His True Colors Novel Chapter 4146 – 4147

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Chapter 4146

“No, no, it’s impossible, it’s absolutely impossible.”

George Han shook his head repeatedly, rejecting his crazy idea.

While this is indeed the most plausible explanation, it is also absurd from another point of view.

How is this possible? !

Thinking of this, George Han shook his head, and then continued to walk while looking for the so-called magic pill.

I don’t know how long it took, when George Han was completely tired, he found a big tree everywhere to sit with his back.

The place here should be said to be big or small, but George Han is basically sure that he has searched all the places.

Unfortunately, he did not see any trace of the so-called divine pill.

But according to what the Pei family said, Shendan must be here, and even the

old man affirmed it.

So, where is it, where is it? !

George Han couldn’t figure it out, and couldn’t figure it out, until he thought again about so many big faces and so many figures that had just appeared in the fog.

Shouldn’t it be that those people have already been found, right? !

It seems to be very possible.

George Han roughly calculated the number of talents just now. There are at least seven or eight people on the other side. Isn’t it easy for such a large crowd to find a medicinal pill in such a small place?

If that’s the case, it’s very possible that the medicine pill is in their hands.

Thinking of this, George Han hurriedly stood up, and then straightened himself into the mist again.

He is looking for those people, even if the thing is not in their

hands, he must ask clearly.

But unfortunately, after searching for about ten minutes, let alone a person in the fog, even a shadow George Han couldn’t see it.

George Han was very depressed. After a while, he suddenly remembered something, and then lay down on the ground. The fog about one meter high no longer blocked his sight. It was just too dark. You can see the surrounding situation clearly.

Suddenly, right in front, a figure quickly passed by.

This time, George Han naturally wouldn’t let it go at all, and hurriedly got up and rushed towards the man.

According to his speed and the direction he was rushing in, George Han roughly estimated the position he had reached, which was almost just right, and he directly blocked in front of the man.


big face once again met George Han directly in the mist.

At this time, George Han finally got a clear view of the person in front of him.

He was dressed in sackcloth, and was somewhat tattered. His burly body was two meters tall. However, there was fear in this man’s eyes, which was somewhat inconsistent with his original appearance.

At least, the temperament is corresponding to a savage person, but the expression is a fearful person.

Seeing George Han, the fear in the man’s eyes was even greater, and his body even trembled involuntarily.

The next second, when the person reflected, he turned around and tried to escape in another direction.

Since they were blocked, how could George Han let them go so easily this time? !

He directly stretched out his hand and tried to grab the man’s shoulder, even though George Han knew very well that it would be difficult to grab

such a burly man with his own strength.

But the body’s subconscious, or let him do it.

Speaking of which, Joe, or maybe the man was not as strong as he imagined, and he caught the guy with one grab.

When the guy saw that he was caught, he also wanted to get rid of George Han’s hand.

But it’s strange to say that when the man patted George Han’s hand grabbing his shoulder, George Han didn’t show any sign of being opened.

Just when George Han was very strange, the man panicked when he saw that he couldn’t pat George Han’s hand, and directly slapped George Han with his palm, trying to struggle.

In the face of such an attack, George Han’s body naturally couldn’t bear it now, but a subconscious movement of his body…

something unexpected happened to George Han, and he suddenly flew up…

Chapter 4147

going on?”

That’s all, not to mention flying to the sky, even if you want to be more flexible now, it’s futile.

But unfortunately, things happened towards this most incredible end.

He didn’t understand, but he didn’t have time to make him understand either.

Seeing that George Han had escaped his attack, the man did not intend to withdraw his hand, and the backhand turned two consecutive palms.

His skills are skilled, and the tricks he uses are very domineering. Even if George Han just looks at it, he can fully tell that the person in front of him is definitely a first-class peerless master.

Not to mention the current self, even if the peak self wants to meet him, it is definitely not an easy thing.

He is at least above Amelia Su and Ziqing’s cultivation base, and with rich combat experience, it is

not .

But here’s where the weirdness is.

It is said that such a master, let alone met himself, even if he met an absolute true god like Lu Wushen, he would definitely not have such a fearful scene.

They may indeed not be the opponents of the true god, but they are definitely not ordinary things that the true god can clean up.

Between shock and strangeness, George Han also flashed subconsciously.

George Han, who thought he was completely unstoppable with his current appearance, unexpectedly found that his dodging not only avoided the flipping palms from the opposite side in a row, but was by no means as difficult as he imagined. On the contrary, he was simply relaxed. ,as……

“Why did I suddenly return to my peak?” George Han frowned, unable to understand for a while.

But between turning his hands, he could clearly see the

bursts of intense breath contained in his hand at this time, and then raised his right hand, burning silently and burning, ****.

Depend on!

Unconsciously, he actually inexplicably restored his original appearance and power.

Well, now that he has recovered, and the opponent tries to attack again, George Han’s confusion has turned into self-confidence.

It’s been a long time since I looked like this. To tell the truth, George Han’s hands have long been itchy.

It is rare to have a master duel, so I will accompany you to play happily.

As soon as the words fell, George Han quickly turned from defense to attack, and when he moved his feet, the jade sword in his hand was already held and shot out!


The sword missed, but it also opened up enough space, which is what George Han wanted in his heart.

With this space, in the next second, Han’s 3,722-way Divine Sword attacked like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

The complex and exquisite swordsmanship almost made George Han attack fiercely and have few weaknesses. Those who

were already flustered might not have expected George Han’s counterattack to be so fast and so fierce.

In a hurry, his hands and feet were messed up, and he was exhausted to deal with it. He was sweating profusely and full of flaws.

However, even so, the masters are always masters. In the constant confrontation, these flaws are covered by all of them one by one, and they are beginning to be on a par with George Han.

George Han became more and more excited the more he fought, and he liked it more and more.

But compared to his excitement, the opponent was more and more guilty at this time, until the end, he had begun to feel timid and wanted to retreat at any time.

George Han smiled coldly and said softly: “As a master, do you know what is the most taboo thing? That is to fear the enemy in battle.”

“And this fear will be It will be

the last straw that crushes you.”

“The brave who meets you in a narrow path wins!” As soon as the words

fell, George Han had already pointed his sword vertically and horizontally, aiming at the top of his head, and suddenly it was a crazy blow!

And although that person already knew that he was bound to lose, he never imagined that he would lose so quickly. !

The only thing he can do right now is to use his body to forcefully resist, in the hope that he will not be beaten so badly in the defeat.

Of course, some things are always thought, especially for a loser, thinking about this kind of thing is sometimes more like a ridiculous dream.

Before he could reflect it, George Han had a sword on his throat.

George Han gave him a cold look and said calmly, “Who are you?”

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