His True Colors Novel Chapter 46 – 50

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Chapter 46

After George Han ordered the decoration company to send more staff and advance the construction period as soon as possible, he drove out of the Villa area.

Amelia Su didn’t go to work today, so there was no need to go to Su’s company, but George Han planned to visit the canteen.

After arriving at the commissary, Mo Yang finally opened the door today, but he was a little surprised when he saw George Han.

“You never showed up on weekends. Isn’t it for me?” Mo Yang smiled.

George Han asked for a pack of cigarettes, handed one to Mo Yang, and then said, “How about it, the current Basin City is different from that of the past. Isn’t it the same?”

Mo Yang nodded his head and handed the fire to George Han before saying: “It’s really different. Nowadays, people don’t need to think about doing things, especially young people. They have been brainwashed by Young and Dangerous movies, thinking that they will fight and kill. It’s the world, these are all illegal things, and only people with sick brains can do it.”

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry, Mo Yang used to be the boss of Basin City, so he said he didn’t commit any crimes? Say this. Even ghosts don’t believe it.

“Lin Yong can keep it, although he disappointed me a bit, but after all these years, give him a chance to provide for the elderly.” George Han said.

Mo Yang enlightened, then changed the subject, and said, “When do you need alcohol and tobacco, let me know in advance. I will prepare some for you and take care of my business.”

George Han raised his brows, and Mo Yang’s words were a bit interesting. Tobacco and alcohol are needed, and if the amount is large, there is only a banquet.

“The future of the treasure sword, no one in Basin City knows about this except Tianjia.” George Han said.

Mo Yang smiled. Said: “The buyer is indeed very mysterious, but I was lucky and accidentally learned a little news. But you can rest assured, I did not deliberately investigate you. To me, the more mysterious your identity, the more interesting it is. I don’t want to reveal it so quickly. Open your secret.”

“Let’s go, please come at the time.” George Han flicked off his cigarette butt and was in the middle of the smoke-extinguishing area of ”‹”‹the trash can.

With this hand, Mo Yang was sighed again and again. He watched George Han drive a long distance and said, “I can control the strength so accurately, I have a good skill.”

When George Han drove the car and was about to call Amelia Su to ask if he wanted to help, the phone rang, and it was also from Lily Jiang, which surprised George Han.

Three years, Lily Jiang has counted the number of times he has called him, and every time he is asked to do hard work, but recently there is nothing to do, so why did you call him?


George Han answered the phone and heard Lily Jiang say in a hurry: “You come to Fuyuan Road. You must be there within ten minutes.”

I haven’t asked what it is. Lily Jiang has hung up.

George Han got used to it and drove towards Fuyuan Road.

After arriving at Fuyuan Road, I saw a car accident from a distance. A battery car fell in the middle of the road. A middle-aged woman’s right leg was bloodied, and a lot of flesh was damaged, while Lily Jiang crouched and cursed.

“Mom, what’s the matter?” George Han walked to Lily Jiang and asked.

Lily Jiang glared at George Han, seeming to blame George Han for being late, and said: “This woman touched porcelain and deliberately ran into my car. You stay here to solve the problem, and I will pay with your dad. If you have something, you must go first.”

While talking, Lily Jiang went to Wilson to leave.

George Han looked at Audi’s position, and then at the place where the battery car fell. This is a crosswalk. It should be a middle-aged woman who was injured and was hit by Wilson Su. Calling George Han to come, this is even simpler, let George Han come forward to deal with it, and they can escape.

“Nonsense, obviously you hit me when he hit me. She was still looking at the phone.” The middle-aged woman pointed to Wilson Su and said.

Wilson Su looked guilty and did not dare to speak at all.

Lily Jiang said in a sensible voice: “You fart, when did my man look at the phone? You are blind. Seeing our Audi drive, do you think I will pay you if you touch porcelain? Such people are really poor and crazy.”

The middle-aged woman looked at Lily Jiang unwillingly. She just crossed the road normally, was hit by someone, and was wronged.

“I am poor, but the poor also have backbone. I will not blackmail anyone. Whoever tells a lie will be thundered.” said the middle-aged woman.

Lily Jiang was a little flustered when he heard the words “Tian Da Lei Pi”, knowing that this is not a place to stay for a long time, and said to George Han: “You will take care of this matter for me. If you cause trouble for your dad, you won’t have to go back. Home.”

George Han has a heart that loves the house and Wu. He can tolerate the bizarre temper and unreasonable troubles of the two elders for the sake of Amelia Su, but this matter involves innocent people, and it is impossible to let it go so easily.

Blocking in front of Lily Jiang and Wilson Su, George Han said with a gloomy expression: “This matter, wait until the police arrive.”

“George Han, are you crazy? Waiting for the police to come, I’ll tell you what this trash does. You quickly get out of me.” Lily Jiang scolded.

