His True Colors Novel Chapter 3898 – 3899

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Chapter 3898

Looking at it, it is almost a large piece of black pressure.

The black soldiers had almost turned half of the mountain black at this time.

And this is not the end. Taking this mountain as the center point, and then looking out, one can’t help but make one’s scalp tingle.

“This…is this too much?” Ningyue couldn’t help but say.

George Han smiled disdainfully: “Some things seem to be bluffing, but what’s the use in fact?”

Ningyue was stunned for a moment, but she also smiled helplessly: “To be honest, if you hadn’t reminded me, I would have I’m really a little scared by this battle.”

George Han nodded: “Have confidence, but don’t underestimate others, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, what’s more, our camel this time is far bigger than the horse. How many

times bigger is a normal camel .”

“f*** you, George Han!”

At this moment, an angry shout came.

With the support of several people, Ye Shijun slowly came back at this time.

He was very angry, he was very aggrieved, and he was f***ing bored. Now that he has such a big advantage, the 200,000 army is enough to drown George Han alive.

But just like this, he pretended to be forced and was beaten like this.

He doesn’t understand, he really doesn’t understand, why? !

Shouldn’t he show off his power? Shouldn’t he be pretending?


“Look at Lao Tzu’s army, f***, 200,000 people! I’m not afraid to tell you a fool, there are 200,000 people outside Lao Tzu, how the hell do you dare to beat me?” Ye Shijun I want to win back my face, I want to win back my momentum.


unfortunately , George Han’s response not only showed no signs of fear, but…

was very calm.

He didn’t even say a word.

“Speak up, bastard.”

“Did you hear the dog barking?” George Han asked Ningyue next to him with a smile.

Ningyue smiled, although she did not speak, her nodding movement was full of irony.

Ye Shijun couldn’t stand such an insult, he rushed forward and wanted to do it. At this time, Ming Yu quickly stopped him and stood at the front.

Looking at George Han, Ming Yu smiled indifferently: “George Han, Shijun’s words are a bit harsh, but I believe you will not object to the current situation, right?”

“My army of 400,000 people has already killed both of you. Sleepy, what chance do you have?”

“You fought hard, but you sacrificed your life in vain.”

“That’s tens of thousands of lives,

including your relatives and friends.”

“What do you mean? ?” George Han smiled coldly and looked at Ming Yu.

“If you are willing to surrender, I can’t guarantee anything else. I can guarantee the lives of the brothers under your control.” Ningyue smiled.

George Han smiled slightly: “It sounds very tempting, why don’t I think about it?”

Zhu Yanshuo roared angrily: “George Han, don’t f***ing want to delay time, I tell you, today you There are only two options, either surrender or die with your subordinates.”

George Han glanced at Zhu Yanshuo and pouted: “Actually, I was really thinking about surrendering just now, but your attitude… tsk tsk, I don’t want it anymore.

” Ming Yu had already shook her head at him, and then, she smiled and looked at George Han:

“George Han, I advise you to think about it again. The war between the two sides is nothing to you.”

“I have had some friendship with you, and I don’t want you to be deeply involved, do you want to think about it? I’ll give you a quarter of an hour to think about it, how about it?”

“A quarter of an hour?” George Han smiled: “Your I quite like the attitude, well, I’ll consider it for a quarter of an hour.” After

speaking, George Han brought Ningyue back and sat on the rock next to him, making a thoughtful appearance.

However, although the appearance is very full, anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that George Han is clearly pretending to think and is really fishing.

Ye Shijun glanced at Zhu Yanshuo. Although Zhu Yanshuo knew this, he couldn’t say much. Ye Shijun looked at Futian again, and the same was true for Futian, so he couldn’t sit still, and stood up with a pig’s head…

Chapter 3899

“Enough, George Han, if you want to vote, you can vote, if you don’t vote, you can fight, be him in this fake What the hell?” Ye Shijun shouted angrily.

George Han was a little confused, and looked at him with a bewildered expression: “Isn’t this what you asked me to think about? Don’t let me? Besides, is there anything wrong with me?”

“Ming… Elder Shenlong, don’t talk to him. It’s wasted, he’s obviously stalling for time.” Ye Shijun was in a hurry and said in a hurry at Ming Yu.

Mingyu was a little annoyed by Ye Shijun’s impulsiveness and refusal to obey orders. Ye Shijun understood things, how could she not understand Mingyu?

George Han was really messing around with this, but Ming Yu didn’t want to tear his face directly. Because it is obvious that if George Han can be solved without force, then it is the best ending

for anyone . In the blood fight, George Han will kill a lot of people, but can Mingyu and the others preserve their strength? not necessarily! So, in the final analysis,

Ming Yu is jealous of George Han’s perverted ability, so he is willing to watch him play. Ming Yu waved his hand, indicating that Ye Shijun didn’t need to say more: “Our army is overrunning the border, what’s wrong with giving him an extra quarter of an hour?” “Yes, Ye Gongzi, Elder Shenlong’s words are not bad, anyway, George Han is just me waiting.

The things in the bag, the ants on the pot, give him some time to think about it, is it possible that he will be able to fly?” Zhu Yanshuo also said. Ye Shijun’s anxious face almost put on a mask of pain: “But George Han is very tricky. Let’s give him time, no one knows what kind of tricks he will play.” Hearing this, George Han secretly Looking at Ningyue, the two smiled at each other.

The fool has been stupid

for so long, and he finally got caught once, but unfortunately he was ignored.

I don’t know if this is his tragedy or his comedy.

“Young Master Ye, don’t worry.” Futian smiled lightly, but he wasn’t so worried: “This George Han has a lot of hearts and a deep sense of government, but the so-called various calculations only exist in a few environments. It may indeed be able to turn the tide of the battle, and even win more with less, but under the suppression of absolute strength, everything is bullshit.” When

he finished speaking, he looked at George Han and sneered: “I’m right. Ah, George Han.”

There is almost no need to say these words, it seems to comfort Ye Shijun, but in fact it is a wake-up call for George Han, intending to tell George Han not to play any more tricks at this time.

It’s all useless work, and it’s all just a futile effort.

“Patriarch Fu

is worthy of being the patriarch of a big family, and even more worthy of being a ** lake. The analysis is straightforward and well-founded.” George Han nodded in response: “Patriarch Fu is not wrong at all. Sentenced, how can I be so careful?”

“Hey, I’m just thinking, what should I do after I surrender, after all, Elder Shenlong only promises to ensure the safety of my subordinates, I… “George Han said, unable to help but sigh.

But that clumsy acting is really not flattering.

“I don’t care what you do with it, but what I can guarantee is that I will intercede for you.” Ming Yu replied.

George Han smiled: “Elder Shenlong pleads for me? It seems that I really won’t necessarily die?”

Ningyue glanced at George Han and said, “It seems that I won’t,

as long as you are willing to Be obedient.”

“Then this surrender can really be considered carefully.” George Han finished, and then, this time, he really frowned and seemed to think seriously.

Seeing this, Ming Yu and the others finally let out a breath. After all, at the moment, their previous words seem to be effective.

After a while, George Han raised his head from his contemplation: “It’s almost time.”

Ming Yu glanced at Zhu Yanshuo and intuitively told her that it seemed that only half an hour had passed.

Zhu Yanshuo nodded and confirmed that Ming Yu’s conjecture was correct. At this time, he asked, “It’s only halfway through a quarter of an hour, are you sure it’s time?”

“It’s here, but it’s not the time I thought about, but …” George Han smiled evilly: “It’s time to beat the water dog.”

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