His True Colors Novel Chapter 3972 – 3973

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Chapter 3972


Ming Yu let out a long breath, and the joy on his face was replaced by sorrow.

Zhu Yanshuo’s worries are indeed extremely unqualified at this moment, but when she thinks about it carefully, although there is no evidence, she also agrees with what Zhu Yanshuo said.

If all things are linked together, it always seems that something is wrong, but this kind of wrong makes people unable to say what is wrong.

“City Lord Zhu, what’s your opinion on this matter?”

Hearing Ming Yu asking Zhu Yanshuo’s opinion, the people who were mocking just now were even more disdainful of Zhu Yanshuo.

After all, his behavior is obviously a special case of walking alone in the crowd, madly brushing his sense of existence.

How could Zhu Yanshuo not know this, but now there is no


way, so he can only bite the bullet and say: “My subordinate suggested that our army from the east, west and north also launch a siege at this time.” , even if there is a deceit in the fallen city, the other three sides have already been decomposed by us, and the degree of deception is definitely not high, so that the southern army can attack and retreat.”

“I disagree!” Ye Shijun first He stood up, and then, after giving a hug to Ming Yu, Wei Wei said to Zhu Yanshuo in disdain: “I have never given an order to siege the city before, but now I have to use the army hastily. At that time, the three armies will be in a hurry, don’t forget, George Han can be behind us at this time.”

“Elder Shenlong, what Young Master Ye said is reasonable. Let’s attack the city in a hurry. If George Han behind us launches a surprise attack at this time, the situation will not be good for me.”

“Then otherwise, Only send two armies from the west and the north?” Ming Yu knew the situation and chose a compromise.

“I don’t think it’s necessary.” Futian also stood up: “The two sides of the

western and northern sides attacked, if George Han raided the back of the two sides, could it be possible that a large group of us would also follow closely. ?”

“Let’s not talk about how outrageous and ridiculous how people like this make us play, just the fact that our siege formation was torn apart like this is enough to make our formation chaos.”

“Elder Shenlong, Fu Lao said. That’s right.”

“Yes, our enemy opened the door and surrendered. As a result, we did a lot of things, like a bird in a panic. If we go out, I’m afraid we will laugh at the big teeth of the world. Everyone, what do you say? Isn’t that right?” As soon as

the voice fell, everyone nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone was dissatisfied with his decision, Zhu Yanshuo was not surprised. He gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Mingyu also knew it was very difficult, because in the end, these were just

speculations , and even this kind of speculation had no trace of basic pursuit.

Moreover, Futian’s words are not unreasonable. If he moved the army for this matter, it would indeed be too hasty.

It is not difficult to understand the general dissatisfaction.

“The southern generals have already attacked the city. If there is nothing to do, it is meaningless for us to rush to the city.”

“But everyone’s words have their own reasons, so let’s go, City Lord Zhu, you rush to the elite 8,000. South Gate, if you find that there is an ambush in the city, you can immediately provide support, but if not, eight thousand elites will be stationed in the city to consolidate the city’s defense.”

Hearing Ming Yu’s dispatch, although Zhu Yanshuo felt unwilling, he also understood. , this is the only way.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yanshuo nodded: “This subordinate understands.” When the

words fell, Zhu Yanshuo led the troops and left under the cynical gaze of the crowd


Zhu Yanshuo was very depressed. In fact, he could be just like them, and the fun would be over.

But the reason why he didn’t do this is also obvious. He was really worried about this battle. He really wanted to win Han 3,000 once, and he didn’t want to make any mistakes.

It’s a pity… there are open

and secret battles between the forces.

There are too many people and people are troubled, and big organizations also have headaches for big organizations.

“Come on.”

On the south side of the other end, the southern commander and the others had already arrived under the city gate. The southern commander waved his hand wildly and ordered the soldiers behind him to enter the city quickly.

The 50,000 army entered quickly and rushed into the fall city.

As the commander-in-chief, the southern commander had waited for all the troops to enter the city, and then rode the mighty beast and slowly stepped into the city.