“If you take him away now, it will be a hit and run, and the consequences will be more serious.” George Han said.

“George Han, do you not understand the reason why I called you? This responsibility. If you don’t bear it, who will bear it, let me go quickly.” Lily Jiang said in a bad tone.

“Dad, do you think you ran away? If you dare to leave, you will end up in jail.” George Han looked at Wilson Su and said.

Wilson Su lowered his head. He was too guilty to speak. This incident was originally his responsibility. Lily Jiang suggested that George Han should bear the consequences, saying that if he gave the woman a little money afterwards, he would not impose the responsibility on him, but he also knew , Once the matter is found out, the consequences will be more serious.

“I’ll let you go away, do you not understand human words?” Lily Jiang raised his hand anxiously.

When he was about to slap down, George Han’s wrist was suddenly held tightly.

“George Han. What are you doing?” Lily Jiang said in a cold voice.

George Han looked at Lily Jiang with a frosty face and said, “Don’t think you are Amelia Su’s parents, you can do whatever you want in front of me.”

“Crazy, crazy, you are really crazy, you dare to talk to me like this, do you know what status you are? You are a waste, let me go.” Lily Jiang is itchy with hatred, this waste dare to disrespect her. .

George Han shook off Lily Jiang’s hand and said coldly: “You can leave. I will never help him take responsibility for this matter. When the police arrive, I will tell the truth.”

“You…” Lily Jiang pointed to George Han, thinking that he would honestly carry this pot when he called George Han, but he did not expect that he would show such a tough attitude.

George Han walked to the middle-aged woman who fell and said, “Apart from the legs, is there any other discomfort? I will call an ambulance for you right away.”

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said, “Young man. It’s your reason. I really didn’t touch porcelain. It was your dad who looked at the phone by himself, so he hit me.”

George Han knew that she was telling the truth, if the fault was really not in Wilson Su. He had already figured out a way to explain, how could he not say a word.

Lily Jiang pulled Wilson Su to leave, but Wilson Su couldn’t move at all. Being timid and fearful, he would rather wait for the police to come. I don’t want to be called by the police afterwards.

“What are you doing?” Lily Jiang asked Wilson Su.

“Still wait, if I leave, the consequences will be more serious if I follow up afterwards.” Wilson Su said.

“Wilson Su, I am doing it for your own good. I will call Amelia Su right away. Will George Han dare to take responsibility for you?” Lily Jiang took out the phone while speaking.

It’s a pity that the call hasn’t been made yet, and the police have already arrived at the scene. Under questioning, Wilson Su, the driver, honestly explained the cause and effect.

Lily Jiang looked at George Han, who cared about outsiders, gritted his teeth with hatred. It was nothing more than a waste of money. After this kind of thing, she didn’t care about her father-in-law, but she cared about outsiders. Her life and death were more difficult than Wilson Su’s safety. Does it matter?

“George Han, don’t go back to my house tonight. That is my Lily Jiang’s house. Go and sleep on the street.” Lily Jiang said to George Han.

George Han turned his head to look at Lily Jiang coldly, and said faintly: “Next month, on the 15th, I will move to a new home with Amelia Su. I will not force you to live with me.”

Chapter 47

Lily Jiang sneered at George Han’s new home, a dilapidated second-hand house. Even if it was given to her, she wouldn’t look at it, so how could she live in it?

“George Han, do you think buying a broken house is great? I, Lily Jiang, will never go to your house in my life, and Amelia Su will not live with you.” Lily Jiang said.

George Han smiled faintly. I was afraid that she would ask to live in.

The limit of tolerance can be expanded almost infinitely for George Han, but it can only be on him alone, and Lily Jiang’s domineering has hurt others, which is definitely not something George Han can continue to tolerate.

At this time, the division of responsibility for the accident has been very clear, and Wilson Su is fully responsible. In addition to medical expenses, there is also the repair cost of the battery car.

The police walked to Lily Jiang. He said lightly: “Don’t be smart in the future. If he escapes, it is not as simple as losing money and going to jail.”

In front of the police, Lily Jiang didn’t dare to be savage, nodded repeatedly, and said softly: “I remember it, there will never be another time.”

“Okay. The ambulance is coming soon. You can handle the rest by yourself.”

After the ambulance arrived, Lily Jiang looked unwilling to go to the hospital. George Han knew that if she was allowed to go, she might still make things difficult for the injured, so he simply got into the ambulance.

“This George Han, I will drive him out of Su’s house sooner or later, and eat dog stuff inside and out. I really don’t know what to do.” Lily Jiang gritted his teeth and said sinister eyes.

Regarding this matter, Wilson Su felt that George Han did the right thing, and he was almost killed by Lily Jiang, but he knew how hot Lily Jiang’s temper was, and he dared to say a little bit of dissatisfaction with her. It would be endless, so I had to shut my mouth and not speak.

