His True Colors Novel Chapter 4422 – 4423

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Chapter 4422

Amelia Su could hardly believe her ears, she looked at George Han in disbelief.

“You’re going?”

He went, which means that no one controls the formation, which means that he needs to experience the previous danger again.

how can that be? !

The last time George Han was able to escape from it, it was because of the help of the little black stick. But this time…

“I don’t agree.”

“If you don’t agree, you have to agree. I’m your man. Naturally, everything will be arranged by me.”

After that, George Han made a move on the spot, and he was about to do it.

“Nonsense!” Amelia Su held George Han’s hand down, and her pretty face was full of anger.

“You are a typical macho. Obviously, I have much more chances to get in, and it is much safer. You have to go in by yourself!”

George Han smiled and

touched .

“You are the most important person in my life, how could I watch you take risks. I said that even if George Han loses his life, I will definitely protect you.”

“And, what about your man? Although it is indeed a big man, he is not a brainless brave man.”

“I went in, and it was not a moment of loyalty.”

“You go in, the formation is not controlled, is it a moment of loyalty?” Amelia Su said angrily.

“My consciousness and Xiao Hei’s consciousness are the same, so if I go in, I may not be able to control the formation, do you understand?”

“Really?” Amelia Su asked suspiciously.

George Han didn’t talk nonsense. After a little thought in his mind, the whole earth trembled slightly.

Amelia Su was startled, and just as he was about to leave, the trembling of the whole earth suddenly stopped.

Seeing Han

George Han’s wicked smile, Amelia Su frowned: “George Han, are you doing the trick just now?”

George Han nodded lightly: “The little black stick is very strange, what do I think, it can always sense it very quickly. Arrived. So…” The

only worry is that George Han is afraid that when he enters the six walls, he will lose contact with the little black stick due to special circumstances and other reasons.

Once this happens, if there is no little black stick to help in the crisis in the six walls, then the danger will be extremely deadly.

However, obviously, Amelia Su didn’t know this.

She simply thought that since George Han could be controlled by his mind, then he could naturally enter the six walls and continue to control.

“Okay, then you can go, but I want to be with you too.” Amelia Su said.


“Why not? George Han, you have to be clear. I asked you to go with me, not you. Anyway, you either agree or you don’t go.” After speaking, Amelia Su turned her head aside.

Completely non-negotiable.

Thinking that if something happened in the formation, it would not be safe to leave her alone outside, George Han finally chose to compromise.

“Okay, let’s go in together.” When the

words fell, George Han moved slightly, and with a thought, let the little black stick start to urge the formation.

But after trying several times, the little black stick was activated, but how the golden bricks turned into six walls, George Han failed several times.

He had absolutely no idea what the formation was about to open the golden bricks, and the only thing he could do

was to constantly find similar formulas from the formation formulas of Angelica.

After about a dozen trials, I don’t know if it’s luck or what, in short, the blind cat has encountered a dead mouse.

Everything in front of him suddenly turned into an illusion, and the next second, the palace disappeared, and the six walls slowly stood up, and gradually surrounded the two.

It’s still a familiar formula, but what’s different is that this time, George Han, without the help of the little black stick, has more inexplicable self-confidence.

“Amelia Su, how are you doing?”

Amelia Su nodded heavily: “This time, let’s rush out together.”

George Han didn’t say anything more.

But what surprised him was that the connection between the little black stick and himself seemed to be interrupted…

Chapter 4423

Fu**, isn’t it? !

What are you afraid of?

George Han was so depressed. The biggest variable coming in this time was the connection with the little black stick.

However, in order not to worry Amelia Su, George Han chose to hide the news.

“What’s the matter?”

But Amelia Su knew so much about George Han that he could almost know what he wanted to fart as soon as he pouted.

George Han shook his head and said stubbornly, “It’s fine.”

“Did you find that the connection with the little black stick was cut off after you came in?” As expected

of his wife, he could guess it thoroughly.

She said it all, and George Han also knew very well that it was almost impossible to hide it.

Therefore, he could only nod his head stiffly: “You are so smart, you deserve to be my wife.”

Amelia Su rolled her eyes: “Your eyebrows are on fire, you are still in the

mood joke. What do you do now??”

“To be honest, With you by my side, I’m really not afraid of death, but… if we die like this, it would be too useless for the two of us, right?”

“It’s a shame to say that, the two husband and wife were caught by their own formations.”

Amelia Su was a little dumbfounded, but her mentality was still relatively optimistic.

This is due to George Han’s immersion and the strong sense of security brought by his presence.

After Amelia Su said this, George Han felt a lot more relaxed, and then he strengthened his mind and continued to try to get in touch with the little black stick.

He was the best answer when they were trapped. Without him, the couple would almost be in a desperate situation. A Pangu axe alone is not enough.

“You use the Pangu axe to support both sides first. In this case, the contraction speed of the two sides will suddenly slow down, and during this process, it will definitely be able

to open a little gap with the other four walls.”

“I’m thinking, will it be? It may be because the six walls are too tightly sealed, so the space is too airtight.”

“Think about it, when we were at home, sometimes the walls were too thick and the door was closed, the WIFI signal was equivalent to disappearing. , is it also possible now?”

Hearing Amelia Su’s words, George Han frowned.

Although her analogy is not very good, it basically conforms to the principle structure of the whole thing.

Arrays, or illusions, in fact, as a whole, they should all appear in this golden palace.

So naturally, their real location should also be very close to the Golden City.

In such a close environment, in theory, it should not be a big problem to sense the little black stick.

The only reasonable explanation for the current situation is

actually what Amelia Su reminded.

The six walls are too dead.

So that nothing can get in and nothing can get out.

Thinking of this, George Han couldn’t help but praise Amelia Su: “Wife, you are not only the most beautiful woman in the world, but also the smartest woman in the world.

” It’s still far away, you should try it first, at least, if there is any accident, we will have time to make other remedies.”

Han 3000 nodded, not talking nonsense at the moment, the Pangu axe was directly drawn, and he put it in front of him, and immediately pressed the left and right walls directly.

After that, George Han stared at the other four walls.


Amelia Su also reminded in time.

When the left and right walls were held up by the Pangu axe, its speed was obviously slowed down, while the front and rear and upper and lower

walls were not hindered.

This also means that there will be delays on six walls.

Although this delay is very short, it is enough for George Han!

Thinking of this, George Han Divine Sense Cui Dong reached the extreme.

Amelia Su looked at George Han closely, and didn’t dare to let out the air, for fear that she would accidentally disturb George Han.

Suddenly, at this moment, George Han’s eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was full of excitement: “Amelia Su, I seem to be able to sense the little black stick.”

“Really?” Amelia Su also clearly A joy.

George Han didn’t have time to answer. At this time, the power of urging everything with his full concentration made his consciousness infinitely enhanced.

“Little black stick, break the formation for me!”

With a roar, George Han immediately started to act!

Immediately afterwards, the six walls began to shake slowly.

Two couples, you look at me, I look at you, and wait quietly…

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