His True Colors Novel Chapter 4194 – 4195

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Chapter 4194

the Seventh Princess just say?

Yan, everyone laughed, and even Pei Gu turned his face away at this time.

He didn’t expect George Han to be of any help. He only hoped that George Han would come back safely and not let his investment be completely messed up. He was already thankful.

At least, people are back, no matter whether he has become stronger or not, this is at least a hidden investment!

“Seventh princess, are you afraid that you are dreaming? Or is it that you often stay in the boudoir, seventh princess, and don’t know much about common sense?”

“The Patriarch has already said that the explosion of the forbidden area of ”‹”‹death is huge and powerful, not only Just razing the forbidden area of ”‹”‹death directly to the ground, and even the

wind generated by it has been blowing all the way to our main city, so powerful, the seventh princess actually thinks that someone can come out alive? This idea is naive even if it is I don’t know what to say.”

“Everyone, it doesn’t matter, anyway, today, everyone is from their own family, and they won’t be laughed at by others. Everyone, just have fun.

” When it fell, everyone laughed again, and the meaning of ridicule should not be too full.

“Okay, Seventh Princess, this is the end of these jokes. Although my Pei family is in a dangerous situation now, it is not without troops deployed around. As long as Young Master Pei can persist for three days, our reinforcements will be able to solve my main city. Therefore, we can solve this problem by ourselves without the help of outsiders.”

“As for this

Second, it’s also very simple. The Pei family has already faced such danger because of your last choice. It’s fine that we don’t hold you accountable, but you can’t repent and harm us again and again, right? Are you going to take our fate and bet on a Korean three thousand? What if he doesn’t come back? what should we do? “

“Are we waiting to die?” ” When the

words fell, everyone nodded, and Pei Gu nodded slowly.

Although their tone was not good and had a strong sarcasm, the meaning of the words was full of truth. The

Seventh Princess answered and said Said: “My father has asked Pei Gongzi to guard the city wall, and I have never said that you should wait to die. However, since I’ve already said this, I don’t have anything to say. I just hope you

don’t ask George Han for the best in the future. When the

words were over, she looked at Amelia Su and Ziqing, and was about to leave with the two daughters.

“Hold on. “One person stopped the three daughters who were leaving in time.

The seventh princess looked back, a little puzzled and a little dissatisfied.

The man asked coldly, “Seventh princess, where are you going?” “

“Go back to the palace to rest, what, can’t you?” “The Seventh Princess replied.

“Of course the Seventh Princess can go to rest, but what my subordinates want to ask is, where are these two going to rest?” When the words fell, he cleared his throat: “Sifeng Pavilion was established at the beginning of the establishment of the East Palace, and apart from the Patriarch and Young Master, other people are probably not qualified to live in it. Seventh princess, do you understand? “

Hearing this, the Seventh Princess became very angry, doesn’t this mean that Su

Amelia Su and Ziqing are to be driven out of the Qifeng Pavilion?

“Don’t be too deceiving! “The Seventh Princess drank in a cold voice.

It’s a small matter to bring it out, but the loss of face and dignity is a big deal.

Amelia Su hurriedly stopped the Seventh Princess, smiled at the man, and said, “Okay, we can move out of Qifeng Pavilion.”

Ziqing was a little anxious, and she didn’t slap people in the face.

However, Amelia Su gently pressed the impulsive Ziqing in her hand and shook her head slightly at her.

Amelia Su agreed, but the man didn’t have any good expression on his face. He snorted coldly and said with a smile: “This man, the most fearful thing is that he doesn’t know what to do, but fortunately, some people have a good idea.

” People clapped and clapped, and a middle-aged man slowly walked up to him…

Chapter 4195

The man bowed his head slightly and did not speak.

“By the way, let me introduce, this is the etiquette officer of my Pei family.” The man finished speaking, looked at the etiquette officer, smiled coldly, and said, “These two ladies are the guests of my Pei family, you As the etiquette officer of the Pei family, should you arrange accommodation for the guests?”

“Naturally.” The etiquette officer bowed his head and said politely.

The man smiled lightly: “Then what are you still doing? Why don’t you take the two guests to the guest room to rest?” The

etiquette officer nodded, walked a few steps to Amelia Su and Ziqing, and made a slight gesture of invitation.

Zi Qing was angry, and when he saw the man’s face, he knew that he was not at ease.

The Seventh Princess naturally knew this, and she hurriedly looked at Pei Gu.

But Pei Gu was really helpless at this time, and shook his head at her, motioning her to stop worrying.


it is really lord, but the matter of George Han has already caused the group to be angry. somethin.

So, instead of this, it’s better to ignore the last thing, at least get your own security.

Amelia Su smiled lightly, not taking this to heart at all: “Then there will be the Lao etiquette officer to lead the way.” The

etiquette officer nodded, led the two girls, and slowly walked towards the guest room.

Seeing the two girls leave, Princess Qi finally couldn’t bear it any longer, and hurried to Pei Gu’s side: “Father, you…

” That’s it for now, don’t cause more trouble.”

“But…” The Seventh Princess wanted to say something.

However, Pei Gu had already waved his hand and sighed: “The most important thing at the moment is not discussing other things, but the safety of the main city.” When the

words were finished, Pei Gu waved his

hand and signaled everyone to go ahead.

The seventh princess was helpless and could only retreat from the court together with everyone, but although they were together, their expressions were different.

The group of people was obviously very proud, and the Seventh Princess was almost lost.

When they approached the entrance of the hall, the group of people looked at the Seventh Princess, and sneered obviously, and then they walked away.

The Seventh Princess frowned, wondering what the purpose of his sneer was. However, the other party had already left, and she didn’t think too much about it. With a sigh, she walked towards her residence.

At this time, the two women Amelia Su were on the other end.

Following the etiquette officer, they passed through several halls all the way to the guest room of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Although the size and luxury of the guest rooms here cannot be compared with the Xifeng Pavilion, they are still clean and elegant. It was somewhat

uncomfortable to be kicked out of Xifeng Pavilion, but at least the guest room gave him some comfort.

It’s not too bad to live here.

But what the two women really didn’t expect was that the etiquette officer took them to the guest room and didn’t stop at the guest room, but just passed by lightly and walked towards a deeper place.

Zi Qing couldn’t help it, she couldn’t help asking: “Official Ritual, wasn’t that the guest room just now? Why didn’t we stop and go inside?”

“Oh, two guests, this is the main guest room. , is not the place where the two live. The place where the two live is still inside.”

Hearing the words of the official, Ziqing was a little puzzled.

Isn’t the main room just for guests? What is not where they live? !

Could it be that there is a secondary room in there? !

Ziqing wanted to speak, but Amelia Su, who was on the side, shook her head, signaling her not to say more.

Amelia Su has seen the

attitude of the Pei family. George Han’s whereabouts are unknown now. Naturally, the Pei family’s face is not good-looking. At this time, Amelia Su is really not in the mood to cause any trouble, and she does not want to talk to her. Others argue about this.

This will be a good thing for Pei Gu, and it will also be clean for himself.

In this way, the three continued to walk towards the courtyard.

The back of the host and the guest is obviously a bit off-angle, the house is low, and at first glance, the servants live.

“Do we live here?” Zi Qing asked, which was somewhat bullying.

“Oh, that’s not it.” The etiquette officer shook his head with a smile.

At least Ziqing has a lot of peace of mind, as long as it’s not a place like this, it’s fine. After all, this low-class room is really not a problem to live in, but it is too humiliating.

After walking in for a while, the three finally stopped…

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