His True Colors Novel Chapter 4330 – 4331

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Chapter 4330

Everyone looked back and the soldiers had arrived in a hurry.

“Report to the Patriarch, the second elder did disappear suddenly as expected by Mr. Han…”

“This is impossible! The second elder is a very important person in the Pei family, how could it be possible to do something like stealing the teacher?!”

“Yes, bastard. Can you find out the things? I can warn you that the identity of the second elder is extraordinary and should not be played with, if you talk nonsense, you will surely die without a place to be buried in the future.”

For the *** people, This kind of news is like a bolt from the blue.

After all, if the prince is the absolute core of the ****, then the second elder is definitely the spiritual totem in it.

The prince is dead, if even the second elder is missing, then the so-called *** is only a nameless death.

The soldier hurriedly lowered his head: “If the subordinates don’t check it out, they will naturally not feel nonsense.” After the

words were finished, the soldier handed a

booklet with both hands and handed it directly to Pei Gu: “Patriarch, this is the entry and exit record of the north gate. As Mr. Han said, the second elder quietly left the city in the early hours of last night, because he had the elder’s hand, so the soldiers did not stop him.”

Hearing this, Han Sanqian smiled lightly, as expected.

Pei Gu frowned, the second elder ran away, and doing such things was not just a shameful thing for the entire Pei family, but the most important thing was the deeper meaning behind it.

*** A group of people is no longer as arrogant as before in the face of irrefutable evidence. The second elder steals the corpse. This is not only their responsibility to supervise the corpse, but more importantly and annoyed, because of the prince, they have been together for a long time. Now, the second elder has committed such a crime, how can they just get rid of the relationship?

“Three thousand?” Pei Gu looked at Han

Sanqian .

“It seems that the second elder is the spy who betrayed the secrets of the Pei family.” Han Sanqian can basically conclude.

To be able to put the enemy army into the main city, and to be able to tell the enemy army everything that happened in the main city, I am afraid that only these high-ranking people can do it.

The Second Elder is such a character.

“The second elder is also considered a famous person in the Pei family. He has many minions. Although he ran away, the Pei family had to guard against it.” Han Sanqian said.

Pei Gu nodded.

“However, it is precisely because there are too many minions. If you investigate carefully, many people will be implicated. Now that the prince is dead, although they may be leaderless, Pei Patriarch should not forget

. Understand, what Han Sanqian means is to pull some dead ghosts and pretend.

“I see.” Pei Gu nodded.

“Also, Brother Pei, there is something that is

not worth talking about.”

“Brother Han, you and I are sworn brothers, and we are like a family. If you have something to say, you can say it directly.” Pei Gu said.

Han Sanqian nodded, and then said, “In your opinion, what is the relationship between the second elder and Pei Hu?”

“The second elder has always loved Pei Hu. From childhood to adulthood, Pei Hu learned a lot of his skills from him.”

“In a sentence In other words, it’s like a father and son, right?”

Pei Gu nodded, and the relationship between the two can almost be evaluated in this way.

“What do you think the second elder is like?”

“Although the second elder is more serious, he has always been careful in doing things.”

“I mean, his personality.”

“It’s relatively calm.”

After saying this, Pei Gu looked at Han Sanqian with some doubts, obviously not knowing why Han Sanqian asked these questions.

After all, even if the second elder is to be hunted down, there is no need to investigate them.

How to look at it, Han Sanqian asked

more like the question asked by the second elder before he suspected it.

Since it has been determined that he did it, it seems unnecessary to ask these questions.

Of course Han Sanqian could understand the question in Pei Gu’s eyes, smiled lightly, and said, “Patriarch Pei, Pei Hu is your own son, he is dead now, I believe you are also very uncomfortable, but what will you do? ” Do you

want to cry, or seek revenge from me?”

“Don’t worry about me, forget the fact that he rebelled, and say you are the most real or the craziest idea.”

If you don’t think about Han Sanqian, don’t think about him. The former rebellion, then Pei Hu is dead, Pei Gu is categorically unacceptable, killing and revenge is inevitable.

“That’s right.” Han Sanqian nodded, and then changed the conversation: “But it’s also the worst part!”

What do you mean? Right again, right again?

