His True Colors Novel Chapter 41 – 45

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Chapter 41

“Give you a chance, call someone.” George Han looked at Lei Chuan with a torch, and said coldly.

Lei Chuan gritted his teeth, he had never seen such an arrogant person before, and even gave him a chance!

Although Lei Chuan admitted that the person in front of him did have some strength, his personal bodyguard was not an ordinary person after all, but it did not mean that no one in the entire Cloud City was his opponent.

“Okay, arrogant enough. I, Lei Chuan, will open your eyes today, what is a real master!”

Following a call, Lei Chuan’s manpower soon arrived.

But one by one, and no one was spared, and the whole Junyue Ting restaurant fell into a cry.

Lei Chuan’s back was straight and cold. Who was this f*cking person, his strength was so strong.

“Old…Boss, or ask Brother Yong to bring two people. There must be a lot of masters around him.” The manager reminded Lei Chuan in a low voice. This is the face of Lei Chuan and the face of Jun Yue Ting, although he It’s the manager, but I don’t want to lose this person, and I really can’t understand how arrogant George Han is.

Lei Chuan said in a deep voice: “It can only be this way.”

Looking at George Han, Lei Chuan felt that he had been so humiliated for the first time in his life, and said angrily: “Little brother. Your path has come to an end, don’t blame me.”

Let Lin Yong come forward, this matter is not as simple as an apology, Lei Chuan has already been murderous.

Amelia Su is not at all worried now. And looking at George Han with a fanfare expression, this is my man, he turned out to be so powerful.

Not long after, Lin Yong took people to the Grand Hyatt Court. Two burly men with bursting muscles were tall and big, and they were hard to deal with at first glance.

But when Lin Yong saw George Han, his whole body was so excited, there was an urge to trample Lei Chuan to death in an instant. This forceful thing allowed him to deal with George Han!


As soon as Lin Yong’s words reached his lips, George Han interrupted: “Is this the person you brought?”

Lin Yong said honestly: “Yes.”

“Let them fight with me.” George Han said.

Lin Yong couldn’t figure it out, but since George Han had spoken, how could he dare to refuse.

Two burly men went into battle together and fought George Han fiercely, but in the end they did not escape the fall.

Lei Chuan was completely confused. Even the people Lin Yong brought were not his opponents. Who else could stop him in Basin City?

“Do you still want to call someone?” George Han asked Lei Chuan, turning his head.

At this time, Lei Chuan suddenly realized that this young man was not arrogant, but had real strength.

The cold sweat on his forehead looked at Lin Yong, his subordinates were beaten in this way, without even saying a word.

Seeing Lei Chuan stunned, George Han walked to Lei Chuan and kicked Lei Chuan’s chest.

Lei Chuan suffered a heavy blow in the chest, almost blackened his eyes, and fell to the ground with his mouth widened, apparently having difficulty breathing.

“Are you satisfied with such unreasonable troubles?” George Han said coldly.

Lei Chuan looked pale and said to Lin Yong, “Brother Yong, save me.”

Lin Yong stood there, not daring to move, thinking that if I save Nima a target, I am just a little brother in front of him.

George Han looked at the manager, who was scared to sit on the floor with murderous eyes: “Don’t hit me, don’t hit me.”

“Is there still a place now?” George Han asked.

“Yes. There is a position, there is a position.” The manager said with a startled look.

The cashier in the bar was already too scared to speak, but George Han didn’t let her go and said, “Apologize to my wife.”

“Yes… I’m sorry.” The cashier stammered, lowering his head.

Lei Chuan was still looking at Lin Yong, hoping that Lin Yong could come forward and speak for him, but he couldn’t beat him. How could he suppress this guy’s arrogance as Lin Yong?

But to Lei Chuan’s disappointment, Lin Yong stood there in awe with his hands on his thighs. Lei Chuan was shocked by this scene.

Even Lin Yong… doesn’t seem to dare to mess with him!

What kind of person is this young man?

After George Han took Amelia Su and sat down in a position near the window. Lei Chuan walked to Lin Yong quietly and asked, “Brother Yong, who is this person?”

Lin Yong snorted coldly, and said: “Lei Chuan, you f*cking kill yourself, hurry up, don’t pull me back, if you do this thing, I will never let you go.”

After Chang Bin’s incident. Lin Yong knew that his position in George Han’s mind had been degraded. If George Han was unhappy this time, he would even have a question whether he could keep his current position.

While the manager and cashier were still wondering how Lei Chuan would retaliate against George Han, Lei Chuan did something that shocked them.

In the direction of George Han. Kneel on your knees!

The manager and cashier looked at Lei Chuan kneeling in disbelief.

The boss of Jun Yue Ting actually kneeled down!

“Manager, this…our boss.”

The cashier was frightened, and the manager was not much better. Looking at George Han’s eyes again, he was full of fear.

