His True Colors Novel Chapter 4228 – 4229

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Chapter 4228

Seeing these soldiers like tigers and wolves, let alone these children of the Pei family have never seen such a horrific scene, even if It is an ordinary woman who has never seen it before. A group of women screamed in horror on the spot, or they backed up again and again, or they fell to the ground on the spot, and they cried and scared stupid.

“Stop for me!”

Pei Gu shouted angrily, even if he didn’t have a weapon in his hand, as the head of the family, he would definitely stand in front of his family in a critical moment.

With Pei Gu’s violent shout, the powerful energy scattered directly, not only shaking Pei Hu and other Pei’s family away, but also directly shaking the soldiers who rushed up.

A group of soldiers immediately froze and stopped.

“Whoever dares to touch my Pei family, step over the old man’s body first.” Pei Gu snorted coldly.

Although he had no weapons in his hand, and even though Pei Gu was surrounded by many, like a trapped beast, but with his block

, none of the mad soldiers who rushed for a while really dared to advance half a step.

“Patriarch Pei, what a powerful official.” Zhu Yanshuo smiled softly and walked to the front of the soldiers.

“City Lord Zhu, killing people is just a nod to the ground. Today you won, Pei has nothing to say, but there is no need to be so humiliating.” Pei Gu said coldly.

“Patriarch Pei, why don’t you have to? You and I should join forces to attack. This has been decided in advance. However, when you turned your back on the battle, our army failed to attack the city, and countless brothers died unexpectedly. Is this what it should be? “Zhu Yanshuo also replied coldly.

“I’m waiting for my brother to be dead, and there is no other possibility of surviving. It seems very reasonable to sacrifice your group of women from the Pei family, right? Besides, they are just some bad insults. My brother can lose everything. life.”

“Brothers, you say,

right?” Zhu Yanshuo asked loudly.

“Kill, kill, kill!” The generals behind were encouraged and shouted in unison.

Zhu Yanshuo smiled, moved his hand lightly, took out a piece of paper, and looked at Pei Hu: “Mr. Pei, when you were just on the way, your cronies have already given me the list of the hundred people, and I have stamped them. Now, you only If you need to hold this piece of paper, you can leave safely from any city gate.”

Seeing the piece of paper, Pei Hu obviously wanted to move subconsciously, but when he saw his father in front of him, he hesitated for a while.

“Humph!” Pei Gu smiled coldly: “No wonder you betrayed the secret place of your family. It turned out that you were someone else’s lackey. Hahahaha, what a joke, my dignified son of the Pei family, the future head of the Pei family, Actually, willing to be a traitor and a lackey.”

Pei Guzhi’s words pierced Pei Hu’s heart like a thorn.

The position of the head of the family

is the only belief he insists on after he has lost all honor and disgrace. He did not allow Pei Gu to say this to him, and immediately said angrily: “You still have the face to talk about me?”

“I can’t help it! Like you, are you burying all my stable Pei family? You are too embarrassed to say me? You don’t even think about it. It’s also broken, all of this, it’s all your fault, it has nothing to do with me!”

Pei Hu finished drinking angrily, and in the next second, the cronies beside him hurriedly jumped out: “That’s right, Pei Gu, you This shameless old man is just wiping your ass and cleaning up the mess for you, but you are still pretending to be arrogant here, bah!”

“If you can keep 100 people, you will always keep 100 people, don’t you want everyone to do it ?” Paying for your mindless choice, Pei Gu, and losing your life?”

“Pei Gu, the

Pei family was destroyed in your hands, remember it.”

The Seventh Princess snorted coldly: “We are hiding in a hidden place, and there are three or four hundred people. Compared with the so-called one hundred people, it seems that there are more people to survive, right? Are you making such a bad excuse to treat us all as fools? It’s clearly because you are greedy for life and fear of death, so you betrayed your family to save your life. The joke, when it comes to your mouth, is so fresh and refined?! There are a lot of old men, I really want to ask you, where is your face?

” A very active cronie, he was literally speechless, and Pei Hu couldn’t hold his face, because what the Seventh Princess said was indeed the truth.