“Let’s go to the hospital to send some money, what if George Han has no money to pay for medical expenses?” Wilson Su said.

“What kind of money, he has to take care of his own business. If there is no money, he will find a way by himself, what does it have to do with me, go home.” Lily Jiang shouted.

Wilson Su sighed, couldn’t straighten up in front of Lily Jiang, and had no right to decide, so he could only go home.

After George Han arrived at the hospital, he arranged for the injured to be hospitalized and paid the hospitalization fees. He also hoped to help the middle-aged woman contact her family and let her family take care of her.

The middle-aged woman was very grateful to George Han for being so sensible, but when she mentioned her family, her expression was obviously dimmed.

George Han said, “If you have any difficulties, just tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help you.”

“Boy, I’ve troubled you enough, and your dad bumped into me, and you did everything you should do. Auntie has nothing to help you.” said the middle-aged woman.

George Han smiled and said: “You are in the hospital now. You can’t go home. If there is something to do at home, wouldn’t it be a delay? This is also within my scope of responsibility.”

Hearing these words, the middle-aged woman’s eyes were filled with tears, and she did have something to worry about.

She is a single mother. She was swept out because of the birth of a Tang baby. The son at home needs her to take care of her. During the hospitalization period, if no one takes care of the son at home, he will have trouble eating.

The so-called Tang Bao, also known as congenital foolish babies. The patient has severe mental retardation and is unable to take care of himself.

For so many years, she has relied on her own part-time job to support her mother and her son. This time she was hospitalized, not only would the family’s income be cut off, and no one would take care of her son.

When she told George Han about the incident, George Han immediately agreed to help her take care of the children at home. After all, it was Wilson Su who caused her to be hospitalized. George Han couldn’t ignore it.

After arranging everything in the hospital, George Han followed the address given by Zhang Linghua to a village in the city.

The environment here is complex, and many of them are rented by migrant workers. There is no one to manage the garbage everywhere, and it smells disgusting.

After traveling through several alleys, George Han found Zhang Linghua’s home.

From a distance, I saw a group of children throwing stones at a teenage boy. Seeing the boy crying in pain, George Han quickened his pace and walked over.

“Stop, what are you guys doing?” George Han shouted loudly.

A group of little things are lawless here, and they are not afraid of George Han. The two older men also yelled at George Han.

“Who are you and what does it have to do with this fool? We beat him but didn’t beat you. Nosy.”

“Look at this fool, he is still smiling, which means he likes to be beaten.”

After speaking, a few children threw stones at him again.

George Han stood in front of Zhang Tianxin.

Zhang Linghua gave him such a name because he hoped that he could be happy every day, but how did Zhang Linghua know that after she went out to work, her son became a plaything for the little guys nearby.

“You are a fool. You were beaten for him.”

“Unexpectedly, another fool came and beat them.”

Under the leadership of two older people, the remaining small things began to pick up stones on the ground again.

George Han walked to the eldest man, grabbed his neckline, and said in the morning, “Little devil, your parents won’t teach you how to be a man, I will teach you.”

It’s not George Han’s style to care about children, but he really can’t bear it. He slapped the boy in the face.

“You hit me? How dare you hit me?” The boy looked at George Han with an unbelievable expression, as if he was being beaten is a very strange thing, and I don’t know how this city village brought up such a lawless little boy. Devil.

“I warn you, I will bully Zhang Tianxin in the future. I will never let you go.” George Han waved his hand and threw him directly to the ground.

The little boy looked at George Han with vicious eyes, gritted his teeth and said: “You wait for me, I will come back to take revenge immediately.”

The oldest people ran away. Other little kids also follow the birds and beasts.

George Han walked in front of Zhang Tianxin. Although his expression had a silly smile, there was a trace of fear in his confused eyes. George Han comforted: “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad person, no one will dare to bully you in the future.”

Zhang Tianxin smiled and shouted: “Brother.”

George Han felt a little bitter, and said, “Go home, my brother will cook for you.”

The home is very small, with only one room, the same place for cooking and sleeping.

Zhang Tianxin sat down on a plastic stool and looked at George Han quietly. It must be the same scene when Zhang Linghua was cooking.

There are no fresh vegetables at home. There is only a plate of leftovers in the wooden cabinet where the dishes are placed. After George Han has cooked the meal, he said to Zhang Tianxin: “I will wait for my brother at home, I will go out to buy you delicious food.”

Zhang Tianxin nodded expectantly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

George Han had just left for a while. The person who was beaten by George Han came to the house with a few adults, who should be his parent.

“Where is the man, idiot, where was the man just now?” the little boy asked after giving Zhang Tian a punch in the heart without mercy.

Zhang Tianxin hugged her head in fear and burst into tears.

“Dad, what should I do, he seems to have run away.” The little boy turned his head and said to an adult man.