“Shut up, don’t talk.” The manager said coldly.

Amelia Su looked at George Han with weird eyes, and looked at George Han with a little hairy heart.

“Why are you staring at me like this?” George Han couldn’t help asking.

“Lei Chuan actually knelt down. Didn’t you spend money this time? Even if you spend money, Lei Chuan can’t do such a shameful thing.” Amelia Su said, what happened before. George Han said that he spent money to let Lin Yong solve it. At that time, Amelia Su didn’t think much about it and believed it to be true, but now this matter told her that it was by no means as simple as money.

Who is Lin Yong? The figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City, his subordinates don’t know how many thugs, but he dare not even say a word now, can this be done by money?

“Can’t beat me. Isn’t it normal to admit defeat?” George Han said.

Amelia Su shook her head and said: “If you can’t beat me, Lei Chuan will kneel down and apologize to you. If this incident spreads, does he still have any face? Don’t be a three-year-old kid.”

Regarding the current situation in Basin City, George Han could not tell Amelia Su, especially the gray area, otherwise she would be a fair lady. I will definitely be worried.

“You will know later.” George Han said.

Amelia Su saw that George Han was reluctant to say it, so she had to give it up, but she was curious about one more thing, and asked: “You have always been so good. Or did you only get better recently? What are the Su family members in your eyes? “

“All the time, Ant.” George Han replied concisely.

Amelia Su smiled happily and continued: “Why are you making such a big fire today?”

“They want to see what it means to make trouble. How can I not meet such a request?” George Han said.

Amelia Su knew that George Han became angry because they said that they were making trouble unreasonably. Everything they did today was because of her. The happiness that grew in her heart is self-evident. This feeling of being protected is even more so. Amelia Su was indescribable.

“If I become very headstrong one day, will you still be with me?” Amelia Su asked suddenly.

“Yes.” George Han said categorically, “No matter how capricious you are, I will protect you.”

Amelia Su narrowed her mouth and said: “I won’t be willful, I just want to make those who look down on our family look at me with admiration.”

George Han understands Amelia Su’s disposition very well. She has never been the kind of willful person, but very sensible, and she will think twice before doing anything.

In the Su family for so many years, Amelia Su has suffered too many unfair treatments. If she were to be willful, she would have broken away from the Su family. Holding a breath, isn’t it just to prove himself to the Su family?

After eating, Lei Chuan knelt and greeted each other. Lin Yong was finally relieved to see that George Han had not pursued the matter.

George Han is not the kind of person to turn over old accounts. Since he has not pursued it now, it means that this matter is over.

“You’re lucky this time, and grow your eyes later. Also, you’d better close your mouth tightly in this matter, otherwise I can’t guarantee what will happen.” Lin Yong said coldly to Lei Chuan said.

Lei Chuan nodded and touched the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn’t dare to be any more curious about George Han’s identity, because Lin Yong’s words were already an obvious reminder that if he had to die, he would regret it. That’s too late.

“Please remember to me that what happened today is not allowed to leak.” Lei Chuan said to the store staff.

Chapter 42

Back home, Lily slumped on the sofa with no love, Wilson Su looked depressed watching TV, and there were two bowls of unfinished white porridge and a plate of sauerkraut on the coffee table.

Amelia Su was angry at seeing this scene. Could it be that they couldn’t even take care of themselves without George Han? Is it possible to expect George Han to cook for a lifetime at home?

“Mom, you won’t be able to cook without cooking for a few years, right? George Han won’t cook in the future, are you going to starve to death?” Amelia Su tidied away the dishes. While complaining.

Lily Jiang didn’t speak, Wilson Su sighed and said: “Your mother is beginning to feel sorry for the 200,000 yuan, and also said that the family’s living expenses will be cut by half in the future.”

Speaking of money, Lily Jiang immediately became energetic and said to George Han in a commanding tone: “From today, I will only give you 500 yuan for living expenses in the future.”

“Five hundred yuan?” Amelia Su walked out of the kitchen angrily, a family of four, what can you buy for five hundred yuan a month, can you drink porridge all at once?

“Mom, don’t go too far. How can you live for a month at five hundred yuan?” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang said lightly: “Why is it not enough. As long as the arrangements are made properly, people can still starve to death? And for so many years, he has not spent a penny at home, so he should also spend his private money to subsidize the family.”

Amelia Su was so angry that she borrowed the money, but now she is embarrassing George Han. What’s the matter.

“Okay, you can arrange it by yourself. He will not cook at home in the future.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang looked at Amelia Su angrily and said, “I am in a bad mood now. Don’t mess with me and make me go smoothly? Can’t he be a rice bug at home if he doesn’t cook.”

Amelia Su still wanted to refute. Being pulled by George Han.

Seeing George Han shaking his head, Amelia Su was even more aggrieved for George Han.

