His True Colors Novel Chapter 4272 – 4273

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Chapter 4272

George Han is still immersed in the shock of killing Pei Hu by the wrong hand.

Although he has a grudge against Pei Hu, he is just like teaching Pei Hu before.

He didn’t mean to kill Pei Hu, otherwise he wouldn’t be merciful that day.

Pei Hu was always Pei Gu’s son, and Pei Gu was his ally.

They are always partners and there is no need to quarrel over these issues.

No matter how many mistakes Pei Hu has, from the point of view of allies, it should be handled by the Patriarch of the Pei family, not himself.

Therefore, seeing that Pei Hu’s throat had been pinched in his own hands, George Hanyi was stunned for a while.

Zhu Yanshuo seized this opportunity, and after throwing Pei Hu away, he ran out in a hurry.

The few cronies were called by Zhu Yanshuo, and subconsciously rushed towards George Han, but they only rushed a few steps. They calmed down

and stopped quickly when they called out that they were fooled. Look at me, I look at you , he just stepped back again.

George Hanzhiwei, how can they afford it.

George Han took Pei Hu and hurriedly let go. Seeing that Zhu Yanshuo had fled, he was about to chase, but the hand stuck on Zhu Yanshuo’s neck could clearly feel that his pulse was so weak that there was almost no pulse.

Between saving and chasing people, George Han could only grit his teeth and choose to save people.

One can really penetrate into Pei Hu’s throat in an instant, and while he heals the wound on his neck, the other infuriating goes directly into his heart to keep his beating.

After that, George Han glanced coldly at the few followers: “Why are you still standing there? Come and help, I want to heal him.”

A few close followers were afraid to die, but after being drunk by George Han, they still walked over obediently.

A few people can really take over George Han’s job of stabilizing

his heart, while George Han can spare time and hands to repair Pei Hu’s broken throat.

Time is very tight, George Han must be as soon as possible, otherwise Pei Hu’s life will be guaranteed.

At this time, Zhu Yanshuo, who had been turned out of the mansion, let out a sigh of anger, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

“Damn, damn George Han, I almost died at your hands.”

“If this revenge is not avenged, I, Zhu Yanshuo, swear that I will not be a human being.”

Zhu Yanshuo’s eyes swayed around when the words were finished, and finally he turned his eyes Locked on the corpses of several dead soldiers next to him.

“fu**, Pei Hu, you can’t blame me, I don’t want you to die, but it’s better for you to die than me.” When the

words fell, Zhu Yanshuo gritted his teeth, picked up the knife in the hand of the soldier’s corpse on the ground, pointed it at his abdomen, and stabbed it abruptly. went in.



With a muffled sound, blood flowed from Zhu Yanshuo’s stomach, and his complexion instantly became more ugly and distorted.

But now, he has to.

A moment later, when Ming Yu was worried, Zhu Yanshuo walked out extremely weakly, covering his stomach with his hands, covered in blood and with his hair scattered.

Ming Yu and others were shocked and anxious when they saw Zhu Yanshuo.

“City Lord Zhu, this… what’s going on?”

Zhu Yanshuo was covered in blood, just the amount of blood showed that his condition was extremely unsatisfactory. Ming Yu wanted to instill energy in him in a hurry, but Zhu Yanshuo refused directly.

“We are facing a great enemy now, and the elders should not spend any effort on Zhu, who is just a cheap life.” He looked at Ming Yu and knelt down suddenly.

“My subordinate is incompetent, and was ambushed by George Han. At the critical moment, I wanted to take Pei Hu

to escape, but I didn’t have enough manpower, so George Han was very powerful. He wounded me first, and then Then I killed Pei Hu.”

“I also ask the elders to convict me.”

Zhu Yanshuo lowered his head, seemingly sincere, but in fact his eyes kept twirling in the dark, and the corners of his mouth even showed a faint smile.

Ming Yu frowned, obviously shocked by Pei Hu’s intentions, but it was unexpected when she thought about it carefully, she was just more unwilling to let her chess pieces die like this.

Taking a deep breath, Ming Yu sighed: “Forget it, I can’t blame you for this.”

Ming Yu is very clear about George Han’s cultivation base, and it is not incomprehensible that Zhu Yanshuo is defeated.

“Where are the four masters?” Ming Yu drank coldly.

When the four masters saw Zhu Yanshuo come out, they were so embarrassed that they wanted to find a crack in the ground, and when they were called, they could only obediently walk out from the back…

Chapter 4273

“Subordinates are here.”