The adult man’s name was Yang Xing. He was the gangster leader in the village in the city and the reason why his son dared to be arrogant here.

The village in the city belongs to a three-regardless zone. Because there is no oil and water to fish, people like Lin Yong will not put their minds here at all, and some people living in the village in the city have spawned the banner of self-reliance.

Yang Xing is very good at playing and has made a name in the village in the city. Everyone here will call out Brother Yang when he sees him. Although he is still very poor, his status is quite high for the village in the city.

Hearing that his son was beaten, Yang Xing immediately brought someone over to settle the account, but he was one step late.

But it’s impossible to leave it alone.

“Drag this idiot out for a fight, to vent my son.” Yang Xing said to his opponent.

Even though Zhang Tianxin was just a patient, several subordinates began to punch and kick Zhang Tianxin out of the house.

The little boy looked at Zhang Tianxin triumphantly and seemed to enjoy the process very much.

“Son, if you can’t get out of your anger, Dad will send someone to find that person and ask him to kneel and apologize to you.”

Chapter 48

The little boy was proud of Yang Xing’s behavior and said proudly: “Dad, I will be as prestigious as you in the future.”

Yang Xing proudly patted his son on the head, and said: “You must be better than Lao Tzu. In the future, bring a few younger brothers and walk out of the village in the city, so that Lao Tzu can enjoy the happiness.”

The father and son are planning the beauty of the future, and George Han returns from shopping. When he saw that the little kid came back with a few adults to seek revenge, and he was still beating Zhang Tianxin, an unstoppable killing intent rose in his heart.

“Dad, that’s him, he hit me just now.” The little boy pointed to George Han and said to Yang Xing.

Yang Xing grinned grimly and looked at George Han: “It’s you who hit my son like a dog? Kneel down and apologize to him, otherwise Lao Tzu will abolish your leg today.”

George Han threw away the food in his hand. Walked straight to Yang Xing.

At this time, George Han had an unprecedented killing intent.

Upon seeing this, several subordinates stood in front of Yang Xing, with an expression that did not put George Han in their eyes.

“Even Brother Yang’s son dared to fight, you are so courageous.”

“Look at you, you are not from the village in the city, do you know, the people outside. No matter who it is, dare not come to the village in the city to make trouble.”

“Don’t kneel down yet…”

George Han’s legs suddenly exerted force, close to his body like a hungry tiger rushing for food, fist and wind roaring, several defiant subordinates. Falling into a wailing.

Yang Xing also relied on his fist to achieve his status today. In the entire village in the city, he couldn’t find a second person who could beat him.

But George Han’s fierce methods directly made Yang Xing dumbfounded, this is too damn fierce!

When Yang Xing came back to his senses, George Han kicked his abdomen and fell back to the ground after several dozen steps.

With a pale face, Yang Xing felt that his stomach was almost kicked through, and the pain was unbearable.

George Han kept walking and continued to walk towards Yang Xing.

Seeing the killing intent in George Han’s eyes, Yang Xing felt scared and horrified for the first time, and said, “Brother, what do you want to do, say something.”

George Han kicked Yang Xing’s door, and suddenly blood was splashed, and Yang Xing’s nose collapsed.

“Brother, what can you say clearly. Don’t fight for now, I beg you.”

As soon as Yang Xing’s voice fell, George Han punched Yang Xing’s temple again, his tinnitus buzzed, and a black light in front of him almost made Yang Xing pass out.

Seeing that Yang Xing was beaten, the little boy ran to George Han recklessly. He was about to kick him. He was kicked out by George Han. He rolled several meters before he stopped.

“How do you want to die?” George Han asked Yang Xing coldly.

Yang Xing almost frightened his courage at this moment. Although he was showing off in the city and village, he had never dared to kill him, but the young man in front of him wanted him to die, and Yang Xing had no doubts.

The look in his eyes and his expression are like looking at a dead person.

Yang Xing was so frightened that he knelt in front of George Han, and said in a panic: “Brother, I was wrong, I damn, let me go. As long as you are willing to let me go, you can do whatever you want.”

George Han took a deep breath. Although he could easily kill Yang Xing, the killing was ultimately illegal, and many people were watching at their door. They were all witnesses. George Han didn’t need to because This matter is deeply mired.

Walking to Zhang Tianxin’s side, George Han said distressedly: “I am all to blame. If I left you alone at home, you would not be beaten.”

Zhang Tianxin pulled the corner of George Han’s clothes, shook his head in horror, and didn’t mean to blame George Han.

“Are you hungry? Let’s eat first, OK.” George Han continued.

Although Zhang Tianxin was afraid. Knowing that he was hungry, he nodded hurriedly.

George Han moved the small square table to the door to have dinner with Zhang Tianxin. Yang Xing and several of his subordinates, including his son, knelt in front of George Han. This scene also caused other people in the village to be bullied by Yang Xing. The person was relieved and clapped in secret.