“Three thousand, you…”

“Mom still feels distressed. Let’s just say a few words.” George Han pulled Amelia Su back into the room.

Amelia Su sat on the bed, feeling unhappy.

George Han smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t take the money, I can pay for the living expenses.”

“It’s not a question of money. I don’t want you to cook at home anymore.” Amelia Su said.

“The family is too small to invite auntie to cook, let’s go for a while.” The current environment of the family does not allow for servants, but it will be fine after the Villa in Yundingshan is renovated and moved in.

“Can the family grow bigger in a while? And how much money will it cost to cook aunty? Our family is not rich.” Amelia Su said helplessly, shook her head, and continued: “Forget it, I don’t want to worry about these troubles. Yes, do you want to buy groceries tomorrow? I happen to be on vacation, let’s stay with you.”

“Okay.” In the past three years, Amelia Su has never appeared in the vegetable market with George Han. This is a brand new experience for George Han. Can not help but make him look forward to.

The next day, they ran in the morning as usual. After breakfast, the two went to the vegetable market near their home.

This is a place that George Han is very familiar with. For three years, he will come almost every day. The stall owner here is also familiar with George Han, and many people greet him.

Seeing this scene, Amelia Su really couldn’t understand that George Han, who was still domineering yesterday, has become involved with these small vendors again, and it has been three full years.

Amelia Su felt more and more that she could not see through George Han, but she had a feeling that George Han would bring her unimaginable surprises.

After buying vegetables, the two returned home. Lily Jiang looked at the fish and pork ribs and gave George Han a meal. Amelia Su helped to say a few words. Lily Jiang almost didn’t want to make a fuss, but it was Wilson Su in the end. He dragged Lily back to the room to calm down.

During dinner in the evening, Wilson Su received a phone call and didn’t know what was said on the other end, but his expression was not very good.

When he hung up the phone, he seemed hesitant to say something, Lily Jiang said directly: “If it’s a matter of spending money, we definitely won’t go.”

“It’s a call from Old Tang, saying that we have changed the house, and we invite us to play.” Wilson Su said, moving to a new home means giving gifts, but Lily Jiang is in this state, and taking money is like killing her, but Tang Chengye himself I’m calling, but I can’t go.

“Has Uncle Tang’s house changed to a new house?” Amelia Su asked.

Tang Chengye is Wilson Su’s old classmate. The family has been close before. Tang Chengye even wanted to kiss him and let Amelia Su be his daughter-in-law. Later, after George Han entered the Zuosu family, the relationship between the two families weakened. some.

“Well, I heard that I changed the big house, the middle building.” Wilson Su said.

“Going is not to let the number of people fall. Don’t go.” Lily Jiang said angrily.

In the past, Tang Chengye had a close relationship with their family because his son fell in love with Amelia Su, but in recent years there has been very little contact. Now he suddenly called. Lily Jiang couldn’t think of any other reason besides showing off.

Wilson Su also knew that there was such a possibility, but the phone calls were made, no one would be able to go there, and this time, many old classmates would be there, Tang Chengye said. It’s a class reunion, if he doesn’t want to face it, he can’t hold on to it.

“Dad, I paid the gift money for you, how can I not go?” Amelia Su said.

Wilson Su glanced at Amelia Su gratefully, Lily Jiang hummed and said nothing. She also knew that at most, she was just watching Tang Chengye show off, but if she didn’t, she didn’t know how much bad things would be said behind her back.

Three days later, George Han drove to the community where Tang Chengye’s new house was located.

The community environment is very good. It is a recent high-end real estate in Basin City, with a housing price of nearly 20,000 yuan. For Basin City, it is already very high-end except for the Yundingshan Villa area.

When George Han came to Tang Chengye’s house, many guests had already arrived, all with fresh faces.

“Lao Su, you are late, I have taken my old classmates to visit, or you can go and see for yourself. The family is small, there is really nothing you can tell.” Tang Chengye said modestly.

The duplex double building, the ground floor alone is more than 100 square meters. This is really not that small. Wilson Su looked embarrassed and said with a smile: “Old Tang, you are having a good life now.”

“Hey.” Tang Chengye sighed and said, “I also followed Xiangfu. My son only changed the car for me some time ago. Our family can rely on him now.”

When saying this. Tang Chengye took a special look at George Han, thinking that his son was very fond of Amelia Su at the beginning, and he became a third party by this uselessness.

“Lao Su, you regret it now. Tang’s son wanted to marry your daughter.”

“Old Su can’t help it either. He said at home and didn’t count it. Otherwise, Amelia wouldn’t suffer.”

“By the way, you door-to-door son-in-law. You won’t be doing laundry and cooking at home now.”

A few older people, ridiculing the younger generation without mercy, roared with laughter.

Wilson Su’s face was like pig liver, Lily Jiang fiercely twisted Wilson Su’s waist.

