His True Colors Novel Chapter 3510 – 3511

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Chapter 3510

George Han was stunned for a while, thinking that something was hallucinating, but after listening carefully, he heard that these noises were actually a group of monkeys playful sound.

They were chattering and screaming non-stop, but because the voice was too sharp, when they seemed to be playing, they seemed to be screaming miserably due to beating.

Just when George Han wanted to distinguish, it was pitch black because he closed his eyes, but at this moment it was suddenly bright.

A beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers also came into view.

The lush green trees, the gurgling water in the mountains, the birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers all around make people feel like they are in a fairyland.

On a platform in the middle of the mountain, there are fruit trees all over the place, all kinds of fresh and sweet fruits hang in a dazzling array, and there is a waterfall pouring next to it.

And among those fruit trees, a group of monkeys jumped happily on the trees, or

played or fought or chased, or picked up the fruit and devoured it, free and happy.

Along with those frolicking voices, not to mention participating in their team, just as a bystander, was obviously infected by these happy atmospheres, and couldn’t help showing a knowing smile.

At the very center of these monkeys, a rather huge old peach tree was extremely dazzling and eye-catching.

The peach tree is generally relatively low but spreads enormously. Obviously, this old peach tree can’t escape this. It spreads to the left and right sides under the curve, and it is a few meters wide. The anti-Buddha stands there like a hill.

But it not only has these special features, but more importantly, its lowness is only equivalent to his body size, but compared with the huge body shape, it… is no longer short.

This is like squatting, the giant and the dwarf have the same movement,

but the overall height is completely different.

It is nearly ten meters high, and it looks huge. It stands out in this jungle and is extremely conspicuous.

The old peach tree is huge, and the huge red peaches on it hang like small lanterns.

For some reason, George Han’s line of sight was originally from a distance, but it suddenly shrank in a moment, and the anti-Buddha completely came to the vicinity of the peach tree.

A group of monkeys lived here and there, all in high spirits and shiny, and even from a human point of view, these monkeys were obviously exceptionally beautiful.

However, these are nothing, the most beautiful is the monkey sitting in the center of the old peach tree at this time.

His whole body is jade-colored, and each hair is like a silk drawn with top-quality jade. Under the sun, it shimmers with jade, which is extremely beautiful.

Although it is a monkey, it cannot avoid the monkey

-mouthed monkey face. Naturally, it will inevitably give people the impression of sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

However, you can’t find this at all in this monkey. Even in terms of human aesthetics, its facial features are quite gentle and elegant, so that you can see at a glance that this guy is definitely the top of the monkey race. The presence.

George Han looked at it, and it also looked at George Han at this time.

At the moment when the eyes of the two met, the time-space anti-Buddha was stagnant at this time.

Immediately afterwards, in George Han’s eyes, the originally jade-like monkey suddenly changed, and a huge and incomparably strong monkey spread out from George Han’s pupils.

He is wearing armor, his head is tied with a red rope, and he is holding an iron rod.

He moved, and the next second, a golden-haired monkey with sharp ears and angry eyes, with sharp fangs in his mouth, holding a fiery red iron rod, both fierce and fierce


Afterwards, the flame in the stick engulfed the monkey instantly, and after the flame completely subsided, a monkey with a dark face and an angry face emerged from the fire.

He wears black armor and holds a long stick.

His figure suddenly changed color, and the long stick in his hand turned into a golden long stick, with a golden armor and a red cloak.

She moved again, and an ape-like long-necked monkey with a flat nose, a protruding forehead, a white head and a blue body, and fiery eyes appeared again.

In the end, the long-necked monkey turned into a white ape, holding an iron rod in his hand, and looked at George Han with a fierce look.

“Six Great Monkeys!”

George Han suddenly reflected, but when he opened his eyes again, he was very surprised. There was nothing else in front of him, except that the jade-colored monkey was confronting him just like before. See.

Suddenly, something strange happened, the jade monkey suddenly turned towards George Han and smiled…

Chapter 3511

That kind of laugh is very strange, George Hanyi does not know how to describe it.

Unusually infiltrating panic, but it seems that under this emotion, it is somewhat reassuring.

Two extremely contradictory emotions are flooded under one smile, which is unbelievable, but in the dark, it makes people not feel uncomfortable at all, and even George Han almost laughed along with him at this time.

“You’re here.”

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice entered George Han’s ears.

The voice is very flat, it seems to be whispering in people’s ears, and it seems to be whispering softly in the distance. The real and the illusory are mixed together, which is a bit weird and abrupt, and it seems that an acquaintance and friend are chatting with you happily.

“Are you talking?” George Han looked at the jade

monkey , a little shocked for a while.

“Who is talking to you, does it matter? The important thing is that you are here, isn’t it?” The voice was very flat, without the slightest emotion.

However, there is some truth to what he said: “How did I come here? Also, where is this place?”

“You should know better than me how to get here, right? As for where it is, does it matter?”

George Han really wanted to go back, but he didn’t know how to speak for a while. Anyway, he was very depressed, so he talked for a long time and talked about loneliness, right?

“Hehe, you don’t have to be impatient or dissatisfied. All things have all kinds of fate, and all kinds of causes have all kinds of results. It’s the same with eating a meal, and it’s the same with drinking a sip of water.”


George Han nodded. down too

It is indeed so.

“Hehe, what I say is what I say, it seems that you are just like that.”

“I…” George Han was very depressed, and he was stunned. However, the more he said this, the more George Han fell. The more he could suppress his anger, and after taking a deep breath, George Han suddenly smiled: “Isn’t that right?”

“If it wasn’t for that, I don’t think I would appear here, and neither would you. Here, isn’t it?”

George Han finished his words, and it was clear that there was silence around him for a while, George Han was expressionless, neither angry nor happy, just looked at the spirit monkey indifferently.

Although he never admitted that he was the monkey, George Han had basically decided that the voice that spoke must be it.

Secondly, if he insists

on saying such things, George Han will naturally fight against it. After all, as the saying goes, one cannot lose his momentum.

“Interesting, interesting.” He opened his mouth slowly, as if smiling: “If I say no, it is against common sense, but if I say yes, then you will inevitably say that I am not the same as you, and what others say is What.”

George Han smiled slightly: “It’s okay to come and not to be indecent.”

“Hehe, why, do you feel smart after playing a little cleverness? I don’t know where you got this confidence.

” I didn’t say that I thought I was smart, I just smiled, it was purely polite, how could there be that kind of arrogance you said? As for self-confidence, what is the problem with self-confident people? I am afraid that only people who are not confident can Wouldn’t you be embarrassed to see people and live in a world of inferiority?”

George Han obviously put his face very seriously, and his secret sarcasm was self-evident.

“Are you mocking me, you only dare to speak, and dare not show your face?” He clearly understood the meaning of the words, and was slightly dissatisfied.

“I’m just talking about people who are not confident. What does this have to do with you? Or are you such a person? If so, then I won’t apologize, because I’m talking about people, not monkeys.” George Han whispered.

After a few words, there was another silence. It seemed that George Han really stunned him to the point where he had nothing to say.

Suddenly, at this moment, the monkeys who had been playing with each other suddenly put down their work, or the work in their hands, stopped one by one, and looked up at George Han with a strange look. Here…

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