His True Colors Novel Chapter 3562 – 3563

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Chapter 3562

after a while, deep in the jungle.

Amelia Su and Qin Shuang landed one after another, Amelia Su walked slowly forward with her back, but did not look back.

Qin Shuang just commented on her back and didn’t bother.

“What’s wrong?” Amelia Su spoke very softly and asked Tian Zhiqiongqi in a low voice.

Shaking his head, Tian Zhiqiong murmured, “Who is she?”

“George Han’s senior sister, Qin Shuang, what happened?”

“Which sect?” it asked.

“Xiwu Sect.”

“What kind of sect is Xingwu Sect, evil sect?” “Xiwu Sect is not a big sect, but it is definitely not

a crooked sect, but a decent one. By the way, why are you asking this?”

After Amelia Su’s words, Tian Zhiqiongqi did not say a word, and Fangfo fell into some kind of contemplation for a while.

After a while, he opened his mouth, and while walking towards the jungle in front of him, he instructed Qin Shuang who was not far behind

: “You wait for me here first, and I will prepare first.”

Amelia Su then walked quickly. into the jungle ahead.

After walking for about tens of meters, she stopped after making sure that Qin Shuang hadn’t followed.

“Senior sister George Han, something is wrong, are you really sure she comes from a prestigious family?”

Amelia Su asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“Just now I dragged her into the jungle to teach her the proper exercises. So while you were holding her in my hand, I was snooping inside her body. But it turned out that she had a lot of energy in her body, but she was completely chaotic.”

“And in this chaos, there is an energy that is the most powerful. Although it is hidden in the dark, how can it escape my eyes.”

Amelia Su frowned, a little puzzled.

“It’s a demonic energy, a demonic energy soaring to the sky.”


demonic energy ?” Amelia Su was even more confused. Most of Qin Shuang’s trainings were the inner-door-righteousness of the nihilism. Naturally, her body should have the aura of the Dao, so how could there be a demonic energy? And to the point of skyrocketing.

“Let’s put it this way, you can say that she is a beast who has cultivated into a spirit. I will never doubt it based on the demonic energy in her body.” Tian Zhiqi said strangely.

“It’s also good that there is golden light in her body that she can barely suppress. In addition, her body strength has always been deliberately suppressing these demonic qi, so although it is dangerous, she can barely pass.”

“However, Amelia Su, you have to be careful. This person is dangerous.”

Amelia Su was startled, she knew very well how Senior Sister Qin Shuang was, she was George Han’s senior sister, in fact, Amelia Su also regarded her as his own senior sister.

She is trustworthy, there is no doubt about it, she doesn’t understand why Tian Zhiqiu asked her to be careful about

Qin Shuang.

“She may be a good person. Her beautiful eyes are full of clarity. I know and affirm this very well. But the demonic energy in her body is extremely complicated. What I worry about is that once she can’t control this demon in her body Anger, some things are beyond her own subjective control.”

“For George Han, Qin Shuang is his relative, and for me, too, since you can find out what’s going on in her body, you have Is there any way I can help her?” Amelia Su asked.

“I believe that the current state of her body, with George Han’s cultivation and intelligence, cannot be unaware. However, he may not understand what is in her body because of his lack of knowledge.”

“However, she will definitely It was found that his power could not enter Qin Shuang’s body to help. In fact, this was the reason why I couldn’t help her at the moment.

because. “

Generally speaking, George Han’s ability is far beyond me now. What can I do if he can’t do anything?” “

Hearing this, Amelia Su couldn’t help but feel a little anxious: “Then…then what do you mean, that’s the only way? What if Senior Sister… is there any danger? “

Theoretically, everything can only be determined by destiny and personnel, and her current situation can only rely on herself. Hey, it’s a pity that she is extremely talented and has excellent roots. She is a genius that has never been seen in a hundred years. The most important thing is that she is really ***ing beautiful. Maybe it is the so-called jealousy. “

However, one thing is another thing, who made her meet me, I may be able to help her in some ways, but…you have to ask if you want to.” “

“Me?” “Amelia Su frowned, she didn’t understand, why would this involve her?

