His True Colors Novel Chapter 4752 – 4753

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Chapter 4752

. Are you joking with Ming’er?”

George Han admitted that he has no way to deal with it at all, and it is clear that he is just waiting to die there, what can he do? !

“Father, what do you mean?” Luo Ying’er couldn’t help asking.

“What’s the name of a poem? Others laugh at me for being too crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through it. Originally, I had the same opinion as you, from worrying about him at the beginning to giving up completely at the end. I also thought that George Han might be It’s over, I waited for the opportunity to escape. But judging from some of your conversations today, it seems that I have seen it too, but after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a brilliant move.” Luo Jin laughed.

“Master, I don’t understand what you said at all.” The maid was even more confused.

Luo Ying’er was also

trying her best to recall her father’s words, but she really couldn’t figure out what George Han’s brilliant move was, and where was it.

“Some things can only be felt, not expressed.” Luo Jin shook his head with a smile: “Besides, George Han has such thoughts, if I say it, it will be a mess for him. Since, I I hope he wins, and of course, I don’t want any extra problems.”

Seeing Luo Jin betraying the situation, Luo Ying’er and the maidservant were not to mention how anxious they were.

“Master, just tell us.”

“Yes, father, my daughter also wants to know.”

“We are not outsiders, master, we promise not to mention it to others.”

Although Luo Ying’er was not as thick-skinned as the maidservant, she clearly gritted her teeth and nodded her inner desire.

Seeing the two girls like this, Luo Jin didn’t reply in a hurry, but turned his head to look at the mansion,

then smiled intentionally, and said: “Okay, I’m a little thirsty, go to the back room and pour me a cup of tea. “

How could the two women not understand the meaning of this, and immediately followed Luo Jin happily back to the back room.

And at this time, outside Yetian city.

The flames of war are still burning, with Yetian City as the center, almost all sides are full of flames.

“Special envoy, after another night of consumption by us, the enemy army is obviously exhausted now. I believe that if we fight for another day under this situation, the enemy army will lose its combat effectiveness.

” The situation was reported in the past.

The special envoy nodded. Judging from the current offensive situation, the current results are expected.

Although a bit slower.

“Special envoy, if we want to be quick, we will intensify the wave, and the enemy will be scattered even more. Do you think there is a need for this?” the subordinate asked.

“No need

, I have the advantage and I have the situation. Slowly fight with George Han. Why are we in no hurry?” the special envoy said.

“The special envoy’s words are reasonable, and this subordinate is taught. Then, this subordinate will pass on the order and inform everyone to attack according to the original plan.”

“Wait a minute.” The special envoy stopped his subordinate, and continued: “How is the information in the city? Han Is there any movement from George Han?”

“Special envoy, it’s almost the same as what I reported to you before, this George Han has stayed in a restaurant and reserved a private room since the start of the battle. At first, he drank with Luo Jin all night The wine.”

“After that, I stayed in the private room to be decadent and depressed.”

The special envoy frowned slightly: “Will he be depressed? It’s unlikely. This rabbit is in a hurry and wants to bite people. He is also a capable person. How could he just lie down? Is it a trick?”

“It should be like this, Even everyone thought so, so Luo

Jin ran to the private room for nothing in the next time, but guess what happened?” The

special envoy smiled, but he became interested: “Tell me.”

“Luo Jin touched his nose Gray. Of course, if this is not the most ridiculous thing, then what is even more ridiculous is that Luo Jin’s daughter Luo Yinger risked being pointed out and went to find George Han.” The

special envoy frowned: “I heard It is said that at the auction, Luo Yinger spent a lot of money to buy George Han who was pretending to be a slave at the time. This Luo Yinger is smart and knows people. She went to George Han probably because she wanted to replace him. Is he making suggestions? This Luojin is lucky to have a very smart daughter.”

“Yes, but not only was George Han disgusted when she went, but George Han directly issued an expulsion order, but the two girls were not taken away. I’m so pissed off.”

