His True Colors Novel Chapter 3422 – 3423

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Chapter 3422

If you simply take advantage of yourself, then this kind of good thing seems to be too crap.

Maybe George Han could understand it if it was someone else, but if this person was a poor man, it would be completely different.

To put it simply, this guy was still furious about the trivial matter that Ziqing used a little energy to save Amelia Su. You must know that the body is Ziqing, energy is also Ziqing, and other people are so dissatisfied with it, this is enough. Shows how perverse this guy is.

It’s a bit strange in itself that such a perverse guy has turned into a very obedient guy in a blink of an eye.

It’s just that George Han was too happy because of Amelia Su’s awakening, and he was completely immersed in more joy in the face of the pie falling from the sky,

ignoring some very small facts.

With a sudden reflection now, George Han began to feel that there was something wrong with this matter.

“Amelia Su, do you think I look like a poor mother?” George Han asked.

Amelia Su was also wondering about the sudden interruption of George Han. Before she could reflect it, George Han was a strange question that made her a little unable to reflect.

However, this question is not difficult to answer, Amelia Su shook her head: “It’s not like, why do you ask me this question?”

George Han smiled bitterly: “Since you also know that I don’t look like, then how can I attract Tianzhi? What about Qiongqi ?” It

‘s easy to say it if you talk about it, but if you want to sign a contract, if you don’t understand some issues, George Han is obviously uneasy.

“What’s wrong…” Tian

Zhiqiang urged impatiently when he saw that George Han had stopped.

“Why do you have to recognize me as the eldest brother? If you don’t make this clear, then I’d rather be a hypocrite.” George Han made a plan, and said forcefully: “I don’t care anyway, I’m being scolded and scolded. I’ve long been used to it, you’ve seen it, my wife has it, my daughter has it, who cares about the image.”

Although Amelia Su was stunned before, she quickly reflected it, smiled lightly, and played the husband and wife together. Jizhi: “As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, you will marry a dog. After cooking, I have no choice.”

“Have you heard?” George Han said indifferently


Hearing this, Tian Zhiqiang was so angry that he was about to explode: “You…you you…you, you humans are just bugs, you are just trash, I shouldn’t believe you, I’m so angry, I’m so angry It ‘s over.”

George Han and Amelia Su looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile. At this moment, Amelia Su said, “I think you’d better explain the reason directly, since you have always saved me, there is no credit or credit. Hard work, if the conditions are reasonable, I can persuade this bad person.”

Tian Zhiqiang was silent for a moment, but now, if George Han is shameless and refuses to admit his account, it seems that there is really no other way. Good way.

At the moment, admitting counseling to explain the reason may indeed be one of the few choices.

“Birds die for food,

you shouldn’t understand this principle, right?”

George Han nodded, but did not speak, apparently waiting for its next sentence.

“Hey, alright, alright, I’m in a fucking showdown, but if you have a conscience, your surname is Han, you better fuck up and keep your promise after listening to my explanation.”

“Okay, if your explanation If it is reasonable, I will keep my promise.” George Han responded: “However, I have a request, or I have a question, it has been bothering me for a long time, and I hope you can tell me all at once.”

Tian Zhiqiongqi was immediately furious, George Han was completely out of his mentality, but since he was all in the water, he was not afraid to get another shoe wet: “Okay, say it.”

“You are an ancient beast, why would you In this way, in the meridians of Ziqing?”

Chapter 3423

exists in this world in thousands of ways, after all, its identity and bloodline already determine its immortality.

Just like the gluttonous gluttony of evil, even if it is no longer as brave as it used to be, even for it, its current situation may

only be equivalent to its childhood in its heyday.

But no matter what, it is always it, even if it is a sojourner, it is under the hands of his master, and it does not make it look so shabby.

This is completely different.

Ziqing’s body can indeed be said to be different from ordinary people, and her holy power is quite rare and magical, but she is still just an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary. It is obviously too much to find such a body as a sojourn. does not fit his identity.

Secondly, no matter how small the gluttonous gluttonous evil is, it is always his own body, but in the current world, it is more like the existence of an energy body in theory.

Such a huge contrast and the most strangeness in the middle are indeed the huge and incomparable doubts that George Handa has had since the first time he saw the Qiqiongqi in the Ziqing Meridian.

“I can’t tell you about this, because I don’t know why. Since I woke up, I have been in her body in this way.”

“Even you don’t know?” George Han frowned, feeling unusually inconceivable.

An ancient vicious beast was “reborn” in a person’s meridians, which made people wonder what happened to it before, but also what happened to Ziqing’s body or her predecessor.

Tian Zhiqiang did not hide it at all, and admitted that it was very direct and straightforward: “Exactly.” 33 Novel Network

“However, I can answer some of your doubts from another direction.”

“Oh?” George Han frowned: “Do you know what I want to ask?”

“Of course, you will be very curious like me. An ancient beast of identity and level, why is it unwilling to leave even after waking up and knowing that he is in such an environment, right?”

George Han nodded, it was true.

There are not a few people with strange bodies in the world. Although Ziqing is indeed a holy body, it is rare in the world, but there are many strange things in the world. It is not difficult to simply find a person with the same physical conditions, and with such physical conditions People with more advanced cultivation tend to be more advanced, which is obviously more suitable for Tian Zhiqiong.

“One reason is that after I wake up, my strength is very small, and there is even a circle of energy protecting me. I want to go out, but my strength does not allow it.”

“The second reason is that, in fact, this girl Ziqing’s Although there is really no cultivation base in the body, I want to get some energy from her to replenish myself. But, that’s all just now.”

“This girl’s holy fairy body is far better than you think. From a long-term perspective, she is worth all the investment and waiting.”

“If it takes time, I can not only rely on her to make a comeback, even if I am lucky, I can even compare When I was at my peak before, I made some progress.”

George Han must admit that, after all, Ziqing can even do some things that he can’t do, but, according to the current view of the poor and strange, I am afraid it is much higher than what I currently imagined.

Especially the last sentence, it can make George Han stunned.

This is beyond all expectations of George Han!

“Then why do you want to follow George Han as a younger brother if you don’t stay in such a good place?” Amelia Su asked suspiciously.

“Hehe, that’s what I’m going to say next. In theory, with such a good body, I’m waiting for her to develop slowly. That’s why I get angry when I see that she can really save people with misuse, because She is obviously throwing things away.”

“But this is all in the past. Just now, George Han and I were connected to each other with the power of chaos in order to save you. This way of thinking has completely changed.”

“In other words, I was slandering him!”

“Ah?” The two of them were shocked…

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