Just as the old couple felt embarrassed, George Han said, “Uncle Tang. Recently, our house has also changed rooms and is undergoing renovation. After a while, please come to our house to play.”

Wilson Su and Lily Jiang were stunned when they heard this, and Amelia Su did not expect that George Han would boast such Haikou for the sake of face. Bragging is cool for a while, what will you get when that time comes?

Although Amelia Su is now the person in charge of the Chengxi project, this is not a gold cave. Two cars plus 200,000 are already a large number. If you go to make money to buy a house, the old lady finds out the consequences. .

More importantly, to fight for face, at least better than Tang Chengye’s house, right? Even if Amelia Su could take money from the company to settle this lie, he would not dare to change such a good house.

Lily Jiang glared at George Han and said, “George Han, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak.”

“Mom, I bought the house a long time ago, but I planned to give you a surprise, so I didn’t tell you, next month, I will invite Uncle Tang to play at home next month.” George Han said.

Tang Chengye sneered. Looking at Wilson Su’s expression, he knew that George Han was bragging. He also happened to take this incident to see a joke, and said: “Okay, don’t forget me then, I will definitely go. Check it out.”

Chapter 43

“Since we are all together today, let us all go, just to see what Lao Su’s new home is like.” Tang Chengye didn’t think it was a big deal and called everyone up.

“Yes, right, right, we also followed, I don’t know if the house like Old Tang is bigger.”

“Old Su, where is your new house?”

“How do you say it is also from the Su family. Wouldn’t it be worse than Lao Tang?”

Wilson Su nodded awkwardly, not knowing what to say, what new house, the family is almost out of the pot now, how can I have the money to buy a house.

Tang Chengye’s son didn’t come back today, it was considered one less trouble, otherwise it would definitely not make George Han feel better.

After lunch, Wilson Su left with an excuse. Before leaving, Tang Chengye still said that he remembered to call him, and the other classmates also looked blessed.

George Han simply set the time and told them that on the 15th of next month, as for the address, another notice will be given at that time. This is another blow to Lily Jiang.

After George Han and others left, Tang Chengye said to the other classmates with disdain: “Unexpectedly, Wilson Su, the son-in-law, was bragging in front of me. Have you seen Wilson Su’s expression? You are almost dead in embarrassment.”

“Hahahaha. Wilson Su never dreamed that he would be enlisted by his son-in-law. If he bought a new house, he would have liked to notify us long ago. How could he hide it until now?”

“The fifteenth of next month. I can wait to see the joke.”

Downstairs, after a group of four people got into the car, Lily Jiang said coldly to George Han: “George Han, are you crazy? You still think we are not embarrassed enough. Where do you go to change a new house on the 15th next month? come out?”

“I really bought the house, although it is second-hand, but the conditions are fine.” George Han said.

Lily Jiang was taken aback, this guy really bought a house? Although it is a second-hand house, it should not be worth much, but it is not a small sum.

After three years in the Su family, he didn’t go to work, how could he have so much money?

“George Han, it seems that you have been fishing for oil and water in our house for so many years.” Lily Jiang’s tone was full of sarcasm, but she did not expect it. For three years, the monthly living expenses of 2,000 yuan, even if George Han can hide his private money, how much can he hide?

Amelia Su glanced at George Han. She knew that George Han would not brag about this kind of bullshit. When he was in the Tang family before, he just didn’t reflect it. After all, he bought the two cars in the family, and now he buys a suite. It’s nothing.

However, he bought two Audis and now he has bought a second-hand house. The private house money in his hands should not be much.

“Mom, how much do you give him every month, don’t you know it yourself?” Amelia Su said helping George Han.

Lily Jiang couldn’t refute it. Even if two thousand a month and three years were all counted, it would be no more than tens of thousands. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on these tens of thousands to buy a house.

“Even if you buy a house, you can’t talk about it in Tang’s house. Look at the duplex of Tang’s house. Can a second-hand house be comparable? It’s not ashamed to let them go by then.” Lily Jiang said.

Wilson Su sighed at this time and said to George Han: “You really have caused us a big trouble this time. Tang Chengye is worried about not having a chance to watch our jokes. It’s okay for you, you have to stretch your face over and beat him. “

“It really doesn’t work. I can rent a house. I can’t be ashamed this time.” Lily Jiang has been planted in the matter of saving face all his life and borrowed 200,000 yuan in one breath. Now, for the sake of a sigh of relief, I actually want to go to rent a house to get through.

Wilson Su also said: “It really can’t work, it can only be done like this. Otherwise, I don’t know what Tang Chengye will accomplish, and his son, if I am a little capable, I can’t wait for the whole world to know, our family Amelia is now better than him. Is it bad?”

