His True Colors Novel Chapter 4402 – 4403

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Chapter 4402

“The wind is like an array, its momentum is like the five elements, so the design of the array…”

Angelica is ugly, but when it comes to this array The mystery is straight-forward, as if for a time, like a Confucian scholar, reciting the already well-understood Book of Songs is extremely smooth.

However, he really did not brag. As he continued to talk, not to mention his group of younger brothers dozing off one by one, even Amelia Su, who had read a lot of books, had a splitting headache for a while. That’s called a confusion.

Seeing this group of people like this, Angelica sneered.

Back then, when his father taught him, he did the same.

After more than ten years, when he began to understand some of the mysteries, he gradually became interested.

In addition, when you are an adult, you also have ambitions, so you will be diligent in learning.

This group of people want to

understand . Isn’t this nonsense? !

However, Angelica didn’t give up either. The more they were like this, the more they had to finish speaking. In this way, the gap would be widened and his arrogance would be more obvious.

After about a few minutes, many people at the scene were really snoring. Even the three leaders who were close to him who were about to be abused completely forgot their current dangerous situation, and they were half awake and half awake. In the dream, the head is like a chicken pecking at the rice, constantly lifting it.

Amelia Su also fought directly with her eyelids sleepy.

It’s so hypnotizing, it’s like a hypnotized Divine Comedy.


After reading it with satisfaction, Angelica closed it with satisfaction. Immediately afterwards, the guy coughed pretentiously.

Everyone in the entire venue suddenly woke up.

With a cold voice, Angelica looked at Amelia Su: “Little lady, how is it? I

‘ve finished speaking, do you understand?!”

Amelia Su shook her head. She really worked hard, but there are some things that really aren’t. Effort can be done.

“I don’t understand.”

“I’ve said it a long time ago, even if I tell you something, it’s useless, you don’t understand it at all.”

Amelia Su shook her head: “If you want to say it, it’s not necessarily so. I want to understand.”

“You don’t understand what you’re asking?”

“Someone can understand, right?”

“Hmph, they are all my subordinates, don’t I understand their abilities? If they can understand, I…” If they can understand,

this gang has already been fu**ing thieves, why is this so? !

It’s just that he was embarrassed to say it in front of a group of executives.

“I didn’t mention them either. I don’t know them, and if they

understand, what does it have to do with me?!” Amelia Su laughed.

Looking at Amelia Su’s appearance, Angelica obviously felt something was wrong.

Immediately, he frowned coldly: “Little girls, what are you selling with Lao Tzu?!”

“It’s not selling anything, but the city lord said just now that it’s all your subordinates, you know it very well, right?”

” That’s natural,” Angelica replied unhappily.

Amelia Su nodded: “That’s right since you are so familiar with your subordinates, don’t you realize that there is one more person in your subordinates?!”

“One more person?”

Hearing this, Angelica was naturally shocked and instantly looked at the crowd in the audience.

However, even the top executives of Tianmo Castle are actually hundreds of people. It is

difficult to find a different one in this situation.

Everyone in the audience also began to look at each other. You looked at me, and I looked at you. For a while, I was very confused.

But just a short while later, as people somewhere found that the people around them were wrong and kept retreating, the people there became more and more scattered.

Until the end, the group of people all dispersed, leaving only one person standing in the center circle.

Although he lowered his head at this time, his figure was obviously different from that of other demons.

Angelica was suddenly shocked, and he didn’t know when such a person came in.

“Who is there!” he roared.

Immediately afterwards, along with his roar, the man slowly stood up, and his colleague raised his head slightly.

There are many people who still don’t know who he is, but when the judge and the angel on the stage see clearly, they can’t help but go backwards on the spot!

Han three thousand!

Chapter 4403

“No, no, it’s impossible, it’s impossible!”

“George Han, why is George Han here?”

Two People were shocked and screamed at the same time.

This is just like seeing a ghost, making it difficult for people to stabilize their mood.

Afterwards, a group of executives in the audience panicked and tried their best to keep their distance from each other.

Amelia Su smiled lightly.

In fact, she just saw George Han in the crowd just now.

After she heard the voice before, she was sure that George Han was here, but when he never showed up, Amelia Su quickly realized that George Han might want to know something.

The two husband and wife had a tacit understanding, and Amelia Su was also very smart. George Han could know what he wanted to know almost instantly.

Therefore, Amelia Su and Angelica came together in such a way.

Angelica was really deceived, and

he told the whole situation of Tianmo Castle one by one.

Angelica glared at Amelia Su, and he finally understood what Amelia Su meant by someone who understood!

“You b!tch, you already knew he was here, and deliberately coaxed me, just to let George Han know the secret of my Heavenly Demon Castle?!” Angelica was furious.

Amelia Su nodded noncommittally: “That’s right. However, it’s impossible to say a lie. After all, I said from the beginning that George Han must not be restricted by you in the gold bricks, but unfortunately, you are not I don’t believe it.”

“You…” Angelica was furious, looking back at George Han, and asked coldly, “George Han, why are you here?!”

“You have clearly disappeared in my gold brick, so what are you doing? I might have retreated without my knowledge?”

George Han smiled coldly: “Didn’t my wife tell

you? Your broken gold bricks may be useful to others. , but with me, that’s all it is!”

“Impossible! I have already said that the Demon Castle is a top-secret formation. Once anyone enters the Demon Castle, he will automatically become a part of the Demon Castle. No matter how powerful you are, However, after all, it is the thing in the formation, your strength, that’s all, how could you possibly break through him?!”

Angelica couldn’t believe it, and the emotion of speaking became obviously extremely ferocious.

George Han smiled lightly: “This grand formation is indeed very strong and extreme.”

“Although it has been established since its establishment, it means that it cannot move at all, but… it has its disadvantages and its advantages. , at least, it can maximize the strength of its ability within its range.”

“I am also a human being, and I am always a thing in this world, so

it is inevitable to enter the formation and be affected by it.”

“But, Angelica Xiaoer, have you forgotten the divine weapon in my hand?!”

“Artifact?” Angelica was stunned for a second, and the next second instantly responded to the Pangu axe in George Han’s hand: “You mean the Pangu axe?!”

“No, it’s impossible. , the Pangu axe is obviously closed in your hand, and it can’t help you much at all.”

“Also, the distance between the six walls at that time was already extremely small, and your axe had no room to exert force at all. Therefore, Even if you simply want to use the axe to open the wall, it is absolutely impossible.”

“Even I can say something ugly now, with the current state of your Pangu Axe, it will always be affected by my great formation, so what about him? possible……”

George Han grinned: “That’s why my wife told you not to look at me like a normal person. But you kid, you don’t believe me.”

“From the beginning to the end, I didn’t expect the Pangu Axe to help me break the ice. Regardless of its strength , or its size, it can’t play any role at that level.”

“Then if you don’t use the Pangu Axe, what chance do you have?” Angelica was puzzled.

Although the Pangu axe is really not in the hands of George Han now, and it will be restricted by the formation, but in fact, Angelica is also very clear, that is just that the Pangu axe has not reached its strength circle.

Once its power is slightly displayed, how many things in the world can compete with it? !

George Han smiled lightly: “Can’t you get out without the Pangu Axe? What’s your logic?!”

“Don’t tell me, you forgot that when I resisted you in the six golden walls, there was more than one divine weapon. ?!”

Hearing this, Angelica’s eyes narrowed suddenly: “You…you mean, that…that black stick?!”

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