His True Colors Novel Chapter 3932 – 3933

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Chapter 3932

hearing this, a group of people suddenly looked down the mountain, looking at the dingy people fleeing, a group of people per capita Couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m afraid that they will leave a deep shadow in their hearts in the future.”

“To be honest, when we were supposed to fall into the city, the leader of the alliance already made us doubt our lives. If we add this time, the shadows in our hearts are real. It’s not an exaggeration at all. I must be glad that although I’m still a personal experiencer, this time I changed my role and stood on the winning side. I just want to say five words, it’s so f**** cool!

” It is a carnival of victory for the enemy to wreak havoc on the ground, but I just learned today that it turns out that rubbing the enemy with IQ is more damn cool.” A group of

people talked eloquently.

George Han retracted his eyes slightly, set his eyes on Fu Mei at the back of the crowd, and said,

“This time, we can win such a big victory, in fact, we can’t do without two people. Fu Mei’s plan this time, It is the key to victory or defeat.”

“Whether she can perform it depends mainly on her. In fact, she has done a good job. Therefore, I announce that from today onwards, the grievances between you and me will be written off, and you are now a member of the Mysterious Man Alliance. I ‘m a member.”

Amelia Su also showed a smile at Fu Mei, conveying goodwill.

Fu Mei didn’t speak, she pursed her lips, and suddenly knelt down.

Everyone was shocked, even George Han and Amelia Su were quite puzzled.

“Since I was a child, I have always been hostile to Sister Amelia Su, and even absurdly believed that the most outstanding woman in the family should be me.”

“So, under this jealousy, I even forgot that we were The affection of the family, I have forgotten everything, and have done so much to you now.

It’s disgusting to me to think about. “

Now, you can forgive me regardless of the past, I really don’t know what to say. “

“I don’t want to say anything anymore. I swear by Fumei that I will use my actions to make up for my fault.” When the

words fell, Fu Mei kowtowed heavily on the ground three times in a row.

Seeing Fu Mei like this, Fu Lin also knelt down: “Brother-in-law, I also express my opinion. From now on, brother-in-law will definitely not be an empty shout. We really have this kind of relationship, of course, the mountain of swords and the sea of ”‹”‹fire, and the life of Fu Lin will accompany you to the end. “

I also have no eyeballs. I listened to Futian’s slander. I have always misunderstood and targeted you and your husband and wife. Of course, when the sky finally opens, the true god of Fujia falls, but George Hanhe Amelia Su rises. People, we can naturally help the two of you.

Followed by a group of

senior executives who were abandoned by Fu’s family.

Amelia Su smiled, but her eyes were already full of tears.

Although she kept saying that she was not a Fuyao, she was just Amelia Su, but her blood was not. She will be cut off because of these.

She has always supported her family. This is an iron fact and an unchangeable fact.

Who doesn’t want to be supported by her family?

However, over the years, her family has only brought her only Hurts and ridicules, now, all the hardships are rewarded. The

family began to stand by her side and began to support her silently.

George Han gently pulled Amelia Su into his arms and gently Patting her on the shoulder, he knew very well what grievances Amelia Su had suffered.

But fortunately, everything had come to an end.

“Since we are all a family, in terms of seniority, most of you

All of them are our elders or peers, let’s all get up and don’t need to kneel. “George Han smiled.

Hearing George Han’s words, a group of people showed smiles on their faces and slowly stood up one by one.

“Fu Mo, from today onwards, you will re-establish the family tree of Fu family, and put the family tree together.” Three thousand families joined it. In addition, there is the most important point. “

From today onwards, we will draw a clear line with Futian, headed by our Fu family, and only respect George Han as the new patriarch.” Among the elders who were abandoned by the family, Fu Yuan said loudly.

The family members laughed happily. George Han wanted to reach out to stop it, but was stopped by Amelia Su: “Don’t be in a hurry to refuse, it’s good. “

“Benefits? “George Han frowned, he didn’t seem like someone who wanted benefits.

Amelia Su looked at George Han’s confused face, and couldn’t help but smile: “You’ll find out later.” “

Chapter 3933

The words just fell, and before George Han responded, Fuyuan has slowly walked in front of George Han.

