His True Colors Novel Chapter 3624 – 3625

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Chapter 3624

She should admit that she is defeated, and she should admit that she is weaker than Amelia Su.

She should even help Amelia Su and George Han just like Fuli, instead of stepping on them and looking down on them.

Otherwise, even if he can’t own George Han, just like Fuli, being a left arm and a right arm is at least far better than the current situation.

At the very least, her cultivation base should be at a good level by referring to everyone in the Mysterious Man Alliance at this time.

As for the status, with reference to Fuli, at least one can get a small position.

After all, she was more or less related to Amelia Su and George Han, so her treatment should not be any worse than that of ordinary people.

So, in fact, no matter what, it is at least much better than the current situation.

How could she not regret it?

Thinking of the inhuman torture she has been subjected to now, how could she not shed tears of

remorse ?

But what’s the use of regretting it now?

If she had a choice, even now she was surrounded by Amelia Su and others, she would be willing.

At least, a vigorous death is far better than a useless life today.

“Bang bang bang!”

And almost at the same time, Amelia Su and Ziqing’s joint effort was overwhelming.

When the two joined forces, the frenzied explosion directly raised a high sky moat on the ground and slammed down.

Boom! !

The air waves were shocking, knocking down hundreds of elite soldiers and many masters, the ground was lifted, and a group of elite soldiers and masters were sent flying. After that, the loess fell like a mountain, and hundreds of elite soldiers and masters were buried in it.

Between the two of them, a total of 300 or 400 elite soldiers fell, and more than 20 masters were killed or injured. Their strength was terrifying, even if George Han was here, he would definitely be

dumbfounded .

This can only be described as horror!

Futian’s teeth were all broken, and he pointed angrily: “Come on, go up, go up, give it all to me.”

But except for him, everyone present was silent.

With such prestige, as long as the brain still has reason, people actually understand that although the other two are women, their abilities are obviously extremely difficult to chew.

No one listened to Futian, and the masters began to retreat to maintain a certain distance from the two women.

The elite soldiers were not fools either. Seeing the masters retreating, they also naturally retreated slowly along with them. They roared at Futian’s angry voice, as if they didn’t hear it.

“Kill, kill me!”

Killing voices rang out!

But obviously, these imposing voices are definitely not from their side, but from the mysterious alliance of people who are surrounded by many.

Seeing that Amelia Su’s side is so fierce,

it is obvious that the morale there has also been greatly encouraged. The breakthrough of the left and right sides and the death squad-like team led by Mo Beitian are frantically pulling the line of defense of the 50,000 army.

Originally, this should be an extremely difficult thing.

After all, the number and position of the 50,000-strong military is too dominant.

The Mysterious Man Alliance can persist in resistance, but it is already a miracle among miracles that an inch of land is not allowed. It is actually a bit whimsical to want to break through.

But what was unbearable was that Amelia Su and Ziqing made a shocking commotion in the rear at this time.

Although the fire of war did not burn to the back of the 50,000 army, but just now they have been hit all the time, and their hearts are naturally a little cool. Now that there is a lot of explosions behind this, and the elite troops have no momentum, how can this group of people be able to do it? Stay steady?

Especially the soldiers at the back are always on

guard against the situation behind them, and their fighting spirit has completely disappeared.

As soon as they lost their confidence, the people in front naturally passed one by one without backing, and until the end, the entire team began to lose their minds.

In the face of Mo Beitian’s life-threatening impact, plus Ningyue and Qingji’s scalpel-like cuts, it was obviously difficult for a while and began to collapse.


“Among the army, the right side was forcibly cut by two waves of enemies. All the way, he was responsible for breaking through and covering the encirclement. All the way, he broke through the siege and was attacking us.”


“The left side of the army has been blocked by a The troops led by the women of the team opened up. Although our unit resisted stubbornly, the opponent was too ferocious. Please support.”

Two consecutive battle reports immediately made Ye Shijun and others look cold at this time, dazzlingly looking at the situation ahead , all of them were dumbfounded for a while…

Chapter 3625

If the previous battle was considered an attack like an iron bucket, then if you look at it now, it is already that bucket. When it is old for a long time, it will flow out of the potholes everywhere as soon as it is filled.

