His True Colors Novel Chapter 3502 – 3503

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Chapter 3502

As the door slowly opened, a strong musty smell also attacked, and at the same time, the pungent smell that was previously smelled The stench is also more annoying.

George Han said the last sentence without exaggeration, even if he is himself, even if he is already considered a person with very good endurance, when faced with this unique and incomparable smell at this time, it is really a loss. Losing stool rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

“This taste…” George Han generally doesn’t want to be rude, but at this time, he couldn’t help but ask one more question.

The Mercury Man smiled lightly and moved his hand slightly. The entire Moon Palace was shaking, and the door was completely opened.

The Mercury man walked into it first, and with a bang, the fire in the surrounding walls within the gate also rekindled in an instant.

As the light returned, the situation inside the entire gate also came into view.

It is

still very empty, but there is a huge stone pillar in the center.

The column is square as a whole, two meters long and wide, and about ten meters high.

The water around the column slowly flows down from the top, and it seems that after years of baptism, the walls around the column are already water stained and moss grows.

“When I got the treasure of the moon from the mysterious old man, I was ecstatic, it is a secret book, so I once believed that if it took time, I would definitely be able to use this magical power to rule the world and become the supreme and only master. “

When I got it, that’s what I thought and did. When I got back to my family, I started to study.”

“But what I can’t imagine is that, Even if I got it, I

I can’t understand what it’s talking about at all, let alone cultivating it to help me unify the world, and I don’t even understand its most basic fur. “

George Han nodded: “But in the eyes of outsiders, you will become a giant in the future if you have obtained magic, so…” The

mercury man interrupted George Han’s words and nodded heavily: “Yes, in addition The two true gods were worried that once I succeeded, there would be no room for the other two in the Bafang world, so they joined forces to deal with me. “The

three true gods themselves are three-legged forces, restraining each other, so they can always make each other’s position tend to be stable, but once there is an external force that breaks this routine and makes it unbalanced, naturally, everything will be in chaos. “

I haven’t succeeded, and it’s hard to resist the joint attack of the two of them. Although I relied on the strength of the family

to resist in the first few battles, I know that it is impossible to last for long, so I must think of other ways. “

George Han frowned slightly. Although he hasn’t said it yet, George Han may have roughly guessed what this other method is.

“I got here by chance .” With a sigh, the Mercury Man looked at the stone pillar in front of him.

George Han was silent, and he couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion.

The Mercury Man came here with hope, but I’m afraid he would never have imagined that what awaits him here is only full of people. Despair.

Not only did he not get what he wanted, but he was left here forever because of this. He was dead and his soul was trapped.

“Before you came, I was full of resentment. Yes, I admit that I am greedy. However, am I the only one who is greedy in this world? Why is my

greed subject to such tragic revenge! I haven’t killed anyone, and I haven’t done anything wrong, so why do you do this to me? “

I was unwilling, even full of anger. “

When the Mercury Man said this, he paused for a moment, then turned to look at George Han: “Until you came, I was relieved after knowing that you could master the three great skills.”

“Maybe it wasn’t that I did something wrong. , but, maybe from my birth to becoming a god, even including the accidental acquisition of the treasure of the moon, it is just God’s will.”

“In this case, I will complete my final task and play my final role.” The

words ended, He pulled up one of George Han’s hands, moved his hand, and drew a moon-shaped white light mark on the palm of George Han’s palm: “From now on, I officially announce that you, George Han, are the The master of this Moon Palace.”

Chapter 3503

George Hanyi was stunned, the whole person immediately pulled back his hand and shook his head: “How can this be possible?”

“Yue Since the treasure is the hard work of the predecessors, how can George Han take it as his own?” The

mercury man smiled softly: “If you don’t bring it in life, you don’t bring it with you in death, don’t say I can’t understand it, even if I understand it. How can it be?”

“Besides, as I said, the fate of my life is to get this thing and send it to you, I have completed most of the steps, you have no reason to let me It should be destroyed at the last critical moment.”

“This…” George Han was a little embarrassed.

Especially after knowing the past of the Moon Treasure and the Mercury Man, George Han was really embarrassed to take this kind of thing.

After all, the Mercury people even paid too much

for it.

The mercury man laughed and slapped George Han with his palm: “What is this? Don’t be too happy, although this thing belongs to you, it may not really belong to you, maybe, you are just like me, but only It is the fate of transportation.”

“Right? Accept it.”

George Han shook his head: “I don’t believe in fate.”

“Only when you are strong enough, you can control your own destiny, and you are qualified. You don’t believe in fate, understand?”

“The weak are always just pawns in the hands of the strong and tools in the hands of the rich.”

George Han nodded, but the words of the Mercury man made sense.

Not to mention here, even among the people on earth, most of those ordinary people are leeks in the hands of capitalists, and those small countries are just games of big countries.


Only when you are strong enough can you not be used or arranged by others.

Thinking of this, George Han didn’t give in any more. The excessive humility was obviously hypocritical: “Since everything has been said, then George Han has thanked his predecessors.” The

mercury man smiled and nodded slightly: “It’s not white I have a request, I hope you can agree.”

“Please tell me.”

“My name is Du Shuiyue, and the one who was killed by you is Zhang Guoshi. If you can really leave here in the future, I hope you can take my tomb. Move out and bury me in the city of the sea in the eight directions world, which is my hometown, and I hope that the fallen leaves will return to their roots.”

“George Han understands.”

“Okay, since it is yours, then you can open it yourself, the sky is also changing. It’s almost dark, the time has come.” After the

words fell, the

Mercury Man gave a slight resignation, and after retreating to George Han several steps, only George Han was left to face the stone pillar alone.

“#ï¿¥%###!!!” The

quicksilver man closed his eyes and began to chant some strange incantations, and as he began to chant the incantations, there was a sudden roar above his head.

At the top of the pillar, a skylight slowly opened, and it was through this skylight that outside at night, the bright moon hung high, and bursts of moonlight scattered along the entire stone pillar.

The stone pillar guarding Buddha was covered with a silver dress, which was really good-looking. George Han could also see that in front of him, there was a darker and brighter moon-shaped pattern on the silver pillar.

In the blink of an eye, its size seemed to be the same size as the moon pattern drawn on the palm of his hand.

Thinking of this,

George Han looked at his palm, and in the next second, he stretched out his hand to make contact with the moon-shaped pattern on the silver pillar.

As soon as the two Yueyin touched, suddenly, a huge silver-white light burst out from George Han’s palm, instantly drenching the entire silver pillar.


After that, this light suddenly flashed, and after this flash, all the light was completely integrated into the silver pillar.


As the light was completely integrated, the silver pillar soon returned to its original stone pillar, and everything seemed to have become extremely quiet.


But after a short period of calm, a long gap appeared in the stone pillar, and the arc of a door was also outlined.

The next second, as George Han withdrew his hand, the door on the stone pillar opened slightly…

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