Abandon Zhu Yanshuo and come out alone, if all the people inside are dead, then they can turn black and white, clean up charge.

But the good thing is that Zhu Yanshuo is alive now, and everything will be revealed.

They have been hiding behind the crowd and have not dared to show their faces, because they are afraid that they will be caught now.

The four of them were very depressed, but they could only obediently bow in front of Ming Yu.

“You waited to enter the mansion with City Lord Zhu, but failed to keep City Lord Zhu and Pei Hu safe, what’s your guilt?” Ming Yu asked in a cold voice.

The four Black Mountain Demon Girls looked at each other with their heads lowered, and she took the lead in speaking: “Reporting to the elders, it is tantamount to fooling around with our dozen or so masters trying to resist George Han.

” ?” Ming Yu snorted coldly and shouted angrily: “Come here, drag me down and beheaded.”

“Elder, keep someone under the sword.” Zhu

Yanshuo hurriedly raised his head, with an extremely sincere attitude: “Elder, the four masters have fallen. Although the escape is hateful, they shouldn’t be blamed entirely.”

“George Han is very capable. Whether the four of them stay or not has nothing to do with whether the ending has changed or not. I believe you know this better than me.”

“So, they didn’t leave that much to give away four more heads.”

“Secondly, beheading generals before the battle is a major taboo in the march, not only destroying generals, but also a blow to morale. Now our army is using people’s tactics, it is better to give A chance for the four great masters to commit crimes?”

Seeing the sincerity on Zhu Yanshuo’s face, Ming Yu frowned slightly and did not speak.

Zhu Yanshuo did have some truth in what Zhu Yanshuo said, and the four masters are indeed rare talents. Since Zhu Yanshuo pleaded for mercy, she herself has stepped down, and immediately looked at the four masters: “You four have not thanked City Lord Zhu? The

four of them were shocked. They abandoned

Zhu Yanshuo first, but what they couldn’t imagine was that Zhu Yanshuo not only ignored the previous grudges and did not attack them, but also greatly forgiven them and asked for love for them.

“Thank you, City Lord Zhu, I will go through fire and water in the future, no matter what.”

Zhu Yanshuo just nodded lightly on the surface, but in fact he was sneering in his heart.

The four masters have always been good-natured with him, and they don’t work hard.

He has been looking for opportunities, but the four of them are old fritters.

it’s good now.

Not only can the topic of Pei Hu’s death come to an end, but also, he saved the four of them. If Ming Yu wanted to ask any details, he could lie and cover up the past, not afraid that the four would bite him at the end of the road.

At that time, if it was too heavy, it might bite myself into it, and if it was too light, it would make me a bad impression in front of Mingyu.

Of course, there is another point that he took the opportunity to win the hearts of these four people

. You must know that in this game of power, the more chips you hold, the more beneficial you are.

Although the army has suffered a defeat now, for him personally, he always has to reap the benefits that belong to him.

“You’re welcome, everyone is on the same boat.” Zhu Yanshuo pretended to be seriously injured and forced a smile.

“Come on, send City Lord Zhu to recuperate temporarily.” Ming Yu said lightly.

Zhu Yanshuo waved his hand and hurriedly stopped his servants: “I was just stabbed by George Han, and I can’t die. Right now, the war is so tight, how can I recuperate at ease, and ask the elders to leave me behind.”

“But you’re like this…” Ming Yu was slightly moved.

“It’s okay, I’d like to ask a few masters to use some infuriating qi to help me heal for a short time, as long as I don’t bleed.”

Ming Yu nodded and looked at the masters beside him. The masters immediately shot and healed Zhu Yanshuo

‘s injury. .

“The spirit of City Lord Zhu is very touching, and he is also a role model for my generation. Telling the whole army about this matter not only commends City Lord Zhu’s fighting spirit, but also hopes that it can boost the morale of our army.” Ming Yu ordered.

The subordinate nodded and went to do it immediately.

Zhu Yanshuo, who was being healed by the digital masters, seemed to close his eyes on the face, but in fact he was already ecstatic.

With this method, he won another wave of popular support, and he also got a wave of goodwill and trust from Ming Yu, and he made a lot of money.

After a while, several masters withdrew their hands, Zhu Yanshuo opened his eyes, and he was not in any serious trouble.

Although, even if there is no one to treat him, he knows that the part he inserted himself will not put his life in danger at all.

Zhu Yanshuo stood up slowly, walked to Ming Yu’s side, and said softly, “Elder, it’s getting late, we should launch the final general attack.”

Ming Yu nodded, raised his hand slightly, and the entire army sounded a long cry. …

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