His True Colors Novel Chapter 3460 – 3461

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Chapter 3460

There is no huge impact in imagination, not even a little pain, yes, it is just a kind of cloud after the contact between two forces A light breeze hit the face.

After that, they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, and they all returned to George Han’s body collectively.

Those external forces took advantage of the situation to occupy George Han’s meridians. After that, they began to gather in the dantian, where they seemed to have found a home, and all of them slowly moved in.

Obviously, these energies are not used to attack themselves, but…

they are sending energy to themselves.

This is enough to make George Han completely dumbfounded at this time.

These guys are obviously their own enemies, and they were still fighting against themselves a second ago, killing their heads and blood, but why suddenly not only stopped attacking, but also sent energy towards themselves crazily. What the hell

are they doing?


Seeing that George Han was so shocked, Liang Han smiled slightly and said, “Relax, young man, otherwise, the meridians will flow backwards, and the consequences will be quite serious. You are a cultivator. We don’t need to say more about this truth, right?

” But…”

Before George Han could speak, Liang Han and other ten people had closed their eyes collectively and continued to send their energy towards George Han.

George Han is very strange, and his heart is also difficult to feel at ease, but Liang Han’s smile at least dispelled his vigilance. Although it is not clear what they are trying to do, the only thing Han Shaoqian can be sure of is that they Not wanting to hurt myself.

Secondly, as Liang Han said, although this kind of energy transfer can quickly enhance the strength of one party, the process is extremely dangerous.

Slightly wrong, not only will there be disorder of magic energy, disorder of meridians, and in severe cases, it will even

lead to misunderstanding and death.

Therefore, George Han did not dare to say more, and hurriedly readjusted the true energy in his body, and then followed the energy that came in all the way, and after the cycle of reincarnation, he was stabilized in his dantian again.

The incoming energy is enormous and relatively pure, even if it is as strong as George Han, it must be carefully digested.

Seeing that George Han was not in serious trouble, and he closed his eyes and sat down, Evil Taotie also snorted, and slowly returned to the shore, lay down, and stared at him blankly.

As time went by, more and more energy began to enter George Han’s body, which not only caused George Han’s whole body to emit a strange black light at this time, but also made George Han appear black all over his body. halo.

With him as the center, within a radius of three meters, the water is backlogged by invisible forces.

In contact with the wind and clouds in the sky, at this time he is

like a sitting demon sitting on the water, looking extremely strange and extremely majestic.

On the other hand, looking at the ten people on the opposite side, at this time, their figures have begun to distort, and they appear and disappear from time to time. They who were smiling before now have their brows furrowed, and they are full of discomfort.

Liang Han glanced at the other nine, and he let out a sigh of relief at this time, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

“Grit your teeth and insist, since we have chosen, we should be desperate.”

After he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes again, and continued.

Nearly half an hour later!

The sky began to stabilize, the strong wind stopped, and everything returned to its previous appearance, except that George Han’s body was tightly wrapped by the incomparably rich black energy at this time, looking ghostly and domineering.

The faces of the ten people were pale, their bodies were almost translucent, and their faces were also different.

Pale and bleak.

After they glanced at each other, they admitted that they were almost there, and then they collectively moved and withdrew their hands.

Although before closing, the combined energy of the ten people is far from the earliest, and there is even only a small share left.

And as they withdrew, George Han also carried out the final internal reconciliation.

A few minutes later, George Han finished his adjustment, opened his eyes slightly, he stood up without saying a word, and then Ling Xianjian knelt down on one knee: “George Han thank the ten seniors. Please enlighten me.”

That’s right, the attack of the ten people just now was not aimed at George Han, but they were sending all the energy in their bodies directly to George Han.

“Thank you?” Liang Han smiled softly: “But don’t worry, you go first.”

George Han was puzzled, but he stood up slowly as instructed.

Liang Han nodded with satisfaction and waved…

Chapter 3461

“Come here.”

