His True Colors Novel Chapter 3582 – 3583

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Chapter 3582

Hearing George Han’s words, the phantom voice has a movement of picking out his ears, and the whole person looks at George Han in amazement. : “What are you talking about?”

“Boy, were you born in a bull’s ass? You like to blow it so much?”

“***, don’t say win in Laozi’s space, what are you doing to keep you alive?”

Everything is dominated by him, and naturally all resistance and attacks are futile, and there is obviously no problem with his words.

“What do you want to win you? As you said, the one who dominates everything is the ultimate winner, isn’t it?” As soon as the words fell, George Han moved directly and flew towards the reappearing eight apertures.

The sword is like a stick, the stick is like a sword, the body is like a man, and the phantom is like a monkey.

Almost like before, in just a few tens of seconds, the

sun above his head quickly fell like a kite with a broken string, and then exploded on the spot like a balloon.

Immediately after that, there were eight more…

and eight more…

When nearly half an hour had passed, George Han had already cut down an unknown number of aperture suns. Between the scorching sun’s frenzied explosion, the whole world was also filled with the light and light of the explosion. high temperature.

George Han was already sweating profusely, but no one could tell whether his body was sweat from physical exertion or sweat from being too hot.

In mid-air, the illusory figure reappeared, looking at George Han in mid-air facing the aperture, but he was not panicking at all, but only sneered again and again.

Ignorance, naive, even ridiculous.

For him, these are obviously nothing, on the contrary, it is more like a monkey being played around by himself


He can be said to be attacking his own sun circle, but he can also be attacking the air for himself.

These are simply innocuous things, no matter how much he kills and destroys, it doesn’t actually cause him any harm at all.

Everything is meaningless.


George Han was tired, and the continuous attack made his entire sword-holding hand tremble slightly.

“Are you tired? Do you want to take a break? I’m in a good mood, allow you to rest for a while, how about we continue?” Phantom sneered.

If he was offended by George Han’s intrusion and his remarks before, and could not tolerate George Han, then now, he would like to stay with George Han for a while.

Although he would brutally kill him, his tenacious

vitality and good fighting power made him feel that he was very interesting.

Therefore, it is more interesting and more outrageous to play before killing.

George Han looked back coldly. Although the time and place of the phantom’s appearance were erratic, George Han could still instantly capture his location with his hearing.

He didn’t speak, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

After a while, he said coldly, “It’s infinite, right.”

“Oh?” He looked at George Han with interest, obviously waiting for his next words.


“Whether the yang qi is damaged or the yin qi is damaged, the gossip will always be adjusted to balance. So, no matter how many apertures I knock off, their energy is always stable here, in balance with the yin side.”

“Boy, you finally reflected

.” He laughed: “Yin and yang will reconcile each other, so no matter how much you do, it will be useless.”

“More importantly, under reconciliation, even if you do It’s really fierce, it can seriously damage one side, and the other side will be repaired in time.”

“And this kind of repair seems to be damaging, but it is not, because all the real energy is in this gossip, It will still adjust and re-absorb and refill it, understand?”

George Han smiled bitterly: “It seems that I don’t have to play anymore.”

“Play, of course I can play, but it’s not you. Play, but I play, haha, hahahaha.”

“Okay, then I’ll play with you.”

George Han finished his words, but suddenly stopped attacking, instead suddenly put away his long sword, and then, this guy made a An incredible move…

Chapter 3583

Even the phantom sees this guy’s behavior and is puzzled at this time.

What is this for?

Give up resistance? !


“Crawling on the Buddha’s feet temporarily?”

This George Han actually stopped attacking, and he planned to avoid it, but he landed on the ground and sat on the ground.

What the *** is this for? !

“Is your kid sick?”

This cramming is obviously out of his mother’s way.

He was not injured in this attack!

Are you tired? Want to recalibrate yourself?

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

Right now, it really should be.

“Okay, I said that if you are allowed to rest, you will never break your promise. I will give you half an hour.” After the

words fell, he disappeared, and he was hidden in the air again.

At this time, George Han

was not affected by any outside influence, even if the heat energy left over from the explosion of too many apertures in the air frantically bit his whole body.

A burst of jade energy continued to emerge from his body with the colorful aura in his body.

At first, there were not many, but as he entered the meditation for longer and longer, the breath released became bigger and bigger, so that several square meters of his body were already filled with his breath.

In the air, the phantom appeared again, but seeing this scene was full of doubts.

He is also a great god, and he was well-informed when he was alive, but he has never seen this kind of operation by George Han.


It’s so showy, all the other enemies must be dumbfounded.

This guy

… This guy is not cultivating, nor is he adjusting his inner breath, but…

but his mother is


Isn’t this a ***ing fault?

Not to mention how stupid and insane it is to let out the true qi in his body at the moment of the enemy, just saying that he is alone, then he didn’t do that.

Who the *** would have nothing to do, let go of the true qi that he cultivated so hard, don’t do it.

This thing is like everyone is making money, so everyone can’t wait to earn as much as they can, no one will think that they earn too much, and no one will take the earned money to play outside.

But George Han in front of him is just throwing money.

To say something unpleasant, anyone with a normal head would definitely not be able to do such stupid things.

“Your mother’s brain is really burned out.” With

a low scolding, he looked at George Han who was extremely serious with his eyes closed, and he couldn’t help but

continue: “You still have half the time. “

You keep playing.” After

he finished, he hid again.

And George Han didn’t know if he heard what he said, and he really listened obediently. Not only did he continue to release his true energy, but it came more violently than before.

In just a moment, the aura around George Han had already expanded to a larger area.

And when the last half of the time had passed, in front of George Han, there was already a full hundred meters of his breath.

“Damn, you can see that the inner strength is so strong?”

Even the phantom man couldn’t help but exclaim at this time.

That’s right, with George Han’s ability, his uniqueness, and all the messy things in his body

, there are very few people in this world who want to compare with him in terms of internal strength. less.

“Although the rubbish outside is rubbish, for most people, it is always a nightmare.”

“You can reach me from the outside, and you really have the capital of your arrogance. To have this With so much internal strength, even the deity can’t help but praise you.”

“Heavenly chosen, worthy of being chosen by heaven, even the deity expresses envy for your inner strength.”

“However, what do you mean? Dedicate these things to me and let me save your life?”

Hearing this, George Han opened his eyes with a smile on his face: “These things are indeed dedicated to you, that’s right.

” However, the latter sentence is a bit wrong, it is not to save your dog’s life, but to take your dog’s life.” After the

words were finished, George Han stood up abruptly…

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