“Okay, I’m not interested in listening to your nonsense, Mr. Pei, I will send the four masters to help you. If you want to get this list, exchange it with Pei Gu’s head.” After the

words were finished, Zhu Yanshuo threw a long sword directly. Throwing it in front of Pei Hu…

Chapter 4229

Pei Hu is sweating coldly on his forehead

. Father, if you want to kill him with your own hands, this is a person, and you can’t do it for a while.

However, if you don’t kill your father, you won’t be able to get the list. Naturally, you can’t live without this city.

“Young master, kill Pei Gu.”

“Yeah, you don’t have to feel any guilt, don’t forget, our current situation is all due to his stupidity. If Han

George Han comes back, how can the Pei family have today? You kill him, just to clear those bad debts for the Pei family. .”

A group of cronies kept instigating in their ears!

“Pei Hu, how dare you!” The seventh princess shouted angrily and stepped directly

in front of Pei Gu: “Although the main city is quite dangerous, is it really my father’s fault?”

“Don’t forget, it was you who neglected your duties, Even if the city gate is broken, and the enemy is let go deep, you, the new head of the family, should be responsible. Also, he is your father, do you want to kill your father?”

Looking at the seventh princess, who he usually ignores the most, Now he is the bravest to stand up to protect him, and the son he values ​​most is going to kill him now, and Pei Gu has mixed feelings for a while.

Is he wrong?

Maybe he was really wrong!

But what’s even more outrageous, I’m afraid it’s my own eyes that recognize children and daughters!

“I…I…” Pei Hu was speechless.

“Master, don’t listen to her nonsense, the seventh princess is clearly a scourge, don’t forget, she has a big

credit I think it is this demon girl who is going to kill my Pei family. “

Yes, kill Pei Gu first, then kill this demon girl to comfort the soldiers who died in my city, son, order, I will join you in slaughtering the enemy.”

All the cronies rallied, and Pei Hu clenched his teeth: “That’s right. Kill, kill, kill, kill for me!”

After he finished speaking, Pei Hu directly picked up the long sword on the ground, his blood-red eyes turned towards Pei Gu and the seventh princess.

The cronies behind him did not dare to be idle at all, and responded one after another, besieging them directly.

Under Zhu Yanshuo’s eyes, the four masters immediately approached Pei Gu.

For a time, at Pei Gu’s place, the enemy was immediately plunged into a siege battle.

Pei Gu guarded the Seventh Princess behind him. When the disaster was approaching, he knew who was the person he should be close to and trust the most. Now he can

see clearly .

Even if she was besieged by many people, he planned to never allow anyone to hurt her even if he fought for his life.

For a time, in the courtyard in front of Pei’s gate, there were shouts of killing, and swords, lights, swords and shadows did not stop.

“Hmph, dog bites dog.”

Watching the Pei family fighting, Zhu Yanshuo showed no sympathy, only endless ridicule.

This in itself is what they want to see. Now, although the drama is late, it has finally arrived.

Although Pei Gu is fierce, facing the entanglement of the four masters, he can’t do it at all. In addition, Pei Hu is already very powerful. Although he was frightened when he was facing the enemy, it would kill his father. Not being soft-handed, every sword was aimed at killing Pei Gu.

Now that he has made up his mind to do this, Pei Hu is unwilling to leave any words, and naturally he should do his best.

Poor Pei Gu, who was domineering

for a while , was facing such a situation. In addition, he had to take care of Xiao Qi behind him. After only ten minutes, he was covered in scars.

Just like the old lion king in the lion group, under the siege of several young male lions, he slowly walked down the altar and slowly died.

“Father!” The Seventh Princess was guarded behind her, but seeing Pei Gu covered in blood, she cried out in sadness!

Those who heard his voice and saw his father’s likeness couldn’t bear to witness the tragedy during the siege, and they all turned their heads to one side.

Suddenly, a coquettish shout came. Among the female family members, the eldest princess led a group of women to come to the rescue. After all, they could not bear the family owner being tortured and killed like this…

However, Zhu Yanshuo did not panic at all, and glanced at the person beside him. Soldiers: “Women are so active, what are you waiting for?” When the

words fell, all the soldiers understood in seconds, like mad dogs, and rushed over…

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