His True Colors Novel Chapter 3536 – 3537

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Chapter 3536

Hearing this, the blue-clothed beauty did not change in the slightest, just looked at Zhu Yanshuo on the ground lightly.

That’s right, she came here in a hurry this time, indeed, at Ye Shijun’s request, to come here to find the large group of people who disappeared.

Ye Shijun sent an urgent request for help a few hours ago, and the superior even sent himself to go out in person after knowing it.

She knew very well that the thing that could make herself go out in person must be urgent and important, so she didn’t dare to care about it, so she rushed over in a hurry.

Of course, coming here, she is by no means proud, although she does have her own way.

If it was before, she might be full of confidence and even somewhat arrogant when she hit back at Ye Shijun’s smug look at this time.

Thinking about it, it is also true that the roots of this

fallen .

With their strength, it is actually more than enough to deal with a big city, let alone besiege some other people? !

But this was before. After meeting someone, she actually stopped dragging her.

Although those days may be the happiest and saddest in her life for her, it is undeniable that it is the most unforgettable in her life.

That person, he made himself happy and worried, and taught himself a lot of things.

Among them, the most important thing is not to be arrogant in front of anyone, otherwise, you will face extinction at any time.

Many people may understand the truth, but understanding and understanding are actually two different things. The former is that you have known the rationality and authenticity of this truth, and the latter is that you have experienced everything about it.


, she is the latter.

The man used his actions to refresh his understanding and cognition of this time and time again, and also used slaps in the face again and again to severely punish those who looked down on him or were complacent in front of him.

With hundreds of thousands of troops still like this, how could she dare to care for her?

“Can you talk about the situation that day?” The blue-clothed beauty looked at Zhu Yanshuo and said softly.

Zhu Yanshuo was about to speak, when Ye Shijun coughed slightly, apparently intentionally trying to stop him, and then he said aloud, “The process is quite simple.” After the

words were finished, Ye Shijun explained the situation of the temple-breaking battle that day. When he came out, he kept staring at the beautiful lady in blue.

He was willing to take over the words, and his purpose was naturally to attract the attention of the special envoy of Shenlong, but what annoyed and disappointed him was that even in the process of telling herself, this woman kept her eyes elsewhere and seldom

looked at herself . .

Until she finished speaking, she was still lost in thought, not taking herself seriously at all.

Ye Shijun’s eyes lit up and his teeth clenched.

But compared to Ye Shijun’s anger, the blue-clothed beauty didn’t care at all at this time. Her complexion was like ice, but her heart was turbulent.

Very similar, very similar, simply very similar.

They are all so powerful and unparalleled in the world, all of them are so brave and brave, and they look down on the world and get angry, and they are extraordinary.

In fact, he should have also come to the land of the demons, so many things have already been matched.

Thinking of this, the blue-clothed beauty was a little excited, and suddenly there was some expectation in her eyes.

But the next second, her eyes were full of despair and sadness.

What are you thinking about? Even if it was him, so what?

Can I go see him myself?

Do you have the face to see him again


Hehe, it’s just bitter.

Moreover, even if you despise everything, don’t want this face, don’t want this life, and even go to see him desperately, does it make sense?

I’m afraid, he will not be happy, and even wish to kill himself.

Some people are destined to be passers-by, but this passer-by is more important than anyone around you.

Sometimes things in the world are really wonderful. Apart from sighing at the suffering of one’s life, what else can be done?

Thinking of this, her immersed eyes returned to her senses, and she regained the light she had just now. She raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Shijun, her eyes were a little complicated.

“I want to ask a question.”

Seeing that she finally looked at him, Ye Shijun’s originally boundless anger instantly vanished, and instead he was full of joy and happiness: “Okay.

” …Han…three…thousand?!”

Chapter 3537

“How do you know?” Zhu Yanshuo was suddenly surprised.

The special envoy of Shenlong just arrived here, and he did not have any communication with the people in the city. When Ye Shijun was talking about the process, he also used a bastard instead of George Han’s name throughout the whole process. How did this special envoy of Shenlong know about George Han?

