His True Colors Novel Chapter 3556 – 3557

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Chapter 3556

About four or five in the afternoon, George Han has reached the edge of Suntan.

Unlike Moon Lake, Sun Lake is like a ferocious Yellow River that guards against Buddha, and the waves roar like a roaring beast.

Two big rivers flowed from the left and right, and the huge and turbulent waters also spun wildly in the suntan. After that, following the central road, they descended all the way, and seemed to flow into the very center of the suntan.

Like a round giant beast, it opened its mouth to drink wildly at the two big rivers. After the rivers washed in their mouths, they completely submerged through the central throat.

Although there was still about a mile or so to officially reach Suntan, the rumbling sound of a huge wave filled all ears at George Han’s ears at this time.

It’s just one person, otherwise, if there are other people, even if you want to communicate, I’m afraid this kind of communication will have to rely on his mother’s shouting.

Looking at the sky, it was still early, and it would take about

half an hour before sunset.

George Han simply found a place for the back of a big tree, and then practiced on his own, as the final preparation for the war.

Compared with George Han’s side at this time, the wooden house is much quieter.

Everyone was busy cultivating and improving in this world with more spiritual energy than anywhere else. However, at this moment, a huge explosion suddenly hit.

The sound can pierce the eardrum, and the accompanying violent shaking also completely woke everyone back from the practice of meditation.

Ningyue and Qin Shuang reacted the most quickly. When they were alert, they suddenly raised their swords and raised their swords, and then their eyes looked like a torch to the distance in front of them.

At this time, a huge mushroom cloud has already risen directly. When people on earth like Mo Yang saw it for the first time, they subconsciously thought that some nuclear bomb had exploded.

But when they reflected that this was the world of the Book of

Eight Desolations , they couldn’t help but be more puzzled.

Not a nuclear bomb!

Come on, what is that?

Is there an enemy attacking? !

Almost at the same time Mo Yang and the others reported it, Qin Shuang and Ningyue over there had already looked at each other, nodding heavily to each other, and without a word, they hurried over with their swords in hand.


Mo Yang also shouted, and with a big wave, the brothers who led a large group of Mysterious Man rushed after him.

For a time, the brigade of hundreds of people went crazy.

Qing Ji glanced at Mo Beitian, and the two exchanged glances with each other, and quickly followed with their disciples.

Young Master Yu, pangolins, Xia Wei, including the old man did not dare to neglect and set off with the team.

The remaining disciples, under the leadership of Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng, also quickly began to defend in place. Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng even led Linlong and dozens of elites to the

bamboo house.

In any unexpected situation, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng knew that Amelia Su’s safety was the most important thing.

“Everyone has heard it clearly for me. It takes a thousand days to raise soldiers and use them for a while. The leader of the alliance has led us to eat and drink spicy food in this place for a long time, and there are even magical soldiers and beasts to serve you. I will only say one thing now. I will wait for the safety of Madam, do you know what to do?” Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng shouted angrily as he ran towards the bamboo house.

As soon as the voice fell, the generals behind him shouted in unison: “I will wait to protect the wife of the alliance master. If the wife of the alliance master is here, I will wait. If the wife of the alliance master is not there, I will never live.”

Without George Han, they would not be where they are today.

Before George Han, what were they? But they are only ants in the rivers and lakes, grasshoppers in the world, as long as they make others unhappy, they can only be fish in the bowl of others.

Not to

mention them, even some people who have followed others for a life are deeply touched.

In others, they are just cannon fodder to die.

But here in George Han, they are completely different. Each of them seems to be carefully nurtured. Not only do they have the special training they have dreamed of all their lives, but they also have magical soldiers, divine beasts…

the soldiers are dying, and they are willing and willing.

A group of people with bloodthirsty eyes, with the heart of mortal death, rushed to the bamboo house mightily.

As soon as they arrived at the bamboo house, dozens of people immediately surrounded the bamboo house and looked around vigilantly, but Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng couldn’t care so much at this time, he opened the door and rushed in with people.