Back at home, Wilson Su and Lily Jiang went on as they talked, and started conducting rounds on the Internet. Amelia Su couldn’t stop them and could only let them go.

in the room. Although Amelia Su guessed that the house that George Han bought was not as good as Tang Chengye’s, she was still curious about the location of her new home. Now she has to climb stairs every day on the sixth floor. But people are very tired, even if the environment is not as good as Tang Chengye’s home, as long as there is an elevator, it is satisfied.

“You don’t want to be mysterious with me, are you?” Amelia Su said to George Han.

“Actually, you can see it every day.” George Han said with a smile.

“Can you see it?” Amelia Su frowned, feeling a little disappointed. What can be seen is hardly accomplished in this community. In this case, the dream of staying away from climbing stairs can be broken.

“By the way, tomorrow Sunday, do you have any arrangements?” George Han asked.

“Talk to Shen Lingyao, go shopping with her, the pain you have caused her. Now I am suffering.” Amelia Su stared at George Han and said.

George Han can’t laugh or cry, is it possible that Shen Lingyao hasn’t gotten away from that incident?

The next day, George Han and Amelia Su heard noisy voices in the living room as soon as they got up. Lily Jiang scolded his mother early in the morning and didn’t know who had provoke her.

“Mom, what are you doing, who messed with you early in the morning?” Amelia Su walked into the living room with shaggy hair and checked the time. It’s less than six o’clock.

Lily Jiang’s hideous expression has been distorted, and said angrily: “Your aunt is already crazy.”

“Crazy?” Amelia Su woke up in an instant, and asked: “What’s the matter, how can you be crazy if you are good?”

Amelia Su subconsciously felt that they would use this excuse to not repay the money, but it was impossible to think about it. It would be ridiculous to be crazy.

“They lost their money. They called me and asked if I let someone steal it. Do you think it was crazy.” Lily Jiang was itchy. It was heartache that the two hundred thousand had been borrowed, and it had been awake for a few days. When thinking of two hundred thousand, my heart would bleed, but they didn’t expect them to lose the money. He even came to question her!

“Insane.” Amelia Su had a good temper, but at this time she couldn’t help but cursed and said, “Mom, she wouldn’t deliberately lie to you, right?”

“The case has been filed to the police. There should be no falsehoods.” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su was stunned for a moment, and she was a little happy in her heart. This is God’s eye-opening. This family wants to take advantage, and God can’t stand it anymore.

“Mom, you’d better go to bed. What’s the use of being angry? Anyway, the money has been lent out. Even if it is lost, it doesn’t matter to you.” Amelia Su comforted.

Lily Jiang returned to the room angrily. After a while, the sound of Wilson Su’s pig cry was heard, and it was estimated that it became Lily Jiang’s vent again.

When George Han was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, Amelia Su told him about the incident, and George Han said blankly: “Maybe it’s because God doesn’t understand their family.”

Amelia Su patted George Han on the shoulder in surprise, and said, “The hero sees the same thing, but I didn’t expect you to think the same as mine.”

George Han smiled and said, “Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth. It’s almost time to go out.”

Amelia Su twisted her buttocks, knocked George Han away, and said, “You are blocking me, and you are urging me.”

George Han just finished washing and went back to the room to find that Amelia Su had forgotten to fold the quilt, so he helped her tidy up.

When George Han placed the pillows, he found that the pair of scissors had disappeared, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc unconsciously.

In the past three years, Amelia Su thought that she had hidden the scissors and George Han had no idea, but she had forgotten who changed the sheets at home.

“Is it right, you can try going to bed next time?” George Han whispered to himself, then shook his head quickly, and put this crazy idea behind him. He only slept on the sofa two days ago. He didn’t want to Was kicked out directly.

Morning jog, same route, same resting place.

After Amelia Su stopped, she looked at the mountainside Villa that was already under construction, and said strangely: “Why started the renovation so early today.”

“Maybe it’s anxious to move in.” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su nodded, such a luxurious Villa area, buyers must have been impatient for a long time, according to legend, living in a mountainside Villa, open the door in cloudy and foggy weather to see the sea of ”‹”‹clouds, it must be the most beautiful scenery.

“Didn’t you ask me yesterday, where is the second-hand house I bought?” George Han suddenly said to Amelia Su.

Chapter 44

Amelia Su didn’t have much hope for this matter, because George Han said it last night and she could see it every day.

Since it is a place that can be seen, it should be near my own community.

But now that George Han had mentioned it, Amelia Su still wanted to make sure of this matter and asked, “Where?”

George Han stretched out his hand, pointed to the Villa halfway up the mountain and said, “That.”

Amelia Su was stunned for a long time before she chuckled, looked at George Han silently and said, “Are you bragging in front of me? Hurry home. Shen Lingyao is still waiting for me to go shopping.”

Before George Han had time to explain, Amelia Su had already run away.

