His True Colors Novel Chapter 4264 – 4265

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Chapter 4264

“Report!” In

the main city, Mingyu’s temporary residence.

She had just rested for a while, and was about to get up and come out to check the situation, but she heard an urgent report from the spies.

When she came out of the room, a few cronies rushed to her door as soon as possible, and the spies had also arrived and were kneeling on the ground.

Ming Yu raised his eyes slightly and looked at the spies: “What’s the matter? Has the battle on the front line already had a result?”

According to the time, the front line should almost have a general result.

Otherwise, Ming Yu would not wake up after taking a short rest early.

“Reporting to the elders, the battle ahead has indeed come to an end, but…” The spy did not dare to continue, and buried his head very deeply.

Ming Yu frowned: “Speak.”

“The ambush failed. Commander Ma is withdrawing his troops to the city. He hopes that the elders can order people to open the city gate so that they can come in and defend the city.”

At end, the voice of the spy had already extremely small.

“Failed?” Ming Yu was startled.

Almost at the same time, a few cronies next to him were also full of horror.

One of them was even more excited and directly grabbed the spy: “What did you just say? The front… the front lost?” “

If you have something, say it again.”

What are you doing to piss him off when he loses?

However, he didn’t dare to contradict, so he hurriedly said: “The front is indeed defeated. When I heard that the reinforcements had already been surrounded and were about to be wiped out, a master suddenly came out. This master can block tens of thousands of people by one person, which is very powerful. After that, the wild beast on the north side of the city suddenly attacked again for some reason.”

“Our army was caught off guard, and the defense line was completely disintegrated and torn, so…”

The man heard the words and slammed the spy out in anger. Throwing it directly on the

ground , he was extremely angry.

“You bastard, if we can’t wipe out the reinforcements, then for us, it’s simply losing the most important trump card.” The

reinforcements are still there, and they will launch an offensive against the city.

“We have no other choice but to kill them as quickly as possible. Then complete our goal in the main city.”

“Otherwise, once we have a tug-of-war with them, we will inevitably die.”

“At that time, more reinforcements rushed to help, and it would be difficult for us to defend the empty city alone.”

“Elder, we are going to start the second set of plans.”

Ming Yu did not speak, and thought for a while, it was fortunate that she fought with George Han. Much more cautious, not betting on ambush from the start.

She had already made a second set of preparations.

“Order the city defense to open the gate and let outside troops enter the city to garrison.”

“In addition, immediately gather all the troops in the city and prepare to attack the Pei mansion .

” Ming Yu’s face was icy cold, and he also walked out of the house. A short while later, the troops outside the city had already pulled out and returned to the city, and quickly deployed their defenses at various city gates, waiting solemnly for the reinforcements from the Pei family.

And the soldiers in the city, except for those who surrounded Pei’s house, have all gathered in front of the door of Pei’s house, waiting for Ming Yu to personally command.

“Send the order, immediately invade the mansion and kill Pei Gu.”

As long as Pei Gu is killed, they can make Pei Hu the king.

With Pei Hu’s current situation, once he is in power, he may be able to be made a puppet by Ming Yu and others.

At that time, the crisis can be resolved, and the Pei family’s forces will basically be infiltrated by themselves, and the purpose of this battle will be achieved.

Originally, Ming Yu wanted to do this for a long time, but what

happened was that George Han suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation, which made her have to act cautiously, and wanted to wait for the army to come back and clean up.

But what I didn’t expect was that the ambush outside failed.

This made Ming Yu have to implement another set of plans in advance.

Although this is not what Ming Yu wants most, but now there is no other way but to bite the bullet.

“Are you all ready?” Ming Yu reviewed the troops and said coldly.

“It’s all ready.” The cronies said softly.

“The soldiers on the defense line outside the house saw George Han and tried every means to delay it. The people here rushed in with me, and they were bound to kill Pei Gu. You go and tell the people below and give me twelve points of spirit. Once we can’t kill Pei Gu, we will only live and die for a moment, do you hear it clearly?”