At this time, Amelia Su, who had gone shopping, returned home tiredly.

Lily Jiang sat on the sofa in the living room with a face like water. Before Amelia Su put down things, she said coldly: “From today, this family can only accommodate one of me and George Han, Amelia. You can do it yourself.”

Amelia Su furrowed her brows, and she was insane again.

“Mom, what’s the matter with you?” Amelia Su asked.

“What’s wrong with me?” Lily Jiang instantly exploded and said confidently: “George Han has completely ignored me now. I think he has stiff wings now, even I dare Scold, do you think I can tolerate such a person?”


How could George Han scold Lily Jiang? There must be some misunderstanding.

“Mom, you are not listening to other people’s nonsense, right?” Amelia Su asked.

“He scolded me in front of me, does he need to listen to others?” Lily Jiang said.

“How is it possible.” Amelia Su’s first reaction was that such a thing would never happen. She knew what kind of person George Han was, and she swallowed her words at home for three years. Even if it is misunderstood, he doesn’t mind.

Take the car crash as an example. It was clearly Jiang Sheng’s responsibility, but Lily Jiang blamed George Han on George Han. Is George Han dissatisfied?

“What the hell is going on?” Amelia Su asked.

Lily Jiang told Amelia Su of what happened today, avoiding the serious and not mentioning the things that wanted George Han to bear the responsibility, but just added to the jealousy about how George Han scolded him. He also said that he and Amelia Su moved into a new home, not letting them go.

Amelia Su didn’t believe it at all after listening, because it was impossible for George Han to say.

And George Han didn’t mention that he was going to live in a new home, but just said he bought a second-hand house.

Seeing Wilson Su not speaking, Amelia Su knew that Lily Jiang must have not told the truth, and asked: “Dad, tell me what happened.”

Wilson Su glanced at Lily Jiang, Lily Jiang looked fierce. How dare he say a word.

“Amelia Su, you don’t even believe me now, do you want to believe an outsider? I have worked so hard to raise you up, and you are good now. You have become a white-eyed wolf?” Lily Jiang said angrily.

“Furthermore, I never said that he would live in his broken house. What qualifications does he have to show off in front of me.”

“I warn you. In this home, there is him but not me, you can do it yourself.”

Amelia Su’s head is as big as a fight, and Lily Jiang wants to play, no one can stop it, but this thing is definitely not that simple, only wait for George Han to come back.

“Mom, if it is really his fault, I will let him apologize to you.” Amelia Su said.

“Amelia Su, don’t you understand? He bought a broken house now, and his wings are stiff, so he didn’t think he needed to sigh under our roof, so he dared to scold me and apologize. What’s the point? I warn you. Moving out with him, I won’t recognize you in this life.” Lily Jiang threatened.

Amelia Su sighed, so good, how could such a big contradiction occur.

“If his house is better than ours, don’t you go?” Wilson Su said weakly at this time. They only know that George Han bought the house now. They don’t know what the house is like. It’s not a good thing in Wilson Su’s eyes to be so terrible.

Lily Jiang smiled coldly and said contemptuously: “Wilson Su, do you think you can afford to buy a luxury house? That’s a second-hand house. You still expect to be better than ours. Are you disappointed? crazy?”

Wilson Su sighed. Although he didn’t have much hope, there was a chance that he was not.

However, Lily Jiang also makes sense to say so. With George Han’s strength, how can he afford a luxury house?

“Anyway, wait until he comes back. I want to know what happened.”

Seeing Amelia Su’s resolute attitude, Lily Jiang felt a little guilty. After all, what happened today is her responsibility.

However, to the extent of Lily Jiang’s spoiling, she did not believe that Amelia Su could not take care of her feelings. If she was really partial to George Han, and then cried, made trouble, and hanged three times, Amelia Su could only compromise.

Lily Jiang had the final say in this home. She didn’t believe that there was no way to get George Han out of the house.

Chapter 49

After George Han and Zhang Tianxin ate together, they were worried that Yang Xing and others would retaliate against Zhang Tianxin after he left. They could only take Zhang Tianxin to the hospital, re-arranged the VIP ward for Zhang Linghua, and invited him. Take care of by a carer.

Zhang Linghua is very grateful for what George Han has done for her. There is a place for Zhang Tianxin to rest in the VIP ward, so that she can heal her injuries completely.

After doing all this, George Han returned home.

Although it was long expected that Lily Jiang would not give up. But when Lily Jiang got home and let him go, George Han didn’t expect it.

Amelia Su guarded George Han, no matter how Lily Jiang spoiled, she asked George Han: “George, what happened?”

George Han told Amelia Su one by one what happened today.

Amelia Su was so angry that she was so angry when she heard it. She didn’t expect Lily Jiang to be so unreasonable. And also asked George Han to go back.