However, it is reasonable for her not to believe it. The mountainside Villa is close to the auction price of hundreds of millions. Who would have thought that the buyer behind it was the waste son-in-law of the Su family?

George Han smiled faintly, looking at Amelia Su’s back and muttering to herself: “You will know on the 15th of next month. I hope you can be satisfied with this surprise.”

After breakfast, Amelia Su received a call from Shen Lingyao shortly after the two returned home, and they especially told George Han not to show up, or she would break with Amelia Su.

Such a threat really made Amelia Su dumbfounded, so she could only not bring George Han.

But after the two met downstairs, Shen Lingyao looked looking forward with a touch of loss, obviously because he didn’t see George Han.

“Should I let him downstairs?” Amelia Su smiled.

Shen Lingyao glared at Amelia Su. Said: “What can you do if you go downstairs, he is married to you, and he loves you so much, so I can take it away if he is stupid?

Looking at the way Shen Lingyao pouted. Amelia Su said: “If you have the ability, you can take it away, I can’t wait.”

Shen Lingyao deliberately pinched Amelia Su’s tenderloin, and said: “You are so irritating, and he loves you so much, can I take it away? Besides, you are duplicity and have already taken you Betrayed.”

In the past, Shen Lingyao helped Amelia Su fight the injustice, because George Han’s reputation for waste was too loud, and it was like a stain to Amelia Su.

But now, Shen Lingyao understands that no matter how the outside world rumors, Amelia Su’s happiness is beyond their imagination.

No one knows whether George Han is a waste, but Shen Lingyao thinks. He is not that simple.

“By the way, what kind of person is George Han?” Shen Lingyao asked Amelia Su curiously. After three years, he has been silent. This time there is such a big disturbance in the Crystal Restaurant, Shen Lingyao has a strange feeling. George Han is like a sleeping tiger, in a state of waking up gradually.

This question is also a great trouble for Amelia Su, and she is also thinking about it repeatedly.

What kind of person is George Han, and why has he suddenly felt completely different recently.

Crystal restaurant, buying a car and buying a house, this is not the ability of a waste son-in-law.

And he said that he would make changes for himself, Amelia Su didn’t know what this change meant and what it would be like.

“Actually, I don’t know, but I can tell you a secret.” Amelia Su said mysteriously.

This sentence aroused Shen Lingyao’s great curiosity, and quickly asked: “What’s the secret?”

“He bought the two cars in the family. He also bought a house recently. Although it is a second-hand house, it is also very good.” Amelia Su never told anyone about this matter. Shen Lingyao was the first Someone who knows, and who she wanted to share early on.

Shen Lingyao’s mouth grew in surprise. She thought that the car was bought by Amelia Su with money from the company, but she didn’t expect this to be the credit of George Han. Two cars worth millions, and a second-hand house. So rich!

“Amelia Su, how can you let a man have private money? Don’t you know that this is a taboo? It is his future derailment capital.” Shen Lingyao looked at Amelia Su angrily.

Amelia Su shook her head indifferently, she had never worried about this. If George Han were going to cheat, he would have been cheated long ago. How could he wait until now? For three full years, everyone knows his status in the Su family, and how much humiliation he has suffered. This situation hasn’t made him feel dissatisfied with himself, and he will not be anymore.

“You think too much, you didn’t cheat before. Do you have to wait until now?” Amelia Su said.

Seeing Amelia Su’s confident look, Shen Lingyao couldn’t find a place to refute, so she sighed enviously.

“Hey, it’s hello. There is a husband who loves you so much. I am miserable. I am in love with someone I shouldn’t love, and I am still confused about my future.” Shen Lingyao said with a look of love.

“Why don’t you give it to you in half?” Amelia Su said jokingly.

Shen Lingyao glared at Amelia Su and said, “Don’t tease me, otherwise I can’t help it. Don’t underestimate my charm. You only need a pair of legs to conquer him.”

Amelia Su didn’t take these words to heart, because Shen Lingyao wouldn’t do it, and even if he did, George Han was able to keep his heart.

When the two were shopping. George Han drove to the Yundingshan Villa area.

High-end Villa areas generally do not allow unregistered vehicles to enter at will. Even if you are visiting relatives and friends, you need to register or the owner can contact the property to enter.

As the owner of the mountainside Villa, George Han was stopped at the door because he did not have a registered vehicle.

An open-top Lamborghini that is not common in Cloud City stopped in front of the gate of the Villa area. The security guard who had stopped George Han just now stepped forward and greeted him warmly.

There was a man and a woman in the car. The man driving the Lamborghini with one hand was very charming, and the women were also very seductive. The sling is naked, and the small body is tall and majestic.

“Shao Kong, you are back.”

Kong Wu looked at Audi with contempt in his eyes, and asked faintly: “What broken car, what is it doing in the way?”

