His True Colors Novel Chapter 3442 – 3443

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Chapter 3442

what! !

boom! ! !

The raging fire rushed, and for a moment, it was like a sea of ”‹”‹fire, and the huge and incomparable fire was like a skynet.

With a loud noise and the scream of the tree man, the fire directly swallowed his entire huge body, and the branches became the fuel for the fire, and while the tree man was mad to fuel the fire, most of the branches were destroyed by the tree man in advance. After receiving the preparation in front of him for defense, this defense turned into something even more deadly under the fire at this time.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah!!”

He was covered in fire, frantically twisting his body trying to get rid of the fire.

“Big brother!”

“Big brother!” Both the

insect and the tree man cried out in shock, even the stone man let out a low and incomparable roar at this time, as if he

was nervous for the tree man.

“It’s very affectionate to call a big brother at a time. I think you should call me big brother. After all, if the water you just came was not so fierce, it would be difficult for me to create such a fire with my own strength. I want to It’s really hard to mess with him for a while.” George Han was half-smiling.

Hearing this, the insect man immediately turned his head to look at the water man, with confusion and anger in his eyes.

The bug and the stone man are obviously extremely impulsive and the other is extremely brainless, while the water man is much wiser, and wants to simply use the bug and the stone man to provoke the water man. This kind of strategy Certainly not successful.

But for the stone man and the bug man, they are just impulsive, a brainless type. If you want

to play with them, you can’t say that there is no chance at all, you can only say that you can give it a try.

The water man was annoyed, glared at the bug and the stone man, and roared angrily: “You ***ing staring at me dry hair, it’s none of my business.”

“That kid said that on purpose, you two idiots.

” , He also knew the virtues and IQ of these two people, so he didn’t say any more at this time. With a move in his hand, he directly turned into a long snake and rushed towards George Han.

There are many explanations that are not as simple as actions. Shuiren knows that he is in front of these two wonderful brothers, which is the best and most powerful evidence.

Seeing the water man pounce, the insect man also roared violently, directly increasing the attack of the flying insects, forcibly repelling the jade sword carrying the sky fire moon wheel, and suddenly followed the water

man, attacking George Han together. go with.

George Han was completely disdainful, and with a move of his hand, facing the extremely crazy water man, he directly aimed the Five Elements Divine Stone at that guy.

Sure enough, with the painful lesson the tree man was doing, the water man who looked extremely ferocious over there suddenly braked suddenly, significantly reducing the speed.

Like the tree man, the attack energy is obviously biased towards the Five Elements, so he is naturally afraid of the power of the Five Elements Divine Stone.

With this level of dread, George Han was completely active at this time.

Seeing the water man slowing down, George Han smiled and said, “Thank you, your trick really works, or else you won’t be able to catch the bug man.” When the

words were finished, George Han clenched his hand and carried the Moon Fire Moon Wheel. The jade sword

flew directly back to his hand, doing a good job of ****.

Hearing this, the worm who rushed behind was obviously stunned. George Han’s words, coupled with the sudden slowdown of the water man at this time, made the worm have to think more. From certain angles Thinking about it, if it could be explained as provocation before, then now it is a coincidence again and again, and some things really start to taste a little different.

The water man was obviously anxious when he heard the words, and secretly said something bad in his heart.

Not to mention the impulsive type of the insect man, even if it is himself, if he encounters such a situation at this time, he will inevitably think more.

But almost when he was worried, George Han over there suddenly disappeared.

“Damn it!” His heart sank, and he was suddenly shocked…

Chapter 3443

Sure enough, while the water man was shocked, George Han’s figure over there also pierced the sky like a shooting star, skipping himself , straight at the bug man behind him.

Shuiren was in a hurry, but he knew that it was too late to go up again at this time, so he could only look back.


Almost as soon as he turned his eyes, there was a muffled sound, and the insect man was still thinking about it, but it was unexpected that George Han attacked. The body subconsciously wanted to defend, but how could it resist Han? George Han had already prepared a powerful blow.

“Pfft!” The

insect man was directly knocked several steps away, and while staggering, the figure transformed by the insect appeared extremely unstable, and the anti-Buddha almost disappeared.

However, what surprised George Han a little was that although the insect man at this time was already like this, he was not seriously injured

and lost his combat effectiveness as he imagined.

This cargo is still flying in the air, although there are injuries, but it is not as serious as imagined.

Sure enough, it is still a true god, not to be underestimated.

Even if he lost his true body, his strength would be greatly affected, but the thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse.

some meaning.

The insect man glanced at George Han in shock, and at the same time at the water man in the distance, with anger and resentment in his eyes.

“It’s interesting.” George Han smiled lightly, retracted his long sword, and took up the Pangu axe again, his eyes burning with fighting intent.

“You damned fellow, provoking our feelings, I want you to die.”

An angry shout sounded behind him, and the water man couldn’t take it anymore. Of course, he felt the eyes of the insect man. Although he was indeed afraid of the Five Elements Divine Stone in George Han’s hands, he also understood that if he didn’t take action at this time,

then he would be left with the rest. The two brothers must see him as a traitor.

He doesn’t want it, and he doesn’t allow it.

The water snakes surged wildly, looking back like a giant dragon between their backhands, with their bloody mouths wide open, the gathering momentum came crashing down.

Seeing the water man attack, the insect man also fell into anger due to his injury, and with a loud roar, the flying insects all over his body directly transformed into a strange shape, standing behind him like wings, aimed at George Han, and attacked from the front.

George Han didn’t panic at all. With his previous experience of defeating the Treant, he shot out a wave of energy from the Five Elements Divine Stone in his left hand and directly sacrificed it to the surging water snake. With the Pangu axe in his right hand, he directly attacked the insect man.

“Do you still want to use that move just now?” Seeing this, the insect man was furious and roared angrily.

George Han just shook his head helplessly: “Of course, I have a water man who

can help me at any time, why not?”

After that, George Han stared at the bug man with a weird smile.

The insect man was stunned for a moment. He had just given up that idea because of the water man’s attack. At this time, facing George Han’s incomparably weird smile, he would inevitably think of it again for a while.

This is not groundless thinking, but it actually makes sense. Isn’t the tree man the trick?

If he followed the same trick just now, he would just repeat the old plan, and the whole sky would be in flames, then the tree man who was now wailing constantly would be his end soon.

“What? Aren’t you very angry and aggressively attacking me? He told me that the tree man is stable, so when I attack, I will definitely shrink my body to defend, and a fire will burn through it, like burning a company camp. And you , natural impulse, when the main attack you must be

You will be so furious that there will be flying insects all over the sky, and then the same fire will…” When the words fell, George Han did not continue, but looked at the insect man with a gloomy and sneering look. The

insect man did not speak, and there was no common Angry, but his heart was startled, staring at George Han with extreme fear… The

next second, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at the water man who had already attacked. He hesitated in his heart, but at the same time he was very clear about one thing, then If he doesn’t leave now, then he won’t have any chance.

Thinking of this, the insect man swallowed a saliva, and at the critical moment, he suddenly retreated and flew backwards more than ten meters in the direction behind him to maintain the distance. Seeing the

insect man retreating suddenly, the water man panicked in his heart, and when he lowered his eyes, George Han turned his head and looked at him with a sinister smile…

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