“What else is there?” At this moment, the special envoy became interested, and called the subordinate back with a hook…

Chapter 4753

“Everyone in the city is laughing at this.”

Hearing this, the special envoy also nodded and smiled.

“Actually, for George Han to do this, there is really no silver three hundred taels here. He is a fool and he knows that he is just pretending. In fact, he probably wants to take advantage of the chaos to escape quietly.” The subordinate said. .

The special envoy nodded, but it made sense, and this could just explain why George Han was still fighting a war of attrition with him knowing that he couldn’t do anything until now.

He’s not stupid, this guy has other thoughts.

When the two waves of fierce battles are almost over, the combat effectiveness is reduced, and the concentration is also lowered, then George Han will recharge his energy and break through alone at this time, naturally he will not be

aware of it.

“However, could it be George Han’s suspicion?” the special envoy asked.

If he wants to run away, George Han can also directly participate in the battle, at worst, he just needs to work without any effort.

In this way, wouldn’t it be more realistic to run when the time comes?

But why do you do this? !

“Are you worried that George Han deliberately acted for us? Deliberately lured us into the bait? But what is his purpose for doing this? Could it be that he wants us to be negligent and counterattack us? What qualifications does he have for counterattacking?” Us?” The subordinate objected.

Even if he wanted to break his head, the special envoy didn’t understand what George Han was using to play tricks.

However, for the sake of prudence, he still decided to discuss with the elders first.

Thinking of this, he got up and ordered: “Order the troops to continue to attack as before. If there are other

changes, I will inform you after my discussion with the elders.”

“Yes.” The

subordinate took the order to leave, and the special envoy also quickly He rushed to the camp of the elders in the rear.

As soon as he entered, he reported all of today’s battle reports.

At the same time, he also told the elders what he had previously discussed with his subordinates.

“This fact is a bit strange, and it is difficult for me and my subordinates to decide for a while, so I would like to ask the elder to make a decision.” The

elder nodded slightly, and looked at the special envoy: “There is one thing about this matter. Is it easy to get the information from the source?

” What does the elder mean by this?”

“The information that you can easily obtain is naturally very likely to be the information that the enemy wants you to know. And this is also related to reality, understand?”

“Is it difficult to obtain information ? It’s hard, it’s not easy to say, after all, we already have

our own , so it’s not a big problem to get some confidential information.”

“How much do you know about this?” the elder said.

“Some people still know, but not many. Everything about George Han’s actions is actually speculation. However, I see the reflection of the Luo family, and this matter is more in line with what I just said. George Han has a purpose. It’s just that the subordinates can’t tell whether he wants to escape or counterattack us.” The

elder didn’t speak immediately, frowning and thinking carefully. To be honest, he still can’t see George Han’s move until now. Understand.

When you say he wants to escape, all the logic makes perfect sense.

But when you say that he wants to counterattack, it seems reasonable. You will always doubt the authenticity of the news or whether George Han deliberately put up such a plot to make them think he wants to escape.

“Elder, what shall we do?


elder raised his head: “To be honest, I couldn’t understand what George Han wanted to do for a while, special envoy, what’s your opinion?” The

special envoy heard the words and said: “If the elder wants to ask the subordinates, the subordinates suggest that the soldiers resting in the rear should start to pay more attention to the surrounding area.” Anyway, George Han’s actions are now the most controversial. There are two points, either run away or counterattack. “

” If he counterattacks, I really don’t know what he is capable of. Moreover, we have enough soldiers on the front line to resist, and we are not afraid. “

Hearing what the special envoy said, the elder nodded, which made sense.

“Okay, in your opinion, arrange it immediately. However, before making arrangements, I have two requirements that must be fulfilled. Only in this way, I believe we can take the initiative in dealing with George Han. The

special envoy bowed his head: “Elder, please clarify.” “

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