The security guard was shocked. This is the eldest young master of the Confucian family in Basin City, if he upsets him. The end was miserable, and he quickly said: “I don’t know who, it should not be our residents, I am waiting for the top news. See if you want to let it go.”

“Wait? Do you mean I have to wait here too?” Kong Wu looked at the security guard dissatisfied.

“No, no, I’ll let him give you a place, how can you let Kong Shao wait?” The security guard finished speaking, turned his head and said to George Han: “You. Move the car quickly, don’t block Kong Shao. The way.”

George Han got into the car and moved the car a bit. Although he is the owner of the mountainside Villa, these things must be handled according to the rules.

Kong Wu glanced at George Han, then shook his head and said, “What kind of stuff is also going to the Yundingshan Villa area, this broken car is not too shameful.”

Lamborghini walked away for a long time, and the security was soon signaled to let him go. George Han entered the Villa area smoothly.

Kong Wu didn’t take this matter to heart. After returning home, he couldn’t wait to bring the newly hooked beauty back to the room.

After overturning the clouds and rain, the petite girl lay on Kong Wu’s chest and said softly: “I have never been to such a high-class Villa area before. Take me out to open your eyes.”

“What’s good, but it’s just some broken houses.” Kong Wu said with a smile. He is used to living here. The remoteness in the eyes of others is worthless to him, and the people who live in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain are not. For simple characters, apart from a few healthy trails, Kong Wu dared not easily go to other people’s sites. It’s hard to say in case any trouble should be caused.

“I want to go to the mountainside and have a look. I heard that the house was auctioned some time ago, but it was sold for 89 million yuan. I really don’t know what such an expensive Villa looks like.” The petite girl said expectantly.

Kong Wu’s expression was a little unnatural. It’s not a place to go casually. I still don’t know who the mysterious buyer is. Moreover, the entire area of ”‹”‹the mountainside belongs to private territory. Kong Wu could not bear the blame.

“You can’t go?” The petite girl said disappointedly.

Kong Wu hesitated, how could he lose face in front of the beauty, and the mountainside Villa was being renovated, and the owner should not be there, so I guess it won’t happen if I go to see.

Chapter 45

“Go, can there be places that Kong Wu can’t go to.” Kong Wu promised, patting his chest.

The two got dressed and headed for the mountainside Villa.

Kong Wu felt a little nervous along the way, meditating not to bump into the owner of the mountainside Villa, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

The reason why Yundingshan Villa District is a luxurious residential area, in addition to the environmental configuration, the most important point is that it is not disturbed by anyone. Each Villa has its own private area. It is against the rules for others to trespass. Since the Villa area was put into use. There was only one violation of the rules. After all, the people living here are not ordinary people, and the clear rules are understood.

Before reaching the mountainside, the petite woman already seemed impatient, but Kong Wu was more and more upset, always feeling a little ominous.

“This Villa is the largest in the entire Yundingshan Villa area?” The petite woman said with a sigh.

Kong Wu craned his neck to observe if there were anyone in the Villa besides the workers. Hearing what the petite woman said, he absently nodded and said, “It is more than the biggest. There is a spring in Yunding Mountain that leads to the moat. The ditch on the right side of this Villa flows down the river. I heard that the mountain springs can be drunk directly. It is sweet and cool. Otherwise, why do you think this Villa is the highest price?”

“There are also mountain springs?” The petite woman obviously didn’t know enough about the Yundingshan Villa area, and her mouth grew in surprise.

“Of course, this spring is said to be groundwater. It has no source but a steady stream. It can be regarded as an extraordinary natural phenomenon of Yunding Mountain.” Kong Wu explained.

The petite woman looked yearning, as if she wanted to live here. That should be a wonderful thing.

“Huh.” Kong Wu suddenly looked at the parking lot in the Villa yard in surprise. Isn’t this the Audi that was stuck in the door?

The petite woman also found out about this. She looked down on George Han before, and now saw George Han’s car at the mountainside Villa. Can’t help but be full of doubts.

“That person just now is the owner of the mountainside Villa?” the petite woman asked incredulously.

Kong Wu shook his head. How could it be him, driving an Audi A6 with a Villa of more than 80 million yuan, which is too cheap, and judging from his youth, he doesn’t look like such a rich person.

“Probably not.” Kong Wu smiled contemptuously, and said: “Most of the people from the decoration company come to check the work. With him, how could it be possible to live in such a luxurious place.”

At this time, George Han inspected a circle of villas, walked into the courtyard, and ordered the workers to repair the small courtyard garden again.

“What are you doing here?” At this moment, a loud voice came.

Kong Wu turned his head and looked, shrinking his neck involuntarily, and several property security guards approached them.

These are the people who maintain order in the Villa area, no matter who you are and how big your identity is, as long as you trespass on others’ sites in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. They can all be taught.

The property in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain is undertaken by the Basin City Tianjia, and the Tianjia is the richest man and the largest family in Basin City, and no one dares to mess with it.

