His True Colors Novel Chapter 3710 – 3711

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Chapter 3710

“Send the order down, start the ultimate plan, order all the city defenses to give up their positions immediately, and quickly come to the City Lord’s Mansion for support. The decision is made.”

“Yes!” As soon as

the voice fell, several soldiers who communicated the message immediately rushed towards the four walls.

There, there are still a lot of troops in the fallen city.

Their own task is to stick to their position and prevent George Han from breaking out. But as they said, these soldiers are the last guarantee of the fallen city. Once their defenses are removed, the iron barrel formation of the fallen city will be completely disintegrated.

And such a result, once lost, will be a huge blow to Luocheng.

If George Han can break through here, it is equivalent to breaking free from all shackles and flying away completely.

And if George Han doesn’t leave and continues to slaughter here, there is no last killer move to contain them. For their group’s

retreat, it is also the same as if there is no containment, the losses will be extremely heavy.

But right now, as Zhu Yanshuo said, they have no choice.

“Come on.”

Just as Ming Yu was stunned for a moment, there were bursts of shouts of killing from all sides.

Four groups of troops rushed down from the east, south, west, and north, each with thousands of elites, plus dozens of masters, and they fell like a flood.

The hordes of strange beasts that were originally smashing away the enemy army, faced with this sudden encirclement, did not respond in time for a while, and they, who had been in a rush, not only lost the initiative in an instant, but also fell into passive encirclement.

The situation is not desperate, but it is certainly extremely bleak.


George Han The offensive could not help but strengthen, which made George Han also in crisis at this time.

“Break the game, break the game.”

Above the distance, Lin Long shouted anxiously.

It really wanted to rush in to help George Han kill the enemy and relieve his pressure, instead of just sitting there in a hurry.

Of course, there is another reason why it is anxious, that is, it clearly knows that the situation at this time is very unfavorable for George Han.

Once time passes, it will become more and more deadly to George Han.

He has to break the game.

However, Linlong can see these things, but how can George Han not see them?

It’s just that, in fact, he didn’t even think of it himself, he was already at every step and scheming, and spent a lot of time in deductions and budgets in three days.

In the end, she still underestimated Ming Yu, which was enough for everyone to decide

her old-fashioned preparations.

How is it now? !

It seems that George Han has no other choice.

Kill it.

“We will fight with them to the end, and we will never die.” George Han roared angrily, and the offensive on his body increased instead of decreasing.

“The two armies in the southeast will continue to cooperate with the army to attack the army of strange beasts. The army of the north route will cooperate with the masters to attack George Han. At the same time, I will let the army of the west route criss-cross directly and cut off the connection between George Han and the army of strange beasts. I want to Divide them into two cakes and eat them in one bite.” Ming Yu said coldly.

Zhu Yanshuo couldn’t hide a smile: “This subordinate understands, and this subordinate will arrange this.”

When the words fell, under his eyes, one of the commanders immediately waved a few flags, and several troops also adjusted their formations and changed their tactics.

With the implementation of the new tactics, the effect is immediately apparent.


George Han and the army of strange beasts could not match each other, so they could only fight each other, and the situation began to plummet and became more and more difficult.

“In this way, even if George Han can rely on his own ability to almost disintegrate the fallen elite, there is a fact that cannot be ignored is that George Han’s ending is inevitable.”

Guang Clicking on the present, the old sweeper said softly inside.

“George Han’s hand is actually very subtle, and it really made our guesses full of finesse. But unfortunately, the opponent he faced this time was also very formidable. George Han encountered trouble. That’s it.” The Eight Desolate Heaven Book also said.

“Yeah.” The sweeping old man couldn’t help but nodded and sighed.

But just when the voices of the two fell, suddenly, a loud noise came from the gate of the falling city. The two were shocked, and after a moment of surprise, they couldn’t help laughing…

Chapter 3711

“It seems that personality charm is actually a person’s ability.” Bahuang Tianshu smiled and said.

The sweeping old man smiled irrefutably: “Of course it doesn’t matter. Some people are born to be liked, so naturally some people are willing to follow. And some people are born unconvincing, even if they force a group of people by their side. , and it has always been difficult to condense, and in the end, it is only a gang of rabble, and it is difficult to do anything.” The

Eight Desolate Book of Heaven smiled: “It seems that the situation of George Han is about to come back.

” Non-stop, the ups and downs are full of passion, interesting, interesting, there is an old saying not to say, only at the last moment will the real victory and defeat be decided. Because there are too many unknown

factors in the middle that may be at any time It will happen.” The

two finished speaking and disappeared again.

And almost at the same time, after a huge bombardment, all kinds of spells, boulders followed like a heavy rain.

Fortunately, the city should have a strong defense, otherwise, under such an attack, I am afraid it would have been destroyed already.


A long call came urgently, and everyone who was fighting fiercely here could not help but stop under the repeated loud noises.

A messenger soldier ran all the way, through the war zone and directly in front of Mingyu.

“What happened at Dongcheng Gate, why are there constant explosions?” Zhu Yanshuo asked anxiously.

“Report…report…Elder Shenlong, report to Lord City Lord, a force has appeared outside the east gate, and is bombarding my east gate

at .”


Upon hearing this, Ming Yu and Zhu Yanshuo were almost shocked at the same time.

At this time, someone came to attack the city? The only enemy around Jiluo is Devil Cloud Ghost City. However, Devil Cloud Ghost City has been destroyed. Even if there are some remaining parties, most of them put down their weapons and come to Jiluo City. Who will be the external attacker? !

There shouldn’t be anyone else.

“Have you seen who they are?” Zhu Yanshuo asked anxiously.

The soldier shook his head: “This group of people are all wrapped in white clothes, and their masks are extremely heavy. They have absolutely no idea of ”‹”‹the origin of the other party. Anyway, judging from the experience of subordinates and others in the city defense, these people have never appeared before.”

Inexplicable Wonderful mysterious man in white? Never seen it before?

*, this damn

George Han’s life is so good? Someone is attacking the city at this time.” A commander next to him scolded depressedly.

The siege also means that the current situation will be broken, and once George Han is broken, it is very likely that they will be able to recover, and this has to make them feel the grave.

“I won’t come early, I won’t come late, but come at this time, mother*er, give us another half an hour, and we will definitely kill George Han.” Another person also said.

Zhu Yanshuo frowned slightly, looked at Ming Yu, and said: “Elder Shenlong, will the other party come to George Han?”

Ming Yu also has this kind of intuition, because these are too coincidental at the moment. But along the way, how many troops does George Han have?

It seemed that all the troops he could have, including even some of the Su family’s army, were killed in the

Book of Eight Desolations, who could help him at this time.

Who could possibly be George Han’s friend in this big demon land?

Ming Yu couldn’t understand, but if it wasn’t like this, then what happened right now would be too bizarre. Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

Mingyu doesn’t quite believe it.

“How many are there?” Ming Yu looked at the soldier and asked softly.

“Report to Elder Shenlong, at least… at least a few hundred. Moreover, these people are very human at first glance, and they seem to be masters.”

What? !

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes widened.

master? Or the number of hundreds? How is this possible?

How can an ordinary team have such a large number of masters?

Then, where will this siege team be? !

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