His True Colors Novel Chapter 4260 – 4261

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Chapter 4260

“What is that ?!” The general who was about

to act, suddenly looked behind him, and saw the black cloud behind him Rolling, pressing down all the way.

The foul-smelling wind was also blowing from the other side, which was indescribably strange.

Not only him, the generals and soldiers beside him, and the enemy on the opposite side also slowly stopped their movements, all of which were attracted by the rolling black clouds.

“Buzz!” The

ground trembled slightly, and the trees swayed gently with it.

It seems that under the black cloud, in the jungle, some behemoths are coming in groups.

“What’s the situation?” “Damn

, there seems to be something rushing towards us over there! ” “Damn,

there’s nothing around here, how could something rush towards us?”

“Damn, this is Are you looking for death?” A group of people were in

a halo, obviously it was

difficult to guess what happened.

There was only George Han alone, smiling softly.

Now is the stalemate between the two armies, and it is simply the best move to have a breaker appear.

“The surprise for you is here.” George Han smiled coldly.


A long roar broke through the silence, and then, a black wolf roared out of the jungle first!

“Black… black wolves!”

“This… isn’t this the black wolves from the north of the main city?”

“Damn, why did it come here?”

“Damn, it must be lost, right?”

However, a group of people just thought so, and more and more dogs rushed directly behind the black wolf. come over.

From a distance, many people withdrew on the spot.

What kind of lonely wolves are they? It’s a huge area. They murmured and muffled, with a

bloodthirsty attitude.

Many people have seen these beasts from a distance when they were besieging the north of the main city.

They all know that this is not an ordinary beast at all, but a monster that has lost its mind. They only have endless killing, no pain, and they don’t know how to retreat.

It is difficult for anyone to face such an enemy.

Otherwise, the Pei family would not have chosen to focus on defense against these black wolves.

After all, how willing are you to fight him when you know that someone else is taking your life for you? And if there is more than one such life-threatening thing, there are tens of thousands!

As long as it’s fleshy, who doesn’t feel a little hairy when he goes to fight?

Even George Han himself would definitely be like this.

Fortunately, George Han can

control !

All monsters are mutated by the gas generated by the explosion of the forbidden area of ​​death. This is because after the explosion of the forbidden area of ​​death, all the yin inside the forbidden area leaked out collectively. These monsters were swallowed by the yin qi. It’s changed.

But no matter what, these black qi are always the most important thing to control them.

Coincidentally, George Han is now the father of these Yin Qi.

In George Han’s body, that swallowed the lava monster, and the lava monster was the master of the secret realm. Wouldn’t it be easier for him to control the things that these little black gas turned into? !

“The reinforcements have arrived, what are you waiting for?”

George Han shouted in a hurry, and in the next second, he directly activated his body’s energy to the maximum and killed the enemy beside him.


“So…that’s our reinforcements?

“Aren’t you joking with us? Are you bluffing the other side?”

“These black wolves and monsters, at first glance, are not good, and I even doubt that they are at all. It can’t be the kind of violent thing that can distinguish between the enemy and us, how can it be possible… Maybe it’s our friendly army?”

A group of reinforcements couldn’t help but asked curiously.

The general looked at the reinforcement general: “Commander, what should we do now?”

“Is there any other choice?” Shaking his head, the general turned his heart: “Whether they are our reinforcements or not, we have no other choice, for the time being, Use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.”

“Order the troops, break through the siege!”

Pulling from both sides of the southeast side at the same time will definitely make room for the beasts to attack, and in turn, the attack of the beasts can also pull the line of defense to the limit!

Success or life and death are on the line! !


Chapter 4261

“Kill!” The

soldiers were also excited again, maximizing the energy in their already tired bodies.

All of them know that they do not have so much time and physical strength to consume, and the only choice is one, and that is to succeed in one blow.

With their pulling, the huge army of beasts, led by the black wolf, also rushed towards the enemy.

The fierceness of the beast lies in its ferocity.

If the murderer also has fearless death, then it is crazy.

As the beasts came in, a group of soldiers fell to the ground on the spot, rolling on the ground frantically and shouting in agony.

“Enough is enough, it’s my time to come.”

George Han laughed coldly, and his hand moved suddenly.


The Skyfire and Moon Wheels met directly and exploded in front of him on the spot!

As the ground shook and the mountains swayed, all of them were covered in dust for several meters, and those who got close were completely blown away.


George Han suddenly flew away, heading south.

“What are you doing, breaking the siege and withdrawing the army!” The

reinforcements were turning around in surprise when the explosion was behind them, but George Han’s figure had already flown over his head, and a loud shout brought him back to reality.

“Get out of here!” There

was another angry shout, and I saw George Han directly holding the sword in both hands, leading the sky to slash!


The sword qi was like a rainbow, and it was like a huge Optimus Prime crashing down. Wherever it passed, there was no grass, and it just split a half-meter-wide unmanned path in the enemy’s encirclement.

The reinforcement general couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

What the fu** is this power?

A sword actually split like this! ?

Fortunately, it is not his own enemy, otherwise, who the hell can stand it?

One person, one unit.

I thought this must be a joke before, but now… I


don’t have the slightest bit of bragging!

“Brothers, the breach has been opened, kill me!”


With the commander’s drink, the entire army became completely motivated, and followed George Han all the way towards the periphery.

On the enemy’s side, several generals also hurried back to their commander-in-chief, looking at the reinforcements who were about to break through successfully from the south and couldn’t help but hurriedly said.

“Commander! We… what should we do?”

“That group of monsters suddenly killed us and caught us by surprise, and even with a huge number of them, it was extremely fatal. Our western defense line was already weak, and now it has been directly torn apart. With the collapse of the defenses on the western front, the already precarious southeastern side was completely in trouble under the confluence of George Han and the opposing army.”

“Commander, they are about to break out. We What should I do?”

Ordering people to quickly go to the south to replenish, and

the east army to support is the best solution.

But unfortunately, the gap on the western front has been opened, and a large number of beasts have already rushed to the center. Even if the army from the east goes to support, it will never have any effect in the end. They will be sniped by those beasts.

The commander did not speak, he already knew the result roughly.

It can’t be said that they lost, but their annihilation plan can basically declare bankruptcy.

George Han first pulled the line of defense, but at the most critical moment, he suddenly dispatched a group of beasts to break the balance.

Within a millimeter, he found a gap, and relying on this gap, he succeeded in breaking through.

There are subtle tactical coordination!

But what shocked the commander even more was the basis for George Han to implement this plan.

“One person is really used as an army of tens of thousands of people. At the beginning, we laughed at this guy for being a

fool, but we didn’t expect that we are the real fools.” The commander shook his head helplessly.

“Yeah, this George Han is really ferocious, and our Eastern Front troops are also tens of thousands of elites, but not only can’t deal with him, but he was forced to punch a hole. Such a fierce person has never been seen before. “

I’m afraid, it’s just that the hidden masters of our demons have come out.”

With a wry smile, the commander shook his head: “Order the troops, give up the siege.”

“We should hurry to gather our troops and quickly go to the main city. Set up the second line of defense.” The

general nodded: “The first line of defense has been defeated so thoroughly that we have gained so much power, this second line of defense…” The

commander smiled bitterly: “Listen to fate, meet such an opponent. , what can you do?”

At this time, on the southern defense line, the reinforcements had already broken through the siege…

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