His True Colors Novel Chapter 3636 – 3637

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Chapter 3636

“Are they crazy?”

“What are these guys doing?”

“Are they dying?”

, A group of people, whether they were before or after the battle, were all speechless and shocked at this time.

They were just about to watch their gang blame each other, abuse each other, and even kill each other for a chance to survive.

But who can know that after just a moment, these imaginary pictures not only did not happen, but they were given a neat attack by the other party!

“A madman, a madman, a bunch of madmen.”

“From the beginning of George Han, they are all madmen from top to bottom!” The

abuse and questioning continued, but it sounded more like an incompetent barking with a failed plan. .

“What is the Jagged Legion? George Han really taught us a good lesson.” The stunning beauty chuckled and shook her head, but her eyes

were full of admiration.

The purpose of capturing the thief first and capturing the king is to capture the leader of the other party, so that the dragons are headless and the army is disorganized.

But George Han’s team, even when George Han was not there, broke out with an unusually ferocious offensive attitude and determination, as well as the courage to not be afraid of death.

Such a team is really slanderous, and at the same time, I have to respect them.

In mid-air, Amelia Su did not expect that things would suddenly develop towards this situation. For a while, she stood dumbfounded in the air, watching the disciples desperately launch a counter-charge.

“Sister Amelia Su, it seems that everyone is unwilling to agree to the condition you want to agree to.” Ziqing smiled softly.

Before the words fell, Zi Qing had already rushed back to the group of masters, driving all kinds of true energy spells and attacking them frantically.

“Ziqing, you…” Amelia Su was anxious.

However, there is no other choice for Qingqing at the moment

, Amelia Su gritted her teeth and relaunched the attack with Ziqing.

For a time, the quiet world just now turned into a frenzied bombardment.

The roars, screams, and screams were endless.

Mixed with various stumps and broken arms, the whole neighborhood is like Shura hell, a cemetery on earth.

Relying on the sudden attack and the spirit of the decisive battle of all members who are not afraid of death, the opponent who was once killed by the Mysterious Man Alliance was caught off guard, and the defense line between the armor and the armor almost collapsed.

Ningyue led some of the disciples to finally successfully breakthrough.

“Sister Amelia Su, I will cover you, and you will break through.” Zi Qing said anxiously.

“I’ll cover you, you go out and meet Ningyue and the others.” Amelia Su firmly refused.

“No, you go to the meeting, and you still have Senior Sister Qin Shuang on your back.” Zi Qing finished her words and smiled: “For Brother George Han, both of you are the most important people to him.

The enemy’s focus is also on you.”

“So, Sister Amelia Su, if all of you are caught, our sacrificed brothers will have no meaning at all.”

“Just because I’m the wife of George Han, I should do my best when he’s not around. You are responsible for the safety of all of you, don’t say it, listen to my order, you will breakthrough immediately, and leave it to me here.” Amelia Su said anxiously.

Hearing this, Ziqing just smiled slightly: “Hey, Sister Amelia Su, the old saying is good, I will be outside, and the military will suffer. I’m sorry, I will go first.”

When the words fell, Zi Qing suddenly rushed towards the many masters who besieged them with a desperate attitude.

Her speed was strange, and it was obviously too late to rush over to stop her.

In desperation, thinking about Qin Shuang on his back, Amelia Su had no other choice but to grit his teeth and break out

towards periphery.

Facing Zi Qing’s crazy attack, the masters hurriedly defended out of instinct. When they discovered that the real intention of the two women’s cooperation was to let Amelia Su break through, it was obviously too late.

Although a group of elite soldiers had an advantage in numbers and could make up for it immediately, it was hard to resist in the face of today’s Amelia Su.

Soon, the encirclement broke open, and Amelia Su was about to rush out.

“****, these idiots.” Zhu Yanshuo shouted angrily, moved his feet, and flew over with a few people, which was bound to prevent Amelia Su from breaking through.

Their speed is extremely fast, although the time to make up is more or less a little late, but relying on a large area of ”‹”‹elite soldiers to delay Amelia Su, the encirclement will still be completed soon.