What else could she do?

Chapter 3563

“Yes, you.” “

I’m afraid of you, I lost my husband.”

Zhi Qiongqi has already opened his mouth and said leisurely: “Although I am not interested in your human affections, it has long been commonplace to survive in the world for many years.”

“Qin Shuang has a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament. With her beauty, I think Question, how many people in this world can resist?”

“The demon can be charming, if such a slut is still charming, I believe not many people can stop it.”

“As for her figure . Well, hum, you’re not blind, you’ve seen it, even though she’s wearing a long skirt, she can’t hide her popularity, I’ll ask you again, if she’s naked, who can control her?”

Amelia Su Silence, she must admit that there is

absolutely no .

Even though she is a woman, she fully agrees that Qin Shuang is indeed so attractive.

“Qin Shuang’s eyes are obviously only George Han.” Tian Zhiqiongqi sighed: “Although I can see that she is deliberately suppressing her emotions, when the demonic energy spreads, who can know what will happen? What?”

“I believe George Han.” Amelia Su said.

“What if he is also lost under the demon aura?” Tian Zhiqiongqi asked.

“Once you lose yourself, because of your body’s instinct, what if something happens? Although I don’t have much contact with George Han, I know that he is a very negative person. At that time, you and her will be divided equally. A husband, are you willing?”

Amelia Su was silent, as if thinking about something.

“Someone has tried to match

They are, you just don’t know. “Tian Zhiqiong gave a bitter smile: “With more contact, it is inevitable that love will arise, at least Qin Shuang is like this, isn’t it?” “

“You think about it.” “

I don’t have to think about it. If you can help her, you can do whatever you want. I believe in George Han, and I also believe in Senior Sister Qin Shuang. Even if there will be the consequences you said, I can’t watch it.” Senior Sister Qin Shuang is in danger. “Amelia Su said softly. Although her

voice was soft, her tone was unusually firm.

“It is her honor to have a friend like you .” “

From the time you were in a coma, I could see how nervous George Han was about you, so I also believed in George Han. That being the case, I’ll do some basics first. “In the

end, Amelia Su has already turned and walked towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang is still waiting there, not to mention moving at all, even if he moves, he has not moved.

“You know a set of swordsmanship, right? “Tianzhiqiongqi asked through Amelia Su’s mouth.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly: “How do you know?” “

“Double swordsmanship needs to be used together with George Han.” “Tian Zhiqiongqi continued.

Hearing this, Qin Shuang’s face was obviously a little guilty, and his eyes looked at Amelia Su with a slight evasion.

“Don’t worry, Amelia Su knows that she doesn’t mind, and please ask me to teach you to compare.” A more powerful method of double cultivation. “

“What! Qin Shuang raised her head suddenly and looked at Amelia Su in disbelief.

She didn’t understand why Amelia Su agreed to do this. It was a beloved person, not a thing.

However, even if Amelia Su agreed, Qin Shuang was

not willing: “Even if Amelia Su agreed Amelia Su agrees, I don’t need it, can you teach me other exercises? “

“You two are really interesting, and you are courteous to each other?” Tian Zhiqiong was slightly dissatisfied: “Take me as a vegetable market? Bargaining.”

Qin Shuang didn’t speak, turned around and planned to leave.

She wanted to learn some stronger methods and hoped to help George Han, but it was definitely not the current way.

Seeing this, Amelia Su was a little anxious.

She wanted Qin Shuang to learn, obviously for her safety.

Just when she was about to go forward, she suddenly felt that her body was out of control. The next second, under her panic, Tian Zhiqiongqi had already manipulated her hand, forming a handprint directly at the unsuspecting Qin Shuang. On the spot, I slapped it directly…


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