His True Colors Novel Chapter 4790 – 4791

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Chapter 4790

Haijin and Peimu, Peiyuan have already gathered.

Although the battles on the front lines are tight, after fighting for so long, everyone is fighting like headless flies. Therefore, we still need to meet as soon as possible to discuss countermeasures.

The good thing is that the Evil Glutton stayed there. Although it only had one person, with his speed, it could still rush there immediately when it needed support.

“Scar, there is a serious shortage of manpower. If the enemy launches a second wave of attack, I don’t think… we will be able to withstand it either.” Hai Jin said.

Scar nodded. After a brief victory, he quickly realized the reality: “Although we have the evil glutton to help us, after all, there are too many enemies. As long as we restrain him in batches, then we will We can be wiped out during this limited time.”

“Yes, so, we must formulate a corresponding strategy tonight, no matter whether we win or lose, at least we have to stand and die.”

“Or, the defense line shrinks?” Pei Yuan spoke.

The smaller the line of defense shrinks, the more convenient it is to communicate with each other, but the disadvantage of this is that the people surrounded by them are also smaller.

Just like the stuffing in the bun, it can’t move.

“The smaller the range of the cavalry charge, the less lethality. We are already very few. If… if we want to use this strategy, we will only become more and more dangerous.” Hai Jin said.

Pei Yuandao: “But Uncle Haijin, we are already in danger. No matter how big the place is, no one will die.”

Yes, what if I give you a city of thousands of miles? Insufficient troops, unable to resist, after all, not their own.

“Let’s just follow Pei Yuan’s opinion. We have no choice now. We can only gather the remaining 10,000 troops as close as possible. In this way, at least we can hold on for a while,” Dao Scar said.

Hai Jin thought for a moment, then nodded: “That’s the only way to

go.” “Well, after the line of defense shrinks, we will adopt the strategy of high-grade horses and low-grade horses. Pei Mu’s current strength is the weakest, so you can go head-on. Take care of it here, and Pei Yuan and our department will respond to each other. Once the opponent attacks, we will fight if we can, and if we can’t fight, we will try our best to get closer to the responding side, and finally, the mission will be completed.”

Hai Jin did not use the word victory, It was the mission. He knew very well that they would not win this battle.

“Okay, that’s the decision.” After saying that, Dao Scar glanced at Hai Jin, Pei Yuan, and Pei Mu with some reluctance.

Sighing, he said, “Farewell at this time, the four of you and I may say goodbye forever.”

“Not much to say, it is an honor in my life for Scar to know you. Be friends with you guys.”

Hai Jin nodded: “It’s late to meet, scar, take care.”

Pei Mu and Pei Yuan also glanced at each other, the men of the Pei family have very different personalities, but they were surprisingly surprised by the last choice unanimous.

“Everyone, let’s act.”

After saying a word, Scar took the lead in raising his gun and turned around to rush to the front line, but he stopped suddenly after not taking two steps.


Looking in the direction of the scar, I saw a peaceful place in the distance, and only a part of the army on the opposite side remained on standby, and there was obviously a lot of space behind.

“What does the enemy mean? They won’t fight tonight?”

Looking back at the other three sides, the situation is almost exactly the same as here.

Judging from experience, the opponent seems to have really died down and is not going to fight anymore.

“It’s strange. After suffering such a big insult, wouldn’t those people come to take revenge immediately, and instead go back to the camp and go to sleep?” Dao Scar rubbed his head, somewhat puzzled.

“That’s right, they were still preparing the army for the second attack just now, why…how come after we discussed it for a while, it turned out…” Hai Jin was also a little puzzled.

Pei Mu frowned slightly: “Could they be trying to make us careless, and then attack us in the middle of the night? If they lose, they will definitely find a way to beat us.”

Pei Yuan also agreed: “I I think so.” Dao Scar

stroked his chin, thinking carefully, and after a while, he suddenly said: “Or? ” It’s all dead, if you don’t hit me, I’ll fu**ing hit you. But at this moment, a small soldier suddenly ran over: “Commander, the leader has orders!” What? !

Chapter 4791

leader have an order?

From the beginning of the battle, the leader seemed to disappear suddenly. He sent someone to the restaurant to look for George Han, but the people in the restaurant said he was gone.

He asked people to continue searching in the city, until the Lord Luo told him that George Han had been missing for several hours.

No one could find him, and he sent people to search for him for a long time, but they couldn’t find him.

Dao Scar was very desperate at that time, but he suppressed the news and did not tell his subordinates, only told the three of Haijin about it.

Now, the soldiers suddenly came with an order from the leader. How could this not surprise and shock the four of them?

“The lord’s order, where is the lord?” Dao Scar hurriedly pulled the person to ask, because he was too nervous and excited, he even grabbed the little soldier’s arm with his hands involuntarily.

Fortunately, everyone is wearing golden armor, and the golden armor on this arm can protect them.

“Report to the commander, the little one doesn’t know where the leader is.”

“You don’t know where he is, so where did you get the order from?

” I’ll send you a message.”

“What message?” Scar said urgently.

“The leader wants you to camp and rest tonight, and you are not allowed to act rashly.”

“What? Don’t want me to act rashly? And… you want me to camp and rest?”

Such an opportunity when the enemy’s morale is low, it is inevitable to fight back It will cause huge damage to the enemy, and George Han actually asked… asked himself not to go?

If this is considered prudent, it is not unreasonable, but it is a bit outrageous to set up camp.

What is the gap between the two sides now? That is heaven and earth.

You set up camp here, and if the enemy sends a random squad to attack, it will kill the entire cavalry.

This is too ridiculous, right?

“You can see clearly, it’s really the leader himself?” Hai Jin asked.

This is really anti-intellectual, but if you think about it carefully, this may be the enemy’s trick. The purpose, of course, is to hope that they will do so, and then at night, they can take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack and defeat them.

Just say it yourself, how could those people have lost the battle in such a situation, how could they not have other ideas? !

But what confused Haijin was that the little soldier nodded immediately: “I’m sure, it’s the leader.”

“Is it really the leader?

” Undoubtedly, my lord.” Xiao Bing said hurriedly.

This time, Hai Jin was even more confused, followed by a group of people with big eyes and small eyes.

If it is really the lord, why did he give such a strange order? !

Which does not conform to all the basic logic on the battlefield.

“Really?” Hai Jin really didn’t believe it.

“Really, the lord was afraid that you wouldn’t believe me, so he gave me a special token and asked me to give it to you.”

After saying that, the soldier took out a token from his pocket and handed it to Scar.

Scar took the token, took a closer look, and looked up at the other three: “This token is indeed from the leader.”

“That is to say, this outrageous order was really given to us by the leader?”

“Damn , this is too…”

Scar was speechless.

Hai Jin was also speechless.

In fact, it is impossible to confirm the identity of the leader, at least he can find a reason for this broken order.

But now…

“Hai Jin, what should I do if it’s really the leader’s order?” Dao Scar asked.

Hai Jin gave him an angry look, “What else can we do? Let’s do it.”

“But setting up camp here is too dangerous, isn’t it? We are so close to the enemy, if anything happens, we… We are simply lying on the ground and let people be killed.” Scar said anxiously.

Hai Jin was full of impatience: “Okay, okay, what can we do about the leader’s order? Even if he wants us to stretch our necks to face the enemy’s sword, we have to stretch our necks. Act now!

” A group of people started to act…

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