But at this critical moment, suddenly, the ground shook violently, and then it exploded about one meter in front of Zhu Yanshuo…

Chapter 3637

huge impact made Zhu Yanshuo unable to move forward at all, and he could only turn back subconsciously.

And almost between his first block, along with the violent explosion, a black figure suddenly jumped up from the ground with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow could not help but reach Amelia Su’s face. When Amelia Su barely reflected, she had already pulled her directly, and a fall went directly towards the exploding pothole.

Amelia Su wanted to resist, but when she saw the person coming, she couldn’t help but follow him into the ground.


Immediately afterwards, in Zhu Yanshuo’s incredible eyes, a sudden arching movement of the ground quickly moved towards the distance.

When Zhu Yanshuo fully reflected, there was Amelia Su’s shadow in his eyes, and he wanted to chase after him, only to realize at this moment that he was too far away.

“****, what kind of bullshit is that?”

Zhu Yanshuo shouted angrily, his eyes widened, obviously looking extremely unwilling. Not annoyed? !

Zhu Yanshuo didn’t even know, what about other people?

You look at me one by one, and I look at you. The incident was so sudden that they didn’t even know what was going on.

“Escape?” The stunning beauty frowned tightly. She was far away, so she could see clearly. She could clearly see that someone was suddenly moving quickly underground, and then Amelia Su was rescued at a critical moment.

And in an instant, he took her far away from here.

Suddenly, she smiled: “George Han has enough talented people.”

“No wonder I can hide that ancient book a hundred meters underground.”

“It’s interesting, it’s really


Seeing the special envoy of Shenlong laughing, Zhu Yanshuo panicked. After all, sometimes laughing is a good thing, but sometimes, This smile is another kind of terrifying panic.

“What are you still doing? Chase me.” With

a rush, Zhu Yanshuo was also afraid that letting Amelia Su escape just now would arouse the dissatisfaction of the special envoy of Shenlong, and hurriedly led a few of his subordinates and quickly chased away.

“No need to chase.” The stunning beauty suddenly spoke.

Zhu Yanshuo stopped, looked at her anxiously and puzzled, and said: “That’s Amelia Su, if we let her escape, then we…”

“This is their territory, and they have already broken out with a small group of people. They are all gathered together, and wanting to besiege them in a short period of time is obviously a fool’s dream.”

“There is a large jungle behind them, which is not conducive to chasing them, and secondly, those strange beasts have not been dispatched

. It will only cause more trouble.”

“But, just watch them escape? It would be fine if they escaped some remnants of the army, but…” Zhu Yanshuo said unwillingly.

The stunning beauty smiled: “Don’t worry, isn’t their main force still in our encirclement?”

“Elder Shenlong, what do you mean?” Zhu Yanshuo asked.

“What I mean is very clear, since it’s so hard to hunt down, why bother? Wouldn’t it be better to wait for them to take the bait?” After the

words were finished, the stunning beauty gently got up and took a step forward, smiled, and seemed extremely confident.

“What the special envoy of Shenlong means is that Amelia Su and the others will come back by themselves?” Zhu Yanshuo asked curiously.


“Why? Just those subordinates who are like lunatics?” Zhu Yanshuo said.

Although that group of people is indeed worthy

of the love and distress of any general who is a general, but the subordinates are always just subordinates, and the leader will kill them in this situation to save them. Obviously, there is such a possibility, but it is not big, and it is not a big deal. Not to mention that the special envoy of Shenlong is now full of self-confidence and self-confidence to a certain extent.

“If it was really that simple, would I be so sure?” The stunning beauty smiled lightly: “City Lord Zhu, you are smart, but I have told you more than once that you must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of your own enemies. Otherwise, any mistakes may make you pay a very painful price.”

Hearing this, Zhu Yanshuo was obviously a little confused.

At the same time, there is also some faint worry in his heart, he doesn’t know what he has missed.

“Come down, go to the wooden house to defend quickly, the fish is coming back to bite the hook.”

She smiled lightly, and did not say it directly, but turned and walked towards the battlefield over the wooden house…

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