His True Colors Novel Chapter 4840 – 4841

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Chapter 4840

Far away, Lu Ruoxin was a little stunned, above the gate of Yetian City, George Han stood alone, The jade sword in the hand is lightly held, preventing the Buddha from being an immovable god of war.

“What the hell are you doing?” Lu Ruoxin was full of question marks.

Even she is completely in a state of confusion at this time, not for other reasons, but simply because she thought she had guessed what George Han wanted to do, but in the blink of an eye, George Han came to a girl who was completely ignorant of her. Can’t understand the operation.

She doesn’t understand.

Why are you standing there alone? Does he still want to continue to resist the opponent’s army in black with his own strength? !

“Miss, you…do you know what he wants? Anyway, I can’t understand it at all.” Chi Meng shook her head, really speechless.

Sometimes, it’s ironic to think about it. You think you are familiar with him, so you naturally know him better than others. In the end, you find that you know

him so well, but you seem to know him better than strangers Not enough.

“I don’t know.” Lu Ruoxin smiled wryly and shook his head: “Maybe, we really can only be like the people of Yetian City, let’s see.”

After saying that, Lu Ruoxin set his eyes on the gate of Yetian City .

“George Han, what the hell are you doing?” The

envoy roared angrily, glaring at George Han.

Although there were not too many battles today, and the front was mainly to make up for it, but he was defeated twice in a row. In terms of face and caution, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

If even today’s landslide filling can cause any accidents, then he might as well just sit on his ass and die.

Therefore, the special envoy’s presence today is precisely to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Now, seeing George Han come out of the city, he couldn’t help cursing angrily.

“What’s wrong?” George Han

smiled lightly.

“How many days have we been fighting, are you still planning to continue playing the trick of hiding your troops?” The special envoy sneered: “Don’t you think I don’t know that you have withdrawn all the people defending the city on three sides?”

“You The news is quite well-informed.” George Han said. The special envoy disdained: “Joke, on the battlefield, reliable, accurate and rapid news is the eyes on the battlefield. If I can’t even handle this matter, what can I use to deal with you Han

George Han?”

Denied, nodded: “Yes, I did mobilize them to come here, but now is not the time to meet, stay a while, they will come.”

“Stay a while? Let me see how long you can stay, order!” The

subordinate hurriedly Said: “Yes!”

“The garrisons on the other three sides of the city, attack immediately!”

“Yes!” After the

words were finished, the subordinates sent an order, and the drums immediately rang loudly.


, the three-way army directly attacked the three city walls.

“If you dare to smack someone, I will dare to beat you.” The special envoy smiled coldly.

There are no defenders on the three walls, and they are almost broken in one blow.

“It’s meaningless for George Han to play like this. Once the three walls are breached, he will be completely surrounded by people. The situation will be even more tragic than yesterday.

” True, but it would be foolish to abandon the other three sides of the city.”

“George Han is constantly trying to delay the time of his failure, but the effect of doing so will only make mistakes more and more mistakes, and finally cast an even more irreversible defeat.”

Amidst the doubts of the spectators in Yetian City, At this time, George Han had already dispatched.

Its body is full of demonic energy, holding a jade sword and flying guns.

“Hmph, do you think I’m afraid of you? Where’s the reserve army?” The envoy shouted loudly.

” Here

.” The

left and right wings, all the troops shouted together. “According to the plan, kill George Han

for me. He must not let this person disrupt any of our army’s actions. Frontal forces should be added.

Qian rushed over.

The frontal army also seized the time and began to fill.

The other three armies came at a gallop, breaking through the city defenses.

For a moment, outside Yetian City, which had been peaceful all night, the flames of war reignited…

“Kill!” At this moment, shouts of killing

rushed over.

Scar led the members of the Polar Bear Legion, and suddenly appeared at the front door from nowhere, leading the charge.

“It’s just in time.” The special envoy smiled coldly: “George Han, do you still want to get cheap with such a tactic? Idiots are dreaming! Anyway, let you see how I prepared it for you.” After the

words, the special envoy’s face There is a hint of insidiousness on the surface…

Chapter 4841

“Second Reserve Team !

” With both wings, tens of thousands of people rushed out again, and directly attacked the polar bear army. “George Han.” The special envoy shouted to George Han who was fighting in the air with satisfaction: “Don’t you have some evil glutton, don’t hide it, just call it out together.” Obviously, dare to say In this case, the special envoy has already been prepared. It’s not that he’s bragging. Although he doesn’t plan to attack today, it doesn’t mean he isn’t fully prepared. He has corresponding countermeasures for any unexpected situation in the George Han Department, the purpose is to ensure the smooth progress of filling. “Once the filling is completed, the city defenses on three sides will be completely broken. George Han, you are just meat in our bag. Let me see how you struggle.” Looking at George Han fighting in the sky , the special envoy sneered. “Roar!” The next second, as the special envoy had expected, the evil Taotie charged directly with a huge body. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” With a cold shout, in the next second, tens of thousands of troops came out from the wings and rushed directly towards the evil glutton. “Look, this is the advantage of having a large number of people.” “Almost all of George Han’s soldiers and horses were crushed to death, whether it was beasts or cavalry, the opponent was able to control them to death.”

“It’s true. After fighting for so many days, the men in black have suffered enough, but on the other hand, they have almost figured out George Han’s bottom line. It’s like an old monk facing a fledgling Although the latter can rely on their own advantages of youth to complete the suppression of the old predecessors. But after a long time, the old man will be able to

clearly and clearly understand the skills you have learned. At that time, you still How do you fight against others?”

“We can all see that George Han really wants to make a move in this battle, but he can’t help it, he just lacks strength.”

“Yes, although I also have some expectations for what he can do , but it is indeed too embarrassing for him.”

Everyone shook their heads.

And the situation on the court was indeed as everyone expected.

Whether George Han, Scar, or the Evil Glutton, they were all targeted by their respective men in black. Under such a heavy siege, it was almost difficult to separate themselves.

Like three isolated children, although they resist tenaciously, they still cannot stand the ravages of reality.


And what was worse was still behind, with three loud muffled bangs, the three city walls were completely breached by the men in black almost at the same time.

With the city

gates wide open , armies from three sides quickly entered the city, and then occupied the city defenses and sent troops to join the front.

“It’s over, it’s over, this time, George Han is completely over, and the opponent is about to complete the full siege.”

“In order to stabilize the frontal defense and prevent the opponent from filling the landslide, George Han is a little bit this time. The gain outweighs the loss.”

“After all, even if the enemy wants to make a general attack, they need to repair the landslide first. As long as the city defense is strong, in fact, at least they can persist until the opponent repairs it. According to the current area estimation, if you want to completely fill the landslide, at least after nightfall today, that is to say, even if George Han doesn’t bother, at least he will die after nightfall, and now he shortens the date of death by himself, and at the same time, it is futile.”

As long as it is completed Encircled, the opponent has a greater advantage.

At that time, the landslide didn’t even need to be filled in much more completely, and George Han had to face a very cruel living environment.

George Han, this is a reminder for himself!

Luo Jin also nodded, and patted Luo Yinger’s head, bitterly and helplessly: “The general situation is over.”

Luo Yinger rarely disagreed with her father on the issue of George Han. Indeed, the whole battle has been fought until now. There are almost no variables anymore.

No matter how strange George Han was, he still couldn’t use it under the heavy siege of the enemy.

The overall situation has indeed been decided, and the general trend has indeed come to an end.

“It’s a pity.” Luo Yinger sighed. “Although he was defeated, George Han

has already won the respect of everyone. No one can resist like him before losing.”


To reach the main entrance…

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