His True Colors Novel Chapter 3798 – 3799

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Chapter 3798

And almost as Han 3001 increased efforts, Xiaolongyi could not help but feel a pain.

The stone wrapped in a lot of energy seems to feel the threat obviously. At this time, it has been suppressed, and it chose to explode, and also chose to fight.

The huge flame exploded directly from its body!

George Han did not dare to be careless at all, and tried his best to control his strength to tightly wrap the stone to prevent any heat energy from spreading out.

Because it is obvious that once the flame is released and released, the subsequent danger is self-evident.

But it is obviously not easy to control.

The huge and crazy energy consumption made George Han sweat cold at this time, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and resist.

The little dragon ant is also obviously suffering from the super severe pain that belongs to it as the medium of the two forces fighting against each other. It feels that

its body is not the same as its own.

But it also knows that this is what it has to go through.

Seeing that George Han insisted so hard, from beginning to end, it just didn’t make a sound.

“Stop it.” George Han shouted in a low voice.

The little dragon ant nodded immediately.

“Get up!”

With another soft drink, George Han revived another burst of energy. With the help of other energies, the new energy directly cut into the thin meridians connecting the stone to the body of the little dragon ant like a knife.

Success and failure, also in one fell swoop!

Whoa! !

The energy is like a knife, and under the strength, the thin meridians are instantly broken.


But almost at the moment when the meridians were broken, a super-strong energy suddenly released from the stone and exploded directly outward.

George Han, who controlled it with an energy package, was like being knocked away by a huge mountain, and flew several meters away


Afterwards, it slammed heavily on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his eyes flashed gold stars.

“Damn it!” George Han couldn’t help but scolded in a low voice. This shot almost made him doubt his life, and the internal organs of his body seemed to be turned over and over again.


Almost at the same time, the little dragon ant, which was the carrier, also suddenly spewed a fiery red blood-like liquid from its mouth. Obviously, the whole person was also in great pain and was seriously damaged!

But what is even more confusing is that, along with its blood spurt, the stone with the severed meridians also flew out slowly.

Out of control, it flew into the air and seemed to be staring coldly at one person and one beast.

It seems to be telling, the recklessness of the two!

George Han glanced at the little dragon ant and saw that its body was already weak at this time, so even though he

was injured at this time, he still endured the severe pain, transformed into a stream of energy, wrapped it, and slowly brought it to himself around and protect it.

George Han looked at the stone in midair vigilantly, ready to defend at any time.

God knows how this stone will attack itself next!

One second, two seconds!

About ten seconds!

One person and one stone, just like looking at each other in the air.


Suddenly, the small stone suddenly sent out a dazzling huge fire, which rushed towards George Han.

“Damn it!”

With a low scolding, Han 3,000 a carp got up and stood up. Facing Xiao Shi, who was carrying the overwhelming fire, Han 3,000 stood and looked away.

next second!


Immediately afterwards, Han 3000’s feet lit up with smoke and ran away.

The stone with a huge fire, fast and fierce, but the problem is that it can’t stand George Han who has opened the Taixu God Step.

This guy is

like a rat, jumping up and down, his whereabouts are difficult to determine, and his movements are extremely fast.

After several rounds in a row, the small stone was incomparably cumbersome in comparison with George Han, let alone attacking George Han, even his shadow could not be touched.

Suddenly, at this moment, the little stone seemed to have a sense of spirituality and realized that chasing like this was definitely not the way to go, and it suddenly stopped directly.

Then, just like before, he volleyed in place and seemed to be looking at George Han coldly.

At the other end, George Han, who was running vigorously, also stopped in confusion. He was a little ignorant and looked at the little rock with some puzzlement. He didn’t know what this guy wanted to do!

Soon, the stone gave it the answer.

Depend on! !

“I’ll take care of you, uncle!” George Han opened his eyes wide in shock, looking at the small stone, and the biggest exclamation from his heart broke out at this time!

Chapter 3799

, it is not chasing.

It chose…

full screen spike!

I saw that in its body at this time, a super fierce flame erupted, so that the entire space was instantly ignited.

A huge sea of ”‹”‹fire is surrounded from all directions on the ground!


There seems to be only one end to where you go.

And, it’s the same kind!

“Why don’t you come here earlier? You have to chase me for a long time? Isn’t it fun?” While scolding, George Han didn’t intend to sit still.

Activate all the energy in the body and directly build an energy protection shield.

Although George Han himself knew very well that he might not be able to resist again after he came out like this. After all, he had consumed a lot of real energy before, but this was the only way out of nowhere.

How much can stop

, how much!

boom! !

Huge fire in the sky, overwhelming!


Almost at the same time, there was a strange noise above George Han’s barrier. At the same time, the energy circle was madly deforming at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that it was about to burst at any time.

“Damn, so fierce?”

George Han scolded in a low voice, forcing up all the true energy in his body and frantically supporting his energy barrier.

One to break, one to attack.

An instant confrontation between the two!

But this confrontation can be seen in almost a moment.

George Han, who had already consumed a lot of his true energy, might have been able to withstand a low-powered attack for a long time, but such a super-attack of such a sudden and violent force would have almost no chance for him to resist in a short period of time.

With a loud bang, the barrier

shattered , and a huge fire suddenly poured in from outside, swept through George Han’s body crazily for a while.

George Han only felt that he was being thrown into the crematorium to prevent Buddha, and the pain was extremely burning on the spot. Even George Han himself was grinning in pain.

But at this time, George Han knew better than anyone that he didn’t have time to deal with these pains. What he had to do at the moment was to force the meridians all over his body with his true energy.

Under the circumstance that the outside world can no longer resist, at least rely on this to forcibly protect the internal meridians of the body, otherwise, then this is really a complete calf, and there is nothing left.

puff puff!

But even so, big mouthfuls of blood continued to flow out of George Han

‘s .

“Father, if this goes on like this, you will be roasted by this huge fire to be charred on the outside and tender on the inside.” Under the protection of George Han, the little dragon ants were extremely uncomfortable because of the high temperature, but overall there was nothing wrong with them. Danger to life.

George Han endured extremely difficultly, but did not answer, not because he didn’t want to answer, but because it was so painful that he couldn’t speak.

Why doesn’t he know what the little dragon ants said?

But the question is, what can he do now that this is the case? !

Right now, the only thing that can only be pinned on is the flame emanating from the flint, which is already the highest limit.

After that, the fire will be reduced, George Han dare not say anything else, but at least according to the current situation, he can persevere until he survives.

For George Han, it was the first time in his life to put his fate in the hands of others, and it was also the most unwilling way in his life.

But not right now.

This kind of taste is not good and can only be endured silently.

Xiaolongyi didn’t speak, but looked at George Han’s eyes towards the stone in the sea of ”‹”‹fire, and now, he also understood the intention of his father: “Father, can we only look at it now?

” What should I do if there is an explosion of talent?” What is

good? George Han never thought about it.

But at least at the moment, he is more aware of his certainty of winning, because it has been detached from the little dragon ant, so how explosive can it still have?

But just when George Han was just a little bit overjoyed, cold water poured over…

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