“Mom, can George Han be blamed for this matter? When did you become so unreasonable?” Amelia Su said angrily to Lily Jiang.

Lily Jiang sat down on the ground and began to cry. This is her killer. She can’t be reasonable, she can only play it.

“Wilson Su, why is my life so bitter? You have nothing to do. Now that my daughter has a lot of promise, she turned her elbow outward. What did I do in my last life.” Lily Jiang burst into tears, and she performed well. It’s so pathetic.

Change to before. George Han didn’t care about it, lest Amelia Su could hardly be a man, but George Han wouldn’t give in a step with this matter today.

“Mom, do you know what’s going on in her family? She has a son with congenital Down syndrome. Do you know how it feels to be stoned by a neighbor after she was injured and his son was not taken care of?” George Han said coldly.

“What does it have to do with me? She only has a foolish son to touch porcelain. Do you really think you are a good person?” Lily Jiang said.

Even Amelia Su couldn’t listen to this sentence, and she scolded: “Mom, how can you say that, it’s a fact that Dad looks at the phone, it’s because he is not careful.”

Lily Jiang cried louder. To die and live, and roar to jump off the building.

George Han said to Amelia Su: “I can be used to her in my own affairs, but this thing is absolutely impossible.”

Amelia Su did not blame George Han, but asked, “How is she now, and what about her son?”

“I took her son to the hospital and changed her to the VIP ward. It’s fine now.”

When Lily Jiang heard the words VIP ward, she jumped up from the ground and shouted: “George Han, you even arranged a VIP ward for her. Do you think you are, God of Wealth? I belong to the Su family. Is money just for you to spread love?”

“Mom, I didn’t use a penny of your money. What does it have to do with you?” George Han said coldly.

“Hehe, it turns out that the wings are hard, and I bought a broken house. I have completely ignored me. You can do it, George Han. I didn’t expect you to have such courage.” Lily Jiang turned to look. Turning to Amelia Su, she sternly said: “Divorce him, otherwise you don’t want my mother.”

Amelia Su’s face was pale, Lily Jiang’s arrogance and unreasonableness even she could not bear.

The family’s living conditions are good, not because she became the project leader, but George Han took out his own private money, two cars, and 200,000 yuan lent to Jiang Guangguang, but both were George Han. Money.

“Mom, I won’t divorce him. If you continue to be unreasonable, I will have a big deal to move out.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang was furious. Angrily pointed at George Han and scolded: “It’s you bastard who poured some ecstasy soup for my daughter. Get out of me, get out of Su’s house, I never want to see you again, don’t count on me Su Live at home.”

“Mom, George Han bought the car, and his uncle’s 200,000 yuan is also George Han’s money. Why are you driving him away.” Amelia Su finally couldn’t help it, blurted out.

She had endured this matter for a long time, and she didn’t vomit, she couldn’t look at George Han and be looked down upon by Lily Jiang.

Lily Jiang was taken aback. Even Wilson Su has an incredible expression.

“You are even going to cheat me now to help him speak?” Lily Jiang said.

“Whether you believe it or not, this is a fact, you think I can really get so much money in the company. Do you think grandma can condone my corruption?” Amelia Su said in a cold voice without expression.

“Dad, do you think that if I took more than one million from the company, grandma would not be able to find it out?” Amelia Su looked at Wilson Su and continued.

Wilson Su knows who the old lady of the Su family is. She has personally checked the company accounts. Even if she finds out some small things, she will not say anything, but the number is more than one million. She could never tolerate it.

Moreover, it didn’t take long for Amelia Su to become the person in charge, and it was indeed unrealistic to be able to spend more than one million.

“This…” Wilson Su hesitated, speechless.

Amelia Su glanced at George Han and said, “If it weren’t for him, why would you be able to drive an Audi. If it weren’t for him, where the 200,000 yuan was loaned to uncle, do you really think it was my credit?”

Lily Jiang was stunned and said nothing. It’s like being caught by someone’s throat.

The car is no more. She lent the 200,000 yuan to Jiang Guangguang in order to make a difference. It was actually George Han’s!

“You… are you so rich?” Lily Jiang asked George Han in disbelief.

George Han didn’t care what Lily Jiang thought of him, he never cared about these things, looked at Amelia Su and said, “Are you willing to move to a new house with me?”

Although Amelia Su hadn’t seen what the new home was like, she nodded without hesitation and said: “Yes, I will go wherever you go. You have been in this home for so many years. That’s enough.”

George Han smiled and said to Lily Jiang: “You are willing to live, I will not stop, if you don’t want to, I won’t force it.”

The atmosphere at home was stiff, Amelia Su took George Han out of the house.

Lily Jiang sat on the sofa without saying a word, she could be quite unreasonable, she could roll around. But with soft hands, what right does she have to be upright? It was 200,000, and George Han took it. No matter where the money came from, it was George Han’s pocket after all.

