His True Colors Novel Chapter 3446 – 3447

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Chapter 3446

George Han glanced at the tree man, was silent for a while, then let out a long breath and shook his head helplessly: “Just like you After all, you are all true gods in the Bafang world, and you are all ancestors. How can I

kill you?” “Besides, what’s the use of killing you? I’m just like you killed me, What can be changed?” As soon as

George Han’s voice fell, the tree and the water man looked at each other and seemed to be thinking about the meaning of George Han’s words.

“If you kill me, you still can’t live without this place. If I kill you, this place will not disappear, will it?” George Han finished his words and looked at the tree man.

The tree man was silent, how could they not understand this truth? It’s just that there are too many times when I was born in this place that I couldn’t help myself.

“You don’t want to be a cat crying, a mouse, and a fake mercy. If you want to kill or cut you, just come and be happy

.” The bug man didn’t want to talk nonsense, and he didn’t want to look at George Han’s arrogant appearance. A roar.

On the other hand, the Shuiren frowned. Hearing the main point of George Han’s words, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “You just said that you were here because you wanted this place to disappear?”

George Han thought for a while and asked back: “Does it count to move the Sun Moon Shuang Ponds here? If it counts, then it counts.” The

tree man and the water man suddenly glanced at each other, with obvious confusion and a trace of fear in their eyes.

“It’s up to you?” Zongfei said disdainfully, “Want to fight those two monsters in Sun Moon Lake? A joke!”

“I advise you to be honest and go where you come from, some things are not what you can imagine, It’s not something you can handle.” The

tree man nodded, looked at George Han and said, “Although the third child has an impulsive personality, he said

The words were not mindless, but this time, there was nothing wrong with them. “

If the four of us are barely bothering you, then any one of the Sun Moon Lakes will be your knife around your neck.” As long as you move a little bit, your head will fall to the ground. “

Shuiren also made a slight voice, saying: “For the sake of you not killing our brothers, we also kindly remind you, otherwise, you will never be saved at that time, but don’t blame us.” “

George Han smiled and said, “I understand your kindness. Since someone from Han dares to come here, he has no plans to quit.” “

“If the four of you really want to thank me for not killing me, I hope you will answer some of my questions.” The

three looked at each other, and after exchanging glances, the tree man said, “What do you want to ask?” “

“You should know what I want to know

. The

tree man gritted his teeth: “Okay, about half a day’s journey from here to the west, you can reach the Moon Lake. There are two gods standing in the moon lake. One of the two gods is black and the other is white, which is very strange. “

If you really have the ability to defeat the Moon God, the water in the Moon Lake will re-gather, and then you only need to go down the water in the Moon Lake, and you can reach the Sun Lake in about a day. “

As for Suntan, we don’t know anything about it except that there is a great god there. Because most of the time we can only exist in the territory of Moon Lake. When the

tree man finished speaking, the water man also said softly: “On the road to the Sun and Moon Lake, let’s not say what the Sun Lake will be like. We only know that there are ten ghosts on the Moon Lake road. It is a flattery, and it is the most appropriate to live a life of nine deaths. “

In Sun Moon Lake, yin and yang are

reversed , moon lake is yang and sun lake is yin. In this place where grievances gather, those who belong to yin are inherently more ferocious, but if the yin and yang are reversed, the yin is extreme, and the ferocious.” Even more unimaginable. “

During the discussion with Qinglong, George Han also understood this point. Many practitioners of Yin and Yang techniques, or some demons, would use this technique of inverting Yin and Yang when they wanted to absorb Yin.

This can make the Yin Qi reach its peak.

Therefore, George Han knew that what the water man said was not alarmist, but sincere.

“Understood.” When the words fell, George Han slightly cupped his hands, and then moved his hand, and immediately separated the evil taotie and the stone man who were still fighting here, and took the evil taotie to go west.

“Wait a minute.” The tree man suddenly said, and when he saw George Han turning back, he set his eyes on the water man.

Chapter 3447

water man hesitated for a moment, it seemed a little embarrassed, but this embarrassment did not last long, and finally nodded.

George Han was puzzled and frowned slightly, wondering what the hell they were going to do.

“I’m waiting for my life. If I just exchanged some information, I’m afraid it would be too worthless.” The tree man said, solving George Han’s doubts and dispelling George Han’s worries.

The water man also smiled bitterly and said: “Yes, we are not ordinary people, and of course our lives are precious. Since you let our lives go, you can exchange the same things.”

“From now on, we will not I owe me a debt.” The

worm snorted and said, “That’s right, I would rather those bastards scold me as a traitor to me in the future than to have any arrears with this idiot who cheated me


George Han smiled and did not refute. Although the group of people said it very hard, in fact George Han could understand that they were just changing their words.

There was a slight movement in the tree man’s hand, and then a small wooden sign about the size of a palm was quickly revealed from his huge tree body.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden sign slowly flew in front of George Han.

George Han frowned, a little puzzled: “What is this?”

“Transparent letter.” Shuren said.

“As I said, if you go west, you still need to meet at least ten dead souls like us. Although your strength really surprised me, don’t forget, two fists can’t beat four hands.

” Even if you are stronger than I thought, and you can clear the ten-man formation, you must be severely consumed at that time, even if it is barely enough.

After Moon Lake, how much power is there to fight against the black and white gods inside? “

The letter of clarity right now is actually a rule I set when I was waiting for a group of people to be idle. If you hold it, I can’t guarantee that it will allow you to reach Moon Lake all the way, but at least Can save you a lot of trouble. After the

words fell, the wooden plaque slightly fell into George Han’s hand. The

wooden plaque is ordinary, and there is nothing special about it, except that a pictographic character that looks like a pass is written on it in a very distorted letter.

George Han held it in his hand and nodded slightly: “Thank you. “

“Of course Xie doesn’t have to. From now on, you and I will be officially separated.” The tree man said with a smile.

George Han also smiled slightly. He never thought that the four brothers would get such benefits by letting them go. The reason why he didn’t kill them

was out of his own consideration.

One was because he I also know that this journey will definitely not be easy. Instead of wasting physical strength and energy on useless soldiers and pawns, it is better to save our strength and fight against those ** OSS. The

second is because George Han has a profile. Heart. They are actually quite pitiful. They will be tortured to death by various trials of the Book of Eight Desolations, and their souls will not be able to rest after death. They are trapped in this gloomy jungle and tortured. Although George Han I haven’t experienced their pain, but I can see a thing or two from their current body shape.

A tree man, a bug man, a water man, and a stone man, like four monsters.

But they are all true gods , Most of them are real people in the Bafang world. After death, they look like this, which can only mean that

their souls have begun to be swallowed by the jungle. How can they not be pitiful?

For these reasons, George Han did not want to Kill them, but inadvertently add willows and willows, who would have thought that there would be a windfall in the end.

“Let’s go.” Holding the wooden sign, George Han waved at the gluttonous eater of evil, then turned around and headed west.

Seeing the two leave, Shuiren was slightly relieved, then frowned and looked at the tree man: “You really trust him, and you actually gave him the

letter of psychic.” “The letter of psychic is right . You should be very clear about what our group of people means.” The

bug man also nodded frantically: “Yeah, I agreed to agree just now, but it’s more of a shame, and there is no one in private, so we should talk about it. .” The

tree man smiled: “You want to know?”

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