Han Sanqian smiled and explained…

Chapter 4331

“What I mean by right means that the feelings between your father and son should be expressed in this way. But what is wrong is that even if the two elders are no longer Pei Hu and Pei Hu are better than father and son, and they are not always.”

“But what about his actions?”

Even crazier than the real father.

even metamorphosis.

After all, Pei Gu was an old fritter, and he immediately understood the true meaning of Han Sanqian, and immediately said, “Sanqian, you mean that the second elder didn’t take Pei Hu away because of missing or some kind of emotion?”

Han Three thousand heavy heads nodded; “Yes, I suspect that the purpose of the Pei Hu corpse he stole should be for some unknown secret.”

“He has the heart of rebellion!”

Pei Hu’s identity is the prince of the Pei family. , Even if he was slapped down by Pei Gu, he had been a prince for many years, and he still had an incomparably stable power and minions in the Pei family.


can be seen from the time when he forced Gong Pei Gu to step down.

After all, if there is no such support, Pei Gu will be ousted just by relying on one thing, what is it? !

With Pei Hu’s accidental death, Pei Gu also regained power, so the opportunity to take this opportunity to gain momentum was basically lost.

The only way is to revive Pei Hu in some way.

“In the land of the demons, there are too many evil methods to enumerate. The possibility of the three thousand you mentioned is indeed not small.” Pei Gu nodded.

If it is as Han Sanqian thought, once Pei Hu is resurrected in a certain manner, then he will definitely be able to bring out his old forces in the Pei family.

The second elder and the rebellious are indeed true.

“Immediately send someone to the border to pass the order. It is said that the original Pei Hu was abolished for treason and committed suicide because of guilt. However, the second elder colluded with foreigners and stole his corpse to seek independence. Let the border departments be careful guards to prevent the enemy from raiding.”

Pei Gu gave an order, and several

people immediately took the order.

“Also, how should these people be dealt with?” Pei Gu asked.

“They are all confidants of Pei Hu. If they don’t kill them, they will cause civil strife in the future, but if they kill all of them, it will make many minions panic, and they will also be in civil unrest.”

“According to my opinion, it is necessary for the Pei family to rule their crimes. Yes, but it is necessary to judge the situation and make some corresponding concessions. It has both the power of punishment and the suspicion of forgiveness, and it has to give some people a way to live.”

After listening to Han Sanqian’s words, Pei Gu nodded: “I know what to do. I did it.”

“It’s your family business after all, I’m here, it will only add more unnecessary trouble, I’ll come back to Pei’s house for the dinner.” After

saying goodbye to Pei Gu, Han Sanqian left with Su Yingxia and his two apprentices. Pei House.

Throughout the day, Han Sanqian began to teach his two apprentices one thing.


Therefore, after returning to Qifeng Pavilion, Han Sanqian asked the two children to go

back to their houses.

Then they didn’t tell them to do anything.

They wait inexplicably, without any purpose, and dare not do their own thing at will, this time will be the most boring.

But also in boredom, can the most perfect exercise a person’s patience.

This is what Han Sanqian wants to do.

Cultivation is boring, and patience is naturally important.

Secondly, on the battlefield, when it is hostile, it is also a game, so one’s patience will be extremely important.

If you have patience, you can take advantage of opportunities, and you can take care of one another if you have the first opportunity.

So, this is the first lesson of getting started.

In the evening, Han Sanqian went to see the two children.

Pei Mu is very honest, he almost kept his attitude after entering this afternoon, and did not move much, and is still waiting for Han Sanqian’s next instructions.

Pei Yuan obviously didn’t stay where he was. He was

almost walking around the room, and he couldn’t be idle all the time. He was always looking forward to Han Sanqian’s next step, so that this guy’s heart was almost overwhelmed. The tail never stopped.

Han Sanqian did not blame any of the two, and took them back to Pei’s mansion to prepare for the banquet.

And almost at the same time, near the border of Pei’s family.

A person is carrying a corpse on his back and is struggling to move forward at this time.

Although he was sweating profusely at this time, he still did not give up on the corpse on his back.

“Hu’er, you hold on for me, we are almost there, I tell you, as long as we arrive successfully, even if the King of Hell wants to take you, it is not that he is qualified to decide whether to take you or not.”

This person is none other than the second elder of the Pei family.

He suddenly raised his head and looked forward, and sure enough, under the night ahead, a black figure was standing there…

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