His True Colors Novel Chapter 3818 – 3819

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Chapter 3818

George Han smiled helplessly, shook his head, and continued to drink his own water.

Amelia Su retracted her shocked gaze, and still looked at George Han somewhat incredulously: “They are all pretending to be poisoned? How is this possible?”

“What’s impossible?” George Han smiled bitterly: “Although their acting skills are true Not bad, but it’s a pity that I met me. It’s true that there are signs of poisoning on the body of the queen ant, but her purpose is just to deceive us.”

“In order to deceive you, is it such an exaggeration to actually poison herself?” Amelia Su said.

George Han shook his head: “It seems crazy to bet on her own life. But think about Amelia Su, if there is still someone standing beside her who can save all the dead at this time, then she will be poisoned again. What?”

“You mean, you gave her enough confidence? But

why did she do this, just to deceive you, what good would it do to deceive you?”

George Han pointed to himself and smiled. “Do you think I look like a sheep?”


“She wants to pluck my wool.” George Han smiled and said, “If I save her, don’t think about whether she will be with her. What about seven and seven, not only returning to youth, but more importantly, can you really get a huge improvement and make a steep jump in cultivation?”

Amelia Su thought about it carefully, and George Han’s words did make sense.

Nodding, this is true.

“You seem to be saying that, but honestly, I think the queen ant is quite a straightforward person. It shouldn’t be the kind of person who is so scheming and likes to take advantage.” Amelia Su said.

George Han nodded: “She is indeed not that kind of person, and I agree with what you said, the queen ant is quite


“Then why did she do this? Actually, I think she wants to ask you to help directly. You too I will definitely not refuse.” Amelia Su said.

George Han nodded, it was true.

If it weren’t for the open-minded and sincere person Queen Ant, George Han would definitely not have the opportunity to go down to the underground space of the swamp, hatch the little dragon ants, and make the Five Elements Divine Stone full.

Based on this alone, George Han will certainly not be stingy as long as he can do what the queen ant asks for.

“Actually, that’s why I didn’t expose them in person.” George Han sighed: “Because she did it, it wasn’t for herself. I know that she did it for the entire City of Earth Fire, for All the people here.”

“How do you say this?”

George Han smiled: “The City of Earth Fire has been imprisoned here for

many years. The Ant-Man family itself is not as good as ordinary people. What’s more, what about those demons who are far bigger than us ordinary people?”

“In the case of obvious physical disadvantage, the ants have been out of touch with society for a long time in this underground, and the relief of the city of fire is a great joy. However, we can think of the crisis hidden behind the happy event, how can the queen ant not think of it?”

“This is the reason why the whole city is really poisoned. I think, let the entourage inform the ant queen. When the people of the whole city came to gather, they had already asked the entourage to quietly explain this matter to the people in advance, so they put on a wonderful show in front of us.”

After listening to George Han’s words, Amelia Su was basically complete. understand how the whole thing went.

Although it is more of Han

George Han’s speculation and reasoning in general, the whole thing is actually based on George Han’s review, and this kind of speculation and reasoning is actually the most consistent with the basic facts.

“Then what you mean is, in order to make you believe that everyone is poisoned, in fact, in the whole plan, or in the performance, only the queen ant is the closest to you, and she knows that you will save her first, so she is really poisoned by bitterness, and the others Everyone is acting?” Amelia Su asked.

George Han nodded: “That should be the case. Judging from the ant queen’s character and style of doing things, it is impossible for her to let all the people in the city follow her on adventures.”

“Also, even if I can save a few, even dozens of them. But she doesn’t know if she can save tens of thousands of people, so…”

Amelia Su nodded, what George Han said was not without reason.

Then, she looked at George Han: “Then what are you going to do next?”

Chapter 3819

“What do you want me to do?” George Han looked at Amelia Su with a relatively serious expression.

Amelia Su was silent. In fact, George Han also expressed the difficulties of Ant-Man at the moment. It would be best if he could help them.

However, even though most of the people in the city were not poisoned and did not need George Han to treat them one by one, their real purpose of pretending to be poisoned was to hope that George Han could use energy to empower them, which also meant that they also needed George Han. Three thousand to consume their own energy.

More than 80,000 people can’t be said to be an astronomical number, but at least it can definitely make anyone change their minds.

Just one mouthful of saliva is enough to make George Han die from lack of water. What’s more, what they want is not saliva, but a huge amount of energy.

So, if you want to help, how much George Han needs to pay, Amelia Su can almost think about it, even if this person

is her husband, she can’t speak.

Moreover, she felt more distressed about George Han.

“I don’t know, but I respect any decision you make.” Amelia Su looked at George Han: “You can do whatever you want, don’t put any pressure on yourself, and don’t be kidnapped by morality.”

“You saved people before, I I know that I think your way of governing people is inappropriate, and it has put pressure on you, now, I don’t want it anymore, I know it’s wrong, so, everything is up to you.”

George Han smiled slightly: “Don’t blame yourself, if I heard that you are going to save people in such an unconventional way, and I may be confused.” When the

words were finished, George Han sighed: “Actually, I don’t want to save the ants now. The reason is also very simple. Although the Five Elements Divine Stone has all belonged to it, it has just merged after all.”

“Some of its properties and characteristics, even its

I don’t even know the effect of the dungeon, if you rashly consume it just after it’s all over, I’m afraid…”

Amelia Su glanced at George Han, who was full of worry, and said, “You’re afraid it will backfire at that time. Or what happened to the Five Elements Divine Stone, causing some unnecessary trouble? “

Trouble is the second thing. There is a saying that the extreme is the opposite. I am worried that if the Five Elements Divine Stone is not completely stable, if we forcefully consume it, it may turn its treatment into a murderous knife.” “

“That’s all life, more than 80,000.” Once there is any mishap, what should I do? “

It doesn’t matter if I bear human lives, and countless people have died at my hands, but if I have to bear so many innocent lives, I think… I will not feel at ease in this life.” “

Amelia Su nodded. The enemy can still be

killed at will. After all, on the battlefield, you die or I live, but the people of Ant-Man are innocent.

If you let them die by your own hands, this is really letting your hands die . Covered with blood in the true sense.

George Han has concerns, which is completely understandable.

“But the problem is, if you don’t help them. George Han sighed: “As I said just now, they are out of touch with the outside world and go out to start a new life. Once they encounter trouble, their consequences may be very tragic.” “

And this kind of trouble doesn’t even need to be artificially created. The bad weather outside is enough to reduce their personnel greatly.” “

Amelia Su nodded: “Unless you continue to live here, but living here, the environment here is not very good.” “

The queen ant wants everyone to cooperate in this scene. In fact, it has already been stated that they themselves want to leave

here , otherwise, why should she do this?” “George Han frowned.

Amelia Su nodded: “Yes, but… you also have your difficulties, this…”

“Why don’t you help them?” George Han said: “If you succeed, treat me as a great man. If you fail, treat me as a sinner.”

“But in this case, you…”

George Hanyi smiled: “Without considering the consequences, if the flint stone was taken from them, then they should be eligible to enjoy any effect brought by the Five Elements Divine Stone. Therefore, since they are now asking for something, we should also Satisfied.”

“Let’s go, whether it’s a blessing or a curse, we have to face it. ” “Let’s go

.” After the

words were finished, George Han looked at Amelia Su.

Amelia Su hesitated for a while, then smiled: “Okay, either to be a good husband and wife, or to be a thief and a thief, I will accompany you…”

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