His True Colors Novel Chapter 3874 – 3875

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Chapter 3874

“Come…” Finally, he panicked and shouted out loud.

However, this sentence only shouted one word, and he forcibly swallowed it back, because he found that among the several figures, the figure headed was not someone else, it was Ziqing who just went out.

His knowledge of Ziqing is not deep, but Ziqing is so outstanding that even with just one glance, it can be remembered in his heart forever and unforgettable.

He stabilized himself, stood firm, and waited for their group to land.

“Miss Ziqing.” Seeing Ziqing landed, he hurriedly greeted her.

Behind Zi Qing, with five people, they were all tied by a rope.

All five were dressed in black and had masks.

Zi Qing nodded slightly to Fulin, and then walked towards the lobby with her.

Fulin really wanted to see and understand, but at this time there was something important at hand, so after a little hesitation, he decided to do his own

thing first, so he hurried away and tried his best to come back as soon as possible to see the end.

In the main hall, George Han and others also heard the movement outside, especially George Han. At this time, his consciousness opened, and he knew the air movement almost as soon as Zi Qing came back.

And as Zi Qing brought five people in, the entire scene in the hall was silent for a moment, and then praised loudly.

“Yeah, this girl is really amazing, how long has she been out for a while, and… this has already brought someone back?”

“I’m going, this efficiency is too damn fierce.”

“This alliance leader Under his hands, he is really hiding a dragon and a crouching tiger.”

“Yeah, you look at this woman who is very beautiful, but how can you imagine that she is so good.”

“Damn, don’t you forget that when we were besieging the old alliance in the Heavenly Book World, she was one of them. Has anyone beaten our

group of masters?”

“As soon as you said it, I remembered, it seems that she is really her.”


But Zi Qing didn’t care what they said, she just came to the front of the hall, threw the five people gently on the ground, and let the five people kneel in front of George Han.

“Brother Three Thousand… Alliance Leader, someone has brought it here.” Zi Qing saluted and said softly.

“Are you all right?” George Han asked with concern.

Ziqing smiled slightly: “If these people can hurt Ziqing, then how can Ziqing be worthy of the personal guidance of the leader.”

George Han smiled: “Okay, it’s hard for you.” The

words ended, Han Three thousand looked at the five men in black kneeling on the ground.

In black clothes, the four people knelt down with their heads lowered. Only the head of the group lowered his head, but looked up at

George Han from time to time.

However, this look just made eye contact with George Han’s gaze.

While she hurriedly lowered her head, George Han frowned.

Although she was covering her face, the exposed eyes made George Han feel more or less familiar.

Like… like an acquaintance.

However, looking at her eyes is a woman, if she is still an acquaintance, who is she?

George Han thought about it, but he didn’t seem to remember it for a while.

It can’t be the rain.

The eyes are not the same, and more importantly, the logic does not make sense.

Although Ziqing is powerful, it is impossible to capture a master like Mingyu in such a fast time, let alone her, it is impossible to go there in person.

“f***, who is in the hall, why are you here, if you are wise, hurry up and explain to your mother, or else, you will have your ears cut off and your dog’s eyes will be gouged out now.”

That’s right, yes. Didn’t the other side send you to spy on the military situation? Where are your troops now, and how many people have you brought? Hurry up and

tell me honestly, otherwise, don’t blame us for being ruthless.” If you are half a lie, I can’t spare you now.”

Seeing that George Han didn’t speak, a group of executives thought that George Han was going to sing a little bit in the face. The five people in front of the hall shouted angrily.

George Han’s forehead was about to explode. You said something to me, and even his ears felt numb when he yelled.

He just suddenly felt that this person was a little familiar, and he was stunned, how could he know these guys…

These violent drinks made the other four kneeling men in black obviously tremble. Only the one who was at the head was lighthearted at this time. He raised his body gently, and immediately took off his veil…

Chapter 3875

When the veil is down, a good-looking face suddenly appears in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the entire hall was also completely fried.

What’s more, if the knife was drawn directly on the spot, he was about to rush over.

Fu Mei! !

Most of the people’s nerves collapsed, because they all knew exactly who Fumei was.

That is Ye Shijun’s wife.

In other words, it can be called a princess.

How could such an important enemy figure not let the people in the hall be shocked.

The husband and wife George Han and Amelia Su were also a little surprised at this time. Yes, how could they think that this group of people would be Fu Mei.


At the door of the hall, Fu Lin, who was trying to rush back after he quickly explained the city defense, suddenly had

a blank mind and leaned heavily on the door of the hall.

The assassin and spy caught, how… how could it be his sister? !

Although he had already voted for George Han, and the power with his sister was like water and fire, but after all, it was just a war of power. He never thought that one day his sister would…

Fulin’s voice woke up. George Han and Amelia Su glanced at each other and gradually recovered.

“It seems that my appearance surprised you all.” Fu Mei smiled miserably.

“What’s the matter with you?” George Han looked at her and said coldly.

“What do you mean by that? Since you arrested me as a spy, you’re here to ask me what’s wrong?” Fu Mei sneered.

George Han shook his head: “I never thought that this group of people would be spies. When I see

you, I am even more certain that they are not spies. After all, how could your dignified Mrs. Ye do such a subservient thing? “

Brother-in-law, my sister…my sister just wants to see me, she…she has no ill intentions.” At this time, Fu Lin also woke up, walked quickly to the hall, and hurriedly pleaded with George Han. , Immediately after, he came to Fu Mei and said, “Sister, are you here to see me?”

Fu Lin made his eyes desperately, hoping that Fu Mei would understand what he meant and cooperate quickly.

After all, this is her own sister, so how could Fu Lin stand by?

“If I came to see you, it would be even worse. Now the two sides are like fire and water, and your sister and brother are fighting each other, but you meet before the war. Fu Lin, this is a crime that disturbs the morale of the army. Aren’t you afraid of being dismissed and investigated? “Amelia Su said softly and coldly.

Hearing this, Fulin was a little flustered.

“I came alone for this matter. If you want to blame it, it’s on me. It has nothing to do with my brother.” Fu Mei stood up and replied, “He didn’t know that I wanted to see him.”

“Okay, come here, will These five people dragged down and asked for beheading, in order to boost morale before our army.” Amelia Su said lightly.

In the next second, the Tangmen guards came in immediately and were about to start arresting people.

Fulin hurriedly knelt down: “Brother-in-law, Sister Amelia Su, Fulin begs you to be kind and don’t kill my sister.”

“Yes, I know that contact with the enemy before the war is a bad thing for the military. How to deal with it? Lin Du was willing to be punished. However, Fulin is just such a sister.”

Amelia Su looked at George Han and shook her head helplessly, her eyes full of regret.

She’s obviously trying

Exploring Fulin, or in other words, asking Fulin to answer what he should answer, asking him to prove his own faction, not for feelings, but unfortunately, he not only did not answer what she wanted, but he was even exaggerating the love between his sister and brother.

“Then take the position of the city owner of Fulin. I think he values ”‹”‹feelings more than someone who does great things.” Amelia Su said to George Han.

George Han thought for a while and nodded.

George Han understood Amelia Su’s intentions very well.

If Fulin didn’t stand up at this time, Amelia Su wouldn’t actually kill Fumei, but unfortunately, Fulin didn’t understand.

In other words, he didn’t have this awareness in his mind at all.

“Okay, I announce…”

“Wait, you can’t take down my brother’s city lord position.” Fu Mei hurriedly stopped: “George Han, do you know the purpose of my trip here?”

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