“Wilson, do you believe it?” Lily Jiang asked Wilson Su.

Although Wilson Su finds it unbelievable, Amelia Su can get so much money from the company, it is indeed unrealistic to think about it.

“I don’t know, but Amelia is indeed impossible to get so much money in the company.” Wilson Su said.

“More than one million, not a lot, right?” Lily Jiang himself felt that such words were unrealistic, and looked embarrassed.

“You are really good now, more than one million is not too much? Do you know if this money is really taken in the company, does Mom know what Amelia will end up?” Wilson Su shook his head angrily. Helpless.

“Then you said, what will the house he bought look like?” Lily Jiang suddenly became interested.

Wilson Su himself felt that his face had no place to rest. Just now he let George Han get out, and now he is thinking about the house that George Han bought.

“Lily Jiang, Lily Jiang, your face is really thick, didn’t you say that you don’t like the house he bought?” Wilson Su said.

Lily Jiang glared at Wilson Su and said of course: “He has lived in our house for three full years, so it’s hard to not allow his old mother to enjoy the blessing?”

“Did he enjoy the blessing in this home?” Although Wilson Su has no good feelings for George Han, he is not as brazen as Lily Jiang. For this face, he would rather live in his own broken house.

Of course, if Wilson Su knew that George Han bought the house in the Yundingshan Villa area, and it was a mountainside Villa, he would probably be shameless.

After all, the face counts, living in a mountainside Villa is the real face.

“Why is he so rich? When he got married, his father did it all. He didn’t even have a relative in his family. Speaking of which, his identity is quite mysterious.” Lily Jiang started thinking about it again. what.

Wilson Su sighed and said, “Don’t be daydreaming. If he really is the eldest young master, could he have been in the Su family for three years? In these three years, I won’t talk about you, just the other relatives of the Su family. Don’t roll your eyes to him, Harry Su has beaten him before, have you ever seen a young master with such a good temper.”

Chapter 50

Wilson Su’s words were like a basin of cold water poured on Lily Jiang’s head, and his heart was instantly cold.

She just flashed through her mind that George Han was a certain elder and young master, who was ruthlessly destroyed.

“And if you think about it, if he is rich, how could he buy a second-hand house? Two cars have already emptied him.” Wilson Su continued.

Lily Jiang’s relaxed expression became full of coldness again. It seemed that if George Han had money, she could look happy. If George Han was a poor ghost, her attitude would still be the same as usual.

“Since I have no money. I dare to be disrespectful to me, he counts as something.” Lily Jiang said coldly.

Wilson Su could only sigh for Lily Jiang’s change of face, thinking that if it weren’t for his surname, Lily Jiang would not have been able to marry him. Regarding Lily Jiang’s worship of money, he knows better than anyone else. This woman has always recognized money or not. Human.

“You should keep your temper, how can I say the car I drive now. He bought it, and you are still sitting.” Wilson Su reminded.

Lily Jiang stared at Wilson Su viciously and said: “When are you qualified to teach me? He has been eating and drinking at our house for three years, and he doesn’t pay a cent. It should be a car for his wife.”

Wilson Su sighed, really didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t you hurry to inspect the house, are you really embarrassed in front of Tang Chengye?” Lily Jiang scolded.

Thinking of this, Wilson Su had a headache, and at the same time he blamed George Han even more. If he weren’t bragging, he wouldn’t be wasting the money.

“You said. Wouldn’t it be better if Amelia had married Tang Long?” Wilson Su said.

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? George Han is a wasteful person, how can he compare with Tang Long? I heard that Tang Long is now an executive of a big company with an annual salary of millions. It’s not to blame your dead father. It’s not him, can our family live so miserably?” Lily Jiang was angry when he said this, thinking that the relationship between Su and Tang was very good at the beginning, and Tang Long also liked Amelia Su, but the father cut it off at the first order. This marriage led to Tang Chengye’s grudge. If he couldn’t take out the house this time, and Tang Chengye saw a joke, don’t even think of raising his head in front of the Tang family.

Amelia Su, who had left home, took George Han to the hospital. Since this incident was caused by Wilson Su, she, as a daughter, should have a visit.

In the ward, Amelia Su saw Zhang Linghua and Zhang Tianxin. When Zhang Tianxin shouted to her sister with an innocent smile, Amelia Su’s eyes were wet.

“Aunt Zhang, this time the matter is my father’s fault. I apologize to you for him, and hope you can forgive him.” Amelia Su said.

Zhang Linghua shook her head, glanced at George Han, and said, “Your husband is a good man. He paid all the medical bills, and also changed me such a good ward, and asked someone to take care of our mother and son, how can I? I can blame you all.”

“Aunt Zhang, these are two different things. My dad’s fault and what he did can’t be compared.” Amelia Su said.