The left and right flanks were almost breached by the enemy army, and a steady stream of enemy forces were madly rushing out from inside.

The entire 50,000-strong army was completely caught up in a hasty challenge for a while, and the absolute advantage it had previously occupied was also wiped out at this moment, and the situation was extremely passive.

“Elder Shenlong, we have to find a way quickly, this battle is like this… This…” Zhu Yanshuo’s face was full of helplessness and anxiety.

This is the old bottom of him who should be in the city. If it is to be exhausted, if the goal has not been achieved, then it is completely lost to the wife and the army.

Ye Shijun’s face was cold: “I’ll take the reserve team to support immediately. Damn, I don’t believe it anymore. I can’t take care of these animals.”

Futian also

said angrily, “I’m going too.”

He definitely won’t allow it Anyone who walked out of his family had a better life than him, and if there were, they would be killed.

“Is the reserve team reserved for you? Let me ask you, have you seen George Han?” The stunning beauty shouted coldly.

“If George Han suddenly came out now, what would you do to stop him?”

Hearing this, Futian and Ye Shijun were obviously taken aback.

After fighting for a long time, in fact, what the special envoy of Shenlong said was true.

Where did George Han go?

“Then I’ll bring 5,000 troops to support, and leave 10,000 as a reserve team. Is this okay?” Ye Shijun took a step back.

Futian looked at the special envoy of Shenlong eagerly, and naturally she could not ask her to quickly agree.

“Ten thousand people?” The Shenlong envoy smiled: “It’s not a big problem to block George Han, but I ask you, what if he brings his strange beasts?”

There are nearly ten thousand of his strange beasts. , 10,000 people have to add Han 3,000 to deal with such an enemy, are you too confident?”

“This is not good, that is not good, are you just watching those people break through our defense? “Ye Shijun said anxiously.

The stunning beauty did not speak, but the same dissatisfaction and anger in her eyes.

In terms of the distribution of the number of people, in fact, she has already calculated in advance, she will not underestimate the enemy like Ye Shijun and others.

Therefore, 50,000 people oppressed the disciples on the side of the wooden house, already in accordance with the specifications of the flood sweeping away the fallen leaves. As for the 5,000 elite soldiers and the masters to drag Han 3,000, it is basically in line with her calculation. Although Han 3,000 is indeed capable, but he needs to be taken care of by Amelia Su, and will inevitably be held back, so this problem is not big.

In this way, while dying, while dragging, even if George Han has the ability, he will definitely be

difficult to .

As for other variables, the reserve team of 15,000 people is the best back-up move.

The advance can be used to assist the attack, and the retreat can resist all variables. The overall plan is seamless.

But she could never have imagined that Amelia Su and a woman in white would kill him halfway, completely disrupting his deployment.

Amelia Su was not a burden, but half of George Han, plus the sudden emergence of a master to help her, so that the advantage of the bamboo house she originally planned was completely greedy.

These effects are like a prairie fire, which soon affects the situation on the side of the wooden house, and even the advantage of that side is further reduced.

Seriously, it’s still a chess mistake, and the whole game is lost.

“Elder Shenlong, the opponent has four paths at the moment, divided into two groups of Amelia Su, and there are left and right sides of the stormtroopers all the way. Amelia Su and two are extremely powerful and cannot be touched lightly, but the other three paths are led by experts.

Sending three masters, I believe they will be able to stop their attack.” Zhu Yanshuo said.

The stunning beauty nodded slightly, Zhu Yanshuo’s words were actually exactly what he wanted.

Moreover, this is also the best aid plan that does not move the root.

“Can anyone choose?” The stunning beauty asked slightly.

“There are still four masters here.” Zhu Yanshuo gestured with a look when the words fell.

Immediately, the Black Mountain Demon Girl, the White-faced Rain Demon, the Old Immortal Phoenix Chicken, and the Venerable Big Foot took a slight step forward and turned to the special envoy of Shenlong: “We are waiting for the dispatch of Elder Shenlong.”

“Four against three, although we are victorious, we are not sure. After the words fell, the stunning beauty looked at Futian and Ye Shijun.

These two have long wanted to vent their anger, and now there are four major experts to help them, and they are even more happy: “We are also willing to participate in the war .

Six people flew out…

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