His True Colors Novel Chapter 4740 – 4741

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Chapter 4740

eyes slightly, George Han entered the final nap.

Not long after, the sky brightened again.

In the camp outside Yetian City, the commander’s camp was also lit all night.

The envoy came in with some special breakfast, which looked extremely scarlet and had a slight stench.

However, for the elders, this is the top delicacy.

“Elder, you haven’t slept all night, eat something.” The special envoy put down his things and obediently stood aside.

There are a lot of maps in front of the elder’s desk, many places are filled with various lines and notes. Obviously, last night, he did not rest, and he was studying how to fight this battle almost from the beginning to the end. .

Looking at the dense marks on it, the special envoy frowned slightly: “Elder, although you said that you overestimated your opponent, it is not wrong, but you… you are too overestimated, right?”

Judging from the notes, although

Although it is not clear what kind of tactics they are, but anyone with a little military literacy can clearly see that there are at least twenty types of tactics here.

Those who knew knew that they were attacking George Han with an army of 800,000 this time, but those who didn’t know thought it was George Han who was attacking them with an army of 800,000.

This elder is too exaggerated.

The elder smiled and said, “You know what this battle means.”

“We can still use the outer city as an excuse for failure in Tianmo Castle, so we don’t care about it, but Yetian City is already the core, and it is ours.” How can we bear it in a commercial city?”

“No matter what happens in this match, we must win a big victory, and we will never allow any losses.”


“My subordinate understands.” The special envoy nodded: “By the way, the sky will be bright soon, and we will follow yesterday’s layout Already attacking

all night, elder, do you want to change your attack?” The

elder smiled and looked at the special envoy: “In your opinion?”

“The elder’s unmoving attack actually worked, and George Han was not there. At the scene, several cavalry were sent back and forth to attack. We counted the number of cavalry, and there are about 3,000 cavalry in this team, all wearing armor and riding giant beasts.”

“Three thousand?” The elder looked up, somewhat puzzled Look at the envoy.

The special envoy was stunned: “Elder, do you think there is a problem with this? Soon after the war started, I ordered the men to keep counting the number of people. I can guarantee that the number of these 3,000 troops will not be too many, because I thought they would continue to charge, so I ordered It is recorded by people’s faces.”

He can almost guarantee that even if the number is poor, it will definitely not be so bad.

Because it is absolutely impossible to make any mistakes in such a method of counting faces, is it possible that George Han’s

people will not be able to make up?

“I don’t suspect that you counted too much, but I suspect that you counted too few.” The elder said.

“The number is low?” the special envoy was puzzled.

“That’s right, and the small number may be extremely large.” The elder laughed. Seeing that the special envoy was puzzled, he smiled lightly and said, “What are those cavalrymen


“Golden armor, holding a golden spear.”

He made a lot of money, and even built a golden city for himself.” The

special envoy nodded: “It is true.”

“But after the destruction of the Demon Fortress, the golden city suddenly disappeared. You are in contact with the golden cavalry you saw. Did you think of anything?” The

special envoy frowned suddenly: “What do you mean ?” Yes, the gold from the Golden Castle was used by George Han to forge armor and

equipment, and it was given to this cavalry?”

“There are no other towns on the road between Tianmo Castle and Yetian City, so naturally, if this batch of gold really becomes armor , it can only be forged by George Han.”

“But elder, in such a short period of time, how could George Han forge armor for 3,000 people, or even more people in your opinion? Even if we let Yetian City’s armor now The craftsmen rushed to make it overnight, but it was only a few hundred pairs in a few days.” The special envoy said.

If the elder guesses like this, isn’t that why he can’t help himself?

The elder smiled wryly: “This is also where I am confused. Let’s not care about how he forged it. Let me ask you, if those golden cities can really forge armor, how many pairs do you think will be forged?” The

special envoy did not speak. , looking at the elder, his mind was spinning rapidly: “Elder…at least…at least…”

Chapter 4741

Let’s see how many pieces can be forged after spending a thousand amethysts in Yetian City.” The

special envoy frowned and hurriedly called his subordinates to get a copy of Yetian City’s bill.

The subordinates had already prepared for it, and took out the bill in a short time.

Although the tax has not yet been accounted for due to the appearance of George Han, how can it be possible that the forces behind them only get the bill from Luo Jin?

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a joke for Luo Jin to create a fake bill? !

They have their own eyeliner, even if Luo Jin does not pay the bill, all the transactions that happened in Yetian City will be clearly recorded.

After flipping through the bill, the special envoy frowned for a moment: “Elder, this George Han bought a lot of things.”


normal , if my guess is right, these materials were bought for his cavalry.” The

special envoy Without further ado, I quickly made a simple calculation of the bill.

Afterwards, he looked up at the elder, and said, “Based on a rough estimate, Han’s three thousand money is probably enough for him to equip about twenty thousand cavalry.” The

elder smiled: “Twenty thousand, compared with the three thousand you just paid Come on, how much is the difference?”

Hearing this, the special envoy immediately lowered his head in embarrassment: “It’s the subordinate’s negligence, but can he really forge so much equipment?”

“Even if George Han is powerful, but In such a short period of time, it is impossible…”

“Originally, I didn’t believe that George Han could do it, but as you said, you saw with your own eyes that they had at least 3,000 cavalry charging forward. In other words, not to mention 20,000, theoretically 3,000 George Han Thousands

should not be able to be created, but now, this is an iron-like fact before our eyes.” After finishing speaking, he sighed: “In any case, this time we will not change and adapt to changes, but we will indeed make George Han The cavalry who wanted to hide came out.”

“Otherwise, once this troop comes out by surprise, have you thought about the consequences?”

Even if it is a large formation of iron barrels, it must be defeated by the number of this troop. Wan’s cavalry team rushed in chaos and was riddled with holes.

“Fortunately, we found out in time, otherwise, George Han might really have escaped.” The special envoy said.

The elder shook his head: “No, George Han didn’t intend to run away.”

“He won’t run away? We have so many troops, although it’s not easy to kill him, at least it’s definitely not difficult. If he doesn’t run away, it’s hard to do.” Want to fight us?”


he really plans to escape, George Han will definitely be guarding outside the city tonight. Show his cavalry directly. He really wants to fight us Fight to the death.” At this point, the elder couldn’t help sighing: “This George Han always likes to do some unexpected things.”

First there was an armor that appeared inexplicably, but now under such a situation, instead of running away, he fights recklessly The truth is, it’s hard to guard against.

“Thinking about it, our previous failures were all because we didn’t understand some of George Han’s true intentions and were played around by him, but now that you are here, the elder, it’s different.” The special envoy flattered.

The elder waved his hand: “You don’t have to praise me so much, I’m just more cautious than others. Okay, I’ve corrected your mistake, now, what plan do you have to attack you in the daytime?” The

special envoy frowned , he had some plans before, but now he was picked out at the beginning, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Don’t worry, I’m the one who is really playing against George Han. You, an outsider, may be wrong in some views, but some views may be the clearest. In your opinion, how should we attack during the day today?”

With the elder’s comfort, the special envoy finally breathed a sigh of relief. Under such circumstances, his mind was relaxed a lot.

After a while, he seemed to think of something: “Elder, this subordinate has a plan. I just don’t know this plan. It’s a good plan, but it’s still stupid.

” Say it right.” The

special envoy nodded, and then, he moved to the side of the elder, and said softly: “My idea, I call it the method of beating a dog.”

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