“Sister, brother is a good person, do you have a brother?” Zhang Tianxin suddenly asked Amelia Su coldly.

The so-called Tong Yan Wu Ji, Zhang Tianxin said unintentionally, but these words made Amelia Su face flushed instantly. She and George Han didn’t even hold their hands formally. Where did the younger brother come from?

George Han looked ashamed or ashamed, and said to Zhang Tianxin: “I don’t have a brother yet, but it should be soon.”

Amelia Su secretly turned her head and glared at George Han.

“When you have a younger brother, I will protect him just like a brother protects me.” Zhang Tianxin raised his fist and said, although his mind is not the same as that of an old man, but the heart of Mingjing is more grateful. George Han protected him. He knew how to repay George Han.

George Han glanced at Zhang Tianxin in surprise, and then asked Zhang Linghua: “Tianxin’s thinking is quite clear.”

Zhang Ling nodded and explained: “Compared with his peers, his intelligence is indeed much lower. He didn’t speak before, but in the past two years, I told him some stories and things every day. He slowly Also learned some truths.”

George Han nodded. Zhang Linghua has to take care of the household and give Zhang Tian a happy mind. No wonder the life is so hard, because she can’t squeeze more time to make money.

“After you get better, I will arrange a job for you and give Tianxin a different living environment. The village in the city is too complicated. After you go to work, Zhang Tianxin will be bullied.” George Han said.

Zhang Linghua knows these things, because she often sees Zhang Tianxin with scars when she goes home. But she didn’t dare to think about it, because her current ability couldn’t change this situation at all, and thinking about it would only hurt her heart.

“No, you have helped me a lot, I just suffered some minor injuries, and I can’t rely on you all my life.” Zhang Linghua said.

“This may be fate, God wants us to know, but first a villain and then a gentleman, if you don’t do a good job at your job, you will also be expelled.” George Han said in a meaningful way.

Zhang Linghua nodded. The gratitude is beyond words.

After the two left the hospital, Amelia Su asked George Han: “Where are you going to arrange Aunt Zhang to go to work? She should only do some physical work. You have to know that in different circles, let her squeeze in. Nor is it. Good thing.”

The meaning of Amelia Su’s words is obvious. Changing Zhang Linghua’s life circle easily can sometimes backfire, because she may not be able to adapt to the new life.

“There is an abyss behind you. You can’t retreat in one step, so no matter what thorns are in front of you, no matter how scarred you are, you will move forward without hesitation. She is this kind of person.” George Han said, thinking that it was ten years ago. At the age of two, he was left out in the cold, and an abyss appeared behind him. From then on, George Han understood this truth and didn’t want to be crushed. Only move forward.

“Why do you look so deeply moved?” Amelia Su wondered.

“Because we don’t have a brother.” George Han said with a sudden smile.

Amelia Su punched George Han in the chest and got into the car without saying a word. Her ears were flushed, and her face was more like a monkey’s ass.

George Han got into the car, but did not start the car, in a posture that he did not intend to leave.

Amelia Su didn’t want to talk to George Han, but didn’t know what he was doing, she couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Why are you not leaving?”

“Suddenly I thought of a very serious problem, I have to think about it.” George Han looked ashamed. The extreme seriousness.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Amelia Su worried.

George Han nodded and said in a deep voice, “You said, what should your brother be called?”

“George Han…!” Amelia Su shouted violently, making George Han hurriedly into fire.

The two did not go home. Amelia Su was afraid that after returning home to meet Lily Jiang, there would be sparks, so she planned to go back after dinner and avoid meeting. It should be fine when the matter fades a little tomorrow.

I found a restaurant for dinner, this is three years. A candlelight dinner that could be counted by one hand, but the harmonious atmosphere, but an unexpected visitor, Tang Long came in.

Tang Long also ate in this restaurant, and also brought a woman with a good figure. Although she is not as beautiful as Amelia Su, she is about seven minutes away.

“Amelia Su, what a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you.” Tang Long looked at Amelia Su’s eyes despite having a girlfriend. She was still full of coveting. After all, this was a beautiful woman in the Cloud City of Yan Guan. Although she was married, it did not prevent Tang Long from coveting her.

“You are Amelia Su, thank you for not being with Tang Long at the time, otherwise, where would I go to find such an excellent boyfriend.” The woman beside Tang Long seemed to have no bones, nestled in Tang Long’s arms.

Tang Long smiled triumphantly and said, “Don’t say that, I’m not an excellent one, and now it’s only a million annual salary, which is far away.”

Showing off his tone nakedly, Amelia Su knew that he was deliberately showing off, but there was nothing to refute, because Tang Long was indeed amazing, and the person with an annual salary of one million was really excellent.

“This… isn’t it the famous George Han?” Tang Long asked with a joking smile.

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