His True Colors Novel Chapter 3522 – 3523

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Chapter 3522

George Han was suddenly shocked, suddenly opened his eyes and looked down, the whole person suddenly turned pale.

Because he was surprised to find that what his hand was grasping at this moment was not another hand at all, but…

but the hand of the dead monkey corpse in the viscous liquid, which was not big and like firewood.

George Han was stunned.

He really can’t understand, this… what is going on here.

Mingming… Mingming couldn’t feel anything before, but now, he can really feel the little hand in his hand at this moment.

“Haha, as expected, congratulations to you, George Han.” The words of the Mercury Man rang in time.

George Han looked at him strangely, what do you mean?

“You have been recognized by the Seventh Spirit Monkey, which means that it belongs to you, and you are the

one .”

Hearing the words of the mercury man, George Han woke up from the shock, but he was still in front of him. This result was somewhat unacceptable for a while.

George Han frowned slightly. This was a bit sudden. He just suddenly saw an illusion in his mind, and then he made a series of explorations in the illusion.

In a way, it’s like having a dream, but when you wake up, you suddenly open your eyes and find that the world has changed.

“Just now you stood there for nearly an hour. I believe that you have entered the nightmare of the spirit monkey, right?” The Mercury Man smiled.

George Han nodded: “I did see the sea of ”‹”‹flowers and fruit trees, but also saw the group of monkeys and mountains, and even saw a jade monkey, but the seven spiritual monkeys have been dead for a long time, how can I possibly Entering what is called its nightmare?”


, maybe other monkeys die and their souls perish, but it is not an ordinary monkey, George Han.”

“Even though the body has been dead for a long time, its spiritual consciousness The soul and spirit are always there.”

“The sights you see are actually the most sacred Lingshan among the monkey tribe. According to legend, every monkey who has been baptized by the Seventh Spirit Monkey must go to the place. Since You said you’ve been there, but obviously, the spirit monkey’s consciousness took you there in the nightmare.”

“Have you gone through a series of tests?”

He asked, and George Han thought about it again. , seems to understand everything before, and suddenly understands the meaning of the pile of things that the jade monkey did to him.

At the time, the Battle of the Six Monkeys seemed like it was teaching itself a lesson because it was dissatisfied with its rude remarks, but in retrospect, it was actually more like it deliberately used

an excuse to launch a test on itself.

After the Battle of the Six Monkeys ended, it meant that it passed its assessment. After that, it took itself to the top of the mountain to learn the technique of breaking the formation, and then let itself enter the cave behind the waterfall for the final clearance.

The technique of breaking the formation corresponds to the secret technique in the cave, so it is obvious that he is helping himself through the difficulties.

Thinking of this, George Han was completely enlightened, but he was annoyed that he didn’t understand it at the beginning, not only did he not appreciate it, but he was rather unhappy with some of his words.


Looking at the corpse of the spirit monkey holding hands with him, George Han’s eyes were full of apology, and he nodded at the mercury man next to him.

“You don’t need to answer, and I know you passed, otherwise, you wouldn’t stand here sober.”

The Mercurial Man smiled and said, “What I actually want to ask is, what did the monkey give you after you passed.” Shaking his head: “No.”

“It’s impossible, since it recognizes you, it can’t give you something, do you think about it?”

“If it has to be considered something, then give it to you after it’s done. I have eight characters.” George Han frowned.

“Eight characters?” The mercury man frowned.

“That’s right.”

“No, no, no.” The mercury man shook his head: “That’s not right. Thinking about it carefully, there really isn’t anything else?”

“Yes!” George Han was stunned for a moment. But he was very hesitant: “A peach that is so sour that it makes people suspicious of life, does it count?”

After that, George Han looked at the mercury man…

Chapter 3523

“Sour peach?”

It doesn’t make sense.

What does it mean to send a sour peach?

“It didn’t give you anything else? I mean…such as some mental techniques, exercises or something?”

George Han shook his head, but he was very sure of this: “No.” The

mercury man said silently . , pondering for a moment, and finally looked at George Han uneasy: “Really?”

George Han’s face was full of helplessness and bitterness: “No.” The

mercury man laughed bitterly: “Then you will be miserable.”

“What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” The quicksilver man smiled, looking at the monkey corpse in the wooden box, he suppressed his smile: “That’s how you plan to eat this thing.”

“Damn, what? Eat…

eat This thing?” George Han’s eyes widened, looking at the Mercury Man in disbelief.

This motherer is sick, eating monkey meat is disgusting enough, and her motherer wants to eat a monkey corpse that has rotted to such a degree.

“I tell you, this is absolutely impossible, you don’t have to think about it.”

“You can also not eat it.” Faced with such a determined George Han, the Mercury people didn’t care at all, just said indifferently and smiled very happily.

He shook his head and said with a smile: “However, don’t blame me for not reminding you, since you have been recognized by the spirit monkey, then you are the seventh monkey.”

“If you don’t eat it, then The last monkey.”

“What do you mean?” George Han frowned, a little puzzled.

“It’s very simple. If the

spiritual energy of the Seventh Spirit Monkey is not released, it will naturally not be able to obtain reincarnation. Since there is no reincarnation, there will be no more Seventh Spirit Monkeys in the monkey race in the future, and there will be no Seventh Spirit Monkey. There will be no next inheritance, you say you are the seventh monkey and the last monkey?” Mercury said.

“You fool me.” George Han said with a guilty conscience.

“I’m bluffing you? Is there any benefit to bluffing you? You don’t even think about it, why the Seventh Spirit Monkey has been dead for so long, and it can still communicate with you now.”

“That’s because the next inheritance has not been found. Before, it would never return.” When the words fell, the Mercury Man looked at George Han with a funny look: “You are someone who has been in its nightmare, theoretically you should know this better than me, right?”

“Or ?

Maybe it didn’t tell you, but from some details, it shouldn’t be difficult for you, George Han, to find out, right?”

George Han wanted to fight back, but after thinking about it, he always understood that the words of the Mercury people were not alarmist. , but very likely.

The first is to recall what Jade Monkey has done to him now. In fact, he has almost handed over all the things of Lingshan to himself. The second most important thing is the portrait of himself on the scroll.

I was the seventh, and there was actually the first stroke on the scroll at that time, which indicated that the monkey was indeed waiting for the seventh.

But when it was burning, George Han saw that he was finally posted to the seventh position, but he didn’t mention the eighth position.

This does mean that the new cycle has not yet


So, the words of the Mercury people…are true.

Rely on, is it difficult, really want to…

Seeing George Han’s expression at this time, the Mercury Man laughed: “Look, are you going to eat it steamed or boiled, you have fire, and my place is not short of water anyway, it’s a perfect match, I’ll go and replace it. Get some water and think about it first.”


As soon as he finished speaking, this guy actually turned around and walked out of the hall. Although he didn’t mock him on the surface, George Han could clearly see it. , This guy is full of deep funny meaning from the trend.

After a while, the Mercury Man held one hand and really came over with a large ball of water in the air. Seeing that George Han was still staring at the corpse in the wooden box, he smiled and said, “The water is coming, you are sure how to eat it. Is it?”

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