite side The men in black have such an advantage, but they attack once and lose once. Although they are cautious enough, if they continue to fight like this, their morale will almost be lost.”

“Of course, they still have confidence.”

Luo Yinger said: “It’s just dad , Ying’er doesn’t quite understand, what are those landslides and what is attacking them from behind?”

Luo Jin shook his head: “The army of men in black who came into contact with those things on this battlefield doesn’t know, if you ask Dad, how does Dad know? Woolen cloth?”

“It’s quite mysterious, but father obviously guessed right. It seems that this group of people is really related to our borrowing of food.” Luo Ying’er said.

“Yes, this group of troops is very

strange . The attack was launched from the rear of the enemy army. There are people in front and behind. I really don’t know how they

got there .” Acting?”

Luo Jin thought about it carefully, and nodded: “It’s possible.”

“Father, in your opinion, what might George Han do next? He is going to chase and kill the enemy while they are fleeing now.” , and the poor are still not chasing after him, how about returning to the camp to reorganize?”

Luo Jin smiled: “On weekdays, as a father, I can analyze what George Han wants to do, but this time, father dare not guess.”

Although rational Look, returning to the camp to reorganize is the most appropriate choice, and continuing to hunt down is very dangerous and stupid, but who knows what other thoughts George Han has in mind?

His thoughts are completely different from others.

“Ying’er, what do you think?” Luo Jin asked.

Chapter 4847

such a choice is actually the most dangerous and worst choice for George Han. What’s the use of chasing after him? That’s the enemy’s stronghold. ” Luo Jin said.

Luo Ying’er smiled wryly: “If Dad asked Ying’er why she made such a choice, Ying’er really couldn’t answer, let alone think of the reason, but Ying’er felt that this was more in line with what George Han might want to do. “

Hearing this, Luo Jin nodded, but it did make sense.

To analyze what George Han is going to do, one must consider the problem with a very human way of thinking, without asking the reason or logic.


, George Han has his own logic.

“Interesting, I’m looking forward to it.”

Ye Tian said outside the city.

At this time, a slight smile appeared on Lu Ruoxin’s beautiful face.

She really didn’t expect that George Han would be able to play such an outrageous counterattack when it came to this point.

Really surprises, surprises.

“Miss, it seems that George Han called those Ant-Man over to help.”

George Han’s trip to the demon clan seemed lonely, but in fact, Lu Ruoxin and his party had been following closely all along. .

Naturally, they probably knew exactly what George Han had done and what he had met.

Lu Ruoxin smiled lightly: “Who would have thought that those seemingly useless Ant-Man back then could shine their light in such a big

scene ? I still remember Chi Meng when you criticized George Han thinks that what he did is purely out of love.”

Chi Meng lowered his head: “This subordinate is indeed blind.”

“Chi Meng, have you learned it now? It is precisely because of some inconspicuous things that caused We ignored them, and at certain critical moments, we were powerless. This is where George Han’s strength lies.”

“Although sometimes you don’t ask for anything in return, once you do, it will make you a lot of money. “

Chi Meng was convinced: “The subordinates must study hard in the future. Today, the achievements of this group of ants really shocked Chi Meng. Naturally, Chi Meng will be taught with an open mind.

” The reversal is decisive.


can intersperse without breathing, and they can also deliver the deadliest blow at the most concealed time.

“No one is more suitable for today’s support than Ant-Man.” Lu Ruoxin said: “I am looking forward to what George Han will do next, and this should be the day I am looking forward to today. Chi Meng, what do you think?”

“Naturally, the best strategy should be to attack the remnant soldiers first, count as many as they can kill, and then re-arrange the line of defense. The servant thinks that since Ant-Man is now playing a key role as a surprise soldier, naturally, George Han’s first task is to continue to ensure their security. Secrecy, so after completing the simple pursuit, you should deploy defenses at the landslide.”

“So, the landslide is still a quagmire of war, and the enemy can’t attack it if they want to attack it. If you occupy this place, George Han can still use it for a while. ” This terrain can be

stabilized for a few more days.”

Lu Ruoxin nodded: “Your method is very good, but the result is just as you said, just stabilize for a few more days, do you think this can fundamentally solve the problem?”

“But the opponent’s momentum is too great. If you want to win, this…” Chi Meng shook her head, “I’m incompetent.”

Lu Ruoxin didn’t speak, but still had a faint smile on his face.

After a while, her vermilion lips parted slightly: “I think George Han will fight, and moreover, hit hard.

” Deserters are okay, this… this is going to fight the enemy’s large army, what is the difference between this and death?”

“There is no difference, but I don’t know why, I just think George Han will do this!” Lu Ruoxin said: “We will wait Let’s see.”

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