Ming Yu waved his hand, and the action officially began!

Chapter 4265

“Kill!” “Those who raise their hands and surrender, don’t kill!” The army entered the mansion, and it was like a flood in an instant. “We are Pei Hu’s subordinates.” Pei ‘s mansion, which was originally closely guarded, not only did not resist at all, but instead followed the enemy’s army into the mansion and killed it. Zhu Yanshuo smiled gloomily, he knew that the plan had succeeded. Pei Hu is a huge hot potato, and Zhu Yanshuo believes that it is difficult for Pei Gu to solve this matter. Li, he will only make Pei Hu never satisfied, because Pei Hu has even tasted the taste of the owner. Not to mention the fall, he has already reached the pinnacle of power, how can he still taste the taste of the lower order. Therefore, for Zhu Yanshuo, no matter what the final result is, it cannot be handled. Unless he kills his own prince. But Zhu Yanshuo does not think this possibility exists. After all, it takes a long time for the Pei family to cultivate a next generation, and most importantly, if a prince is killed, what will the people who follow the prince think? They are all in danger, and once they ignite them, they will rebel. So, it’s going to be a dead end. No matter what, Pei Gu couldn’t understand it. As soon as they entered the door, the troops turned out to betray, which was expected by Zhu Yanshuo.

“Elder, everything is going well.” Zhu Yanshuo walked gently beside Ming Yu and smiled.

Ming Yu nodded: “We need to kill Pei Gu as soon as possible. As for George Han, we can hold him back. Although I really want to kill him, he is not very important for our strategic significance this time.”

“This subordinate understands that the subordinate has already ordered it to go on.”

Ming Yu

nodded and did not speak any more.

But at this moment, the Pei family troops who followed their troops suddenly picked up the long swords in their hands, and slashed at the Mingyu troops.

After that, before Ming Yu and Zhu Yanshuo had reacted, the door of Pei’s house closed instantly!


I heard a violent shout from the mansion, and in the next second, I heard only the sound of the collision between the knife and the flesh, the sound of blood spraying, and the tragic shouts of the soldiers…

“What’s the situation?” Ming Yu frowned. A wrinkle.

Zhu Yanshuo was also completely shocked, and obviously did not understand what happened at the scene.

“Those people…why beat our people?”

“That bastard Pei Hu, isn’t he crazy? At this time, he is still helping his father beat us?”

“Is he sick?”

“Damn, if you help us, he will be able to

atone for his sins with his father? Doesn’t he know that in the Game of Thrones, a stain is always a stain?

” Ah.”

After a group of people reported it, they immediately cursed again and again.

Zhu Yanshuo turned around, faced Ming Yu, and hurriedly made amends: “Elder, why don’t I immediately bring some experts in to find Pei Hu and explain the ins and outs to him?”

“That kid should be a fool.”

Ming Yu hesitated for a while, if Pei Hu really didn’t know the fun and helped his father to counterattack him, this would be a very difficult problem indeed.

“Go, go and come back quickly.” Ming Yu finally nodded.

Zhu Yanshuo didn’t dare to delay in the slightest, and hurriedly led the people to climb over the wall and enter the mansion from another place.

Ming Yu’s thoughts were a little chaotic, she really didn’t understand why the situation became like this.


she has already arranged everything, and even thought about all the countermeasures, but why does everything turn around in an instant as long as she meets George Han? !

It was clear that he was already in a rush before, and he even successfully entered the opponent’s main city.

However, it is only one step away, just one breath away!

“George Han, are you

doing a ghost again?” “What the hell are you doing?”

Looking at the sky of the mansion, Ming Yu fell into the process of doubting life.

At this time, in the mansion, there was already a shadow of swords and blood, and most of the people were completely caught in the melee. Under this night, they looked tragic and desolate.

Zhu Yanshuo led several masters into it while taking advantage of the chaos, and went all the way to the inside…

He had to ask that idiot Pei Hu to make it clear, of course, if he could meet Pei Gu, it would be fine to kill him… …

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