However, as soon as he entered the house, he was completely dumbfounded.

Almost at the same time, Ningyue and the others who were rushing towards the mushroom cloud suddenly stopped and stared in front of them, and were also stunned..

Chapter 3557

within the bamboo house.


Amelia Su was not in the bamboo house at all.

Moreover, the quilts on the bed were also stacked abnormally neatly, which also showed that Amelia Su was not kidnapped, and more likely went out on her own.

However, no one at the wooden house had ever noticed her presence.

Naturally, there were not many places she could go.

Suddenly, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had remembered something.

“Oops.” The

next second, ignoring the doubts of the people around him, he quickly waved his hand and rushed out of the bamboo house with them.

When he came outside and looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the distance, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng’s face seemed to have frost, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

No way…

Amelia Su wouldn’t be in that place, would she? !

“In the past.”

Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng’s voice was trembling, and his whole body was enveloped in melancholy


Over there, a large group of people including Ningyue and Qin Shuang also suddenly slowed down in the area near the mushroom cloud, and finally, the group completely stopped.

The eyes, but at this time the collective look not far away.

Even if the mushroom cloud soaring to the sky has been blown by the wind and scattered, it is still higher than the mountain at this time, and there is a huge earth pit on the ground dozens of meters below its feet.

The diameter of the pit is at least twenty meters, and the depth is about two meters, as if it suddenly fell into the sky and smashed it out.

It was smoking black smoke in the slightest, as if it was just like people said, it was not hit by anything, but was blown up by something…

And beside the pothole, a woman stood there slightly.

The white clothes fluttering, the figure is enchanting, and the perfect facial features make her like

a fairy walking out of the painting.

“Amelia Su?”

Looking at the person in front of her, Ningyue couldn’t help frowning.

Qin Shuang’s eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled, and she really didn’t know what was going on in front of her.

Why is Amelia Su here? What is she doing here? What happened to the giant pit beside her and the explosion just now?

A series of questions floated in Qin Shuang’s mind, and also in everyone’s mind.

It’s very empty here, and they can see almost everything around them at a glance. They can’t see any other strangers, which also means that things don’t seem to be invaded by foreign enemies as they imagined.

So, it’s weird.

The only explanation is…

However, at this moment, someone gave them the answer.

Amelia Su, who was in a serious state, didn’t seem to notice their arrival, nor did he notice that almost all the people from the entire

Mysterious Man Alliance were dispatched.

She just followed Tian Zhi Qi’s mentality very seriously, with a slight luck, followed by a slight force on her feet, her mysterious figure suddenly flew into the sky.

Like a fluttering fairy!

Immediately afterwards, she flew into the air, closed her eyes gently, and recalled the movements just now, her hands following her heart.

In the next second, a slight palm hit from his hand.

boom! !

boom! !

A loud bang came.

The entire anti-Buddha on the ground shook crazily as if it had been hit by a critical strike. At the same time, a large pit of dozens of meters appeared directly between the explosion where the loud noise occurred.

A new, larger mushroom cloud also rises.

Ningyue, Qin Shuang and the others frowned almost at the same time, their eyes widened as if they were a ghost, and their brains crashed for a while.

The other disciples behind them even opened their mouths into an O-shape, enough to fit a huge


Behind them, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng and others, who were rushing over with a capable person, also stood in the same place completely stupid in the huge explosion.

Although they were farther away, they could still clearly see Amelia Su’s hand rising and falling, and Amelia Su’s devastating blow just now.

What skills does Amelia Su have? They have never had the chance to meet each other. Only Linlong was hit by Amelia Su’s dimensionality reduction when he was in Xuanyuan World.

But today is different from the past. Linlong has grown up long ago, while Amelia Su was persecuted in Fujia and has been going downhill. The gap between the two is already very small…

But at this moment, Linlong was dumbfounded. Did the *** got hit by dimensionality reduction?

Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng and others are also very stupid. Even if they haven’t seen it before, they can guess the general level of Amelia Su, but now, what is the situation?

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