His True Colors Novel Chapter 3646 – 3647

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Chapter 3646

the voice falls, the scene is peaceful.

All the elites of the anti-Buddha are waiting for a good show at this time.

But it is doomed that this kind of waiting will not last long.

“Not afraid!”

It was just two simple words, but no one deliberately started to shout in unison.

The sound resounds like thunder!

A lot of people squeeze me, I squeeze you, but stand firmly forward without losing order, for fear that the person who will die this night will be me.

“If you want to kill or cut, you will listen to your honor, the lady of the alliance leader, you don’t have to be threatened by others.

” It’s better to be alive than to die.”

“That’s right, come on, let’s fight this group of bastards to the end.”

Everyone’s speeches were sonorous and powerful, obviously all of them put their life and death

aside .

“Amelia Su, did you hear it?” The pangolin stood firmly in front of Amelia Su, turned back slightly, and said coldly.

Of course Amelia Su could hear it, but the more so, the less she wanted everyone to die in vain.

It’s just that everyone’s attitude is firm, and she doesn’t know what to do for a while.

Fu Mei hid behind the crowd, staring at everything in front of her indifferently and bitterly. If she had seen Amelia Su in such a difficult situation before, she would definitely not know what her sneer was.

But for some reason, she can’t laugh now, and even if she has to laugh, she is not laughing at Amelia Su, but at herself.

Perhaps, this is empathy.

Everyone is a leading lady, but the situation is very different.

A tens of thousands of people supported her, and she willingly died just because she didn’t want her to be oppressed.

One was cast aside by tens of thousands of people and was an abandoned woman. Not only did her subordinates have no respect for her, she was even a talking point and the laughing stock of tens of thousands of people in private.

In other words, Ye Shijun actually sent a lot of subordinates to abuse him in order to abuse himself, and some of them because of this…

Hehe, just these, the two are already judged against each other.

What qualification does she have to compare with Amelia Su and laugh at Amelia Su.

What she has at this moment is just full of envy, and nothing else.

“Okay, since you all want to die, I will fulfill you all.” With a cold voice, the stunning beauty showed no mercy, and when she opened her hands, the black energy condensed her hands again.

“Come on!” The pangolin was really lucky and shouted coldly, not afraid at all.

“Bang, bang, bang!” A

few footsteps sounded, and the disciples of the Mysterious Man

Alliance also stepped forward, standing with pangolins, blocking Amelia Su’s front.

“If there is another life, we are willing to fight side by side with each other!”

“Yes, I have no regrets in this life!”


Dozens of people drank in unison, each using their own energy, their eyes filled with death.

After such a formation, the stunning beauty’s eyes were slightly surprised, and then replaced by coldness. With a sudden movement in her hand, black energy struck again.

Although half of the team of a dozen people were soon swallowed up by the black wind, this time, the disciples who had bid farewell to this world even with only their bones left, did not groan half a pain from the beginning to the end, and silently resisted. disappeared silently.

They are using their attitude to show that they will never give in.

The stunning beauty smiled coldly, but just as

soon as she laughed, her smile completely solidified at the corner of her mouth.

Accompanied by the sound of neat footsteps, several disciples walked up without fear, filling the positions of the brothers who died of black qi.

Zhu Yanshuo raised his brows, really puzzled: “Is there really so many people in this world who are not afraid of death?”

“Look at the more you come, or the more I kill.” After the stunning beauty was slightly shocked, the whole person was even more angry. .

Yes, they are challenging themselves and ignoring themselves.

When the words fell, there was another black gas between her hands, and then, several people fell down.

However, almost the same as before, several people took over automatically.

Kill again!

Come again!

Kill again!

Come again!

So much so that there was an extremely tragic and jaw-dropping scene in the field at this time…

Chapter 3647

Stunning beauties kill a few, and then a few disciples quickly fill it up.

The faster she kills, the faster she can make up for it.

She is fluent and ruthless in killing, and the other party’s replenishment is like slow flowing water, continuous and endless.

For a time, the people watching the battle, even the elites who were in the enemy camp, opened their eyes wide.

Yes, although everyone had different positions and naturally expected the other party’s death, but seeing such a death method, they couldn’t help being shocked and at the same time admired.

Not to mention them, they are a bunch of senior executives who should be in the city. At this time, they are all fascinated by each other, without saying a word.

Zhu Yan said that even the breath was completely forgotten for a short time.

The so-called death squads that spend a lot of money and spend a lot of energy to select from countless elite soldiers are actually nothing more than that, but what is terrifying

is that George Han’s so-called “crooked melons and cracked dates” in their eyes are almost all of them. Such an indomitable dead man.

Where did George Han find these “desperate people”, and what kind of crazy method did they use to make them so loyal to life and death?

Weird, weird!

But it’s also enough to teach any leader a moving and profound lesson.

With such elites, what is there to be afraid of? !

The stunning beauty was also very shocked. Although there was no movement on her face, a trace of fear and shock flashed in her eyes.

Even a ruthless killing machine would be soft-hearted in the face of such an army that came to die one after another.

“You, are you really not afraid of death?” The stunning beauty suddenly stopped attacking and killing, looking at the people who were still standing in

front of Amelia Su at this time, she asked in shock.

The pangolin and a few mysterious disciples who were standing in a row looked at each other and sneered disdainfully at each other. Although they were speechless, it was obviously the most powerful answer to the question asked by the stunning beauty at this time.

“Bastards, you are really bastards, do you really think you are not afraid of death? Am I afraid of killing?” The stunning beauty drank coldly, and in her rage, another black air swept past her hands.

In the face of such black air, some people are resisting, and some people have no real ability because they have blocked several rounds.

“They are still laughing!”

Not far away, Ye Shijun’s teeth were almost crushed.

In front of the group of people, the human bones were already piled up into a thick pile of hills, not to mention that they had to experience

this , many people felt terrified just by looking at it.

But these guys are still smiling so calmly at this moment.

Damn, are the people who follow George Han really crazy?

Futian didn’t speak, and a person like him who was ruthless and untrustworthy naturally couldn’t understand the reason.


This time, except for the pangolin and the other two disciples who were still alive, everyone else was turned into powder under the black wind, and there was nothing left.

Obviously, Jue ** child increased the strength in his hand, and Hei Feng also became more ferocious.

This time, the morale of the people who should be in the city was shaken, and Zhu Yanshuo and the others even returned to sneer on their faces.

“Haha, brothers, don’t be afraid, don’t watch this woman suddenly become more violent, but it actually shows from the side that this woman is panicking.”

“She was impatient at first.

The heart has to control the strength, she can’t do it, haha! “The

pangolin laughed coldly, and one sentence not only directly dispelled the fierce attack of the stunning beauty, but also greatly boosted his own morale.

In the stunning and angry eyes of the stunning beauty, another group of people who were not afraid The dead disciples slowly stood up.

“You all deserve to die! The stunning beauty shouted angrily, her hands condensed directly in her hands. Suddenly

, a huge black ball crazily formed in her hands, just from the current appearance, you can already see the huge damage.

But all the people in the front row None of the disciples showed the slightest fear, they just waited silently.

Suddenly, just as Jue ** child raised the black ball and was about to attack, she suddenly panicked because of the appearance of a person. Stopped…

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