His True Colors Novel Chapter 4766 – 4767

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Chapter 4766

His handsome figure disappeared into the night.

About half an hour later, the maid Ming’er was counting the food in front of the warehouse.

These are the grains that George Han wanted and the city lord assigned.

After half an hour of counting, basically all the confirmed goods have been loaded into the car, and they are waiting to be sent to the restaurant where George Han is located.

“Damn George Han, it’s late at night and you still need food and food. You’ve caused this girl to be jolting around outside at such a late hour. You deserve to die.”

After swearing, she was about to turn around when she heard a chuckle. .

“Miss Ming’er, I see that the whole Luo family doesn’t want me to die, how can I deserve to die?” Looking

back, the servant girl’s face turned red all of a sudden: “It’s you damn George Han again!” , I didn’t see you when I was counting, now my car is all loaded, you are here!”

Obviously, George Han

disappeared for half an hour and suddenly appeared here, for her, it can only be George Han Thousands of lazy, so cause this to happen.

George Han didn’t argue with her, and took a look at the packed grain. There were ten carts, dozens of tons, enough to eat for a long time.

“Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other, so don’t be greedy.”

Looking at George Han’s salivating appearance, the maid said with a cold face.

George Han moved his hand, and then took out an amethyst card: “Don’t worry, you’re indispensable.”

“Okay, put your things here, and you can leave,” George Han said.

Accepting the card, the maid glanced at George Han: “Do you want us to deliver it to a restaurant or other designated location?”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Ten cars.” I was so mad at this idiot.

Even if he feels guilty and wants to carry it by himself, he can only push one cart at most.

How can he push these ten carts?

Could it be that you have to use your cultivation to push it?

Thinking about that empty alley, this guy was pushing ten grain carts in the air, she couldn’t help but want to roll her eyes.

It’s really weird.

“Ten cars are fine, I will move them myself.”

“Okay, that’s what you said, but don’t think that the people in Luo Mansion are not doing enough.”

“Don’t worry, since I told you to leave, naturally you won’t You will be blamed.”

“Okay, we won’t stop anyone who wants to be a strongman, let’s go back to the house.” After

saying that, the other workers immediately put down their work and followed the maidservant back.

Along the way, the maid turned her head several times, wanting to see if George Han had any regrets.

After all, he was the buyer after all, and the master also told him to deliver the grain, so if he regretted it and didn’t see it, he would have to say he wasn’t in the end.

But seeing that George Han just watched her leave indifferently, she was sure that this guy was really crazy.


Watching them leave, George Han couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he moved his hand slightly, and immediately ten carts of food were directly sent to the space ring by him.

After glancing around to make sure there was no one around, George Han disappeared into the night again.

After he left, a few dark figures came out from the darkness immediately.

“This George Han really came here to buy food. What do you think he is doing? Is he going to fight us?”

“Maybe, just like what the girl from the Luo family said, he wants to run away to buy food. ” “

In any case, we must report this news to the special envoy as soon as possible. What exactly George Han wants to do is not our responsibility.”

“That’s right, I’ll send someone to spread the information now

. I’ll leave it to you here.”

“Don’t worry.”

“This George Han’s whereabouts are floating, so be careful.”

Both parties warned each other, and then disappeared into the night in the opposite direction.

Soon, a figure left the city, and a figure chased closely towards a certain place in the city.

After chasing for about a quarter of an hour, he obviously couldn’t understand: “What does George Han mean? Take me around the city all the time? What do you want?”

That’s right, after coming out of the granary, he Leading people all the way to follow George Han closely.

However, although people had never been lost before, George Han was clearly leading them around in circles.

Just when he was annoyed, George Han in front finally stopped, and then he got up and walked towards the building inside.

He quickly followed, but when he looked at the place, he was stupid…

Chapter 4767

“Could it be that he found out that we were following him?”

, You can lose it, but you must not let George Han find out.

But now, George Han took them around the city for so long, and it turned out that…

he returned to the restaurant where he lived? !

Isn’t this followed by loneliness?

“Captain, what should we do now?”

“Have we been discovered, or is this guy very careful?”

If one had to choose one of the two answers, then everyone would be willing to believe the latter.

Nothing else, just because if it is the former, it is his negligence, and if the people above know about it, then they may have to move their heads.

“Whether you’ve been discovered or not, listen to me

. George Han didn’t discover us, but he is more vigilant, you know? If anyone leaks his words, everyone will die.”


See everyone In response, he breathed a sigh of relief: “Let’s not be careless, and immediately notify the brothers in other places. We still have to investigate everywhere and collect all kinds of information in the city. Don’t relax just because George Han is back.”

“Yes .”

After the gang dispersed, calm was restored there.

After George Han went to the restaurant, he returned to his private room.

He closed the window gently, and then lay down on his chair.

In fact, there were too many idlers in Yetian City, and when George Han tried to use his spiritual sense to distinguish whether there were people around, he often returned in vain.

Naturally, George Han couldn’t find those spies


However, George Han is not stupid, he absolutely does not believe that in such a big Yetian City, the other party will not send spies to follow him, so George Han is very careful and vigilant all the way here.

“However, no matter how vigilant you are, I also know that you know what I said and what I did.”

“Take you for a walk, you should be very comfortable?”

“But, do you really think that I just take you for a walk? ? I hope you will know the truth by then, and you won’t suffer too much.” After

saying that, George Han closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.

And as George Han fell asleep here, time also passed quickly.

He didn’t know that the outside of the quiet and quiet Yetian City was full of storms and clouds at this time.

Two groups of large troops rushed towards this side respectively.


behind them, there is a small army that is also working hard towards this side.

The night… is getting deep soon.

Before dawn was about to break, everything was finally in place.

First of all, the opponent’s million reinforcements arrived more than an hour earlier than expected. They should have arrived at dawn, but now they arrived at dawn.

This million-strong army is also worthy of the title of the lion, almost like the men in black in the vanguard, each of them looks extremely fierce.

“Elder, our people are all here, do we need to launch an attack in advance?” The

elder sneered, “There’s no rush, people are here anyway, let’s give George Han a little chance to breathe.”

The special envoy said with a sly smile: “Yes.”

However, even so, he hurried down first to set up the battle position.

And the other end.

Chi Meng also quickly ran to Lu Ruoxin’s side, bent over and said respectfully: “Miss, they have arrived, what’s going on now?”

Taking advantage of the darkness, entering Yetian City in the dark, with the cultivation base and ability of this group of people is not a problem, As soon as the day breaks and the war starts, these people who have already entered the city will inevitably throw away their helmets and armor after being killed by the army.

This is the best solution.

“Let them stand by.”

“What? Miss, if the sky dawns, our disadvantage will undoubtedly be even greater. I’m afraid… I’m afraid that even we will…”

“I’ve thought about it for a long time, I really I want to see if George Han can create a miracle again, so… stand by and listen to my orders…”


Chi Meng retreated, but the last army was also marching quickly…

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