His True Colors Novel Chapter 3518 – 3519

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Chapter 3518

the stone gate opened, a cave suddenly appeared in George Han’s eyes.

Although the cave is in the middle of a waterfall, the strange thing is that the sight of the whole cave is exceptionally bright. In the center of the cave, there is a stone monkey in the center, holding a long stick in his left hand and a gazelle crown in his right hand. Gently place it on the slightly raised right knee.

It is not only a leisurely time, but also a hint of domineering.

George Han stepped into the cave and looked around, but saw that the cave was full of green vines, which was quite elegant.

But the beauty was only for a moment. Suddenly, those green vines swung directly and turned into a thousand thin hands and rushed towards George Han.

George Han was in no hurry, closed his eyes slightly, and moved his hands slowly according to the fluttering and frolicking of the animals in the grass at that time.

Although it seemed that George Han’s movements were extremely slow, it was a coincidence that those green vines

could not hurt George Han in the slightest.

After only about a dozen steps, George Han had already arrived in front of the stone monkey statue, and the surrounding green vines suddenly shrank back together and turned into their original fixed posture.

Everything was peaceful again.

“Four passages have passed, a total of six passages. If this statue counts as one, then there should be another one waiting for me.”

George Han opened his eyes slightly, looked around, and said softly.

As soon as the voice fell, the mountain shook for a while, and in the blink of an eye, I saw that the walls on the four sides and the wall above the head were approaching him while shaking.

Obviously, if George Han didn’t stop it, within two minutes, the five walls would directly crush it into flesh.

However, George Han did not panic at all. He had already remembered the Six Paths Formation in his heart, let alone cracking it. Now there is absolutely

no .

If you have ink in your heart, you are not afraid of writing.

With a slight smile, George Han moved again.

What he imitated was the gesture of the long tree swaying gently when the breeze blew.

As he swayed, the advancing speed of the five walls was not slow but fast.

In the blink of an eye, the five walls were already within a dozen centimeters from George Han, and George Han was about to be completely pressed into meat patties.

But at this time, George Han was still as still as a mountain, just shaking gently according to the shadow of the tree in his memory.

There was even a slight smile on George Han’s face.

“Bang!” The

five walls pushed again, this time almost directly on his face, the distance between the two can only be described in millimetres.

But in the next second, there was another rumbling sound, and the five walls suddenly retreated.

When George Han opened his eyes again

, everything had returned to its original appearance.

Still that cave, still so wide.

“Although the shaking of the tree seems to be a method of breaking the formation, it is not.”

Because its swing is very small, it does not seem to be a method of breaking the formation.

“What it wants to convey is actually a kind of spirit or mentality, stable and like a mountain, not moving and not shaking.”

“Naturally, the formation can be broken.”

“If I struggle at all, these five walls will be completely useless. Kindly crush me into meat sauce.”

George Han finished his words and looked at the stone monkey in front of him. It should also be a formation.

At the same time, it is also the last line.

However, George Han couldn’t help shaking his head with a wry smile when he thought of the final break of the formation.

With a sigh, George Han shook his head helplessly: “It shouldn’t be like this, but even if I

apologize for the destruction of human beings.” When the

words were finished, George Han lightly threw his sleeves, and then directly at the stone The monkey knelt down in front of him.

The flower in the center once swayed as gently as the tree with the wind, but the meaning of the tree conveyed the immobility. What about the flower?

The meaning of the word “Bend the waist!!”

, plus the statue of the stone monkey at this time, naturally, the meaning of the waist is very clear.

George Han is reluctant to worship someone who is not a relative but not an acquaintance, especially if it is more or less coercive. But thinking of the need to break the formation and the blood debt committed by humans in order to catch the Seventh Spirit Monkey, George Han decided to do so.

Don’t look at the dead Zhang Guoshi, but also read it for the sake of the Mercury people.

And following George Han’s kneeling, the statue of the stone monkey in front of him suddenly shook violently.

After a moment, the shaking stopped, and golden light burst out from the stone monkey’s eyes…

Chapter 3519

This golden light came out of his eyes and shot directly at George Han, who was kneeling on the ground.

When George Han raised his eyes, he only felt that the golden light was unusually dazzling. He tried to lightly cover his eyes with his hands in order to see clearly what happened to the stone monkey at this time.

But before he could see more, he suddenly felt a sudden movement of the ground on which he was kneeling, followed by a loosening, and the ground on which he was kneeling formed a small square, slowly descending towards the ground.

When he landed and passed through the soil layer about two meters away, George Han’s eyes were no longer just incomparably dark soil.

Instead, it is an underground cave.

If it is said that the hole above is called Shuilian Cave because it is hidden behind the waterfall, then this one in front of you may be the real Shuilian Cave.

The wall above the top of the cave is almost all dripping with

water, forming a curtain of water, and a small pool of water is also formed on the ground because of too much water.

The land under his feet completely stopped falling, and George Han also stood in front of the water curtain cave.

The length of the cave is about seven meters inward, and the light of stars and candles can be seen vaguely in the cave.

And, most importantly, George Han could vaguely hear what sound seemed to be whispering inside the cave.

With this curiosity and doubt, George Han slowly walked inside.

The sound of falling into the water was whispering softly, rustling incessantly.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a few monkeys playing and having fun in the cave, sometimes looking back at George Han from inside.

They were not frightened, but instead showed a kind smile as if they had seen a friend.

But in a blink of an eye, those monkeys

disappeared again, and there was only a big monkey sitting on the stone platform in the center of the cave, staring at him with an icy god.

George Han was stared at and felt dizzy for a while. When he hurriedly shook his head and looked back, there were no adult monkeys, but it was just that empty stone platform.

Suddenly, the sound of children’s frolic came into my ears again, and I looked at the sound, and saw a few human children standing on the wall inside the cave. They looked at George Han amusingly, it seemed that George Han was at this moment. It’s like doing something funny with them.


Boom! ! !

George Han suddenly passed through the water curtain. After a loud bang, George Han’s ears were also completely penetrated by a roar. Later, when he returned to normal, he suddenly found that the entire cave was extremely quiet.

All around

, no monkeys, no children!

Even the stone platform was empty, and there was no such thing as a middle-aged monkey.

Suddenly, a burst of golden light flashed on the stone platform, and along with the golden light, George Han discovered that somewhere on the wall in front of the stone platform under the golden light, there was a scroll of calligraphy and painting hanging.

He didn’t hesitate, got up and went to the stone platform, and took out the scroll of paintings and calligraphy.

With a flick of the hand, the volume unfolds, and the content inside is a long painting.

There are six monkeys in the painting. Although they are all mainly black and white calligraphy, George Han clearly knows them from their extraordinary manners and postures.

They were the six god monkeys that they had seen before, and had even played against each other.

These six divine monkeys are indeed mighty and mighty, but they are just drawn on paper, but they are still powerful.

However, in comparison, it is not the six divine monkeys that attract George Han’s attention, but the seventh…

To be precise, this should be the seventh in George Han’s imagination, because there is no seventh in the picture.

Of course, George Han is by no means just relying on his own imagination to think that there must be a seventh one, but in this picture, in the position after the six monkeys, there is such a stroke.

It’s just that, in a stroke, it doesn’t even count as a single word, let alone the outline of a monkey statue.

But what happened was that George Han felt that it was.

What’s even weirder is yet to come. When George Han recognized it, the seventh monkey statue suddenly flashed in his eyes. When he saw the seventh monkey statue, he couldn’t stop his pupils from opening…

It was himself! !

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