His True Colors Novel Chapter 3984 – 3985

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Chapter 3984

After a few minutes, all the four commanders arrived at the main hall of the city.

In the hall, George Han was frowning and seemed to be worried about something.

Seeing this, the four commanders did not dare to disturb them, and they all stood beside them and waited quietly.

About a few minutes later, George Han raised his head, only to realize that the four leaders had arrived, and suddenly said: “You are all here? I’m a little sorry, but I’m a little lost in my thoughts.”

“I’m not waiting . It didn’t take long.” Ma Nanfeng said softly.

“Alliance leader, you just won the victory at the South Gate, why are you still so frowning now?”

“Yes, the last general was above the city gate, but he saw with his own eyes that the southern army was disintegrated by our army in an instant. Your battle is like a The gods have descended to earth, why are they now…”

George Han glanced at the four of them and sighed: “If I besieged me, only the army of the South Gate will fall, and of

course I am overjoyed.”

“But you all know, At this time, the fallen city is surrounded by troops on all sides, and what we eat is just a small army for them. What is there to be happy about? The crisis has not been resolved.”

Everyone nodded silently when they heard this. .

It’s not that they don’t understand these things, but they feel that they should celebrate what they have achieved in the battle.

At least not so frowning.

Seeing that the four of them were puzzled, George Han smiled and said, “Let’s put it this way, the tiger in front of us is born.”

“We’ve plucked all the fur on one side of the tiger. What do you think will happen to the tiger? ?”

“The tiger is the king of the beasts. If you bully him like this, you will definitely be furious.”

“Don’t talk about pulling his hair. Even if he is provoked, he will definitely open his mouth.”

Ma Nanfeng also wanted to

blurt out , but After thinking about it carefully, it seems that George Han immediately understood the true meaning of George Han’s use of this metaphor: “The leader of the alliance means that we have suffered such a big loss for the besieging army this time. An attack?”

“It’s not just an attack.” George Han shook his head and said sternly, “It should be the last attack.”

“In other words, the next battle is a battle of life and death for each other, or we die, Either they die.”

“So, the four brothers, how can I not worry about it?”

“The leader of the alliance is too much.” Ma Nanfeng smiled coldly: “When the enemy army besieged me and I should fall to the city, I already knew it. There is bound to be this battle, and the one who should come will always come, afraid of him?”

“That’s right, since I was a soldier, this is either your death or my death. Which day has it not been staged? What’s the matter? I’m so worried.

“Don’t worry, Alliance Leader, since our brothers are with you, we’ll go through fire and water for you and do whatever it takes.”

George Han looked at the four of them with satisfaction and nodded: “Can you do anything for you? George Han is grateful for what I said, George Han is very grateful. However, Han is just like you, treating you as brothers, so I am even more worried.”

“If so, you are all mine. Soldiers, it’s okay to die on the battlefield. To put it ruthlessly but reasonably, the battlefield is where you soldiers belong. However, you are my brothers, how can I watch you fall in front of me? “When George Han said this, he couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

He’s not acting, he’s genuine.

In other words, George Han is somewhat protective of the calf. After becoming his own person, George Han began to feel distressed.

Everyone’s heart is warm and silent, but the determination in their eyes already shows the determination.

“I was just thinking about what kind of counterattack they will do.” George Han said.

“Is it to attack the city from all sides, use conventional methods, or use dangerous tactics to attack the door on one side of me.” “

I didn’t think clearly about this.”

What choice do you expect her to make in a hurry?

The rabbit is so anxious that it bites, not to mention her Mingyu?

Moreover, there is a variable in the middle, that is Pei Gu.

The Pei family can dominate one side in the land of the demons. Even if Pei Gu has no ability, he must have talented people under him. Naturally, there are also strange tricks.

“I have a crazy idea.” George Han looked at the four generals: “It can be said that everyone puts their heads on the wire, so I specially asked you to come and discuss.”

Chapter 3985

do you mean by this?”

“Yeah, what does it mean to put your head on a wire?”


George Han smiled slightly and sighed: “Let me ask you, as I just said, how the enemy bites us back, we can’t accurately judge.”

“Assuming the calculation is based on the latter swooping at us, if we concentrate our forces Guarding somewhere, but the result is that the guess is wrong, so for us, this is absolutely fatal, right?” The

generals nodded, and George Han said it was indeed true.

Focusing on the defense requires a lot of troops, and if you don’t use it in the right place, it will be in vain, and the strength of other departments will be weakened because of this.

Once there happens to encounter the enemy’s onslaught, it will definitely break.

The city’s defenses are impeccable, but once a gap is opened, then these will cease to exist.

At that time, the fall will surely be a disaster.

“We have four walls, which means that the probability of us picking the right one is only one-fourth.”

“Above the casino, the dealer can sit firmly with a probability of one percent more, not to mention this time. In the game of 2020, they are 50% more numerous.”

“We can’t bet, and we can’t bet with the lives of our brothers in this game that is almost certain to lose.”

“Or in other words . “Brothers, we can’t afford to lose.”

Everyone nodded, and Ma Nanfeng said, “Leader, tell me what we’re going to do, just say we’ll do as instructed.”

“Yes, as you said, we are all brothers, and if there is any difficulty, it will be over.”

George Han smiled reassuringly: “Either on the battlefield, or let’s discuss in private, I think everyone knows it. One point is that whoever takes the

initiative has the greater advantage.”

“Passive means you need to defend, and in fact, the best defense in the world is attack.”

“So, we have to turn passive into active. , instead of guessing where they are going to attack us, it’s better…” George Han smiled evilly: “It’s better to let them guess what we want to do .

After George Han told the fourth generals about the plan, the fourth generals widened their eyes and did not speak for a long time. After that, they all retreated without saying a word.

According to what George Han said, only heaven and earth knew about this plan, five of them knew about it, and no one else knew about it.

After dawn, there was no movement on both sides. Both sides seemed to have fallen into a period of exhaustion due to the uproar last night, but in reality, undercurrents were surging.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for a dark day.

With the sunset

falling again, the city outside the city began to move slowly at this time.

It should have fallen to the east of the city, and where the east was stationed, dust and smoke were rolling in, and the troops seemed to have already moved first, heading towards the south of the city.

However, in reality, the larger troops quietly moved towards the north of the city.

At the same time, the West, the North and the re-stationed South three followed suit. At this time, if you look around from Jiluocheng, you will see dust flying all around, and it is completely unclear what is going on.

The guards in the city panicked and hurriedly reported the emergency one by one.

The four commanders were still nodding their heads to deal with it. The spies who had arrived at George Han were dumbfounded. George Han looked like he was lying flat, and he was reluctant to perfunctory.

“Alliance leader, that can…that’s the enemy situation. On this battlefield, once the enemy situation is delayed, the consequences

…the consequences are unimaginable.” The spies were anxious.

George Han waved his hand without squinting or laughing, “I know now, let’s go.” The

spies are in a hurry. After all, they are all scouts, and reconnaissance intelligence is their job. How to dispatch on the battlefield is fundamental. It was none of their business, but George Han’s attitude also made him have to worry about it.

“Alliance leader, the enemy forces on all sides outside the city have already moved, and the subordinates know that the other party is planning to attack the city. Let’s… we have to prepare to defend the city as soon as possible.” After the

words were finished, he looked up at George Han . , but saw that George Han still closed his eyes, leisurely.


“Okay.” George Han interrupted the spy: “Go and rest, I know all these things.” When the

words fell, no one noticed that George Han’s mouth showed a hint of intriguing at this time. smile…

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