His True Colors Novel Chapter 3776 – 3777

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Chapter 3776

Amelia Su did not speak, the whole person is also in shock.

“But there is a new question. If there is really a lot of water here, why can’t we see any place similar to a water source?”

Even in an extremely arid desert, when it is close to a water source , it is inevitable that oases often appear, but in this city of fire, let alone an oasis, even a relatively less arid place does not exist at all.

“I’m also very confused about this.” George Han said.

“It seems that there are many secrets in this place that we may not know.” Amelia Su said: “It’s not useless for me to pretend to be dizzy.”

“Of course it is very useful.” George Han smiled: “I can’t find it. Such a good excuse to stay for the time being.”

“It’s just you being slick.” Amelia Su Jiao said angrily.

“Take a rest.” George Han said.

You don’t want to find a way to find it?” Amelia Su said.

George Han shook his head: “We’ve just settled here, the other party’s guards are strict after all, wait, don’t worry.”

Amelia Su nodded, raised her head slightly, and put her head on George Han’s arm: “Say That’s right, then let’s rest first.” As the

words fell, the two husband and wife leaned on each other and closed their eyes to rest on the spot.

After a few hours, George Han opened his eyes, and his consciousness told him that the time was ripe.

Amelia Su also woke up and looked at George Han, waiting for his next move.

George Han gave a bitter smile, took Amelia Su’s hand, and shook his head: “Why are you so nervous? I just got up to pee and continue to sleep.”

George Han made a hole on the side of the energy cover. .

A skyfire shot out directly in his hand, and after that, the opening on the energy cover was closed again, and nothing happened

to prevent Buddha.

“Hurry up and rest, we can be quiet for at most ten minutes.” George Han smiled.

Although Amelia Su didn’t understand what George Han was doing, she nodded obediently, and lay in George Han’s arms, closed her eyes, and continued to rest.

Sure enough, it was not what George Han expected.

Almost in just ten seconds later, the city has already exploded.

The city was full of fire, and there was a lot of excitement. At this time, a large number of ant troops moved neatly and quickly towards the central area of ”‹”‹the city. The familiar fiery red figure also flew out of the largest palace.

After a while, she fell and landed on the central square. She looked at the statue erected in the center of the square, but saw that the corner of the statue was already charred.

She grabbed a soldier at random, and said in a cold voice: “What happened?”

“Report to the city lord, it seems

that something quickly passed through here and tried to blow up the statue of our queen. However, we found that in time, he They fled to the southeast.”

Hearing the soldier’s words, the queen snorted coldly, “Follow me.” “

Yes.” Looking back, in fact, not only did she stop this group of soldiers from chasing, but many other soldiers even chased after the enemy early. In the southeast direction, the sky and the ground are almost all black and hemp.

Even if anyone, I am afraid they will not escape the pursuit.

Suddenly, her brows furrowed sharply: “Come with me.” When the

words fell, she waved her figure and walked straight to the altar in the west of the city again.

The other group of ant soldiers did not dare to neglect at all, and hurried away with her.

West of the city, the altar.

The little commander was about to take a nap just now, but he just squinted, and a sudden change happened in the

city , although it was far away, it was not clear why there was so much noise over there.

But one thing he knew very well was that something happened, so he immediately cheered up all the soldiers around him and carefully guarded the altar.

“Did they come out?” As soon as they landed, the queen ant asked the little leader in a cold voice.

The little leader glanced at the energy shield next to him: “I’ve been waiting around, and I haven’t seen the two of them come out of it. The city owner is suspicious…”

“The City of Earth Fire has been in peace for so long. As soon as it came, something happened this night.” The queen said, looking at the barrier: “It’s not the ghosts they made, who else could it be?”

“Go and call them, you can see at a glance.” The

little leader nodded. , brought a few soldiers and came to the altar, but just as he was about to shout, the barrier suddenly lowered automatically…

Chapter 3777

With the barrier lowered, George Han and Amelia Su inside also stared at them with hazy sleepy eyes.

“What’s the matter?” George Han sat up, rubbed his head, and said depressedly, “Why is it so noisy?”

Suddenly, George Han looked at the queen ant, and the whole person was slightly startled: “Yo, Why are you even here with the queen ant?” The

little leader and the gang looked at each other in dismay, but at the same time, they breathed out a long breath in their hearts.

Although the couple are in the energy circle, it is obviously unexpected, but one thing that can relieve them is that at least it proves that their guards have not neglected their duties.

The queen ant frowned and stared at the two people in the array.

They are all vivid, not illusions, which means that things in the city have nothing to do with them.


how is this possible?

This is too coincidental, isn’t it?

“There is some commotion in the city, and it seems that someone else broke in. I want to ask the two of you, are you really the only one here this time?” the ant queen asked.

“I can swear to God that there is nothing else but my husband and wife.” George Han raised three fingers and vowed.

The queen ant smiled slightly: “Why do you bother so much? I just watched the chaos in the city and worried about your safety, so I came to see it. I just asked the question just casually.”

“Thank you, the queen. “Amelia Su smiled.

“By the way, girl, are you awake? How do you feel?” The ant queen asked politely.

Amelia Su smiled: “It should be due to being too tired, coupled with lack of water and food, and I felt a little unwell for a while.”

“Then I will immediately order someone to prepare some food for you,” she said


Amelia Su shook her head: “Things in the city are rare and precious, and the queen ant is willing to welcome Xia. However, Amelia Su is not too delicate. I believe that after a night’s rest, I can barely get on the road.”

“Tomorrow morning, we will leave. It’s just that , there is no sun in the ground, I don’t know the time, I also ask the queen ant to send someone to let me know when the time comes.” Amelia Su said.

The queen ant nodded, then looked at the little leader: “You can hear the girl’s request?”

“My subordinates understand.” The

queen looked back at Amelia Su: “If that’s the case, then don’t disturb the rest of the two of you. If you need anything, you can tell my subordinates at any time. They will always be waiting here.”

George Han and Amelia Su nodded and said with a smile, “Thank you for the queen.” After the

words were finished, the queen responded with a smile, and her body turned into a joint. Hokage, headed towards

the city.

As soon as they left, George Han and the little ant leader also smiled politely at each other in embarrassment. After that, he pulled the barrier again, and the couple returned to their own place all at once.

“It seems that although the queen ant has no evidence, her suspicion of us has not been dispelled.” Amelia Su said with a wry smile.

“It can be expected.” George Han said: “This place has been in peace for so long, and something happened to us as soon as we arrived, and a fool can suspect us.”

“It’s just that she didn’t expect us to be there . It’s in the barrier, so I can only give it up for a while.”

“Do you want to lead the snake out of the hole?” Amelia Su said.

George Han did not deny it: “That’s right.”

The two of them are not familiar with this place, so the risk and significance of any rash action are actually extremely small.

It is even very

possible that he searched for a needle in a haystack and didn’t find anything, but he was shocked by the grass, so that the final result was even worse.

Therefore, instead of being passive, it is better to turn passive into active.

Let others move first.

“In this way, it is the best situation for her to have doubts.” Amelia Su nodded.

That’s right, only if the queen ant remains suspicious, she will always be uneasy in her heart, and based on this, she will reveal some clues.

“But the problem is, after such a mess, these ant soldiers around the altar must be in good spirits no matter what, I mean, even if the queen ant is doing something now, we can’t be ignorant. If you don’t think so, go out.” Amelia Su worried.

“Who said we can’t go out?” George Han smiled mysteriously and suddenly stood up..

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