His True Colors Novel Chapter 4414 – 4415

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Chapter 4414





In an instant, all the emotions were intertwined.

Angelica really wanted to slap himself to death here.

Looking back on the whole process, he now fully understands it.

He lost.

But his defeat is far from the norm!

Others may be inferior to others, or they may have made mistakes in some details.

But what about him? !

He doesn’t seem to have done any of that.

But when I think about it, it seems like I’ve done it all fu**ing over and over again!

Because, while he directly told his secrets to others, he also taught others about his ancestral fun, how could this not make people depressed and crazy? !

He felt that even if he wanted to cry now, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to cry at all.

“Do you

still want to resist?” George Han looked at him contemptuously: “After all, you were quite crazy just now.”

Resist? !

The power of the whole city is actually not impossible, after all, the loss of troops is not large in the whole process.

But Angelica is not in the mood right now, he is almost in a state of disintegration, and his emotions are close to collapse.

“However, whether you resist or not, you all have to die.”

“What qualifications do people who do evil things have to live in the world?”

As soon as these words came out, Angelica’s reaction was not much, but the hundreds of executives in the audience exploded.

Seeing that Angelica seemed to have been defeated, and there was no resistance at all, this group of executives also completely collapsed.

Some people simply knelt on the ground on the spot, weeping and begging for mercy: “Han Daxia, no, no, no

, Grandpa Han, Ancestor Han, you can ignore the villains, we… we are all angels. It has nothing to do with us.”

“Yeah, Ancestor Han, in the final analysis, we are just pawns, so be merciful, treat us like a fart and let it go.”

The begging for mercy continued, and many people simply knelt on the ground along with them, making George Han look like a god.

At this time, the judge took the lead, stood up directly from the crowd, took three steps and took two steps, and rushed to the stage.

“Master Han, I…I…I, you won’t forget me.” The judge shouted vigorously, for fear that George Han didn’t see himself.

Danggui was originally in a low mood, but when he saw the judge running

out , he couldn’t help but get angry.

“Judge, what are you doing? I have always trusted you the most. Even if you made a mistake before, I have never pursued you.”

“But, you were the first to beg for mercy in a blink of an eye. Ask you, are you worthy of me, you bastard?!” The

judge’s expression flashed a bit of embarrassment, but he quickly returned to normal: “City lord, the tree is falling and the tree is scattered, you shouldn’t understand this truth, right?”

“I don’t want to betray either. You, but everyone is just for survival.”

“Don’t tell me, do you want me to accompany you to die?”

Angelica’s face turned cold: “You!”

George Han looked at the judge leisurely at this time, and the judge immediately greeted him with a smile.

“The judge is right.”

“Yes, yes, it’s the little one.”

“Of course I remember you.

” After George Han finished speaking, he raised his eyes and drank softly at the crowd: “The judge sincerely regrets it, and he has indeed proved it with his actions. “

So, even though you are guilty, you can correct your mistakes, and I can refuse to accept

them.” “But for the others, although your pleas are sincere, I can forgive you, but those who are caught by you. I ‘m afraid the woman who left won’t be able to forgive.”

After he finished speaking, he glanced coldly at everyone, and abruptly frightened the crowd to the point of sweating and pale.

This guy’s gaze is like the hope of death.

However, at this moment, a few people glanced at each other in private, and the next second, they got up collectively and ran towards George Han.

When Angelica raised his eyes to look at these people, he was completely out of breath…

Chapter 4415

These guys are nothing else, it is a group of executives in this day’s magic castle.

I can’t say how many secrets these guys know, but these guys basically have everything from the highest level to the lowest level.

It’s a system of its own.


Seeing this, Angelica barely held his breath, shouted in a hurry, and his anger suddenly attacked his heart, almost making him breathless.

“City lord, the so-called birds die for food and people die for wealth, we don’t want to.”

“Yes, we have followed you for many years, and we have been filial to many dogs and horses, but now you can’t keep us safe, so we only I can find a way to keep myself safe.”

Although several people said sorry and

showed , they were actually greeting the ancestors of the Angelica family in their hearts.

There is no other reason, he will stop them from courting George Han.

If they didn’t want to leave a bad impression on him, they would have kicked the angelica away directly.

“Grandpa, no no no, ancestors, we have always admired your reputation, but you also know that many times this person can’t help himself in the arena.”

“From the time we knew that you came to us, we wanted to give up the dark and go to the light. Yes, it’s just that there hasn’t been any good opportunity.”

“Yeah, now Angelica, this dog thief, has finally subverted the law. I waited, and finally a good opportunity came.”

Hearing the “heartfelt words” of this group of people, George Han couldn’t help but want to laugh.

He doesn’t know how strong this group of people is, but if they just talk about their skills, they will definitely be second, and no one will dare to say first.

“I don’t want to talk nonsense . If you

like it, just take it out.”

“The small patrol team, understand the direction and deployment of the patrol force. Lord, you are not in a hurry, I mean, although I don’t quite know where those women are locked up, but as long as you check the deployment of the patrol unit, you will definitely be able to find out some clues, please give me a chance to serve you.” One person bowed his head and said sincerely. .

George Han nodded in satisfaction.

What he said did make sense.

“Okay, you can save yourself from death.”

“Master, this subordinate is the Ministry of Industry. Although I don’t know where the woman is locked up, or how the patrolling guards are deployed, in this big Heavenly Demon Castle, no matter whether it is a All kinds of locks, or mechanisms, are made by the Ministry of Industry, if you are interested, I can send all kinds of elites to help you, and when the time comes, the lock will be opened, and the mechanism will be broken.”

Someone saw that the first one

was successful. , which is naturally equivalent to really seeing hope right in front of his eyes, and hurriedly promoting himself.

George Han still nodded: “Okay, avoid death.”

Two people in succession were saved from death, and the people behind were even more crazy.

You push and squeeze each other, for fear that if you are so late for half a second, you may not get this opportunity.

“Master, I’m from the food department. This person wants to eat. I can check the relevant records to see where the daily food supply is different, and I can also set the specific location. If I cooperate with the work department and the patrol department, wouldn’t it? It’s as easy as the palm of your hand?”

“Master, I… I’m from the Department of Construction, and I can figure out how to go about many secret passages. Bring me, I’ll be your living map.”

A group of people shouted desperately, for fear of missing something.

George Han waved his hand: “Okay, okay, I heard it.”

“You can save

yourself from death, by the way, what are you doing?”

His eyes were directly on the last person.

He has been paying attention to this person for a long time. From the beginning to the end, he seems to be very positive, but every time he speaks, he hesitates. Until now everyone has finished speaking, but he still blushed and didn’t say why.

Angelica is extremely angry. Seeing these high-level executives betray themselves in such a high-sounding manner, they can’t be angry for a long time.

Seizing this opportunity, Angelica sneered: “He, he is from the Ministry of Rites.”

“It’s useless, but it’s not useless. After all, if you’re tired from walking, he can arrange a few servants to give it to you. You squeeze your feet, rub your legs or something.”

At this point, Angelica herself couldn’t help laughing.

You son of a b!tch, I fu**ing made you run fast.

George Han frowned slightly, and in the next second, he said, “You can avoid death!”

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