“Wait for you later, when you are free, can you tell the old man in advance that I will hold the ceremony of ancestor worship for you?”

Before George Han answered, Amelia Su was already excitedly dragging George Han: “Yes, agree quickly.”

George Han hesitated for a while, and he could not listen to what others said, but George Han had to listen to his wife’s words: “Okay, I will contact you when this matter is resolved. “Okay .

” Fu Yuan smiled and slowly backed away.

Seeing that Fu’s family had nothing else to say, George Han set his sights on Qing Ji: “The second hero is Qing Ji.” The

Troll Palace is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back, and love Ji is the one who picked up the straw.

“This time, thanks to her secret contact with the ghosts in the Troll Palace, and in times of crisis,

the people in the Troll Palace gave us the greatest help.” George Han smiled softly.

“It turned out to be the Troll Palace called by Qing Ji.”

“Ah, I understand, this Troll Palace and their Hundred Demon Palace are both old-fashioned schools of the Demon Race, and they must be very familiar with each other.”

“That’s right, No wonder the Troll Palace came to help us.” When a group of

people suddenly realized, Qing Ji also smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, she walked out a few steps: “Actually, this matter really has nothing to do with me. The demons in the Troll Palace have a very close relationship with me and Mo Beitian.”

“On that day, when Mo Beitian and I returned to Three Thousand, I actually had this idea. It’s just that at that time, there was some distance between the Troll Temple and us, and it was too late.

” Let us not be in a hurry, since God did not arrange for the Troll Palace to be assigned to the city with me and Mo Beitian, it will naturally have its


“Who would have thought that when we really got together with the Troll Palace, we would meet again. Is it this kind of timing?”

Although Qing Ji seemed to say it was a coincidence, it was God’s will, but in fact, she was just praising George Han in disguise.

In other words, George Han’s decision was all related to God’s will, and what praise could be better than this?

George Han gave a helpless smile, he knew exactly what Qing Ji’s words meant, but it wasn’t as magical as what she said.

Because it is predictable after all.

The Troll Hall was one of the group of people that Mo Beitian helped him with in the Sleepy Immortal Valley. They were able to stand up with Mo Beitian at that time, which was enough to show that their relationship with each other was actually very deep.

That being the case, George Han believed that if they could do the same at that time, they could do the same next time in a critical moment.

Therefore, George Han set his

sights and opportunities on the next time.

And this next time, George Han believes that it will be the time to siege the city.

Don’t forget, before meeting George Han, Mo Beitian and the others were on Zhu Yanshuo’s side, so the demons and ghosts should be there too.

George Han smiled and looked at Yaoming: “By the way, where is the ghost?”

Yaoming bowed slightly and said respectfully: “I tell the lord, the siege troops always have a lot of eyes, so the hall lord asked me to bring the elite here first. Support, he’ll figure out a way to get out later.”

George Han nodded. This was a good reason. However, George Han was more aware of what the demons were doing.

With an army of 400,000 people, how much hope of victory can Han 3,000 have?

If the demons send Yaoming to come, it will be good if they succeed. Even if they lose, they can put the blame on Yaoming and say that their subordinates rebelled privately.

This trick works great.

However, George Han can understand.

As far as I

am concerned, it is only a one-sided relationship for the demon, and the one who trusts George Han more is Mo Beitian. Therefore, it is not bad that the demon chooses to stand with George Han out of emotion. You can’t force him any more. Lost the foundation of the martial art to accompany myself to play thoroughly.

So, it’s human nature.

George Han didn’t say anything, but nodded: “Do you need me to send someone to pick him up?”

Yaoming smiled and shook his head: “The hall master has his own way!”

George Han didn’t say anything more: ” Okay, then our praise will stop here, the crisis of falling into the city has not been resolved.”

Amelia Su and others also nodded quickly, Amelia Su took a slight step and said, “Then three thousand, what should we do next? Although we are this time The soldiers are not bloody, but the losses on the opposite side are not too heavy. Once they join forces with the periphery, for us…”

“Play chess!” George Han said.

Play chess?

A group of people are all stunned…

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