George Han nodded and came to the front of the ten people, looking at their group of people, I don’t know What else does Liang Han mean?

“After absorbing such a large amount of energy, it’s good to have the idea of ”‹”‹trying it out, or whether it’s a combination of it, shouldn’t you all give it a try?” Liang Han finished his words and looked towards the water in the center.

George Han glanced at him, raised his hand to look at his own, nodded, and then pumped up his energy, George Han suddenly aimed at the center of the water and hit it with a palm.

Boom! ! !

The water exploded, 100 meters high!

Liang Han nodded, then looked at George Han, and said: “The arrow is a good arrow, but there is no good bow, it’s always a little meaningless, right?”

George Han understood what Liang Han was talking about, and nodded slightly: “What the seniors said is.”

“Just now, ten of me and I fought with you. I found that although your internal strength is strong, it is divided into several strands and cannot be completely twisted into a

hemp rope. The strength is naturally greatly reduced. This is one of them.”

“You Although there are some very strange exercises, it seems that each exercise is still in the stage of growth. It can be used, but it is not deadly enough. This is the second.”

“Am I right?”

Liang Han finished, He looked at George Han with a smile.

George Han nodded, but he didn’t deny it: “Senior is worthy of being a senior, but just by playing a few tricks with George Han, he was able to touch George Han thoroughly. George Han didn’t dare to hide anything. , that’s true.”

Liang Han was very satisfied with George Han’s frankness, and looked back at the other nine people. Seeing that they all nodded, Liang Han turned around and looked at George Han: “I’ll wait, but I can give you some. Good bow.”

When the words fell, the ten people laughed softly.

When George Han heard this, he was stunned at first, then stunned and delighted: “Senior, you


“What’s the matter, George Han, do you dislike our gang of immortals without real ability?”

“Seniors misunderstood . Now, any one of you was once a true god who was famous in the Bafang world, how could George Han dare to think like this, but… George Han doesn’t understand, why do you seniors help me like this…” George Han said a little. Doubtful way.

Liang Han smiled slightly: “Hehe, we are all just dying people, what’s the point of leaving everything empty? It’s better to leave some things to you young people, and it’s not a waste of life and learning. It’s my own ability.”

“So, from the beginning, several seniors didn’t really attack me, but… test me.” George Han asked.

Liang Han smiled: “The fact is that you have proved yourself and have been recognized by everyone.”

“For millions of years, we have been trapped here, swallowed by the

jungle , and suffering from untold suffering, deep in our hearts. The place has long been occupied by resentment.”

“But we don’t want to live like this, we are all the gods who once reigned, and we all have our own pride.”

“So, our little remaining reason tells us that we I have to get out of here.”

“The only way to get out of here is that one day, this jungle collapses and this lake of sun and moon is completely destroyed.”

“And you, the one we think can do all this.”

“Now, Do you understand?”

George Han nodded, he understood, and he could even let him understand why they not only didn’t hurt him, but came to help him instead: “But the problem is, as you said, you and the jungle have already Be one, and if the jungle is destroyed, so will your souls…”

“Is it disappearing forever?” Liang Han asked


George Han hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Liang Han smiled: “Don’t be shy, just say it straight, if I have waited for so long and can’t even see through life and death, wouldn’t it be a waste of life.”

“Even if I can’t live forever, at least I’m free from everything. It’s far better than being trapped in this ghostly place where people are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts. Such torture and such lack of dignity, it would be better to die happily.” The crab spirit also sneered.

George Han was silent. Although such a result was indeed unacceptable for a while, but if you think about it carefully, I am afraid that I am in such an environment, and I would like to have a happy ending.

“Three thousand understand.” George Han said.

“Since you understand, why don’t you kneel down yet?” Liang Han smiled slightly: “Learn the magic skill I have been waiting for all my life, put on your bow, and don’t call me Master, but at least you should kneel and thank you, right?

” over)

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