Kong Wu dare not complain even if he trespasses on someone’s territory like Kong Wu, even if he is thrown out by the security personnel. After all, behind these security personnel is Tianjia as the backstage.

“Several brothers, we are just passing by, sorry, let’s go, let’s go.” Kong Wu repeatedly apologized.

“Which family are you from, don’t you understand the rules of the Yundingshan Villa District?” the security captain asked Kong Wu.

Kong Wu excited, if he tells these security guards what his name is, this matter is likely to reach the ears of the heavens, if his father knows, he still has to be scolded bloody?

“I’m sorry, I’ll leave right away, a few big brothers, I really just passed by.” Kong Wu nodded and bowed again.

The petite woman finds it inexplicable. She doesn’t understand the rules of the Yundingshan Villa area, so she finds it strange that Kong Wu is the young master of the Kong family. How could you whisper to these security guards? He is such a domineering young master, shouldn’t it be difficult to let these security guards go?

At the bar last night, he covered the audience in a word, not knowing how many girls he fascinated.

“Kong Wu, what are you doing, these people…”

“You f*cking stop talking nonsense to me, shut up.” Kong Wu said sharply.

The petite woman is shocked. Is it possible that the security guards in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yundingshan are all big shots? Otherwise, how could he have such a fierce reaction.

“You…you look familiar, are you from the Kong family?” The captain walked up to Kong Wu and said coldly.

A cold sweat suddenly appeared on Kong Wu’s back, and he quickly said: “Brother, give me a chance, I’m just curious, there will never be another next time.”

“Huh.” The security snorted coldly, and said: “Come with me. The Kong family has lived here for several years. You don’t know the rules here. Since you trespass into someone’s place, you should Know what the price will be.”

Kong Wu was so scared that his legs became weak, take a trip? He heard that the property department had a special room to deal with people who broke the rules. A few years ago, a rich man’s son went in and came out after breaking his leg. Afterwards, the family didn’t even dare to let go and left the family. Cloud City.

“Big Brother. It’s the first time. You do it well, save face and let me go.” Kong Wu begged for mercy.

The responsibility of the team leader is to maintain the rules of the Yundingshan Villa area and prevent anyone from breaking it. After all, this is an area for the rich. These wealthy people like privacy. Once this matter is known to others, the reputation of the Yundingshan Villa area will definitely be affected, and even the reputation of Tianjia will be damaged. He can’t bear this kind of responsibility.

“It’s useless to say anything, follow me.” The captain stretched out his hand and grabbed Kong Wu’s shoulder.

Kong Wu was dying of regret in his heart, so he blamed this stinky lady. If it weren’t for her, would this happen?

“What’s the matter?” George Han walked over at this time and asked the captain.

The captain has received the news that the person in front of him is the new owner of Mountainside Villa. He immediately respected him and said: “Mr. Han, this person is good at your area. I’m about to take it back. Don’t worry, you will break the rules of the Yunding Mountain Villa area. People, I will definitely give you an explanation.”

Kong Wu looked at George Han blankly, the captain’s attitude towards him was so respectful, isn’t he just a member of the decoration company? It’s hard to say…

How is it possible that people who drive a broken car like Audi are eligible to live in a mountainside Villa?

“He is my friend, nothing is going on. You… By the way, I need two buses from the Property Department on the 15th of next month.” George Han said. However, if a large number of foreigners want to enter the Yundingshan Villa area, they must not only inform the Villa estate property department in advance, but also must use the property department car to avoid excessive private cars from blocking the mountain road in the Villa area.

I have to say that there are many rules in the Yundingshan Villa District, but the starting point of each rule is to protect the rights and privacy of the owners here.

The captain glanced at Kong Wu, George Han made it clear that he was helping him out, if he was really a friend. How could he not go in, but since George Han didn’t care, he couldn’t say much.

“Mr. Han, don’t worry, I will definitely help you prepare in advance.” said the captain.

“Trouble you, nothing else. You can go now.” George Han said.

After several security personnel left, Kong Wucai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was not a fool. He naturally understood that George Han was the owner of the mountainside Villa, otherwise. How could he let those people leave in a word.

Thinking about being taken to the property department, Kong Wu walked to George Han with a grateful expression and said, “Brother Han, thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would be miserable today.”

George Han smiled faintly and said, “If you know the rules of the Yundingshan Villa area, don’t break it at will. You won’t have such good luck next time.”

“Yes, yes.” Kong Wu nodded repeatedly. When he met George Han at the entrance of the Villa area, Kong Wu never thought he was such a low-key person. He lived in a mountainside Villa and drove an Audi A6. The key was to help him solve it. Such a thorny trouble.

“Brother Han, my name is Kong Wu. If there is anything I can use for my younger brother in the future, just speak up.”

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