His True Colors Novel Chapter 3812 – 3813

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Chapter 3812

She commented for a long time.

But judging from experience, she knew.

Miracles should never happen.

Although, under the five lights, their complexions are actually shiny as a whole.

But that was only supported by the five lights released by George Han.

Once the five lights are taken back, the faces of these people will turn sharply down in an instant, revealing the original appearance of the dead.

In fact, they have no breathing, no movement, and their faces are very peaceful and without any expressions, which means that they have gone.

“Hey!” The

ant queen was helpless, and waved her hands to her subordinates, indicating that they should not be here to watch and leave.

The ants took their orders and dispersed.

The relatives of the group of deceased glanced at the queen ant, and finally, nodded, and reluctantly retreated.

“Let’s go to

rest first.” The queen ant said to Amelia Su, “I believe that he didn’t save anyone, and he should feel worse than any of us present.”

“Give him some time and some space. Let him slowly accept the reality.”

Amelia Su still wanted to say something and was reluctant to leave, after all she wanted to stay with George Han.

But after hearing what the queen said, she finally hid the words in her stomach, nodded, followed the queen, looked at George Han reluctantly and worriedly, and left.

The surrounding area was still full of Ant-Man, but in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was already empty, leaving George Han alone and the dead in the phalanx still in place.

The deceased could not leave, but George Han was unwilling to leave.

The two are deadlocked!

In the palace, Amelia Su and the queen ant each sat down. Although Amelia Su came back, her heart was obviously still on George Han

‘s side.

The queen ant smiled lightly, poured a glass of water and handed it to Amelia Su: “It’s a good thing for people to be kind, but being too kind can sometimes make people indecisive, so they are cowardly when they do things.”

“No one will blame George Han, even if he didn’t help the City of Fire to solve the crisis.”

“I know, you are always somewhat dissatisfied with your husband’s way of treating people, but the healing itself is one of ten thousand kinds of people. Ten thousand ways.”

“He is your husband, you should know that he is definitely not a reckless and frivolous person, since he does that, he must have his reasons, right?”

Amelia Su was slightly startled, then she smiled Liaoxiao: “It’s ashamed to say that, as his wife, I need outsiders to solve me in the end.”

“Yes, I have always maintained

uncertainty , and even I think those people died because of this.”

“But you’re right, I actually know the man George Han the best. He is very stable in his actions, and he definitely doesn’t force his way in order to show off. The man.”

“He should have his reasons for doing so, and I believe he will do so with great confidence.”

“The reason for failure, as you said, is after all, it is true that People who die, in fact, they have almost no chance of surviving.”

“Although George Han is confident, his grasp is no match for the mortal death of the disease, which is completely understandable.”

After hearing this, the queen ant couldn’t help laughing: “You can figure it out for yourself, of course it’s the best.”

“Huh”! Amelia Su got up and smiled: “Okay, it’s alright, but I’m thinking too much.

Excessive kindness is a white lotus, so I’m not.” “By the way, Queen Ant

, can I trouble you with one thing?”

Afterwards, he smiled lightly and said, “If you have something to say, we will do our best.”

“Can you give me some of the green drinks you gave me before?” Amelia Su finished her words and said a little embarrassedly: “I heard from Han Si that it was very hot when they were underground. Although the three thousand ate at the banquet, they didn’t drink anything. I think…he must be thirsty.” The

queen said suddenly: “Of course there’s no problem, I’ll go get it right now.”

After the ant finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the small room next to her. However, just two steps away, she suddenly frowned.

A chill suddenly came from the outside at an extremely fast speed. Almost at the same time as she turned her head to look, several black shadows suddenly came…

Chapter 3813

brush! brush! brush!

Several lines of silver light attacked like ghosts.

The queen ant retreated subconsciously, only to hear a few loud bangs for a while.

Looking back, I saw seven or eight thumb-sized potholes left behind.

She immediately sensed that the situation was wrong, and immediately swung the spear in her hand, in a defensive stance.


Five black shadows entered from the outside and attacked the ant queen.

The queen ant was equally impolite, picked up the spear on the spot, flapped her wings, and went up to it directly.

The two forces immediately confronted each other.

Amelia Su was about to rush to help on the spot, but just as she was about to move, a black figure rushed in quickly. Even though she responded quickly enough, when she turned around, a pair of big hands had already embraced her.

The next second, she was directly held in his arms.

Amelia Su was so angry that she suddenly broke away, scolding

each other angrily: “You bastard, let me go, I…three…three thousand?” During the

struggle, Amelia Su glanced at the person who was holding him , could not help but froze in place.

George Han smiled slightly and made a shush gesture, then he motioned Amelia Su to look at the queen with his eyes.

Amelia Su obeyed obediently and frowned for a while after looking at the ant queen.

At this time, the queen ant was fighting one against five. Although she was not at a disadvantage, in terms of her ability, she did not have the slightest chance of gaining the upper hand.

The most important thing is that the group of people besieging the queen…


Almost all Ant-Man.

“Take a closer look.” George Han smiled.

Amelia Su frowned, and the next second, she suddenly opened her mouth in surprise: “Isn’t that?”

George Han smiled slightly, but did not speak, hugging Amelia Su to watch the show.

You attacked

me on both sides, and it lasted for more than ten minutes, and then accompanied by a loud shout from the queen ant, the spear suddenly waved, and the crowd who besieged him was directly repelled.

The situation finally stabilized a little.

But just when the queen ant was about to pursue her victory, suddenly, she was stunned.

Although she had already discovered that the people who attacked her were from her own clan during the battle, but now that she had put down the battle, she suddenly realized that almost all of these people were extremely unfamiliar.

Although the City of Earth Fire is huge, in such a place, the queen ant dare not say that she knows everyone here, but at least she is somewhat familiar with their appearance.

But these people in front of me… a

little weird.

Let’s say we know each other, it seems very strange, but if you want to say it is completely unfamiliar, it always seems to be somewhat familiar.

“Who are you?” The queen ant frowned.

“They are from Earthfire City.”

George Han smiled.

As soon as the words fell, the five people who were still fighting with the queen ant just now kneeled in front of the queen ant respectfully: “I am reckless and dare to attack the city lord, and I hope the city lord will forgive me.

” The queen ant was even more confused, but when she looked at the five people again, she seemed to suddenly think of something.

The Ant-Man, who had been staring at her, raised his head at this time and couldn’t help smiling at her: “City Lord, you don’t know me anymore? I’m seven and seven.”

“Seven and seven?” The queen was stunned for a moment, obviously a little unconvinced: “Seven and seven should be at least seventy or eighty years old now, how can you be seven and seven?

” Eleven, why are you impersonating him?”

“However, you look really similar, who are you?”

“The prestige of the city

lord, no one knows this city of fire, how dare you be a small one? In front of the city lord, the reason is arrogant? Xiao is indeed seven and seven, and I ask the city lord to see it clearly.” When the

words fell, the Ant-Man buried his head very low, and his posture was extremely low.

The ant queen frowned and looked at the ant queen without even blinking. More and more evidence seemed to show that the person in front of her really seemed to be seven and seven.

He’s done guard work for himself before, so he’s fairly familiar with him.

“But you…” Halfway through the queen ant’s words, she suddenly remembered something, especially when the corner of her eyes had already turned to George Han, who was supposed to treat the patient outside. It seemed that she suddenly found something to explain. The root of these things.

She suddenly looked up at George Han in surprise, and then looked at Qi and Qi again: “You mean…”

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