Ye Shijun was also stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

“The special envoy of Shenlong is under one person, under ten thousand people, naturally, knows everything about heaven and earth, what’s so strange about this.” Futian smiled in time.

Hearing Futian’s words, the group of people suddenly understood, and at the same time, they couldn’t help smiling, secretly lamenting the strength of the special envoy of Shenlong.

In the strategizing, the victory is thousands of miles away, and he is indeed a big-shot figure.

But unlike their joy, the blue-clothed beauty at this time was shocked, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and there were also faint tears in her eyes.

It’s him!

Sure enough it was him!

Han three thousand!

She couldn’t tell how she was feeling now, she was a little confused now.

Raising her eyes slightly, she exhaled, “That’s it for today, I’m tired and I need to rest first.” After

she finished speaking, she stood up.

Zhu Yanshuo didn’t dare to neglect at all, he hurriedly stood up, and bent over to ask.

On the other hand, Ye Shijun, his face full of regret and loss, looked at Futian anxiously.

Obviously, he hasn’t communicated too much with this beautiful beauty, the special envoy of Shenlong, but the ambassador of Shenlong is going to rest, how can Ye Shijun be reconciled?

How could an old man like Futian not be able to see what Ye Shijun was anxious about at this time?

What did he rely on to have today?

Obviously, something will happen, and I understand it.

However, the other party is the special envoy of Shenlong. Even if he gave Futian ten thousand courage, he

would not dare to openly speak unkindly to the special envoy of Shenlong, so he smiled lightly and said: “By the way, Elder Shenlong, that George Han is amazing. Very, but can’t be underestimated, now he has disappeared, I wonder if Elder Shenlong has any special way to find him?”

“Are you doubting me?”

Almost at the same time, the four big boys beside her suddenly turned around and stared at him like a dead man.

Futian hurriedly knelt on the ground: “Futian would never dare, Futian asked this question, and he asked this for the sake of the overall situation.”

“Elder Shenlong, you also know that I was waiting for George Han. The sluts fought back, and their morale was low. Now I have been searching for so long and I have not seen him at all, and the internal momentum has dropped again and again.

” If the morale is gone, this person’s heart will also be

scattered.” After the

words fell, Futian slammed his head on the ground, expressing his sincere entreaties.

But in reality his face, which was stuck to the ground, was grinning wickedly.

Ye Shijun was also quite happy and satisfied. Futian, the fox, was indeed very skilled, and knew how to find such an opportunity to temporarily stay with the special envoy of Shenlong.

The four boys were about to start when they heard the words, but the blue-clothed beauty tapped her hand and pulled the four boys back. Then, with a slight dazzling glance, she glanced at all the people present.

Seeing that everyone else didn’t speak, but they were obviously looking at her, the blue-clothed beauty smiled softly.

“Okay, since you all want to know, it’s okay to tell you.”

“If it is the sun, there will be shadows, and if it is the moon, there will be shortages.” The blue-clothed beauty said coldly, and then added: “Anything, any thing, as long as it exists, there must be a root, what I’m looking for is Fundamentally.” When the

words fell

, she waved her hand, but turned around and walked towards the rear of the palace.

Zhu Yanshuo didn’t understand what this meant, but at the moment, he could only hurriedly invite the special envoy of Shenlong to rest in the other courtyard of the apse.

The special envoy of Shenlong has a distinguished status. Although he came in a hurry, Zhu Yanshuo had already arranged the upper room before going out. It was the most luxurious upper room in his city master’s mansion, and its decoration was not even a hundred times more luxurious than his own master bedroom.

However, just a few steps out of the side door of the temple, the woman in blue suddenly stopped.

Zhu Yanshuo was a little confused, looked back at her, and said, “God… Elder Shenlong, what’s wrong? Yes… Is there any dissatisfaction?”

“George Han lived with you?” she asked.

Zhu Yanshuo was startled: “This… how does the special envoy of Shenlong know?”

Before Zhu Yanshuo waited to answer, the words of the blue-clothed beauty made him almost suspicious of life…

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