However, as soon as everyone was waiting to enter the city, they heard that the door behind them suddenly closed heavily…

Chapter 3973

suddenly frowned, and the southern commander also obviously felt that something seemed wrong.

Because of ordinary surrender, it is impossible to close the city gate. The only explanation is…

they may have been overshadowed.

“Kill me!”

Before they could react, someone shouted, and suddenly, countless soldiers appeared around them.

“Oops, there’s an ambush among us.” The

army panicked, but the gate behind him was already closed, and he wanted to break through, but there was almost nothing left in front of him.

“Give me…” The Southern Commander was about to speak, but halfway through his words, he was abruptly cut off by the figure who suddenly appeared in front of him.

And who else could this figure be besides George Han?

“What? Can’t make a sound?” George Han laughed softly.

“You… are you George Han?” the commander of the south said anxiously.

Although I have never seen George Han shouting,

but in the army of 400,000 people has heard of George Han’s name, and looking at the aura of the person in front of him, even if the southern commander is a fool, he can roughly guess. This person is unusual.

Naturally, he is very likely to be George Han.

“Exactly.” George Han laughed softly.

“Impossible, you…Aren’t you on the outskirts? How…how could you be in this city, who are you?” the commander of the south said in shock and fear.

“You guessed right just now that I am George Han, why are you so unconfident now?” George Han laughed.


George Han shook his head: “In the end, it is the commander of the party, so you can understand it. Have you seen the troops at the East Gate?”

“Of course I did, George Han personally led the team. “

Who told you that George Han personally led the team?” Han

George Han laughed.

“They… they all said so!” The Southern Commander was surprised.

“It’s really funny. From the beginning to the end, that troop didn’t fight with your people. They just attacked and retreated, retreated and attacked again, and kept a safe distance from you all the time. If that’s the case, why do you say that I brought it with you? Where’s the team?”

“The leader of that team is a man, naturally…” Suddenly, when he said this, the southern commander suddenly understood what George Han meant: “You are stealing the dragon for the phoenix!”

He was very surprised . , This means that the person in the army over there is most likely not George Han at all, but is really pretending to be the same as he is now expecting that the person in front of him is being impersonated.

Damn, that is to say…

In fact, the real George Han had already secretly come to Jiluo City.

“Even if what you said over there makes sense, but

our army will be surrounded by water, how could you have arrived in the city without making a sound under the watchful eyes of the public?” The southern commander was full of questions.

Even if he was secretly in the dark, he didn’t notice it at all for no reason.

Running on the ground, flying in the sky, there must be some clues, right?

George Han smiled slightly: “But what if I go underground?”

“Go underground?” The southern commander was obviously taken aback. Normally, who would think about such a possibility.

But now, George Han reminded him that if he thought about it carefully, it would be difficult for everyone to notice what happened underground.


“You know everything you know. Now, it’s time to send you on your way.” When the

words fell, George Han waved his hand, and suddenly, the high ground that had been prepared on all sides, the archers volleyed, and the stone fell. catapult.

Although they

were sitting on an army of 50,000 people, they were surrounded by arrows and falling rocks, and everyone was panicking.

After that, the army in all directions also rushed out in time, and the screams of killing were heard everywhere. The snow flowed like pillars, and the corpses were like mountains.

The southern army suffered heavy casualties but had nowhere to escape, and could only fall into endless despair and fear.

At this time, Zhu Yanshuo and the others, who came quickly, saw that the south gate of the city was closed when they went outside the city, and at the same time, they were accompanied by the clamorous screams of killing and miserable screams in the city.

“Oops, there is an ambush!”

Zhu Yanshuo shouted in panic, secretly saying bad.

But when he looked up at the city wall, he could clearly see that there were soldiers standing by and rushing to rescue him. Obviously, it would be more serious immediately. He could only see it in his eyes, and was anxious in his heart.

Inside the city gate.

George Han suddenly raised his hand.


Immediately afterward, someone shouted an order…

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